BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post13 Oct 2014

warrior wrote:Nirmila Didi says a big new house was bought for Baba in Sydney.

Yes, I've heard it is worth $5 Dollars. Don't have any confirmation of specifics yet.

For the Brahma Kumaris collecting a huge property portfolio is the way to use donations and serve humanity the best. I am not entirely sure how ... I suppose they need it to attract and impress the kind of VIPs and wealthy middle classes they target.

More details anyone?

Warrior, can you name the Sister they claim Baba entered from 1937 to 1959? How does that tally with your research?

His list appears to miss out one form the earliest days, the Golden Circle that left.


Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

Yes, it's worth $5 million 'smacka roo's' ... (big ones). cannot buy luxury complex for a 5ah ... only simple bush hut ... but possibly priceless humility can be achieved there ... for only cost of 1 & half 'stubbies' ... worth a thought ...
watch this space ...

It appears BapDada did come to give this message through Dadi Gulzar. One can tell by many aspects.

Yes, Gulzar's voice is different, more of her own than soft whispering type. She may not be too well at present. I can see that. Voice is not well, and body is tiring ... it's a very tough slog being 'medium' for long long sittings over decades. Old boot cannot last forever. She is frail and bossed around up there by those 'monkeys', shoving food in her mouth too quick, pushing her hand away, back forth, up down ... etc.

I saw her go to wave goodbye, and one of the younger strong bozo's grabed her arm firmly and pushed it down! ... like she's 'their' puppet on a string. I hope next time Baba's 'on board' he will chuck some bananas and oranges at them ...


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote:9.15

1937 - 1959 ... Baba used to come into the official medium "Sumpari Dadi". Then Pushpasanta Dadi, then Sheil Dadi ... (I could hear clearly/don't know how to spell).

Not Sumpari but Santri Dadi (wife of Bhau), see video, if someone can understand Hindi can translate for us.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

Thanks Warrior. I did not realise that it was for such a long time and wonder what Lekhraj Kirpalani's role was during this time.

If it is up until 1959, then it takes us across the period of God Prajapati Brahma and the Brahm (up until at least 1955) to the unveiling or introduction of dot God Shiva. Santri Dadi was completely written out of the history in my time and who knows or remember anything about Bhau?

I wonder how and why then they decided dot Shiva left Santri bhen and entered into Lekhraj Kirpalani ... or if he even did? I wonder if, at the point of final conclusion, we have to doubt Shiva ever entered Lekhraj Kirpalani. Adi Dev is proven to be an ever bigger lie.

You cannot take or believe ANYTHING the BKs say at face value and without close scrutiny. Close scrutiny they obviously do not like and you hear Ramesh, typical of the leaders, putting them off.
quantum wrote:... one of the younger strong bozo's grabed her arm firmly and pushed it down! ... like she's 'their' puppet on a string. I hope next time Baba's 'on board' he will chuck some bananas and oranges at them ...

Yes, quantum, even as a non-believer their activity disgusts me. They are just plainly ******* ignorant.

I would not even treat an ordinary human being, even someone I totally disrespected, in such a bad manner. There is no dignity or grace to it at all. It makes you wonder what is going on ...

It's something I know many BKs feel the same about - although they would not put it in the same terms I would ... and it just becomes another one of those things in BK life that you just have to bottle up and not say anything about, slowly turning parts of your soul off.

Another is how you'll end up with the stage crowded with thoughtless bozos ... I won't say monkeys because it might sound like racism but it is like a troops of mindless monkeys and philosophy such an analogy fits into the mythology (Ramayana etc) ... flashing cameras and holding camcorders totally blocking the view for the other 1,000s of sincere BKs sitting in the hall, many of whom will never in their lives see anything of their god spirit closer than a 100 metres.

Are they have "Raja Yoga" or "camera Yoga"? How can they think seeing god in a camera lens is more important than savouring and experiencing the moment?

More evidence that BKism are going down the toilet pan ... no class at all.


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote:
I wonder how and why then they decided dot Shiva left Santri bhen and entered into Lekhraj Kirpalani ... or if he even did?

I don't think Shiva entered Santri Dadi. She was only a trance-messenger.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

Who was she messaging for if there was no God Shiva until after 1955?

Avyakt Brahma ... other deities? In the early days they had the idea of an impersonal universal divine light, so she could not have been message for it.

Weren't the earlier mediums possessed?


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote:Who was she messaging for if there was no God Shiva until after 1955? Avyakt Brahma ... other deities? In the early days they had the idea of an impersonal universal divine light, so she could not have been message for it.
Weren't the earlier mediums possessed?

So far I never heard that the trance messengers from early days were possessed as the Gulzar Dadi is now.

It was not called Subtle Region neither. They used to sit in silence or naturally go in trance as if they had the gift to do it. They used to bring messages for the Yagya, how to run the Yagya and they used to have visions, many used to go in trance for days and be as if intoxicated with those visions.

I remember that someone told me that it was Rameshbhai and Kumarka who decided to stop Santri Dadi's role as the main trance-messenger and that role was taken by Gulzar soon after Dada Lekhraj's death.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

warrior wrote:I remember that someone told me that it was Rameshbhai and Kumarka who decided to stop Santri Dadi's role as the main trance-messenger and that role was taken by Gulzar soon after Dada Lekhraj's death.

It sounds like the completion of the coup.
coup /ko͞o/ noun

... a sudden and illegal seizure of power from a government.

Of course, most BKs aren't anywhere near ready to consider such a possibility and are just more concerned to be accepted and conform to the current status quo, one that reminds them not to think or question as Ramesh was saying in the above recording.


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

Yes surely a coup. Because Ramesh Shah was pushing Dada Lekhraj to 'legalize' the Yagya long before Lekhraj's death. Kumarka was also waiting to jump on the sit. Gulzar was younger and more energetic to fit the role, it would look good that way. Santri was simple and humble, she was a helper of Dada Lekhraj.


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

Another explanation offered by Seniors for change in voice to BKs - this is a deliberate test of faith and a sign of end of confluence coming close.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

That's their answer for everything.


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Oct 2014

One of the explanation also provided is to expect "more" changes citing that the Murlis are getting shorter every year and carry no new Gyan as everything that Baba had to say has been said and he only comes to meet and greet.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post15 Oct 2014

Do you find them to be satisfactory answers?

Another quote from Ramesh Shah's talk ... the BKs now have 625 vehicles in Mount Abu.

Are they really serving the world, or just increasing their own comfort and serving themselves?

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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post15 Oct 2014

Ha.... They do not want to serve the world, they openly say that the world is to be destroy only. The vehicles etc are to show the rich and to them who are new and not fully baked yet in BK fire.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post15 Oct 2014

The AA calculates the annual cost of owning a small motor vehicle to be £2,800, so there goes an equivalent of £1,750,000 "serving the world". Or rather, serving their cars so chubby Sisters and VIPs can be driven around instead of walking ... or, God forbid, take public transport with impure shudras.

I don't know how that correlates to Indian standards. Obviously services are much cheap in India but car ownership is much lower. The average level of ownership of cars in India, currently 13 per 1,000 population

What is the average level of ownership of cars in India amongst BKs? Have they manage to claw their way into the elite?

If it was at the same level, it would equate to their being 48,000 BK livings in Mount Abu. Somehow I think the BKs have many times more than average levels of ownership.

Indeed, Ramesh Shah said they only have 35,000 teachers India wide, and 900,000 followers.

That means, the average size of centres is 25 students per teachers. Somehow I don't think that is true either. In my centre there were two teachers and only about 7 or 8 regular students.

Funny, as the accountant of god, you'd expect him to be accurate, wouldn't you?

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