BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

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BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post12 Oct 2014

Mera Baba BapDada failed to come today 12/10/14? Voice is of Gulzar Dadi only.


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post12 Oct 2014

Really? Any excuse given why?

Many people must have travelled a long way and at a great expense to see "them". It must have been a great disappointment.

The seasons seem to be getting very short ... again, why?

BpapDada's Milan Dates for the Season 2014-2015:
    *12 October, 2014 (Double Foreigners)
    *5 November, 2014
    *30th November, 2014
    *25th December, 2014
    *18th January, 2015
    *16th February, 2015
    *15th March, 2015
    *10th April, 2015
Abu ... "holiest of pilgrim spot"? (Sheez, from the Official PBKIVV Facebook page ...



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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post12 Oct 2014

No idea why, Gulzar is saying towards end ... ''On behalf of BapDada happy Diwali to all'' but however she is kind of pretending to be BapDada during speech ?


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post12 Oct 2014

The whole program seems to have been run normally but the voice has changed ; no whispering sound and normal Dadi voice!


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post12 Oct 2014

Maybe the equalizer needs new batteries or it has a loose wire.
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Mr Green


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post12 Oct 2014

I had no idea it was a tour!!!!!!!!!!! In my days it was just Mount Abu!!!!!!!!

Even Baba's left the BKs.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post12 Oct 2014

Mr Green wrote:Even Baba's left the BKs.

Baba's an ex-BK now. He's been possessing me and working through me for years ... ! I am the true medium of God preparing for my Dharamraj form!!!

(Give me your money, free labour and properties NOW or else you will be in big trouble. I'll have a pretty little dancing Indian girl for my "spiritual" bride, and for when I cannot be bothered coming out to answer the same old questions ... :shock: ).

Serious question ... if the god spirit of the BKWSU is so omniscient, and the old crones have a direct line and are touched up by him on a regular basis, why did not they know in advance that he was not going to come and tell everyone.

I'd be pretty disappointed spending a $1,000 and my annual holidays to go to Madhuban and for the big event not to happen.


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post13 Oct 2014

Hilarious. I think true followers don't even care or notice what is going on.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post13 Oct 2014

They are prepped for it to happen.
    "It's a test ... Baba is testing my faith ... my Yoga".
    "It's Drama ... be stable in Drama (don't complain, don't ask why, don't show your disappointment).
    "I will have a subtle (invisible) meeting with Baba in Madhuban" ... "I had a subtle (make believe) meeting with Baba".
    "Time is close, the End is near ... Baba is teaching the children to make efforts to meet BapDada in the Subtle Angelic regions" now.
Etc etc etc ... there are more. But what's the official answer. I was interested to see if he was ready to make a statement about the male rape case in Shantivan, and pay off.

In a way it's a bit sad. In the old days, BapDada would meet BKs individually and have a chat. Now, for most BKs, especially the Indian in the cheap stalls or back of the hall, they give their lives and all they see is a tiny person at the end of the hall waving. Of course, the inner circle still hog the stage and act like teenagers meeting a movie star, but the rest never get a chance.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post13 Oct 2014

if the god spirit of the BKWSU is so omniscient, and the old crones have a direct line and are touched up by him on a regular basis, why did not they know in advance that he was not going to come and tell everyone. I'd be pretty disappointed spending a $1,000 and my annual holidays to go to Madhuban and for the big event not to happen.

I agree that for westerners, to spend $2-3,000 on a trip to India is not a small thing, maybe equal to one or two months’ income. But, as you correctly say, for the average Indian, it can be worth many months of income, not just money saved up, but also income foregone (as many won’t receive Leave Pay).

Dadis have meetings before BapDada is due, ostensibly to discuss things with each other (and with Gulzar) so he/she can, in the Murli, respond to topical events or say something relevant to contemporary event, for whatever purpose. This can be interpreted any number of ways.

But indeed, Shiva is self-proclaimed as Trikaldarshi, as are the top 8 of the rosary. But he and they seem to have trouble with the 3 aspects of time. We who are much lower down the mala know that he & they are shaky on history (the past) and seems unable to predict the future correctly (numerous failed predictions, not just of Destruction but of how many ”children” will incarnate from the Soul World etc), and now, in the present, he and they have nothing new to say, so why bother showing up? So what does Trikaldarshi mean if past and future are seen erroneously?

Then again, maybe the reason people aren’t notified could be because ”pilgrims” also represent huge income for the BK machine (remember all the transit centres make money too via ”donations").

Seems to be contagious in the community of people who’s vision goes beyond time and space!



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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post13 Oct 2014

Please note that the video shows that only the voice has changed but BapDada arrival and Murli were run as normal. So BKs don't seem to think Baba did not arrive!


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post13 Oct 2014

BKs don't seem to think Baba did not arrive!

That is what they are obliged to do, DON´T THINK!
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post13 Oct 2014

clearofBK wrote:Please note that the video shows that only the voice has changed but BapDada arrival and Murli were run as normal. So BKs don't seem to think Baba did not arrive!

Clarity, clarity please ... "think", why think rather than 'know'?

Are you saying that for some mysterious reason God changed his voice?

And what reason was given?

Instead of speculating ... did anyone ask him if he was there or what was going on?

Did Gulzar go into trance ... how can one tell if it is even the same spirit? Was there anything significant about the message that Gulzar could not have made it up herself?

It seems like an awful lot is being taken in faith, unquestioningly.

The unquestioning in the hands of the unknowable.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014

Post13 Oct 2014

The PBIVV rolled out Ramesh Shah to answer the question of why Gulzar/BapDada's voiced changed, fluffing up his importance. Funnily enough, the PBKs kind of consider Ramesh to be come kind of anti-Christ. He made me smile saying how honest and open their accounting is so, ClearofBK, why don't you ask them for us for a copy of them?

The bottomline is ... God's voice changed because Gulzar had been to the dentist. :shock:

OK? Answer ... now move on children.

The BKs have upload Ramesh's class, here ...

I have not the time to listen to it all, it quickly dives back into all the usual stuff we have heard for years, but there are a few interesting items about the early days of Om Mandli in which he claims Baba came in the body of a Sister between 1937 to 1959 *before* coming in Lekhraj Kirpalani. I could not catch her name but have noted the time of the audio, below.

(Rough notes when listening)
Ramesh Shah spoke, not wrote:After 5 minutes Gulzar went to Baba ... 7.37(8) BapDada incarnated, gave 10 minute dhristi, at 7.47 he started Murli, at 8.23 Murlis finished, it was 36 minutes. 9.12pm he left.


1937 - 1959 ... Baba used to come into the official medium "Sumpari Dadi". Then Pushpasanta Dadi, then Sheil Dadi ... (I could hear clearly/don't know how to spell).


Someone asked about the difference in sound ... if the sound is OK then Baba comes, Baba does not come according to our thoughts and feelings.

Those who have a "pure relationship" with Gulzar understand, dental surgery, there's no question that Baba comes or not comes ... he does his work?

He references a 30 March Murli which apparently Baba linked to and picked up a reference, because the Brothers and Sisters forget,

not even 1% of BKs really understand

we objected to God is a point when Baba said how could I be like the power of 1,000 suns ... their body would explode, be burnt,

Baba told us it was the Confluence Age in 1937 ...

Everybody has an idea therefore there is trouble ... why, why, why ... such things are childish.

Strange ideas ... speculating ... and by doing so we get deprived of that power, therefore don't deprive yourself by doing so.

In recent Murlis Baba forgot the old approach and started a new one ... changes happen ... Baba does not repeat ... he hammers knowledge in like a nail into a wall.

Time for flying stage ...

He mentions how Lekhraj Kirpalani started the habit of waking at 4am in Pandav Bhavan and him calling out for his children to join him.

The way he describes it, Lekhraj Kirpalani sounds a little unstable and his relationship with the follower intense. What year was that?

I only had time to listen to half of it.


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post13 Oct 2014

BKs sent me this link that shows Gulzar gone into trance and it is possible that BapDada came and left soon after.
After that there is just a short speech, maybe Gulzar created that herself.

Avyakt BapDada Invocation and Drishti_12-10-14 _Video Link

Mean time another BK sent me the explanation - highlighted in blue :

Avyakt BapDada – October 12th, 2014 - (typed from live transmission)

(Today BapDada spoke with Dadi Gulzar’s real voice and with a heavier tone also, not in the traditional deep whisper, so this is a change in the scene of drama or maybe a new chapter).

To every sweet sweet loving and lovely lamps, lots and lots of love from the Father the comforter of hearts, BapDada is merged in everyone’s hearts. Is everyone merged in BapDada’s heart? Raise your hands if you are merged. Everyone hearts are merged and without saying anything it is speaking – what is it speaking? We are the children of the King of Lamps who will stay lit forever. ‘Wah’, lights of the King of all lamps. On seeing the pure lamps his children, the king of all lamps is so happy. The heart says again and again ‘wah’ my child ‘wah’. Every lamp is loved by BapDada very much. Each one is loved by BapDada very much because what else is there in the hearts? Only the Comforter of Hearts, therefore BapDada is seeing on everyone’s heart the comforter of hearts. The comforter of hearts is sitting in each one’s heart.

Deepavali is the festival lights which reminds us of the living lamps. In each one’s heart, only ‘Mera Baba’ is merged in you. When you say mine, anything which is mine is forgotten less. So who is in everyone hearts? ‘My Baba’. And who is the Father’s heart? Every child. What does BapDada think on seeing every child? He says ‘wah’ for every child. In every child’s heart the Father is merged. If someone were to ask you what is in your heart what would you say? ‘My Baba’. It is difficult to forget it and easy to remember. So BapDada is noticing that in the majority of the children BapDada is merged. On seeing every child BapDada says ‘wah’ children ‘wah’. This relationship is experienced very well at the Confluence Age in every form. In everyone’s heart what is visible at this time – MERA Baba – and what is in BapDada’s heart? – MERA BACHCHE. No matter what the child is – Baba is merged in his heart. This spiritual relationship can only be experienced by you at this time. Every child will say Baba is Mine and Baba will say every child is mine. This relationship is experienced in a practical way at this time. Every child will say from the heart – My Baba. The nourishment of happiness is always given by the Father, and the blessing of the Father is always with the children, and in this gathering in a practical way the Father is seeing his children and the children are seeing the Father. The Father says ‘wah’ children and children say ‘wah’ Baba.

What is on everyone’s face? God’s love! With ‘Congratulations’ from the Father, all of you children of the Father are the ones who are flying not walking. Are you all flying? Because this is the time to fly. The song that keep playing is – ‘wah Baba’ ‘wah children’. So the experience of being this form is always with you is it not? Or do you forget it while in action. Anything for which you say is mine, it is difficult to forget it. So by making something belong to you it becomes difficult to forget it. All the Brahma Kumaris say that Baba belongs to me.

Today is the day of Deepavali, the King of all lamps has come to see his every lamps. On seeing every lamp what song does he sing ‘wah child wah’ you should clap for this. (Everyone clapped). Now you should stop clapping. So at this time in everyone’s heart who is in it? Mera Baba.

There is a smile on everyone’s face because of ‘wah Baba wah’. Today, now the Father is seeing the children face to face and the children are seeing the Father face to face. And also those who are far away, Baba is merged in their hearts. In Baba’s heart also is every child.

This gift of the Confluence Age, the meeting of the Father and the children happens only once in the whole Kalpa. This life is such an easy life, you are not made to do any penance – you have made Baba belong to you so you don’t have to labor. Even for a small thing if you say ‘mine’ then you can’t forget it. Don’t think that Baba has so many children that I don’t know if Baba is remembering me or not. For Baba each one is so lovely. You say sweet sweet Baba (methay methay Baba) and Baba says my sweet sweet lovely children, each child is loved very much from the heart.

So see from where and where the children has come to celebrate Deepavali. Baba is happy to see the children and says ‘wah’ ‘wah’. Are you ‘wah’ ‘wah’ children also? Those who say wah wah raise your hands. Those who can be merged in Baba’s heart, everyone knows it. It can only happen at this time in this Kalpa. So you are celebrating deepavali aren’t you? Each lamp is the beloved of the King of lamps.
No matter what a child thinks about himself, Baba has love for him. So what is in each one’s heart, the Father is in the hearts of the children and the children are in the heart of Baba.

Double Foreigners please stand up (2000 from 105 countries)
Baba comes in Bharat. Each child knows what they have to give in return to Baba.
Nirwair said: Children say we have received so much from Baba, what should we now give in return. Congratulations, Congratulations.

Sindhi children stand up (50 came from different parts of the world)
Welcome you have come from the place of establishment, you are Sindhi . Every child is happy, never ever allow happiness to go, no matter what happens. Things may come but they are also a form of paper, a test. Those who are everready never become sad when anything happens, those who are always ready are always happy no matter what happens. Even though children are in double relationships, lokik and alokik. When you see someone unhappy give them lots of love from the heart and they will also feel Baba is giving love from the heart. Even those who are hot happy they will feel that Baba loves them.

Teachers from foreign lands- those who live in centers.
You have done a lot of service, Baba is happy with you.

Teachers from Bharat
You are also very much the same, you are no less.

10,000 came from UP

Dadi Janki sings: “mera Baba, metha Baba” no one else is in my heart.

To all the children, from the heart lots and lots of love and remembrance. If This love and remembrance is there all the time there will be no obstacles, just say My Baba. Everyone do not forget what one posseses, so say My Baba, if you remember this all the time you will remain happy.

Bridgemohanbhai sends his love and remembrance as his health is not good since returning from Chandigarh.

Each one of you Baba is meeting it is not that those who are sitting at the back are not close to Baba, each one is very close to Baba.

To Rameshbhai: BapDada is giving love and remembrance to everyone in all four corners, all haven’t come but all are in BapDada’s heart.

To Mohinibehn: Success is your birthright, you have done well and will continue to receive success. All have done well, all the souls from abroad are very good though they are few.

Nirmila Didi says a big new house was bought for Baba in Sydney.

Chakradharibehn says a new house was built for Baba in Russia.

Baba spoke to Rukmani Dadi (Dadi Gulzar’s mother’s Sister).


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