Non-BK concepts of Krishna

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Save Innocents

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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post20 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote: I had started to study Hatha and Bhakti Yoga, explored Krishna consciousness, read Patanjali Raja Yoga sutras and others.

You were almost on right track. And I think it's BKism which sidelined & dumped all that natural inquisitiveness. Moreover, the health advice that BK give is mostly drawn from Patanjali sutras. He was such a great sage. His sutras gave step by step description of Yoga path. It is hard to think that anyone can possibly write such sutras with such precision, I consider him as Einstein of spirituality.
I fell for their false advertising. I lacked the experience to tell them apart from the real thing.

It's not just you but I think more than 90% join BKism due to their false advertising.
They cannot believe their god Baba Lekhraj was and still is deeply deluded or "evil", and are caught by their own egotistical conceit.

But even while opposing all their wrong & corrupt deeds, I remain aware of that intrinsicaly they are pure soul & are stuck in beliefs as per unfolding of karma. That awareness is must otherwise any kind of opposition done toward a living being bind karma of vengeance which will automatically draw me toward him in future births. And at least a BK would be the last option for me to live with.
They don't seem to understand that to be evil you do not need to be a Hitler type character and to delude others about the things they do is worse.

Actually, Hitler was far better. He never pretended to be something else. Whatever he did was quite open & known to everyone. Deceit is grave crime. If one have to go bad, shall do it openly. Holding a mask would hide our original identity to larger extent. Nature provides upliftment path for both evils & innocents but there is no thikana or place for deceivers.
They will even say they are not worshipping their Baba but increasingly they are. Not just their Baba but even elevating their leaders to saint like status.

For us, only this much information is more than enough that they are human beings who are on their voyage to loot people & get their pride praised by others. And they will use anything for accomplishing it. These days Lord Krishna or Lord Buddha are respected, so BKs are using it all for themselves. Who knows that their next century Murlis (if this cult exists then) will proclaim that Lekhraj was incarnation of Newton & he gave inspiration to Einstein & other scientists to do innovations [because it appears science & technology will gradually replace all myths, religions & when there will be no one to believe a deity, the next option of BKs would be to include all this crap].

Recent Murlis have included the use of technological terms, their DNA explanation as disclosed by that movie-maker on another thread, etc etc indicates that they are shifting towards science. Their useless papers which are mostly abstract ideas are too inspired from science.
... who is that ... Krishna and Mother Teresa in a very amateur piece of marketing? Who is that at the bottom?

The one at bottom is Rani Lakshmi Bai (original name - Manikarnika), one of the most courageous women. She fought battle,almost alone, to save her kingdom. Though she knew that defeat is sure as her husband died & had adopted son, small enough to be taken care of. She was opposed by Britisher, all tricked to capture her kingdom. She fought many battles & in last battle, she defended opponent (Britishers) by tying her son on her back with a cloth & rode the horse till her last breath, fighting with exceptional bravery. Those incidents still give thrills.

And these sucker Dadis do not let anyone come out of their boring drills.This above advertising banner indicates that they are using her image to promote BKism. See they used image of Lord Krishna, not Lekhraj, to influence people who do not know anything about them. It is a trick. Why do they not put Lekhraj in his Krishna form, I think it is kept to give surprising effects. Clearly it is a strategy to pull mass.

Rani Lakshmi Bai was completely opposite to that of these Dadis or Didis in all ways. Rani Lakshmi Bai never took anyone's assistance as once she was refused by some villager. She lived on her own terms.

Again, we can see that it is not her fault that BKs are using her image. As she is gone, they can use her image in n number of ways.
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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post20 Sep 2014

Traditional spiritual lore; Vedic, Buddhist and others, suggests to us that there are not just "other planets" but other planets in other dimensions or realms, each with its own god and spiritual heirarchy. True, false or metaphorical ... it's fairly unprovable.

For example, the Vaikunth that the BKs borrow and stick in their future heaven on earth is from Vaikuntha-loka, the topmost realm beyond this material universe (The term "Ocean of milk", which the BKs also use, comes from Hindu cosmology too ... Ksheera Sagara ... and may relate to the Milky Way).

In case, you don't know, Save Innocents, the BKs are explicit. There is only one planet with life on it. One planet, one dimension, one god, one Kalpla Cycle. According to the BKs, the universe and all space and time revolves around planet Earth and god spirit Shiva. There are no spirit worlds, no heaven and no hell regions.

Actually, such a view (many gods in many dimensions) is not entirely incompatible with BKism. It would just mean Shiva was not the Supreme god, just a god of this world.

However, personally I think even that is too great a claim to make. I would say he is more of a Rakshasa. He may well be fairly powerful but power does not equate to goodness.

Save Innocents

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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post20 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote:Traditional spiritual lore; Vedic, Buddhist and others, suggests to us that there are not just "other planets" but other planets in other dimensions or realms, each with its own god and spiritual heirarchy. True, false or metaphorical ... it's fairly unprovable.

Right, it cannot be proved objectively & thus any tradition which claims all these phenomena can be view just as a belief system for personal security, otherwise there are hundreds of tales, which one is true or false. It is hard for a seeker to know. And maximum possibility is that he would land up in some cult.
BKs borrow and stick in their future heaven on earth is from Vaikuntha-loka, the topmost realm beyond this material universe

There is nothing outside Universe, this is fact. Scientists have taken a snapshot of Universe, last year or may be it's second last year. Few years ago, I read some multiple universe co-existence theory, it was really an absurd theory of some anonymous intellectual.

That snapshot of Universe also contradicts the picture of Universe which BK show during 7 day course. I remember it clearly that the photo of Universe was a vertical ellipsoid (along vertical axis) in BK booklet which they use to teach for 7 day course. But the scientific data shows that it is a horizontal ellipsoid. I think it is a clear proof that BKWSU preach a completely unscientific theory, most of it is based on unreliable data. Now, BKs will also manipulate it & fix it with that actual image.

The image of universe taken by 2MASS Redshift Survey can be seen at this link: here.

Now compare it with the one shown in BKs book & other images.
I would say he is more of a Rakshasa. He may well be fairly powerful but power does not equate to goodness.

Right, except that strong Rakshasas have more integrity & power.
There is only one planet with life on it. One planet, one dimension, one god, one Kalpla Cycle. According to the BKs, the universe and all space and time revolves around planet Earth and god spirit Shiva. There are no spirit worlds, no heaven and no hell regions.

For this view, I would ask BKs some questions:
    1) What is the reason behind UFOs? Thousands of UFO had been there visiting Earth, they were not some giant rocky structures, major incidents related to UFOs have been witnessed by thousands of commoners in California in last decade. What is reason behind it?

    2) We already know about 4 dimensions scientifically. What does that mean when you say "one dimension"?

    3) "One Kalpa cycle", I think even BKism blabbers that there will be next Kalpa, so in this way there are multiple Kalpas repeating one after the other, right? Also, if BKs say that there is only one chain of this cycle, then I would disagree as the general theory of relativity clearly describes how time zones start varying in space. Read more about it first BKs, then manipulate your theory further. Or, as usual, this time book a space mission for your lucky Dadi who can feel time zone shift.

    4) In which world are you living BKWSU? Universe does not revolve around Earth, not even other planets of solar system revolve around it.

    5) If there is no heaven, no hell, then what happen to those beings who commit grave crime (terrorists, rapists, serial killers, frauds etc etc) & still move freely. Certainly, Earth lacks those resources to bring justice to such criminals through either man-made systems or natural ones.

    And similarly what happened to those souls which were Buddha, Rama, Sai Baba, etc etc who gave happiness to millions & are still becoming an indirect medium for the same. Where have they gone? And do not say that they are one aomg you & are prayed by others, that is simply one of your worst idea.
Go & ask your Baba & then tell me.

Save Innocents

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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post20 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote:Pray tell us more about this.

Google about Karmabhoomi & Akarmbhoomi, Mahvideh Kshetra, Bharat Kshetra & Airavat Kshetra. You may get sufficient data related to it.

I am not describing it here as it would become a very long post which many users may find boring.

Precisely (according to scriptures based on speech of omniscient beings), there are total 15 Earth like planets with similar types of species, similar human life with similar inner passions. The time cycle varies. Among all, Mahavideh Kshetra is of paramount importance currently.

Any form of spiritual elevation is possible there permanently due to presence of constant Satyug.


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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post20 Sep 2014

what is the reason behind UFOs? Thousands of UFO had been there visiting Earth, they were not some giant rocky structures, major incidents related to UFOs have been witnessed by thousands of commoners in California in last decade. What is reason behind it?

I think there is no proof of UFO existence. Any document that was shared with scientific community? Many earth like planets found, but so far only Earth has life supporting system. Until something else discovered, earth remains the center of life in universe.
In which world are you living BKWSU? Universe does not revolve around Earth, not even other planets of solar system revolve around it.?

I am not sure what BKs actually mean by this (and they keep changing their position), but many scholars term 'YOU' as the center of whole universe. But again that is said in different context altogether.
If there is no heaven, no hell, then what happen to those beings who commit grave crime (terrorists, rapists, serial killers, frauds etc etc) & still move freely. Certainly, Earth lacks those resources to bring justice to such criminals through either man-made systems or natural ones. And similarly what happened to those souls which were Buddha, Rama, Sai Baba, etc etc who gave happiness to millions & are still becoming an indirect medium for the same. Where have they gone? And do not say that they are one among you & are prayed by others, that is simply one of your worst idea.

Personally, I find the idea of a separate hell and heaven absurd.

Edgar Caycee's [ Patel/0451168178] clairvoyance has beautifully depicted the Karma theory and how each soul faces the situations in different lives to balance out what they did in the previous ones. Interestingly, at least he could prove some cases for which records fortunately existed.

Save Innocents

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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post21 Sep 2014

kmanaveen wrote:Any document that was shared with scientific community? Many earth like planets found, but so far only Earth has life supporting system. Until something else discovered, earth remains the center of life in universe.

What? Read about Battle of Los Angeles,1942. It was between army & UFOs. Whole country witnessed it & you are saying there is no UFO. Intellect does not agrees to superficial things but these UFOs exist(ed) & you cannot deny. There are experiential as well as objective proofs available. There are countless incidents of UFO visits which are disclosed in that one of the programmes on Discovery Science. They disclose those official files which were kept hidden from public to avoid unrest & terror. They have been kept as secret for decades.

Read about this special UFO, one (among thousands) actual incident on: Battle of Los Angeles.

You may also see all known UFOs in United States on this link:UFO sightings in the USA.

And watch out these videos on Battle of Los Angeles with UFO (it's a real one):

Link I and link II.

So, it has been discovered & Earth no longer remains the centre of Universe. Google image of Milky Way Galaxy shows the Earth is not even at the centre of it.
I am not sure what BKs actually mean by this (and they keep changing their position), but many scholars term 'YOU' as the center of whole universe.

Yes, that is right in that context but this "YOU" does not come at centre till omniscience, rather remain at the periphery.


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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post21 Sep 2014

Well, the UFO things are still controversial, you can find many sites for and against the idea of UFO and my point was about existence of separate hell or heaven, that I find very difficult to accept.
Yes, that is right in that context but this "YOU" does not come at centre till omniscience, rather it remains at periphery.

What is that omiscience concept (in short please SI)? I think it's not difficult for anyone to realize that he/she is the center of everything, try to feel it SI.

Again, to me it makes more sense that karmic accounts are settled in the journey of soul in different lives (than in a separate hell) and that is a reason one comes in contact with same souls with whom he/she needs to settle account. If this looks like a BK knowledge, I have no problem with that too.
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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post21 Sep 2014

If an idea "sounds like BKism", it is because the BK leader took it already existing elsewhere, re-packaged and re-marketed it. Someone might have heard about it from the BKs first, but the BKs got it from somewhere else first.

They are like their Bhaiband roots. The Bhaiband Sindis traded in other people's crafts. They did not make anything, they just bought low and sold high. The Bhaibands were nominally Hindu, although not very religious on the whole, but the goods they sold were originally made by Muslims. So too elements of their monotheistic religion.

It's is packaged to be appealing to Hindus, with their images of Krishna and Vishnu, but under the wrapper it is Islamic-Christian monotheism plain and simple.

Omniscient means "knowing everything". The BKs avoid claiming their god or spiritual master is omniscient. In fact, they now avoid that idea altogether by claiming his absolutely is not ... it helps them avoid all the discussions and having to make excuses about why their god spirit *does not* even know basic facts about humanity a child would.

I suppose there is a different between feeling one is at the centre of everything which can even go as far as a symptom of mental illness, and actually being at the centre of everything which an enlightened being is suppose to be, able even to manipulate space and time.

The other concept is omnipotence ... all powerful. Although, again, devotees who claim "god is all powerful", then start making up excuses for why god cannot or chooses not to do anything. The BKs do as well.

The BKs use the term "Ocean of ...", e.g. ocean of knowledge but them immediately go ahead to hugely limit what they god knows. It appears to be limited to "you're a soul, he's god". Even the idea of 5,000 years is second hand. Those again come from classical Hinduism and was claimed of Krishna. Krishna was Prem Sakar, the 'Ocean of Love'.

The BKs' use dates back to the time when they believe their guru Lekhraj Kirpalani was God Krishna. Anything Krishna was, Lekhraj Kirpalani had to have too. He stuck himself at the top of the Hindu pantheon of gods. It's so bizarre, it's difficult to work out what was going on in his mind, except that he was suffering from some highly functional form of narcissistic mental illness.

Interestingly, a book called "Prem Sagar" was one of the first books published in modern Hindi. It is the tale of the deeds of Krishna and based on the tenth book of the Bhagavata Purana. It was written by Lallu Lal (around 1804 - 1810) and retells the traditional cycle of legends of Krishna. It is distinguished by its natural dialog and frank sensuality or romantic flavour which I've mention before and which I believe the women of the Bhaiband were manipulated by.

I have not read it but I would imagine, given it's cultural importance in India, many of the Bhaiband and Amil Hindus would have. Lots of mention of breasts, suckling and grabbing them. It's a persistent reference in many of the Krishna stories and, hence, I am not surprised it arises as an accusation of Lekhraj Kirpalani in the Om Mandli papers.

Yasoda was the foster-mother of Krishna. This is also interesting as Yasoda was the name of Lekhraj Kirpalani's wife. We really know very little about her and especially her feelings about Lekhraj Kirpalani's activities - such as taking a new, younger wife in his Om Radhe follower.

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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post21 Sep 2014

kmanaveen wrote: I think it's not difficult for anyone to realize that he/she is the center of everything, try to feel it SI.

Yes, kmanaveen you are right. Till one is engulfed in self pride & ego, he feels himself at the centre of everything. No offence intented, it is general. All BKs and Didis Dadis babas feel same thing as they are governed by ego or those virtual feels. And externally it is supported by their followers who consider them gods or deities. There is no solution for that relative self centered approach.
ex-l wrote: Omniscient means "knowing everything".

Right. Omnicience is Kevalya in Yoga & kevalgyan in Path of knowledge. [keval (only) Gyan(knowledge). That state is achieved when all veils of karmas are shed & soul or infinite knowledge manifests. Soul is nothing but knowledge (tattvagyan), it does not have any physical or subtle form that can be identified as such.

Till one is gripped in BKism ideas & thoughts, it is very difficult for him to reach that state through Yoga, for which it is really meant. They deny that any human being can become omniscient & prefer to rule over others (followers) by considering them weak, impure or the one who needs only efforts to purify themselves forever. There is no end no goal which you may get & then rest. Its constant labor not effort.

In such case, omniscience just becomes an imaginary concept for BKs. And that is one another reason of their strange attitude towards Lord Krishna who is destined to become Kevalgyani is next birth.


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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post21 Sep 2014

SI wrote:Till one is engulfed in self pride & ego, he feels himself at the centre of everything. No offence intented, it is general. All BKs and Didis Dadis babas feel same thing as they are governed by ego or those virtual feels.

By YOU I meant everyone that has a consciousness is the center of life and universe. If you can see an ego in that statement and self-centered approach, what can I say.

I don't know who Krishna in reality was. I don't know if any one including God can be Omniscient and Omnipotent. SI, do you one who is still living? Otherwise, what is wrong if anyone including BK find this concept imaginary?

It's not about being gripped by BKism, but you tend to accept any idea that may have provided you answers to your queries. You accept what you feel like accepting and reject that fails to convince you. Many of us had worked hard to get over the BKism and would be very hesitant to take over another ism coming in any other form. So, if you say Krishna will be so and so in next birth, then may be Lekhraj will be Krishna in the next birth. Neither can be proven and such a discussion may be a waste of time only.
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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post21 Sep 2014

It's tiresome but you have to interpret every word or term the BK use because they are corrupted or perverted it means.

"Ocean of Knowledge" does not mean "ocean", e.g. unlimited.

To them Knowledge means this tiny little pebble of simple one line facts and being an "master of ocean of knowledge" means absolutely agreeing to them, sticking to just them, not thinking and not questioning.

The opposite of anything near omniscient. I think it's impossible to be omniscient. How could any one being know everything? Given everything keeps doing even more for eternity. It would mean being greater than infinity. It's just nice praise of someone more clever than you.

Save Innocents

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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post22 Sep 2014

kmanaveen wrote: By YOU I meant everyone that has a consciousness is the center of life and universe. If you can see an ego in that statement and self-centered approach, what can I say.

OK, I get it what you meant by that & maybe I misinterpreted it. This is applicable in case when one follows traditional Yoga, though even in traditional Yoga seekers are asked to refrain from such views initially while following yam & niyam. Till he does not reach state of 'seer' or nirvikalp samadhi, this thought is put aside, why do they do that, I really cannot comment on that. The main issue in Yoga is to turn a seeker into a seer. And through Yoga when they attain nirvikalp samadhi, they can see that all souls are alike & no one is greater than others, so question of putting own souls at centre does not arise.

It is true that whole Universe is projection of our own karmas, & the way one sees everything differs from others perception, so definitely one becomes the centre of relativistic Universe or everything in his perception but that is relative, & cannot be regarded Universal. One can say that i am centre of everything while others can also feel so for themselves. So, there will be contradiciton. Countless souls & only one can be at the centre, if such things are possible.

In state of Omniscience, one becomes Lord of Universe, above it, so getting at its centre for such a soul is not a big thing. Lord Mahavir, after approx 6 months of intense Tapa, attained this siddhi to see whole Universe at will. Same siddhi was attained by Lord Rama & Lord Krishna earlier. People oblige them due to their unparalleled states in unparalleled circumstances.
I don't know who Krishna in reality was. I don't know if any one including God can be Omniscient and Omnipotent. SI, do you one who is still living? Otherwise, what is wrong if anyone including BK find this concept imaginary?

No, I am not omniscient & have to go a long way before getting that state. What is wrong if "Shiv Baba concept" is imaginary? And in fact, it is imaginary. There are millions of Omniscient souls in different part of Universe currently (according to scriptures). But leave that issue, its of no or less use while dealing these ongoing problems.
You accept what you feel like accepting and reject that fails to convince you.

It is the case of everyone, is it not?
Many of us had worked hard to get over the BKism and would be very hesitant to take over another ism coming in any other form. So, if you say Krishna will be so and so in next birth, then may be Lekhraj will be Krishna in the next birth. Neither can be proven and such a discussion may be a waste of time only.

You or anyone else who has suffered at hands of BKism or any other cult need not to go for another 'ism'. At the maximum, getting complete self dependence would be a better option. Here the discussion was just to disclose the BKs concept which is a copied one & modified too. Extra subjects were discussed just in course, unintentionally, like maligning image of Krishna by authors or sculptors or some foolish propagators.

I think ex-l has said it almost right, best idea would to leave all 'isms' altogether, supporting or opposing them should also not be done. If you oppose it including BKism, you are somewhere involved in it [You can know it by other BKs views who say that BKism is getting extra mileage through this site, though it is not the motive here]. I agree that I believe & have faith in Lord Krishna as all scriptures say it loudly about who he was & will be. There is no mention of Lekhraj Kirpalani anywhere, he is just a self proclaimed guy.
ex-l wrote:The opposite of anything near omniscient. I think it's impossible to be omniscient. How could any one being know everything?

I think it is possible, soul has that capability. Even in absence of its manifestation, one knows so much about everything. If a particular thing is taught, one learns it because The Knowledge attribute is intrinsic. Everyone has capability to get omniscient, it is not just meant for just a special one. I think we can keep all these topics off the discussion & focus on how BKs are exploiting religions & Yoga, whether they are correct or wrong themselves, & that there is nothing new in BKism.
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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post23 Sep 2014

Save Innocents wrote:There is no mention of Lekhraj Kirpalani anywhere, he is just a self proclaimed guy.

Yes, this is quite important. He fails to acknowledge his spirit teacher - the saddhu from Bengal who initiated him and to inform us of what tradition they are from. In addition, it is strange not one prophet, seer or astrologer predicted his coming.

I found one other New Age cult who claimed he was a master or adept but a fairly low level one. I could agree with that. He was an accomplish man who was able to make a fortune and to negotiate not only very tricky, slippery, political culture. He must have learned something from all that. But not all masters or traditions are good, and claiming to be God or "superior to god" for 20 years is not a good start.

Of course, the BKs say that all religion is a memorial of him and them. I am not sure of what that exaggerated claim entered the religion. You can see the seeds of it in the early documentation. To the BKs, he would be the "Second Coming", the Maitreya, the final prophet etc.

But think about how illogical this Krishna claim is. They claim he will be reborn as Krishna (actually, his birth is already late unless it has happened secretly). They claimed that he would be born in hell and the world we see him. Actually much of this is perversions of Hinduism. He is meant to grow up as a perfect being and then be crowned Emperor Narayan for 2036. And they have had to change his age as crowning to fit the failed prediction.

But how does anyone remember him. Are they suggesting right through the Gold and Silver Age, 2,500 years they kept pictures of him so that in 500 BC Krishna worship arises again and they start printing pictures of Baba Krishna?

Again, that's does not work out because Krishna worship was a very minor cult in Hinduism and the Gita did not emerge and be written down until 100s of years after the Bible.

You may dispute this view or clarify it but I believe it was 900 years after the Bible was written. The oral tradition is unknown. The fixation on Krishna really only emerged, I would say, 4 or 500 years ago with Chaitanya. The history of the politics and war between various factions is fairly good.

Save Innocents

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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post23 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote:You can see the seeds of it in the early documentation. To the BKs, he would be the "Second Coming", the Maitreya, the final prophet etc.

Come on, it's impossible. Such a plunderer turns out to Maitreya. Huh.

This "seed" word reminds me of one another concept of BKism. They say that Shiv Baba is seed soul or the one who is at the root of an enormous tree called Universe, rrright? Now this is joke on BKism, ceated by BKism itself. In other spiritua disciplines, The seed of Universe is called Vishay-vikar or SEX. So, their ShivBaba coincides with ... & it is also factually provable.
But how does anyone remember him. Are they suggesting right through the Gold and Silver Age, 2,500 years they kept pictures of him so that in 500 BC Krishna worship arises again and they start printing pictures of Baba Krishna?

Ha ha ha. This could be possible only story that meets all their conditions.
You may dispute this view or clarify it but I believe it was 900 years after the Bible was written. The oral tradition is unknown.

Scriptural writing started before 1800-1700 years from now. The oldest literature are Agams & then many followed later on. The main reason behind written version was that it became very difficult to memorise each & everything as it is & the whole lot of spiritual & religious knowledge was very huge. So, they converted it into this form which we read now. A large portion has also been modified as per suitability of different sects & sometimes to fulfill personal motives.

The Bhagwad Gita that is generally available in shops is the original one but one with BKWSU might be a modified. At least, it interpretation by BKism is nowhere close to its actual meaning.

Save Innocents

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Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

Post02 Nov 2014

To avoid going off the topic "Re: Why don't and did not the BKs teach Western BKs Hindi?", i am continuing it here:
ex-l wrote:In the beginning, the Om Mandli literally and directly claimed Lekhraj Kirpalani was Krishna incarnate again.

Just to tell what Hinduism & other similar religion accept, the above belief is Lekhraj's own declaration & has no truth in it. Not even a single scripture describes such an asur (devil) to be incarnation of Lord Krishna. So, he has used Krishna's identity to promote his business (much similar to bhaibund way that you referred in other posts).

Moreover, principles which Krishna followed are so divine or what we call as being human & humble. When one of his childhood friend Sudama, who was poor due to some circumstances, came to meet him after long time, Krishna gave two third of all that he owned as a king to Sudama & when he was about to give last one third portion, his queen stopped him as then there would have been no source left for their own survival. Such a divine humility was present in Krishna & this is so with every other divine being happened on Earth. Utmost humility is their intrinsic nature.

On the other hand Lekhraj was humble to his girls who served him through their body, flattery speech & those controlled vibrations of mind. It is not a matter of that what you believe you praise & reject others' belief but it should be seen from the values a person possess. We all know that close friend of Lekhraj has declared him as a person who lived immoral life, what is then left to speculate about?
Lekhraj Kirpalani, believing himself to literally be Krishna saw his followers as the Gopis and then Pandavs. Hence the rest of the Hindu society of Hyderbad, or perhaps just the bhaiband, initially became the Kauravas, the children of Dhritarashtra and the army that opposed the Pandavs (Om Mandli) and were killed in the great battle at Kurukshetra.

And I think they must have modified this past belief by now or not?? Even if it has been modified, their stand towards parents, children of BKs & the relationships remains same to a large extent but even that belief also seems to be undergoing modification. Very unstable beliefs ... Like BK Didis now telling followers, "Do not run away from your wives & children. Only those will be considered higher who have served Baba while remaining in family". Now this statement is another topic of discussion & comes out to be a disappointment for all old BKs who left their families with hope to become elevated as might be directed by Murlis of twentieth century.
Therefore we must also interpret this as a death wish directed at all Hindus who resisted his influence and did not surrender to him.

Right. But this is also a serious cause of concern. Remember when I compared BKWSU with ISIS. It was not just like that. I have seen the killing & slaughtering intents of few BKs, all through conversation. While Gita asks to kill inner enemies like anger, greed, pride & passions, BKism has interpreted it in different way. Even an active Brahma Kumari worker named as yayati who though come across as an all BKism-instruction followers, yet he/she said that when the time will come we will be ready for onsite slaughter, killing anyone who comes in way of spreading Baba Gyan. This is nowhere different than other terrorist beliefs.

As this cult is still in under-developed-state, it will take time to show its true color to whole world. And then people will run with no solution as BKWSU will have by then a large army with surplus money to carry on whatever they wish. Remember that nuclear bomb addiction of few BKs which they still beleive & are passing it to younger generation. So, it's not time to talk about Hindu, Christian, this & that but to understand the evil practices of BKWSU & their probable impact in future.

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