Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post05 Sep 2014

learningspirit wrote:Thank you SI for your concern but ... I am not following BKism for many years now. I am not following BK lifestyle.

Perhaps it's some BK supporting ex-member of this forum, e.g. like the user who called himself john morgan or another demi-BK I know. That would explain their personal grudge/fixation on me.

But how can they they hide behind anonymity whilst accusing us of using forum nicknames?

And ask, why the BKs are putting up with such bitter negativity?
learningspirit wrote:by ranking me very low on spiritual index, ex-l is just trying to attack the BKWSU when I have nothing to do with BKWSU. Don't you still get it?

No, learningspirit, it's not me that puts you low on the spiritual index, it's the BKs.

In BK terms, if any individual has taken the 7 Day Course, which that individual has, they are still 'officially' a Brahmin/Deity soul.

However, if they don't follow Shrimat, according to the god of the BKWSU, their spiritual status is very low. Their words and actions are defaming Baba. The less effort they make, and the less they incalculate divine virtues, the lower their spiritual status and consciousness falls until, again in BK terms, they would say something like, "he will only take one birth at the end of the Silver Age or be born a cremator". If they have also left Baba, they are "the lowest of the low".

Cremators are apparently the lowest status in the Gold and Silver Age according to the BKs, a status reserved for BKs who have sex if I remember correctly.

This is all what the BKWSU says, not me. I think it is ridiculous rubbish.

If it is the same individual, their account here was made inactive ... they were not banned ... because they refused to stop post extensive pro-BK related topics, and posted private messages onto the forum to cause disruption. Both are against forum policy (private messages are private).

Needless to say, they never did anything to actually help this forum whilst demanding their rights to do as they pleased and engaged in campaign to discredit this forum ... which remains pretty much the only places for victims of the BKs.

You see, in the beginning we tried to make this an all inclusive forum for all parties as there was no where online even for BKs to discuss openly. Unfortunately, it became impossible to sustain - and boring - because of all the obsessive BKs fighting with the PBKs and so we had to call time on that idea and focus on supporting individuals who wanted to leave the BKWSU, or had been damaged by it.

At the time another forum was started by an ex-PBK for individuals who still wanted to discuss The Knowledge but, for some reason, that was not enough for them. It became irrational and vindictive.

The BK response to the other forum was funny. Despite having no forum of their own at that time, they would not cooperate, join and use it ... presumably because it was not "pure" enough for them or because they don't accept/are afraid/condemn the PBKs.

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post21 Sep 2014

Ah there is a new thread on : Lies used by to promote its anti-BK campaign.
Learning spirit used few posts from here to again go against BKism.
Save Innocents wrote:Exercise is not a part of BK life. Exercises in all their form & types are considered "Dehadhyaas" by BKWSU which is meant only for impure worldly people".

learning spirit wrote:A person that makes such a claim either knows very little about BK, or is deliberately lying. Since the beginning of BK at the 1930s, BKs always had the practice to do physical exercises and always considered it to be good and healthy, and they still do.

I think learning spirit does not follow BKism strictly or he just denies everything that exposes it. I, myself, discussed this topic with some considerably old BKs & their reply was that asanas & pranayams are all dehadhyas. Any form of activity that involves more of physical involvement is Dehadhyas. If that is wrong, then it means that the BK was lying to me otherwise you are lying or don't know about it.
SI there is a new member. I found some of SI's posts interesting earlier and even replied to them on this forum. However now I believe that there is some other agenda that SI is driving to promote his beliefs in religion or some other parallel organization. SI's association with BKs is probably a month or so. Many of SI's comments are over the top, irrational and infact only damaging the credibility of BKInfo forum (if any left..).

Yes, i am a new member & lasted in BKism for approx. 1 month in which I never felt myself a BK ever. I am neither BK nor ex-BK nor PBK. Just a commoner with his views & opinions to share with others. The belief I am trying to promote here is that all religions are true & not part of BKWSU which is just copying & misinterpreting them. Second thing I am promoting is humanity, the very base that BKism is eroding & its effects can be seen in those broken families. Next thing I promote are all of those organizations which support Yoga & spirituality in true sense.

Lastly, I am also supporting every anti-violence community like the one you see here. IF you have problem with me, I can only say that there is more peace when you are on right side though everything may appear relative to fundamentalists [& BKism is not based on fundas].

And that credibilty part does not exist in BKism, do they give credit to all religions which have been copied. There is no credit BKWSU ever gave to Admin, ex-l, PP, etc etc of this site who all, I think, worked hard when they were BKs to support it & also when they were out of it, they still showcased all needed changes in BKism. If there is any good changes there that you can see & enjoy, I think its more-than-half credit goes to them but does BKWSU ever acknowledge that?
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post21 Sep 2014

When was started, it was an almost direct copy of this forum. I would argue that it's purpose was to distract people from this forum. And it started by one of the individuals who cooperated in the attempt to shut this website down, even though they knew the legal action was for the PERSONAL benefit of the BK starting. We later discovered they had even married a Brahma Kumaris, probably just for a visa. I've never seen them discuss the ethics of that.

As is the King, so is the kingdom.

He has voiced a personal grudge against me and invested hours of his time databasing my activity and building a search engine for it, guiding other BKs in how to conspire and attack me (facts). He fought for years on the Wikipedia attempting to suppress the truth, even creating absolutely and objective false arguments and accusation.

I would guess you know the technical term for such a soul on the spirit path, Save Innocents?

When this forum was start, it was more neutral and 'ecumenical'. By that I mean it had sub-forums for BK, ex-BK, PBKs and Friends and family of. The idea was we would bring everyone together to discuss the problems and issues relating to the BKWSU, resolve them and provoke reform. As far as the last detail, we may well have done a little - far more than any of the BKs and non-BKs on that forum - continue to make an impact on the BKWSU. Their impact is zero.

After defending ourselves from the BKs attempt to intimidate and crush us, a few years later it because obvious that it was just impossible to have 3 or more groups together and there was too much conflict there, especially between the BKs and PBKs; and ex-PBKs and PBKs.

Unlike the BKWSU, we do not have multi-millions of dollars in the bank account, live off other people's donations and do not an army of free slave labourers, and so the decision was made to split the forum and prioritise ex-BKs, exiting-BKs and Friends and Family of BKs.

A new forum was started for those who wanted to discuss The Knowledge and support the BKs ... the rather conceited BKs refused to cooperate in it because they saw it as "impure". They see the PBKs are being impure and devils - even though they study The Knowledge and follow the same spiritual path, and have conspired to destroy them too. They have even gone as far as kidnapping and beating PBKs, destroying PBK property, making false legal complaints, conspiring in other ways etc.

No, Living Spirit admitted they do not follow Shrimat. From a BK point of view, that gives them very low status. The BKs say, the top souls are those who just follow without question, the second level are those who have to be told or asked and then follow, the bottom and those that don't follow even after they have been told. Devi/Angels, human beings, donkeys.

Now, the question is ... why do the BKs permit such a poor reflection of BKism?

The answer is, I think ... they don't. They don't know what is going on in that forum and it is just this individual BK Simon, the visa marriage BK who allows it out of spite.

The BKs are expert as using others. They say, "The one who does and does through others".

So, just as he know does through other muddying and hiding the truth on the WIkipedia by using others, they allow (use) individuals like Living Spirit to make nasty or irritating comments, to voice their irritation for them.

What Living Spirit does not seem to realise, is that his idiocy makes the BKs look much worse than us ... and drives other BKs away from their forum! (Most BKs don't like negative comments and vibrations).
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post21 Sep 2014

As far as exercise goes, SI, you are absolutely correct. I can tell you the total number of individuals who did exercise at my first centre. That's easy. It was zero. It was zero mainly because we were so busy from 3.30am to 10.30pm following Shrimat, the principles, going to meditation every day at 4 am, class at 6.30 am, going to work, teaching classes, doing service. There was no time and it was looked down upon as indulgent Maya. We had to "grind our bones" in service.

I can go into various historical details about developments, e.g. how it declined after Lekhraj Kirpalani death because at least Lekhraj Kirpalani had them doing stuff like marching (!!!) and they went for the odd walk in the hills, and also the fights Western BKs had to go through to get healthy food etc.

The numbers of times I saw the Seniors do exercise? Easy.


Unthinkable and impure as you say. That's why there are so many obese ones.

It's easy for Learning Spirit to prove us wrong, just show us where it say so, show us where in the daily schedule and how much or what, do a survey of BKs centres and ask them how many do it etc. Find out what proportion are overweight and obese too.

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post22 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote: I would guess you know the technical term for such a soul on the spirit path, Save Innocents?

Its pathbhrasht. Those who after knowing what is relatively right & wrong, what can harm or uplift others, etc still resort to perverted means to attain some relative selfish motives are termed Pathbhrasht. Literally, spirituality see every living being as pure soul & nothing else. But that vision for such people can just create a bigger illusion. One has to be very wise while using all these visions in different contexts.
When was started, it was an almost direct copy of this forum.

And this cannot be work of a sage or seer. :D
I would argue that it's purpose was to distract people from this forum. And it started by one of the individuals who cooperated in the attempt to shut this website down, even though they knew the legal action was for the PERSONAL benefit of the BK starting.

And that website still reflects the insecurities BKs face & newcomers go through while being a BK. What is the purpose of that site if all Didis are so expert in all ways, hm? Their main intention remains widely open. Hide that too, and it would turn into a much bigger illusion like their centers.
As far as the last detail, we may well have done a little - far more than any of the BKs and non-BKs on that forum - continue to make an impact on the BKWSU. Their impact is zero.

I would disagree here. It impact is huge. It keeps newcomers within prescribed limits & thus prepares a huge follower or fanbase on net. In one or the other way, it will add some donations indirectly, & it is an impact, right?
They have even gone as far as kidnapping and beating PBKs, destroying PBK property, making false legal complaints, conspiring in other ways etc.

That sounds too spiritual to digest. :D Very karmateet people.
Devi/Angels, human beings, donkeys.

hahaha. So, those web BKs are....
They don't know what is going on in that forum and it is just this individual BK Simon, the visa marriage BK who allows it out of spite.

Na na, they know it very much. That gives them an up-to-date information of current status of BKism in folowers views. It appears to be group initiative rather than an individual's..
See Learning spirit, i hardly make an initiation or an open comment. It is just reflection on different posts.

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post22 Sep 2014

...we were so busy from 3.30am to 10.30pm following Shrimat, the principles, going to meditation every day at 4 am, class at 6.30 am, going to work, teaching classes, doing service.

Wait a minute ... so you were also a BK teacher. If it is so, why BKs still disbelieve what you expose or tell about BKism. It would appear very open & direct to them, they know it all. So why do they hide facts, at least in front of you?

As far as exercise goes, even I never saw any one doing exercise in my one month of BKism. It may be possible that teachers (Didis) remain so busy throughout day, but even followers never did any exercise. I guess it is given as homework. He he.

On the first day, when i entered that red light area of BK center to do their kind of Yoga, a record started playing, it had some instructions which involved physicality like stand up, stretch your arms to call your Baba blah blah blah, i followed it but Didi at center peeped into the Yoga session, smiled at my foolishness of doing that activity ditto according to instructions, & then asked me to sit down & to start imagining. So, your own Didi refrain of any physical exercise, how do you interpret that, LS?
The numbers of times I saw the Seniors do exercise? Easy. Zero

Don't mention that. It is very clear from their size-zero figures. :D They could barely make a Padmasana or half padmasana. They are beyond exercises. Or may be mental exercises are enough, they must be imagining (visualizing) some most difficult exercise that no one can ever imagine. You never know the mysterious efforts which keeps them effortless.

So, here I am concluding whole BKism in one line through an Indian saying- Bkism is similar to
" Sau chuhe kha kar billi haj ko chali" i.e., Cat set to go on Haj (pilgrimage) after eating 100 rats.

After fooling hundreds of followers, Didis and Dadis are all set to become pure & transform themselves. Cat should definitely get a credit for her last effort, right?

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post22 Sep 2014

Book related to "Is this Justice?" exposes everything regarding BKWSU which was formerly known as Om Mandli. LS, save yourself or wait for some more future births, you will yourself expose BKism. It has always been that way, a wrong things ends itself. A cult would get destroyed by its own followers only. If it is destroyed by others outsiders, there will remain a hope for its rejuvenation but in former case, it ends completely. So, wait for that moment, it can be 2036 if Dadis remain unsuccessful in complete brainwashing of their followers about destruction theory.

You may be thinking, LS, that why I am so much opposed to BKism. Even I don't know, it's some karmic connection. Just purely circumstantial. And there are many other cults too but why only this cult's member (or my friend) targeted me, it can also be a circumstance. So, consider my stay or opinions as circumstances.

I do not have any personal grudge against BKWSU. Turn it into a good one, a helping institute, many who are opposing will support. For this to happen, first thing BKWSU needs to do is to expose itself, accept its flaws & then vow never to repeat it ever. I have almost finished my role (in your so called drama) here. Let's see what is restored in future.

Now, I am going to watch Kung-Fu Panda, legend of awesomeness. Enjoy yourself.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post23 Sep 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Wait a minute ... so you were also a BK teacher. If it is so, why BKs still disbelieve what you expose or tell about BKism. It would appear very open & direct to them, they know it all. So why do they hide facts, at least in front of you?

No idea, except that they are very immature, unstable souls and, in the case of Learningspirit, not even following Shrimat. That means they are not realised at all, just egotistical spiritual posers who don't want to look in the mirror, see themselves as they are, and be criticised for it.

Yes, I taught BKism and I was part of the international Murli translation team for a while. At that time it was incredibly boring and painful to do as the Murlis were 4 or 5 pages long repetitive rabbles. It's probably why I remember so clearly. It all had to be done by hand using cassette tapes.
{quote]On the first day, when i entered that red light area of BK center to do their kind of Yoga, a record started playing, it had some instructions which involved physicality like stand up, stretch your arms to call your Baba blah blah blah ...[/quote]
That is new and nothing to do with BKism. It's probably stuff from a kids class or something they have adopted from New Agey teachers. It is not Yoga either, just stretching.

Why would you stretch your arms to Baba ... where do they think he is? Amazing the crap they are getting up to now.

In my day, most of these BKs would not be consider full BKs and someone like learningspirit would be looked down upon with pity for not realising the importance of this time and surrendering. He would be sidelined and a bit of an embarrassment. And certainly, he nastiness would no be tolerated. If he spoke like he does on that forum, he would have been asked to leave and then locked out of the centre. It happened.

Which makes me ask again, why do the BKs in that forum tolerate him? It's because they enjoy what he expresses. So how spiritual does that make them?

BKism is a farce. It's declined so much. It's just a business now.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post23 Sep 2014

Oh, I just wanted to tell you a joke, Save Innocents.

Strictly speaking, I am probably their Senior! All of them. Only Pink Panther here is my senior.

And, if you believe in BKism, my Yoga is more accurate than theirs because my intellect is purer. I have a clearer knowledge of the truth of BKism! I was never into all the lies, deceit and bullsh** marketing even as a BK.

They will go mad when they read that but, you see, the evidence proves it because I was the one who was attracted by their Krishna to discover real truths about the BKism in the early days. Now they follow me.

Their Baba uses the analogy of a needle being pulled through a fine cloth by a magnet. That is not a new spiritual metaphor, it is a traditional one he has borrowed. The needle is the intellect and in order for it to be pulled by the truth, it must be free of all rust and corrosion or impurities.

Why was not one of them pulled to discovered the truth? It is because it is not their nature. Like attracts like. Their intentions are not pure and you can see this in their activities.

They are not truth seekers. They attack the truth and want to harm, cover up or destroy it. They are, in short, the devils according to the traditional stories of the activities of Krishna.

Or, in the case of the PBKs, they say their are a less pure strains within BKism active attempting to control it, e,g, Islamic or Christian tendency etc. It seems to work as a metaphor.

Spirituality is taught at all level. What the BKs don't like to realise is, that despite all their pomp, wealthy and grandeur, they are still in the beginner classes of the kindergarten.

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post23 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote : And, if you believe in BKism, my Yoga is more accurate than theirs because my intellect is purer.

I think it hold true for every ex-BK, I cannot comment on PBKs though. Any person who is morally tight & ethically upright cannot stay in that business for a very very long time.

And they may not accept you as senior, you know why? Followers are even asked to sideline Didis & Brothers involved in teaching & not to take them as perfect ones. They all are still learning, so every next BK thinks himself to be senior than other. There is no specific criterion of seniority there. Only Dadis are considered Seniors & it depends on their partial selection of a follower to be credited with seniority. As far as I have seen they announce the 'karmateet states' for those who died, a living karmateet follower is rare.

And you are probably right, these kindergarten kids are very uncontrollable.

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post23 Sep 2014

Apology to LS for misquoting statement of "Easy Meditation related to SI". One of the above posts mentions:
learning spirit wrote:A person that makes such a claim either knows very little about BK, or is deliberately lying. Since the beginning of BK at the 1930s, BKs always had the practice to do physical exercises and always considered it to be good and healthy, and they still do.

It is a big mistake, I accept it & this above comment was of Easy Meditation, not of Learning spirit. Take it easy LS. Both of you write so similar that it appears you are not at all different users.
well I could only laugh at their naivety on all of this...

Yeah sure, do that loudly so that everyone can hear. Dumb, we are not deceivers but you do not get it or do you?

And rest of SI's comment were directly related to LS but he did not get it.

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post23 Sep 2014

LS, EM ... A thread on : Explanation of Dadis arrival is creating utter confusion among followers. So, I would offer them simple answers which they can use to fool their followers or questioning souls:
    1) Tell them that soul was present in boy's body as well in Dadi's body. Soul of boy multiplied or just got divided into two parts by Shiv babas power. [but they may ask questions like soul cannot be divided, so how was that possible....]

    2) Or say that as BKism say that atma is nothing but combination of buddhi, man & sanskaars. So, buddhi & sanskaars remained in boy while mind travelled to Dadi. It looks good, right? If they again ask question that you are diving soul into two parts, tell them that there is nothing new in this division, we do it all the time. During our BK RajYoga, we divide soul first, sending mind to Paramdham & remaining part of buddhi, sanskaars remains here. Its good one, na? OK OK stop praising me for such a good attempt. :D

    3) If they ask more questions, tell them that the boy died few days ago & Dadi's soul which was in boy has got another birth. So, everyone must wait till next trance.

    4) Don't say it is drama or Baba's wish, it sounds stupid.
Also don't say that it can be a miracle of Baba. That solution can work for illiterates & those net BKs appear sort of educated. BTW, there are no miracles in world.

How & on whom miracle theme works? Understand it this way. Suppose a chemist takes two beakers full with two transparent chemicals & pours them in a third beaker in front of some villagers & the mixture (or rather compound) exhibits color. So, chemist call it his miracle, power & can fool vilager. See, if it works there, continue otherwise it seems very senseless prediction.

Numerous stories can be made. BKs Didis & bros are expert in that. But your followers want something logical.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post23 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote:Strictly speaking, I am probably their Senior! All of them. Only Pink Panther here is my senior.

Erm excuse me! (only joking).
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post23 Sep 2014

Mr Green wrote:... erm excuse me! only joking

Oh, Mr Green is absolutely correct. One properly surrendered Brother trumps two part-time Pandavs.

Yes, I forgot we have an ex-surrendered Brother in our midst.

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