BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, RajYoga

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BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, RajYoga

Post18 Oct 2014

It's always interesting to see how the enlightened Brahma Kumari rulers are spending donors money and what exactly the consider to be "world service". Generally, it is actually just their own 'self-service' and increasing, on their business.

Here's one that slipped under our radar until now ...

In the Trade Marks Journal No: 1429, 01/12/2009, Ramesh Shah "trading as PRAJAPITA Brahma Kumaris ISHWARIYA VISHWA VIDYALAYA" has trademarked the Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, and Tree of Humanity!!!

Now, legalities aside - for example, who designed them, when, how much they are just based on traditional imagery and who actually owns the rights (since allegedly God or at least Lekhraj Kirpalani designed them) so on - who on earth are they protecting them from?

Has BKism become such a good business that they are having to fight off businessmen pirating their pirated images?

Original trademark journal, here (pages 3668 to 3670). I expect we'll find more if we dig in too.

Has the Vatican trademarked Jesus yet? Have all those people with a picture of Buddha on their wall paid their royalty? The Brahma Kumaris take yet another step into the light ... that all they are is a business for making money that now feels it has to protect its assets and invesments, rather than actually "serve".

Or is it just another bombshell in their war against the PBKs?

Strictly speaking, according to the legend, the picture of Lakshmi and Narayan standing goes back to the pre-BK days and was commissioned by Lekhraj Kirpalani. The Tree was copied off some other picture, perhaps one from the Independence movement in India by Nirwair, and the Trimurti is a traditional Hindu symbol. What has gotten into the BKs minds?
BKs_trademark_Trimurti.jpg (58.09 KiB) Viewed 20206 times

BKs_trademark_The_Tree.jpg (58.12 KiB) Viewed 20206 times

BKs_trademark_Lakshmi-Narayan.jpg (54.75 KiB) Viewed 20206 times
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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, Tree of Human

Post18 Oct 2014

God's accountant, BK Ramesh Shah, who the PBKs believe coordinated the takeover and commercialisation of the PBKIVV, has also trademarked the term "RajYoga", claiming use since User claimed since 15/03/1937, for use on "PUBLICATION, BROCHURES, STICKERS, POSTERS, VISITING CARDS, LETTER HEADS PRINTED OR WRITING MATTER, HAND BILLS & TEACHING". See, here.

The term Raja Yoga or RajYoga for "the king of Yogas" has, of course, been used for several 1,000s of years within Hinduism.

Who on earth has the time and energy to police the Brahma Kumaris latest imperial expansionism? Trademark Journals are only of interest for large corporations and watched by their paid consultants. It costs money to file applications, sustain applications and even to challenge them if and when one actually finds out about them.

They do, however, afford the holders powerful rights to remove and destroy any materials being held by others using the same terms or images.

The use of the traditional term "Raja Yoga" for the BK practise always disgusted me. It is wrong. It is not Raja Yoga. They stole the already widely used termed or intellectual property to exaggerate the value of their own practise. In short, they usurped its use ... and now they are claiming it for their own!?!

If they had said, "BK RajaYoga" then fair enough, but this is deliberately wrong.

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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post19 Oct 2014

When such traditional items are trademarked, it usually only needs someone to challenge it for it to be overruled. But it depends, of course, on the judge presiding at the time

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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post19 Oct 2014

Clearly, it is all for business.

The above image in which Lekhraj is sitting beside Lord Vishnu's image & posing himself as Lord Brahma makes him eligible hellish candidate because he is trying to send a vulgar message that any Father who has sex with her adopted daughter becomes Brahma. Is it not very shameful to cast a deity in that light? I ask them, BKs & the responsible authorities of cult, once again not to pray any Deity (that literature or Indian culture describes) if they do not want but at least do not malign it in this way. It degradation of religion & its happening right in front of us. Comparing the percentage of BK in India, I can say that no Indian right now knows what is happening in BKWSU & what are they doing with Hinduism & other religions.

And this trademark, etc shows that they want BKWSU to stay longer than predicted 2036. It is also one way to prevent other BK inspired cults from copying their business tactics. BKWSU does not like to share its service or business with other groups. Who uses all these methods - one who has insecurities.
ex-l wrote:Or is it just another bombshell in their war against the PBKs?

It's possible. PBK runs on almost same types of theories. The way to destroy PBK by BKWSU is to get everything they copied from other religions & interpreted in their ways though trademarks & get sole proprietorship in this field.
The term Raja Yoga or RajYoga for "the king of Yogas" has, of course, been used for several 1,000s of years within Hinduism.
They do, however, afford the holders powerful rights to remove and destroy any materials being held by others using the same terms or images.

If they are dreaming to destroy any Yoga based original literature, it's not possible. Indians are aware about real part & no one would let them do it. But I doubt when these idiots will try to destroy it, who will be there to stop them? BKism has successfully copied everything from Hindu religion & now they are trying to project themselves as a Yoga group which they are not.

No one cares here in India. That is the reason why Indians have lost almost all their values, morality, spirituality to business minded people to a large extent. When foreign (non-Indian) invaders came, first thing they destroyed was its literature (literature is supposed to be the root of all various cultures within a country).

Here no one bothers what is happening to culture, who is screwing or looting or destroying it? Even during Lord Rama era, there were several subtle methods available (like the Pushpak Viman, a plane which requires mantra + air & does not requires fuel obtained from distillations or compressions) but no one cared to preserve them for future generation. Now, what remain here is almost a show off & people find amusing to be part of it. Whew ... this is a sad phase of Indian history which seems to be repeating. A true Indian would never ever accept BKWSU.
Pink Panther wrote:When such traditional items are trademarked, it usually only needs someone to challenge it for it to be overruled. But it depends, of course, on the judge presiding at the time

Right & you can predict their decision too considering all other criminal cases, related to BKWSU or Om Mandli, brought up in any legal domain.
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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post19 Oct 2014

Pink Panther wrote:When such traditional items are trademarked, it usually only needs someone to challenge it for it to be overruled. But it depends, of course, on the judge presiding at the time

So why waste money on doing so when there are children starving to death just across the street from their centres? (Answer not necessary)

There original picture of the Trimurti also had Lekhraj Kirpalani's face on Vishnu and Shankar (known as Shiva to Hindus). It may still do.

The Trimurti was to them, Lekhraj Kirpalani' (sitting) Vishnu (with Lekhraj Kirpalani's face) and Shankar (with Lekhraj Kirpalani's face again).

Their audacity, and Lekhraj Kirpalani's narcissism to allow such a thing, is mind bogglingly stunning.

BK_Trimurti.jpg (79.28 KiB) Viewed 20031 times

Image I made a picture of the Christian Trinity ... Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit ... and I put my face on all threes image and I claimed to be Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. How would Christians react? They'd think I was nuts. Well, that is precisely what Lekhraj Kirpalani did.

Or imagine he put his face on top of God and Mohammed's and claimed to be Mohammed. The Muslims would have killed him.

And then Ramesh Shah comes along and trademarks "The Trinity" and the name "Christianity" for the BKWSU alone to use. That's how crazy it is, only no one cares because no one even knows they are doing it all quietly in the background.

For decades they are claim their Raja Yoga is the "ancient Raja Yoga" even though it could only have started after 1955 ... and Patanjali's Raja Yoga is 2 or 3 thousands years old.

It's such an audacious joke ... they claim Patanjali copied them, *and* got it wrong, and theirs is the real and original one!?! How can you appeal to such a state of mind? They are completely upside down and inside out, yet thinking they are the ones who are right and everyone else is wrong.

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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post20 Oct 2014

They are completely upside down and inside out, yet thinking they are the ones who are right and everyone else is wrong.

And their state sometimes compels me to forgive & forget fools but crimes are rising within BKWSU & it seems sometimes hard to neglect them, especially ,when you know that one of your relative or friend is in that cult & may face same abuse.
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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post21 Oct 2014

Yes, I think whereas in the first place it was just about Lekhraj Kirpalani state of mind, or even mental illness, and a handful of devoted but uneducated and fairly innocent girls, now they have attracted a second, third and fourth generation of individuals who are attractive by the power and the egoistic elements, the control over others, manipulating and coercion and for whom a certain twistedness is their nature.

I have experienced this often with less mature BKs. It surprised me just how much. It was clearly not "spiritual" or divine in nature, and neither where they.
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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post21 Oct 2014

now they have attracted a second, third and fourth generation of individuals who are attracted by the power and the egoistic elements, the control over others, manipulating and coercion and for whom a certain twistedness is their nature.

I can imagine the reaction of a BK to statements like this. It will be reactive, defensive, wondering why such harsh judgements are being made by those who were once BKs themselves, who surely felt the ”spiritual high” that they feel in their BK lives today.

What happens in such communications (active writing or passive reading) is the inability, whether through lack of time or lack of will, to appreciate the qualifying aspect that remain unstated in the particular piece at hand, the other side of the argument.

For all such defensive BKs, let me say that when you read this, it is not saying power, egoism, twistedness is all there is to BKism or BKs. There are many posts here that go into the ”positive” reasons someone becomes a BK and remains one 9for a while), what they/we got out of it for that time (and what it got out of us!).

But just as you think some here ignore the ”positives" and only focus on ”negatives” - most here would say that the BKs ignore the honest acknowledgement of the different dynamics that BKism unleashes - there are many, and I don’t like to think in terms of positive and negative here. They are what they are. But they must be called out for what they are and not covered up - with euphemisms or apologetics. Then the examination needs to take place. e.g.
    * What aspects are causative (did any aspects of BKism make those people controlling, or encourage that, or permit that, or fail to discourage that).

    * What is correlative (i.e. BKism doesn’t cause ”it” but happens to coincide with certain propensities)?

    * Does BKism (theory and practice) exist in isolation from its founders & teachers & administrators? Is it therefore blameless, or are the BKs actually BKism manifest i.e. there's no BKism without BKs?

    * If BKism exists in isolation of its practitioners, and the serious events, effects and ”faults” seen are not because of BKism itself but because of human fallibility, what does that say about BKism as "the highest path” taught by ”the Supreme Authority"?
Any aspect can be questioned along such lines, e.g. as per this topic: Why does "the Supreme teaching" resort to such poor concepts imitative of uneducated Hinduism? Why does the "Rudra Gyan Yugya, established by God Shiva", allow corruption, buggery, child abuse, theft, murder etc to remain unreported to police or remain uncooperative, even obstructive, to the course of justice? Yes, many questions. There may be some answers that people have, but each person must ask and answer for themselves.
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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post21 Oct 2014

Human beings have a dangerous capacity for coping under stresses and 'normalising' what under ordinary circumstances would be unthinkable, e.g. under Nazi Germany, Mao's China, or even in India with caste discrimination (I've read a news story of a young Untouchable boy aged 9 who were set on fire alive for the sin of allow one of his goats to wander into a higher caste field and then going to get it, or worse happening to young dalit girls).

It's the "cooking a frog" effect, i.e. when you cook a frog by slowly turning up the temperature of the pot without the frog noticing until it is too late.

Too much has been going on within the BKWSU, the leadership has gone far, too far in their actions, too many good, cool, mature, even farseeing BKs have been pushed out or sidelined and, as BK leaders themselves have said, "the quality of the souls is just not the same".

Of course, most of my negative impressions have been received from the IT BKs who probably mostly nerd boys but also via the legal case where they added to crush us and all that surrounded it and, hence, I am 100% justified to state what I have experienced - and heard from others they have experience - in those terms.

How could it be "in God's name". Screw their "god".

No god was cause so much sorrow as surrounds the BKWSU. I even think the idea of a "dividing god" is one Lekhraj Kirpalani took from the British's Christianity.

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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post21 Oct 2014

Main problem lies in their belief system. BKs accept Lekhraj in all those 3 forms without any question because BKs themselves have been given to-be deity status through same belief & they find it nice to be buttered again n again with same belief. I heard one BK being called as a deity by his parents to eat something he did not want initially but just after hearing this "deity" or dev word (in order to persuade him his parent said that), he agreed to eat it.
It start taking all of them in a good way, adding more faith in BKism.
The Tree resembles Kalpa Vriksha or tree of Kalpa which is again copied from Hinduism. Is there any single thing in BKism which has not been copied but original & real ?

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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post21 Oct 2014

I even think the idea of a "dividing god" is one Lekhraj Kirpalani took from the British's Christianity.

He was more sucked in his own beliefs & I don't think he had time then to look what was happening in West. What's that you talking about?
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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post22 Oct 2014

Save Innocents wrote:He was more sucked in his own beliefs & I don't think he had time then to look what was happening in West. What's that you talking about?

You should started such a comment with an "I think" or "perhaps". Have you studied his influence?

(I only have a very little information on them gleaned from old Sindis and non-BKs in Mount Abu who knew him, BKs know and tell you nothing about them ... they like to present the recreated version).

He would not have looked to the West, the West - the British mainly, were in India. Especially in Calcutta where he settled for business. We know he also had business interactions with the British Elite and was enthralled by them. Do you think he would not have noticed the churches or heard of any Christian beliefs? (An Honest question).

For me, the monotheistic God of all and millenarianism (imminent End of the World belief) are two key elements of Christianity, especially the more cultish, evangelistic elements like the Jehovah Witnesses.

I have almost no evidence to suggest they come from Christianity, however, in the Murlis there is extra regard paid to Christ and far more mentions in comparison to other religious founders, e.g. Buddha and Abraham gets almost zero, Moses is not even in the picture, Guru Nanak scores higher etc etc.

One would have to ask why? When they were spoken he had no Christian followers.

Usually things only came up in the Murlis - we were told - if it was relevant to someone in the crowd, or someone in the crowd came from that religion, e.g. Nirwair was from a Sikh background and an early 2nd generation member. Is that where the Sikh influences came, or did Lekhraj Kirpalani have SIkh exposure beforehand?
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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post22 Oct 2014

Being from Sindh and Karachi, there are sikhs everywhere and there are sikh phrases in some Murlis (don’t ask me which, it's too long ago!). Sikhism essentially combines islamic monothesim with sufi & yogic practices.
The story is told by Seniors that he often spent time walking and talking with the local Roman Catholic priest, I think it was when when they first moved to Abu, and he was impressed by many aspects of the Christian beliefs that he hadn’t really known before.

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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post22 Oct 2014

I have almost no evidence to suggest they come from Christianity, however, in the Murlis there is extra regard paid to Christ and far more mentions in comparison to other religious founders, e.g. Buddha and Abraham gets almost zero, Moses is not even in the picture, Guru Nanak scores higher etc etc.

What I analysed from Murlis, different posts here, experiences of BKs & ex-BKs & through my own comparatively short stay in BKism is that they include data from different religions to attract people belonging from different tradition & for this, the ratio of a particular religion varies in their Murlis or their senseless chit chat shows. This data is very specifically selected & often excludes those aspects which do not fit in their theory & a misinterpretation seems impossible or rather question the belief.

Lekhraj conduct was regarded by his close ones as immoral & that is evident too. So, it is impossible that he ever studied or followed a religion. Only thing in his mind was money & ***. So, it turn out to be this Mandli a better way to get both in an easier way. Many are doing same thing now, so his cult is not the only one in business. And Nirwair's influence in BKism is completely possible. Firstly, he is an Indian. Secondly, he is a BK & a senior one now. Lastly, he was a Sikh initially & so can use his service or contribution to cult by telling what all gurubani means & how it can be manipulated without creating unwanted noise.

You must be knowing that mind of an active businessman works hundred times faster if he creates an opportunity for himself. Learning different religions is not a big time taking task, at least 20-25 years are too much for that.
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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post24 Oct 2014

Save Innocents wrote:You must be knowing that mind of an active businessman works hundred times faster if he creates an opportunity for himself. Learning different religions is not a big time taking task, at least 20-25 years are too much for that.

Good point. It makes me wonder what they were really doing for all those years, especially as they were just living off Lekhraj Kirpalani's money and not going to work.

We were denied seeing the development of their philosophy due to the few 'purges' of previously embarrassing materials, and it was embarrassing. Their only input appears to have been the spiritualist seances.

When I was a BK, the impression the leaders gave was that God enter Lekhraj Kirpalani and spoke his wonderful wisdom through his complete and perfect for 5 years and that was it.

Now, we discover there was a whole other history or other mediums apart from Lekhraj Kirpalani giving obscure messages and then what? Lekhraj Kirpalani sitting on his own trying to work out what they meant?

Lekhraj Kirpalani had no great library to refer to - they considered other teachings impure, degraded and pointless - and very few scholars or intellectuals around him, no one to challenge him. I was interested to read of Lekhraj Kirpalani's discussion with the local Roman Catholic priest. Unfortunately, he's likely to be dead by now too.

Does anyone know anything about him or what they discussed? Do you see how the BKs hide all this from followers and how closely it fits Liftons Criteria for Thought Reform ... Milieu Control, Mystical Manipulation, The Demand for Purity ... and so on. The BKs even had their own "Cult of Confession" in the form of "Courts of Indra" where the spirit medium would speak to the sins or bad thoughts on adherents and they would confess them. “Sacred Science” ... "repetitiously thought-terminating cliches and jargon he called "the language of non-thought" (Loading the Language), Doctrine Over Person and The Dispensing of Existence.

And now, on top of that, a full hearted entrance into the corporate world and hijacking of its networks, methods and business philosophies, just as they approached religious networks in the past.

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