On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

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On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post09 Oct 2014

A fair and clear sighted impression of the current state of BKism I would say ...
On the Brahma Kumari Cult by Reza Ganjavi

I received an invitation for a "Raja Yoga" retreat and when I saw that it was Yoga and in Schoenried I signed up. Schoenried is the next villlage before Gstaad and 2 villages from Saanen. That entire region, known as Saanenland / Gstaad is my favorite mountain resort in Switzerland. Unlike most mountain regions which is crammed this area is wide and the sky is bigger than typical mountain skies. Aside from the natural beauty, I have many fond memories (I have forgotten the painful ones) of this area in association with the summer gatherings which were organized in relationship to Jiddu Krishnamurti's work, which were sometimes great and sometimes had nothing to do or even were contrary to his work but that is the human condition (I don't want to call it human nature). In those gatherings I met many good friends, had deep conversations, inquiries, timeless love and joy, as well as pains of gossip authority polarization and small-mindedness.

That gathering has since dwindled down in size and been moved to Muerren, another mountain region - in the midst of the high Alps. The setting is not comparable to Saanenland which is a very special jewel. Anyway, seeing a retreat in Schoenried, I immediately signed up without doing research of what it was really about -- the title said Raja Yoga.

It turns out that the retreat was by a group called "Brahma Kumaris" (BK) -- a big international cult. I am calling it a cult because it has been called a cult by many entities including the government of France. The government of Greece declared it as an "enemy of the state" and it was termed "dangerous" in France and Poland. A quick scan of this cult's history indicates every reason for it to be considered a cult including blind beliefs, ridiculously unscientific and senseless beliefs, fanaticism, radical predictions, suicide, love for money, and allegedly violent actions against some who spoke against it.

I spoke to one of the BKs recently and just as I had thought she pretty much ignores the history of the BK movement - she gives no weight to anything written in books or internet and sticks to her experience. We did not discuss epistemology in depth but we cannot discard knowledge -- it is not all important, it's limited and can be distorted, however if it wasn't for knowledge we would not have technology and advancement in medicine, etc. I have no desire to take anyone off this path - I think if it works for you fine - but it's important to know that as soon as you associate with a cult you automatically carry its history. More notes from the conversation at the bottom of this article.

After the first session he told me I am too advanced for these people who are mostly beginners. I did not attend most of the sessions because I did not have an interest in the subject which was essentially what I call pop-psychology combined with a simplistic view of nature of human consciousness.

Most participants were ladies, majority of whom were over 50 -- this is typical for this sort of thing -- I don't know why. One older man was my roommate and God forbid it was hell. He woke up at 4 a.m. to take a shower and made so much noise. He did not even join the devout followers who were in the meeting room "meditating" at 4 a.m. -- he went for a walk. The next night I wanted to change my room but he said he won't take a shower at 4 so I stayed hoping for a night of uninterrupted sleep. No Chance!! He made so many weired noises all night - not just snoring but strange noises. I finally said something at 3 am: are you OK? He woke up and said there are many movies going on in his mind.

His strange noises continues including strange movements in bed. By 5 he got up to go for a walk and made drumming noise with his shoes for several minutes. I just got up and went in living room till he's done with his ordeal. Went to get a drink and at 5 am the cult members were there around the coffee machine -- it was a bit of a spooky energy although they're all nice people -- that cult feeling was still there.

He came to me and said "I have telepathic information that the police is looking for my computer - and now we are connected so they may be looking for you". I said I have nothing to fear about. Later I asked him why the police is after him. He said it's a telepathic intuition because he's older he's alone he has a computer and he watches porn. What the hell !! And he used both set of towels that were in the room for the double occupancy, for himself. And he was a smoker. But he slept with his "spiritual" beads.

Anyway I survived 2 nights there. The organizer apologized for this ordeal.
    The organizers were nice people - gentle - might be so called meditators but at least one, was not short of image making.
    We had fun - laughing etc - and also some deep discussions.
    One of the cult members was not shy - or what he considered a joke - or maybe not - at least not in my eyes - by calling themselves the clan.
    The cult members, i.e., the senior members, organizers, cook, etc., were nice gentle people and we had good interactions.
My impressions are:
    - The BK cult is reshaping itself away from the past beliefs some of which were proven to be false (e.g. the world ending by a couple of predicted dates which did not happen).
    - They say there is no guru but authority plays a big role in this cult, in their meditations and beliefs around divine connection.
    - These seminar leaders who say they're not leaders actually are authorities -- the presentation was never an inquiry but it was, "I tell you, now it is".
    - Their reduction of truth to their theory of life and human and soul and universe works is sloppy.
    - The cult's beliefs is typical of most such systems in that the self is always there - not just the jiva atman, the individual soul is always there, but in their practices the me, the ego, is always there.
    - They have refined their beliefs to keep up with times and the hardcore cult's beliefs have turned into kind of pop psychology, self-help, motivation seminar type due to contribution of various people some of whom present themselves as a motivational speakers, and not as a "senior cult adviser".
    - They're trying to suck in beginners into the cult by painting a rosy picture,offering gift, etc., and not appearing materialistic at all (except for room fee all other fees were on donation basis). However once sucked in. "The start of Brahma Kumari expansion into the West, under its current chief BK Janki Kirpalani, is notable for its purchase of freehold property at the same time it was encouraging its followers that the end of the world was to happen (1976) and to give over their life savings." (source: http://www.brahmakumaris.info/)
    - Cult members are expected to provide free service and donate their time (as well as money).
    - An older cult member gentleman who explained the belief system to me, left out the hardcore aspects of it. Again, it's going through reform.
    - If it does go through a major reform, and drop the radical ideas, etc., why does it need to remain as a cult? Why not end itself? It will never do that because it has the insight.
    - Key question is, is it helping people. I am not sure. It helps people sit quietly which is good. But as the speaker said the effect of the weekend wears off UNLESS you continue taking seminars and retreats etc. (which sounds to me like he's saying you need to join the cult).
The beginners are not provided an honest background of what this cult is about. In fact it seems they prefer that their history never comes up.

From a technical standpoint I see dangers with their approach because
    a) The controller is separated from the controlled which is a major fallacy
    b) The self is always there and with it all the self glorification and self crystallization that cults like this provide (like the whole business of "I get what I want"). None of them talk about the ending of the self. BK talks about ending of the world but what continues after the world ends are BK's! It's childish, it's silly, but when did silliness stopped masses from believing in something totally nonsensical?
    c) Understanding and growth which comes from learning in relationship is not promoted
    d) Their theory of how human psyche operates is confusing obscure esoteric and contradictory (e.g. their leader said thought is the source of creativity -- after I questioned it, he twisted it around saying he meant thought creates but real creativity is blah blah).
    e) Their definition of meditation is totally senseless and has no reference to emptying which is essential to meditation.
    f) State of consciousness is not attended to except during the "meditation" period and "traffic stop" periods (once an hour or so).
    g) The obscure esoteric teachings confuse people. I don't think the leaders mind this because when people get confused they will need more lessons to understand. Much core wisdom is missing in their teachings and people are misled into believing the observer is separate from the observed, a traditional idea which is simply bankrupt.
    h) Most of the cult members looked kind of sleepy and worn in some ways perhaps because they get themselves up at 4 a.m. every day to "meditate". Why? Because supposedly at that time the world is sleeping and it's easier to connect.
    The issues are:
      - If physical distance matters in that mountain region there was hardly anybody around so 4 am and 10 am makes no
      difference in terms of "chitta britti nirodha" I guess (I remember this term from a long time ago).
      - If physical distance doesn't matter 4 am here is a very busy time in another time zone.
      - The gist of the issue is this: Brahma Kumaris as a system, a method, a theory and a cult is short of insights about nature of natural quietness and it requires the self to always be there - so things like outer vibration and time of day become important in search for imposed quietness.
    One author wrote: "At the end of a day that started before 4.00 am they will go to bed exhausted – only to wake up a few hours later to sit in meditation to cement their beliefs and do it all over again – day after day, 7 days a week."

    h) There is a whole set of dangers associated with any cult, with blind belief, and some of the consequences have been documented about this cult as well.
    i) They call their classes a university which sounds fraudulent to me -- there is nothing about it that resembles a university which is generally understood to be a place for love of wisdom and truth not one of propagating blind belief and radical prophecies.
    j) Their Raja Yoga is dithered with these fanatic beliefs which are not part of what is generally known as Raja Yoga. Some people claim BK is not Raja Yoga at all. In a flier I just received they promote a speaker as having studied Raja Yoga meditation in India. Petanjali 's might roll in the Ganges if he finds out they call their cult Raja Yoga.
On a positive note what's good about their new revised offering if you delete all the bullsh**:
    a) Sitting quietly is good -- anyone who finds a quality of a quiet mind sees the joy associated with it. Connecting with the source is good, it's joyful. But it does not justify having a cult, believing in a cult, or belonging to a cult. I don't think thought can just be suppressed without being understood. The quality of quietness which is the result of suppression is very different than the quietness that comes naturally when thought understands its own limits.
    b) Eliminating divisive thought is good -- however, this does not mean there is positive psychological thought that is not divisive. Love does not need thought. I saw no where in their teachings the idea of thought ending, neither any discussion on origins of thought except what they seem to have cherry picked from other profound thinkers to add to their system which I am sure was not part of the cult's foundation. The self is always there and the psychological self is a bundle of memories which is made from thought.
    c) If you put aside the nonsense - and the division of controller and controlled, then the idea of "me" being one of the select few who will rule the world once it's destroyed (according to their silly belief) -what's left is nothing that needs any system method cult or organization.
    d) No matter how much the new leaders of the cult try to put lipstick on it, present it as something moderate, the fact remains that the background, the foundation of Brahma Kumaris makes it a cult and all cults are dangerous.
The last night they did what they call a "Global Cafe" - groups of 4 discussed 2 questions:
    Q1) how do you see the world unfolding in the future
    Q2) what will be your role in that world
Now I know that the cult's answer to the above questions are:
    A1) Their cults thinks the world will be destroyed - I read different things - one was that it will be destroyed except their campus in India or something like that -- and they predicted end of world several times but those dates passed and they were proven wrong. Now they have a new date in mind.

    A2) Their cult preaches that only the cult members will survive and be saved.

Here's a funny quote to end this write up with. It's by the current head of this cult, Dadi Janki: "meditation is about learning to entertain your mind". That about explains it.

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Pink Panther

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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post10 Oct 2014

He seems to reinforce the fact that those who are deeply knowledgeable and experienced with other spiritual teachers or paths see through the BKs easily, while those (myself included) prove that only a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, don’t see through it but ”into it”.

That's because when we encounter the BKs, we have only started to inquire, we have some little jargon and are looking for more confirmation of our special cleverness and insight (spiritual ego reinforcement), so we are easily fooled by the superficial ”completeness” of the Gyan, which seems to cover almost everything and has yuktis to deal with what it can’t, which we then can regurgitate and feel we know everything.

Spot on article.
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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post10 Oct 2014

Yes, I call it "instant guru syndrome".

BKism gives you market proven tools to turn you into an instant guru and encourages you to believe you are saving the world by doing so (... just pay 10% to 100% of wages before you leave the centre door). Indeed, a whole new guru identity, if you want; walk this way, talk this way, dress this way ... with little of the real hardships or efforts (study or austerities) of even joining a priesthood.

It appeals to one's narcissism and ego, and then traps you at that level. I think there is also something clever about the ambiguities or shortcomings that they also hook you in leading you to believe you can be the one decipher the secret or "make a difference''.

I would like to say that most of us had as sincere intentions as any young person has but that in lacking real world experience we were unable to make a clear decision ... but perhaps I should even question that? We were "birds of a feather" attracted to our similar?


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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post10 Oct 2014

Dear ex-l,

From my angle, the clan 'Raja Yoga' definitely was a cult. But different countries have different cultures to accept them.

In Malaysia, government won't borther much. If the government officer received 'under table' money.
In Singapore, if there were many people complaint about the clan, especially involved 'money' (more than million dollar), government will get involve. Most of people left as me, will not make any complaint. I was sad ... sad ...
Raja Yoga, I repeated think what was interesting part they can attract people.
Raja Yoga's speech is the world no.1
Raja Yoga's promote their image no.1
Raja Yoga's well relationship with rich people, professional, government officer no.1

(There were many no.1 of Raja Yoga to stable their stage)

They were too good image of Raja Yoga. When people like me, found there were a lot helpless, fake and dishonest from the centre, who I can make complaint. Who will believe me?

When Raja Yoga centre/ Dadi, Didi, Dada, or Senior need help, everyone enthusiasm to offer. If you alone, as BK member/ outside people need help, the enthusiasm of help will not happen.

The BK teaching only comfort people's heart for a moment. When come to the realistic world, the problem still there, waiting to solve. When they told people 'Baba help', 'Baba help'. Is it really happen? When you solved the problem, they will said 'Baba help'. When you cannot solved the problem, they will said 'unfaithful to the God'. or Is 'drama' or 'karma'. (all these nonsense, really did not make people improve).

Save Innocents

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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post10 Oct 2014

Who is this Reza Ganjavi? Is he that famous singer cum guitarist????

If I may comment on how i felt after reading Reza's experience & view on BKism without violating copyright.
I am calling it a cult because it has been called a cult by many entities including the government of France. The government of Greece declared it as an "enemy of the state" and it was termed "dangerous" in France and Poland.

Nice, it seems the Governments there are really active & understand what is good or bad for their people. When such vigilant authorities will be present in each country, only then cults will end otherwise they will keep on shifting their bases.
He said it's a telepathic intuition because he's older he's alone he has a computer and he watches porn. What the hell !! And he used both set of towels that were in the room for the double occupancy, for himself. And he was a smoker. But he slept with his "spiritual" beads.

Ha ha ha. That indeed appears cause of perfect celibate brahmakumar. :D

And this "telepathic intuition" thing I very well know, even the first BK Didi I met, told me that she can tell everything about me using telepathy & as that was the first day, so I just did not ask her & was also not that suspicious about their cult activities.

Reza is very patient, it is clear from his experience of two days at BK event, mainly his take on ordeal shows the BK culture & lifestyle they propagate. A BK would freak out in his situations.

Thankful to Reza for bringing out BKism in its real form.
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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post10 Oct 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Who is this Reza Ganjavi? Is he that famous singer cum guitarist????

I don't know, I took him to be just another regular spiritual Joe ... Reza Ganjavi, MBA, BSc., BA. magna cum laude. Probably a Persian (Farsi) by his name and with the kind of impressive CV *not* throwing away your life doing PR and Publicity for the Kirpalani Klan brings. It strikes me he is intelligent, genuine about spirituality, and saw straight through the BKs.

In one of his videos about Krishnamurti, he makes an interesting opening statement ... (see video below), unlike the BKs he immediately claims *not* to be an authority only "someone who has read some books" and met some people.
To really understand the teachings, one would not be a follower.

I think Reza's insights are a useful snapshot of the kinds of individuals turning up for the BKs these days in the West, including the clearly troubled oddball weirdos.

In my day, a "masturbator to porn" would have never gotten anywhere near a BK retreat, so obviously the level of purity has sunk greatly.

But what do we make of the preponderance of '50-something' menopausal women?
And this "telepathic intuition" thing I very well know, even the first BK Didi I met, told me that she can tell everything about me using telepathy & as that was the first day, so I just did not ask her & was also not that suspicious about their cult activities.

I think I would have asked her to prove it ... and that she was just psyching you out. "Everything" would have been a load of BK twaddle about how have taken 84 births, spent many lives searching for God, etc etc etc.
Thankful to Reza for bringing out BKism in its real form.

Yes, I think he captured it very well without buying into any of the bullsh**. Perhaps the BKs were attempting to encult him as some kind of serviceable "IP". I wonder if he was asked to pay. Or perhaps play to pay.
A BK would freak out in his situations.

Spending the night with a porn addict!?! A BK would have spent the whole time awake chanting, "Baba, Baba, Baba ... come save me"!

Bearing in mind our other member who believes an old Sindi man connected to the cult is possessing her, watching her 24 hours a day, and causing all sorts of problems for her, the BKs really seem to be targeting vulnerable individuals.

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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post11 Oct 2014

Spiritual and other alternative teachings & groups will attract not only genuine sensitive and insightful seekers after truth but also oddball, troubled seekers after truth (or those seeking to become less troubled).

The insightful, intelligent and intuitive will, sooner or later, see through the BS and move on. For the oddball or troubled, they will stay and become involved more deeply until they either are kicked out as nuisances or find their niche. The real shame is when the intelligent and talented can no longer objectively evaluate what they are doing, when they use their intelligence and talent to continually prove to themselves what they (probably intuitively) know isn’t what it claims.

The intelligent and talented can have the same needs as the oddball and the troubled. The BKs are a collective of self-perpetuating needy people who give each other ego-support.

Just as Reza Ganjavi stated, their meditation practice and teachings are all about that, perpetuation of the ego.

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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post11 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote:In my day, a "masturbator to porn" would have never gotten anywhere near a BK retreat, so obviously the level of purity has sunk greatly.

It has just changed as per circumstances in BKWSU. Purity or, say, ethics does not matter to them, most important part is money & playing with an individual's emotion. Even they do not give any weight to their own accepted BKism belief when it comes to extract maximum profits from an individual.

The kind of celibacy they seem to propagate is actually a distorted live-in-relation where use & throw strategy is followed. The situation described by Reza shows that BKism is either allowing it all to happen or just not paying attention to any actual spiritual elevation of its followers.
I think I would have asked her to prove it ... and that she was just psyching you out. "Everything" would have been a load of BK twaddle about how have taken 84 births, spent many lives searching for God, etc etc etc.

As it was first meeting so I did not ask her or question her abilities beyond extent as it was very apparent that she had only vocal abilities & can play that record for hours without pushing any qualitative useful content. And, firstly, she did not prove her telepathy skills, moreover she told that many other Sisters have same telepathy skills or powers.

To prove it she told me that there was Bhopal Gas Tragedy in which thousands people died due to suffocation caused by leakage of poisonous gases but Brahmakumaris remained alive because Baba came in their trance & suggested the remedy to cover up their faces with a wet towel or sheet. That's insane & it might also be a fake story she was told by her Seniors. Whether there was any BK center in Bhopal at that time? Or if it was there, is it not possible that BK Didis were on leave to visit shantivan etc etc during that duration?

Whatever be the reason, if the incident was real one, then also it is sheer neglect of brahmakumaris that they did not inform many other locals or their own followers. Quite clear what would be BK Didis response in any disaster or crisis, they will run away to save themselves.
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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post11 Oct 2014

Pink Panther wrote:For the oddball or troubled, they will stay and become involved more deeply until they either are kicked out as nuisances or find their niche.

Or the BKs can find them a nice where they can be usefully exploited without causing public embarrassment ... but, seriously, do you think they cannot spot someone so paranoid about secret police spying on their internet porn addiction and manifesting physical symptoms such as shaking and talking in their sleep?

I see it more as a slightly desperate combination of accepting and exploiting vulnerable individuals, utterly unsuitable and unready for "the spiritual path", in order to make the numbers up. To sell a few books and CDs and, as you say, to bolster the egos of the BK believing themselves to be saviour and doing some good.

As a sign of the times, perhaps the BKs need to add a new question on their "statement of faith" letters, or retreat application forms ...
    Do you watch internet porn; seldom, regularly, every day?
I am serious about this. If someone is so addicted to internet porn, I can tell you what they are having Yoga with at 4am. This problem just did not exist in my day as a BK! They need to treat them like they do alcoholics, i.e. kick the habit first, then come back.
Save Innocents wrote:... she told me that there was Bhopal Gas Tragedy in which thousands people died due to suffocation caused by leakage of poisonous gases but Brahmakumaris remained alive because Baba came in their trance & suggested the remedy to cover up their faces with a wet towel or sheet ... if the incident was real one, then also it is sheer neglect of brahmakumaris that they did not inform many other locals or their own followers. Quite clear what would be BK Didis response in any disaster or crisis, they will run away to save themselves.

Funnily enough, I remember this story. It happened in 1984. And you raise a good point, why did "God" and the "Father of Humanity", not want to warn and save the 100s of little children and old ladies who died that day?

The BKs have a tendency to both exaggerate co-incidences and filter out inconvenient anomalies, e.g. why did not their god spirit inspire Australian BK Dawn Griggs who was brutally raped and murdered on her way to the Indian headquarters? The BK response would have to be either, a) it was her own fault/karma, or b) her Yoga must have been inaccurate ... (so it is her own fault again).

The BKWSU middle management is full of daft old ladies who claim God "touches" them many times a day; who see signs from their Baba all around them. And the followers are encouraged by the leaders to think so.

A butterfly flaps its wing ... it's a sign from Baba! You're encourage to develop a sensitivity so that Baba can direct you in every way or at every moment in which he wants to. They even tell you in the Murlis that Baba or some other senior BK can enter you body (possess you) and work through you at any time to do service ... without you knowing it.

They have figures of speech like, "Baba touched the soul ..." meaning, "God directly inspire me to do such-and-such". Did he really? How do they know? Challenge them over it and they become upset.

What actually happened in Bhopal, I don't. In the first place, we really should apply "Occam's Razor" ... which means, "among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected".

India is full of bad plumbing and bad smells, putting a damp cloth over one's head to avoid them is not unique. It is just unique that in this case, the "bad smell" was an indication of a terrible industrial accident. But, as you point out, why did not god want to warn anyone else? How far was the BK centre from the chemical works? Perhaps it was no miracle after all ... and even if it was a miracle, why did god's miraculous powers run out when another double rape accusation hit the BKWSU in the same city (Sevadar of Brahma Kumaris ashram in Singrauli nabbed/abuser absconded).

For the record, "absconding" is a typical BK response, so typical we believe it is encourage or advised by the headquarters.
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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post11 Oct 2014

Wet towels over the face are a standard response in case of fire to prevent smoke inhalation and when faced with tear gas e.g. used by police to clear crowds. Did a BK remember this and attribute it to Baba?

What about all the other survivors?

Did Baba save them, give touchings to non-BKs suggesting whatever means they took to make it through that disaster?

If a Muslim survived and said it is Allah’s will, is he right?
If an atheist survived is it therefore the natural survival instinct proven?

Were those upwind and totally unaffected just lucky, or do they have even better karma and protection than the BKs?

This paucity of rational thinking is displayed anytime the BK centres don’t lose someone near an event like these - same thing happened with the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand. In a city of over 300,000 there were 185 deaths. The BKs trumpeted how Yoga power kept them safe - and obviously the other 299,815+ survivors.

It’s always about them - hence the lack of true compassion, such events become ”opportunities for glorifying Baba” rather than genuine humanitarian assistance of food, shelter or monetary donation (hey Brother, we receive donations, we don’t give them to limited lokik charities ...).
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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post11 Oct 2014

You are being far too logical, Pink. The Knowledge is not logical. Logic is tamopradhan (impure). Only unquestioning faith is sattvic (pure). "Don't think, don't question ..." any yukti that is good for impressing and enculting outsiders and newcomers is fair game.

Oh, we made the news at BKcultfollowersforum.net ... Lies used by BK.info to promote its anti-BK campaign.

From his Youtube page, is EasyMeditation one and the same as DivineLightAngels?

Brother EasyMeditation, you are all twisted up inside in a rather nasty uncomfortable way; and if you are not ready to leave the BKWSU, or work to reform it, you really should not be reading here. We, and the truth about the BKWSU, are very tamopradhan ... but our reach is global. You are being daft because at best you are only sending more traffic to us.

* Please note, although I offered links to the original page, I excluded some links back to this site from Reza's quote as it seemed pointless to link back to here. This, I am accused, is a great lie. At least as great as the BKs hiding that there was no God Shiva in their religion until after 1955, their property grabbing abuse, and hiding all their failed predictions of Destruction in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1996, Year 2000 and so on ... all probably before EasyMeditation even took The Knowledge.

Of course, EasyMeditation cruises right past Reza's own impressions of the BKWSU and any ethical problems arising ... it's all my fault (rather than the BKs' karma) it seems.

If they are one and the same, EasyMeditation does some pretty cosmic art of Baba and other Gyani themes ... which they sell for $22.80 a piece.

Sigh, another BK businessman selling their Baba and The Knowledge ... but I am not sure it is all even "according to The Knowledge".

divine_angel_by_divinelightangels-d5l745v.jpg (104.27 KiB) Viewed 24310 times

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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post12 Oct 2014

Ha ha ha ... These feathers & that tail indicates she is a bird not angel. So, BKs dream to become just like that, hmmn? Very funny.
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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post14 Oct 2014

It's more like a Garuda. Pretty enough in a kitschy kind of way but nothing to do with The Knowledge.

Has this BK ever had a vision of ShivBaba? Or are they completely in their own imagination?

is not "one's own imagination" Manmat still? Or has the BKWSU reached the level of "any goes" if it is good for business?
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Pink Panther

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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post15 Oct 2014

There is nothing at the core of the BKs so it allows for any and all kinds of cultural overlays. It's not a Buddhist Sunyata kind of ‘nothing’ that says all things are mutable and no thing is immutable, just that vapid "anything goes” kind of nothing you get with arbitrary ideologies where everything that serves "the cause” is acceptable or even lauded, even if it has no quality to it (like the dancing Potato heads video!), whereas anything of quality which does not serve "the cause” is ignored, denigrated or proscribed, no matter what its worth aesthetically, culturally, scientifically, practically ...
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Re: On the Brahma Kumari Cult: Reza Ganjavi

Post17 Oct 2014

Dear Visitor9.

Sorry, my inbox is full up and I cannot read your private message right now. The real world is calling me ...

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