3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teenager

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3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teenager

Post06 Oct 2014

An Indian advocate in South Africa called Mayakisten “Mike” Govindasamy has had his wife play "the Brahma Kumari card" in a court case.

He is accused to indecently assaulting a 15 year old female relative he and his wife had invited into their bed. The victim alleges the abuse took place after the wife got up and went out for her 4am meditation.

Seemingly "BK Mike" was not that much of a BK to follow Shrimat and get up for Amrit Vela, a detail I suspect the court was not made aware of. Brahma Kumaris ... "a Hindu organisation providing education in spiritual and moral values"? Where is the BKWSU voice in all this? Does it accept the claims of these individuals that they are "BKs" and being used in their defence?
Govindasamy said his wife was a member of the Brahma Kumaris, which is a Hindu organisation providing education in spiritual and moral values.

“You are not obliged to take a vow of celibacy, it is dependent on your spiritual development and is a voluntary thing. My wife and I decided a few years before the alleged incident that we would abstain from sexual relations. We were both in the same spiritual frame of mind,” Govindasamy said.

The abuse is alleged to have happened first in 2007 and repeated or carried on until 2010 when he "raped her using his finger while she slept on a mattress in his bedroom".

Surprise, surprise ... the "BKs" have gone out out of their way to accuse the victim of being mentally unstable, the typical first response of BKs to critics or accusers. In this case, BK Mike - a senior counsel at the Durban Bar - went even further to hire a private detective to try and dig up dirt on the now young woman, and used the opportunity of tendering evidence to attack the complainant’s character before the case had started.

The young woman accused Mike of pinning her down and telling her to keep quiet during one of the alleged incidents in 2010, indecently assaulted her in 2007, when she was 16, and raping her in 2010 for 40 minutes, when she was 19. In her testimony, the woman described how she awoke to find Govindasamy lying on top of her.

Govindasamy's defence made a case against her character based on a Facebook account the teenager made where she fantasised being "older, British and studying for a Master’s in Law degree" after the alleged incidents, to get away from the problems in her life.

What do we make of these reports from an ex-BK point of view?

Firstly, Mike is apparently not a BK, or at least not a very committed (pukka) one. His wife seemingly is. I would guess he is/was not but was dragged along by her to public events. As a former judge, he is just the kind of "IP" (important person) the BKs would want to court for future benefits.

On the other hand, it is absolutely part of BKism, where one married partner is a BK and the other partner not and not interested in following celibacy, that the BK would allow or encourage them to take their "lust" elsewhere. This may explain why, the indecent assaulting allegedly occurred while the teenager - who own mother had died - slept between Govindasamy and his wife.

Was the wife using her as a barrier or distraction and welcoming her into their bed as a precursor for what was about to come?

Govindasamy’s wife, Sylvia, and her daughter, Janashree, met the victim's Father at a Wimpy restaurant in Rondebosch, Cape Town, in an effort to quash the charges saying, “everybody makes mistakes ... Whatever damages you have incurred, we would make good”.

Bribery or a pay off ... another typical repsonse in the tawdry BK world as we have seen in the recent male rape case in Shantivan (there were four attempts to have the charges dropped). So too is character assault ... he attempted to introduce heresay evidence that the complainant had a personality disorder “which has the effect of regular – since childhood – deceit” however it was refused by the judge.

Mike claimed that that she had laid “false charges” against him because he had threatened to expose her “lascivious and unbecoming conduct” as a “tequila girl” in a Cape Town nightclub where patrons to put money into her bikini pants and “boobs”. The "BK" even interfering with state witnesses out of desperation.

On the other hand, he admitted that he had shared a “close” relationship with the complainant when she was younger, and that she was clingy and attention demanding and that on the night before the alleged rape, she was "holding on to him" and demanding his attention.
“She insisted that I acknowledge her as a beautiful girl and also mentioned to all her other aunts and uncles that were present that she loved me the most.”

If that is all true ... what on earth were two "BKs" doing inviting her into their bed? Something does not add up.

The lawyer for the prosecution accused, "“You previously fondled her when she was younger and got away with it, and so you tried your luck a second time. ... Govindasamy was “the big man” in his family, who commanded a lot of respect, he had taken advantage of his young relative and forced himself on her, as he knew that she would never be believed by his family."


A question to anyone who has read this far ...

We have uncovered and documented a constant litany of such cases - some much more severe, involving suicide and murder - going right back to the beginning of the BKWSU's history and involving the cult's founder himself. Indeed, there is an uncanny similarity between Lekhraj Kirpalani and Om Radhe and BK Mike and his young girl ... both being attractive, precocious teenagers, both having lost a parent just prior etc. It does not require a psychiatrist to imagine the effects of that at such an age.

Obviously, the BK inner circle knows about all these cases and many, many more. Up until the internet, they have managed to keep them hidden and suppressed and controlled both internally and externally.

How can they live, knowing that all this garbage goes on time and time again and keeping a lid on it, still believe in their religion?

I dare say the BKs will get their "guilt" donation once it all blows over ...
Rape accused ‘was celibate’, says wife - 10 Sep 2014

The wife of senior advocate Mike Govindasamy took the stand yesterday in her husband’s trial on rape and indecent assault charges.

Muniamna Govindasamy explained to the Pietermaritzburg High Court why the victim, then a teenager, had been in bed with her and her husband the night of the alleged sexual assault. She said the teen was not feeling well.
“On that night, the girl had a headache. She was feeling lonely. She had no one to talk to. I wanted her to be comfortable at home. She grew up with me and I find nothing wrong in letting her sleep with us,” said Muniamna. She added her children were always allowed in their parents’ bed when they were ill, and Govindasamy did not have a problem with them sharing a bed with their relative.

Muniamna said she is a member of the Brahma Kumaris, a Hindu organisation providing education in spiritual and moral values. “We took a vow of celibacy as a couple. We were both in the same spiritual frame of mind and he could not break spiritual laws,” she said. The sexual assault is alleged to have happened while all three were in bed.

Muniamna said the girl was beautiful but had showed “too much of flesh” at her husband’s birthday party earlier that evening. “I was taken aback by her behaviour. “She told Mike that he was her favourite relative while holding on to him during the party,” said Muniamna. She admitted visiting the teen’s Father, a relative, in Cape Town, but denied asking him to drop the charges against her husband. “I visited the [relative] to talk about family problems. We needed to unite because this case was breaking the family,” said Muniamna.

The defence closed its case after her testimony and the case was adjourned to December 8 in the Durban High Court.

Follow the case, here.
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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post07 Oct 2014

The "he’s celibate” defence holds no credibility in the light of all the sex abuse cases against Roman Catholic priests.

That these people were supposedly the guardians of an orphaned girl makes it even more despicable.

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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post07 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote: Firstly, Mike is apparently not a BK, or at least not a very committed (pukka) one. His wife seemingly is.

If that is sarcasm on him then it's fine but you need to consider every that person, who is dedicated to BKism & had not yet left reading Murlis & attending centers, as a BK & it hardly matter whether he is pukka or not. They all get "BK" label within few months & a part of them is committed to BKism always. And all such miracles happen only in BKWSU ... a rapist turns out to be celibate, ha ha ha. :D. Some BKs are really professional in turning any place as judicial as courts a mockery.

And Muniamna must understand that BKWSU is not a Hindu organization as senior claim, it is a fake Hindu organization, much similar to someone naming his store as McRonald to steal the limelight that McDonald enjoys.

But serious matter is how serious BKs are about there 'fake' celibacy vows can be understood from such incidences. Internal non-celibacy may be present within every BK, no matter what they talk or pretend from outside, that is their personal PR straits, a need to be recognised as different, pure or elevated & better than others compel them to behave like that. They can be filthier, internally, than non BKs & can use all other senses to derive pleasures.

Well, in this case it materialized in it's true form & another victim got punished. And what is the worst part of it? That no action against accused was taken by BKWSU (OK, they have their own prepared stand that there are no members of BKWSU, as ex-l wrote in an other thread) & the victim was left for these cruel predators. Why they do not take any concrete step, I think it is because they all (the one in authoritative positions ) may themselves be involved in all such cases somewhere.

Again, I would ask current BKism followers to give it a thought that if such incident happens to them will there be anyone standing for their right from that cult they follow, when you are the victim?
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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

The question is, how are the BKs going to respond to them dragging the name of their cult into the gutter?

The BKs should exommunicate both of the adults ... but I could imagine a BK Senior Sister thinking asking her middle management, "... how rich is he?", and exploiting the situation for donations to "clear their karma".

I mean ...

Luckily he and the BKs are up again a black, woman judge who won't take any **** for him and refused to accept the character assassination he and his private eye tried to dig up on the girl.

He's even extorting the sympathy card claiming that the allegations, "have left him and his family in a general state of depression, shock and anxiety”.

I mean, he's admitted the 15 - 17 year old girl slept between him and his wife and was "clingy" ... that's enough!!!

Something else I have to pick up on ... the allegation is that got on top of the girl as she was lying face downwards.

That position is not just about sex, never mind making love ... it's about power. It's pining someone down like animals do.

I suspect there is something to the allegations and that, perhaps, there is also a bit of confusion in the girl where, at the time, she was also curious/intrigued/excited by the attentions of an older man. That would be very typical of girls at that age where sexual and interpersonal issues are just coming to the fore. However, as Pink points out, at the time there was a relationship of trust and Govindasamy was her guardian, and an unequal relationship of power.

Perhaps it has only been as she matured she fully realised that what happened was a rape and that she has it in her power to put in a report and claim. A 15 - 16 year old kid would find that difficult to do. Difficult to go to the police ... she had also recently lost her mother who would have been the natural person to talk to and ask.

From this report, the sexual act happened between the mother driving to the BK centre for Amrit Vela meditation and coming back before leaving again to go to morning class.

Where were the mother's brains to leave a 15 or 16 year old girl in a bed with her bullsh** BK husband.

I say "bullsh** BK husband" because if they were BKs ... why wasn't he going to Amrit Vela and morning class.

If she was 15 years old when the first attack happened ... that makes him a pedophile too.


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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

PP wrote: The "he’s celibate” defence holds no credibility in the light of all the sex abuse cases against Roman Catholic priests.

That these people were supposedly the guardians of an orphaned girl makes it even more despicable.

Indeed it is despicable, if true. However, what makes you conclude already for a case in court? Just because there is some BK association or some other reason. Just curious!
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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

Yes, we document and report any BK related stories both to discuss how the BKs world is, and is evolving.

Whether the sexual misconduct is true or not, it's still disgusting enough for a man to be in bed with a 15 year old girl that is not his own child, and to use an exaggerated, dishonest claim to be part of the BKs as a defence in court.

That gives us an accurate impression about the type of individuals within the BKWSU, the type of individuals the BKWSU tolerates, and their ethics when it comes to handling such individuals.

For example, if they take donations from such an individual or tolerate allowing him to continue to visit afterwords.

Rape case are notorious difficult to prove, especially historical ones, and it takes a lot of courage for a women to come forward and make the report.

Typically, you voice no concern her and her experience.


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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

I do voice concern for her and said its indeed despicable (if true). Only difference here is that I don't hold any prejudices and don't take an against or Pro-BK stance on it. It's an accusation to be proven in court and if proven indeed I echo the concern. Unlike you, I prefer not to jump to conclusions on such cases as no one really knows the truth and it's up-to the courts to decide.
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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

On one hand courts don't always make the right decision and can only make a decision on the ground of the evidence presented.

Rape cases have notorious low in the successes in the rates of prosecution. It's well know that the number of rapes and sexual misconduct that goes on is many, many times more than actually tried. It's perhaps only single figure percentages that do.

No one has said that BK Mike ”Fingers" Govindasamy is guilty, except for what he has actually admitted, inviting the girl into his bed, and for invoking - dishonestly or exaggeratedly - his BK adherence.

I'd be more concerned and outraged with that. We just report the news as an indication of what is going on within the BK world.

Could you go the BKWSU and ask them how they are responding to this, and his doing so?

You see, a few years out we documented Child Sex Abuse in Delhi and the Madhuban HQ which the leadership had been suppressing and working to avoid it coming out in public. They dragged their heels for years NOT doing anything about before enacting a weak child protection policy.

And here were, a few years later, BKs inviting precocious 15 or 16 years into their bed!

Mike legal conduct must also been looked at within the context of "being BK". Has his conduct of hiring a Private Detective to "dish dirt", paying a psychiatrist to write a report based on a Facebook account and attempting to bribe family members been indicative of "Brahmin" behaviour?

To us, it indicates the kind of people the BKs court, tolerate and accommodate.

Therefore, we are discussing the Brahma Kumaris as much as Mike Govindasamy.

Do I think he is guilty of sexual misconduct ... yes, I do. There's no smoke without fire. And as the women has tried to blackmail him for money etc, and she and her family has refused his offers, then I think we have to give her morality the benefit of the doubt.

Why else do you think she is doing this?


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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

On one hand courts don't always make the right decision and can only make a decision on the ground of the evidence presented.

That's very true particularly in India. However there is no other way to find out the truth!

Read this high profile case in India

http://www.ibtimes.co.in/cheating-consp ... ape-607818

By default, all the media jumped onto this and blamed the guy as is common in rape cases. However I saw some sensible debates too wherein some journalists questioned the lady's intent as she was a celebrity who was accusing the minister's son of both secretly marrying and rape. She even went to the extent of forgiving him if he were to accept the marriage status. Would a victim of rape ever forgive the rapist! That's when people started looking at the other side of the story.

So all I am trying to say is that I know you will not let go of any opportunity to blast the BKs but I was just trying to understand from other folks like PP on how do they derive these conclusions as its not uncommon in the society to jump to conclusions on rape cases.

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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

To oppose a wrong thing automatically takes you on right side but supporting or protecting the corrupts makes you almost similar to them. SO, beware before stepping on wrong side. Do you want to support accused? At least till the verdict is not out, you must not support him & when verdict will be given, understand the nature of that justice. I think no one is really that dumb to understand the BK politics & influence (or you may say it a hypocrisy) played here in this case. Why do all BKs become so objective in such conditions..whew....


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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

I am not supporting anyone here. As mentioned, I prefer not to take sides in such cases regardless of whether there is connection to BK or non-BK based on media speculation. Now if you want to call it Hypocrisy then that's fine. And not coming to conclusion is my choice. You cannot expect everyone to be taking sides for all such cases.

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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

Well its clear from the example you have given in above post, its like supporting the accused indirectly. If you will say that SI is opposing it, though its nowhere written directly, i would agree because i am really opposed to all such big fellas....who in some or the other way manipulate to prove victim herself guilty for the crime.

If you have sentiments for BKs, keep it for good ones only..no need to extend it for criminals. This is one of the subjects of discussion-why BKs do not demand their heads to remove such perverts from their org. & take strict action against them by supporting law & order. Any organization can have such defaulters & they can be punished, fined for tarnishing its image & violating code of conduct. Maybe that step may shut up everyone here & everyone would stop opposing BKWSU & BKs for denial to such issues. And if its not happening, you should think the probable & real reasons too. Its like chor chor mausayray Bhai, two thieves often cooperate in protecting each others crime & are like Brothers. Somewhere most senior BKs are involved in all such activities otherwise no morally upright person would ever allow all this events much similar to om mandli's Golden Nights of 1930s.


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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

Answer to SI: This has nothing to do with sentiments for and against BKs. From the story I read so far, it appears the accused is not a BK but his wife is, who seem to be trying to protect him.

The reason I have decided to not take sides in such cases is the alarming rise of false rape cases particularly in India amongst media hype. With no other source to find the truth, only thing I choose to believe in is the result of trials in courts. See below

http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/delh ... 94316.html

India Today wrote: According the data, 1,466 of the 2,753 rape cases registered with the women's panel between April 2013 and July 2014 were found to be false. Chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women Barkha Singh said such "frivolous" complaints were worrisome. "We examine these cases very carefully.

Some women are using this as a tool to extort vulnerable men

As you can see more than 50% of rape cases were found to be false. Many people however would have jumped to conclusions for 100% of cases to be true. Just look at it without associating it with BKs and you will understand what I mean to say.

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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post08 Oct 2014

Its alright. 1466 cases were fake & remaining were the real one, right? I have given my view, rest is your choice. These 1466 may be a false complaint or proved false in one or the other way, who knows what's the reality? Still you would be on safer side if you remain suspicious about judgements in these cases. Meet the victims or analyze it online how many have been denied justice, surely you will get a bigger figure for that. You may be startled to know about the number of cases that go unreported & unregistered in India. In rural areas, it is rampant & only when mob protest & vandalize the local police stations there, the complaint gets registered. And then there is 90% probability that no further inquiry will be done as soon as matter settles down among public.

Read more about the grim state of our country here:

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/indi ... 566815.cms
http://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/ ... 311178.ece

Here is a "Rape Map" of India:

http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2013 ... -of-india/

And these are available rape statistics:

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topi ... tics/news/
http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/indi ... 80956.html
Statistics in different countries is given on this link:

Few cases where verdict is too shameful to be termed 'justice' are here:

http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/featur ... 19501.html
http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/featur ... 05213.html
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city ... 442590.cms

And why rape victims do not get justice in India is disclosed on these links:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asi ... story.html
http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/w ... 982508.ece
http://www.livelaw.in/indian-criminal-j ... flections/

All these information reflects that there is hardly any impartial justice, though i agree there can be fake complaints for personal interests & extorting money from rich guys but still that is not general but very rare & should be considered exceptions in front of the figure you just saw.
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Re: 3 in a Bed ... high profile "BK" accused of raping teena

Post09 Oct 2014

clearofBK wrote:So all I am trying to say is that I know you will not let go of any opportunity to blast the BKs but I was just trying to understand from other folks like PP on how do they derive these conclusions as its not uncommon in the society to jump to conclusions on rape cases.

So I am asking you ... twice now ...

Will you, as a BK supporter, go to the BKs and get their official response to the situation, and how they will be dealing with the individuals for using the name of the BKWSU in such a way?

Presumably, as BKs, the individuals would be honest about what happened with their BK center-in-charge, would not they?

We are not "blasting" ... yet ... we are documenting the ongoing situation and drawing conclusions from it, e.g. the strange similarity between this individual's behaviour and Lekhraj Kirpalani's in the early days. Lying around in bed surrounded by slumbering gopis was one of the accusations made of him as well.
clearofBK wrote:As you can see more than 50% of rape cases were found to be false. Many people however would have jumped to conclusions for 100% of cases to be true. Just look at it without associating it with BKs and you will understand what I mean to say.

No, it says 50% of rape cases brought to that women's panel were found to be questionable. Not "all".

This women is not trying to demand any bribe or compensation. Indeed, she refused offers. That, to me, suggests her motivations are sincere. She wants justice.

But we don't have to talk in conjectures. Surely the BKs will be able to know the truth and report on what action they are going to take? Surely these individuals, both of which they claims are BKs, will be honest with the BK center-in-charge?

What is the BKWSU going to do now they name has been dragged into this man's bed?

Statistically, it has been proven time and time again, that only a small fraction of rape case are ever brought to the police and courts, especially in India communities, where they have even been incidents of police then raping the victims again. There is a very low conviction rate due to numerous reasons and feminists are highly critical of the system.

A survey in Indian over the past 25 years revealed approximately 1 to 4 percent of Indian women 'acknowledged' having been raped–which brings the rate of rape in India to between 50 and 200 times greater than reported by the Indian government. In addition, in 98 per cent of the cases they were committed by relative or neighbour. More than 90% of rapes go unreported in India.

From the same website, Little Girls Are Most at Risk: Legislation alone cannot save women trapped in a patriarchal culture

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