Why I continue to be a BK

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post03 Oct 2014

clearofBK wrote:That's quite disingenuous!

Not really. They specifically state it in their legal documents, e.g. "the BKWSO has no members", so who are BKs?

The BK leaders lead the BK followers on to believe they are one of them, but they are not really.

It's another one of their ambiguities I think should be clarified, e.g. every BK should be a shareholder or a stakeholder of the BKWSU and have rights, or shared ownership.

The way it is now, you could pour your life into building up the BKWSU for 10, 20 years, and then some center-in-charge could come along and check you and there is nothing you could do, no compensation, no security.

Some have. Almost all level with nothing.

The BKs use their followers as a servants, managers, even front line defence but at the end of the day ... you are no one and nothing to them.

True or false?

I've argued this with Karuna Shetty once (or whoever answers his email). In his opinion the owners of the BKWSU are the "Original Jewels" ... who or what does that mean? How or when do you become an "Original Jewel"?

It's not written down and systematised, is it? It's all down to the Kirpalani Klan's whim.


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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post03 Oct 2014

clearofBK wrote:Well, actually there are many really who are half-BKs over there and don't follow BKism to the extreme. They would fit in this definition.

From BK point of views, such persons are not BKs. They, in fact, face more problems with such decisions. They start believing that they are lesser 'purusharthy', the lower quality souls who will not be deities in Golden Age. In many Murlis, it's clearly mentioned that such souls will face more severe punishments than non-BKs, because they got the Godly knowledge and still disobeyed it. So the guilt that is built up leads to severe depressions. I would say its better to be a Pukka BK than half-BK, as you are nowhere in your life then.

Also, many Seniors BKs (or any other BK who can read from the body language of half-BKs) would exploit them easily, will scare them to hell. After leaving BKs, months after that, I still get calls from some half-Bks who discuss their deep fear of starting a normal life again and consequences that God (a BK-belief they still carry) may throw on them.

It's really sad to see how innocent people are robbed off their joys and happiness of small things in life by BKism.


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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post03 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote:Not really. They specifically state it in their legal documents, e.g. "the BKWSO has no members", so who are BKs?

The BK leaders lead the BK followers on to believe they are one of them, but they are not really.

That's a red-herring. You and all forum members here know that all followers are called BKs!

And you may want to see what you have declared on this forum already- so it is indeed disingenuous of yourself ex-l whether you admit it or not.
BKInfo forum wrote:Contributors to BrahmaKumaris.info have had many years experience, worldwide, within the organization of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University as “BKs” (Brahma Kumaris [female] or Brahma Kumars [male]).
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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post03 Oct 2014

kmanaveen wrote:From BK point of views, such persons are not BKs ... I would say its better to be a Pukka BK than half-BK, as you are nowhere in your life then. Also, many Seniors BKs ... would exploit them easily

I tend to agree with kmanaveen.
clearofBK wrote: ... so it is indeed disingenuous of yourself ex-l whether you admit it or not.

Disingenuous means, "not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does".

I don't think that fits.

Over the years my position has changed the more I have got to know and deal with the BKWSU and I cannot go back and re-edit everything I or anyone else has written. My current position is as I have stated. You'll notice I write "BK followers ... adherents" or use the nick name Kirpalani Klan for the inner circle. This is a discussion not a published paper, use of words changes according context and sometimes take on codified, e.g. if I criticise "the Americans" with regard Middle East policies, I am not criticising all Americans but those who made or did them.

However, legally, it's a whole different business. You're free to define the term as you wish in common usage, but who is legally a BK? In the widest possible interpretation, I am BK as I have taken the course. So why are all those demi-BKs beating me up on Wikipedia for believing in a truthful representation of my religion.

Strictly speaking, by the BK Knowledge, I am a deity soul.

That's where I would say it is not a "red herring" but one of a number of HUGE malleable ambiguities swirling around the "Original Jewels" similar to the, "we are a religion ... we are not a religion" flip-flop.

I would say it would be a very good thing to have it legally defined and give "time served" BKs equal and inalienable democratic rights within the system, but at present there are none.

And, legally, no BKs. I would like to look at, e.g. employment rights for the various different levels of employees the BK use. Again, they avoid that to avoid ALL AND ANY liabilities.

Please define all the various layers and their rights and privileges ... who is a BK and who is not.

As I say, I tend now to accuse and criticise the leaders but consider the followers victims ... until they become pro--active in the deception and abuse.

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post04 Oct 2014

clearofBK wrote:That's a red-herring. You and all forum members here know that all followers are called BKs!

Well, clearofBK you seem to be very unclear of BKs. Are you a BK? A puuka or kachcha BK?

It is my opinion that in a terrorist (or any -ve) organization, one who runs it, or is directly involved, is equally responsible as those who support it in anyway, like those arms & ammunition suppliers.

So, what do you think now, are BKs leades alone responsible for whole mess or does some credit goes to their followers too who have helped in building BKWSO with the donations, publicity, etc etc? Instead of Om Shanti say, Ghor Bhranti. It fits well to BKism.

We all believe, at least I believe, that a follower who has stayed in BKism for few years becomes a pakka one & thus starts supporting its criminal acts indirectly, like bringing more people to centers so that their life also becomes hell or donating to help BKism expand so as to destroy more families of different nations. I mean it's basically the followers who have acted as fuel to this organisation or otherwise it would have ended 60-70 years ago & no one would have really cared more of this new Babaism.

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post04 Oct 2014

You and all forum members here know that all followers are called BKs!

There is no perfect definition of BK in BKWSU. It depends upon the level of your “fooling yourself” in to the organization. They have made several channels to get “yourself fooled”. The more you are able to act like a zombie, the more pukka you are. There are no stars or levels. It is official via Murli that even a single day student can come in the first class. In a way, they keep the gate always open, as far as the incoming of money, free labour, direct/indirect support is concerned.

Once you start asking something for yourself, the leaders speak out and show your level.

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The thumb rule of BKWSU – “If you cannot convince, confuse ...”

Baba openly says in Murli, “if you want to see the biggest fool see here only”.

Murli says further ...

Only the refined intellect would be able to understand this ... ;).

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