Stupidity of so called Seniors

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post19 Sep 2014

Apologies to all dogs worldwide. Yes, I mean't that term in the 2nd meaning ... just a saying, not actual. I agree, dogs are all the above and certainly bring a lot of love, joy, and happiness into your life ... opposite to the BK Didi's, Seniors etc!!

They make your life 'the ocean of Sorrow'!! ... As they do not have 'Purity of Heart' ... they are full with impure motives and Intentions!! ... like devils!! ... maybe a good 'treatment' for them all is to put them in a big Dog Kennel Compound for a few months, and they can see and learn for themselves what true "Spiritual University' is! ... for Dog's ... Unconditional Love and Acceptance lives here ... get some Real Humility into 'em. WOOF WOOF WOOF! ... and will do them good to only eat dog food and run around and play with the dogs, and I mean it!, that way they can loose some weight and get a bit fit at it ... Om Shanti

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post19 Sep 2014

Ah ... It express terrible grief in a humorous way ... Yes, I agree. Though rarely but even if dog bites, you will get cured with only, 14 injections. But if BK Seniors bites, it is incurable. It will be a wound for the life time.
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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post19 Sep 2014

quantum wrote:Apologies to all dogs worldwide. Yes, I mean't that term in the 2nd meaning

There's an evolutionary theory that we monkeys actually learned many of the higher quality of unconditional love and loyalty from dogs as we evolved together.

There are many case, even in the wild, of the two species interacting.

BKs see themselves as superior to the rest of humanity and the animal kingdoms, and tend not to interact so well with them. Pets are a difficult issue and generally seen as impure. At best a distraction, at worst an obstacle.

But I've have never heard of a BK being told to kill their pet in the same way as, for example, I've heard of new pregnant BK women being told to have an abortion and kill their child. Fact.

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post19 Sep 2014

kmanaveen wrote:Also, his parents have seen him in deep depression and for them he might be better a BK than a depressed person.

True. And if I tell anything which goes against his wishes, it might create more problems. Till then, the best solution appears to leave him on his own situation. He got that depression 6 years back & is well out of it to large extent. After going to BK centers, he gained that egotistic confidence that you all might be aware of. Recently, he was brutally beaten & robbed by few drunkards due to his actions done on account of that over-confidence & carelessness. Thinking like, "I have Baba who will protect me" often takes him into traps, still he is taking it seriously.

Whatever it may be, i think it is his life, so he can do anything he wants & i or anyone else do not stand in his way. But just thinking about his parents sometimes put a big question whether i should do something or just keep on watching him getting ruined by BKs.
ex-l wrote:We really need to make a simple leaflet people can download and print out to give to 'friends and family of' to protect themselves, or individuals being enculted into the Brahmakumaris in order to warn them, wake them up again.

That would be a good one. But add one more which is bit light in approach for BKs who do not know about BKism. There are several things which he definitely does not know about BKism & its trap.
It's a very difficult call to make. In my opinion, the BKs are exploiting his depression and will slowly cook him into becoming a BK and utterly and unquestioningly surrender to them.

Actually ex-l, he has already been exploited, now it is the turn of his family. He forced his family members too to take that 7 day course. That depression is a past event & now he is almost surrendered to them. You say one thing against BKism & his expression changes to worst. Not only this, he had also asked many other friends to go BK centers with him for their 7 days course, most of them leave but few who have never expressed themselves, of introvert nature, get into that trap.

Presently, BKs must be thinking of drawing some part of his salary.
I would say that his new found eating disorder is a symptom that the BK virus is getting deep into him. They tell him he cannot eat your food because you are impure and your (or cooks) vibrations will pull him down.

Yes, it is so with him too. Once I offered him drink (soft drink- Sprite), & he refused to drink & added that it is a toilet purifier & I have stopped having such food habits. At that time, I just smiled to make him feel comfortable but it was really not a good thing to do on his part. Though I still do not see his fault, his actions are completely according to those BK instruction, so he is least responsible for the same.


Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post20 Sep 2014

WOW ... there is no low too low for BK Didi's/Dadi's, Seniors!

As you said ex-l, they see themselves as superior to all other life forms, but in reality their delusions of superiority actually are their most serious downfall. This is why they are incapable of normal human emotions and interactions.

They have deluded themselves so much that even society's laws are beneath them, they make up the rules according to their own impure and selfish intellects, and complete brainwashing from the entity Shiv Baba in the Murlis. I, too, know of a new pregnant BK woman who had a 'forced abortion' under the Instructions of Didi Nirmala (BK Hardick)!! Children were considered unfavorable to have for several reasons that I have heard of ...

Baba says in the Murli's that children of kaliyuga are 'scorpions and snakes'. Vicious and impure and born of sex lust. This brainwashing is passed onto all BKs and they are vulnerable to succumb to the dominating personality of Seniors.

But, in this case, Didi Nirmala would also be not wanting 'another mouth to feed' etc. She viewed a new baby also as an obstacle, taking up a lot of the parents' or family's time and money, which she would want both to be spent within BKWSU. How many other mothers have aborted their babies under the instructions of these despicable Seniors?? Disposable like a used paper bag!

And what are these mothers' feeling about those actions now? Especially if they have left and got their right senses back?! Are they feeling sadness of their loss for listening to the Didi's etc? Are they feeling guilt, or grief for the loss their child, based on foolish beliefs of a Cult and dominance of Cult leaders? ... Are there any mothers who are able to share their experience out there? ... Silent tears are shed for the lost unborn Injustices ...

In the real world, where real people live, it's called murder ...!


Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post20 Sep 2014

Kumar(with lots of numbers), you are very funny re your last post about dog bites! Only 14 injections needed! ... hahahahaha ... what sort of dog's are you thinking off? ...

In many countries we have them as pets, and they don't bite their owner/family. They are adorable, love unconditionally, and always care about you and protect you and your family. They teach you and change you just by being ...

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post20 Sep 2014

Instructing to kill a "helpless" unborn child is a gruesome act. Is it not a mark of weakness to abort a being in such way, that too to pursue some stupid motives?

Didis cannot see other women, having child, coming to their center & that may be one reason for such instructions. Yes quantum, you are right.. it is murder. It is called Manah Panchendriya Jivahatya.

And what are its after effects? Absence of apathy from others towards them when they will be in need & helpless situations in future births.

These senior BKs are much junior in several aspects of humanity and yet, externally, they keep on giving advice on how to develop a good relation between parents & children. Why? When they do not like the concept of having a kid in the first place & consider them as product of sinful acts, they should rather displace all followers who are born through sex with some cloned beings. And first to replace should be the top octet of BKism hierarchy.
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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post21 Sep 2014

quantum wrote:In this case, Didi Nirmala would also be not wanting 'another mouth to feed' etc. She viewed a new baby also as an obstacle, taking up a lot of the parents' or family's time and money, which she would want both to be spent within BKWSU.

The Brahmakumari leadership is exceptionally secretive and their attention is focused on public image, which they call "service", and total control of their adherents. But not even the most evil intelligence is able to control so many individuals totally and leaks always happen.

To come to know and understanding them, you have to be patient and observant. You see, they are based on the Bhaiband business model and two of its traditions were secrecy - they used to use the Amil to keep secret accounts in a language only they knew to cheat the tax man and avoid other Bhaiband learning how successful their business was - but also tightness together. To become a "Bhai" you had to work like a slave for years until you were accepted, during which time they enculturated you into their ways.

Please study the culture and sociology and if I am wrong, come back and criticise me. Not Sindhi culture, but Bhaiband culture. The BK leadership just swopped submissive Hindu Gujeratis for Amils but run their business in a very similar way .. the way Lekhraj Kirpalani knew and taught them.

So, now we have cases of the Brahma Kumaris encouraging women to have abortions in Europe, India, Australia ... and I will bet it has happened in America - if for no other reason what one of the American BKWSO leaders - Hands Raval - left her own infant child behind to join and rise within the BKWSO AND encourage other BKs to leave their children, dumping them with their mother until they were full grown ... and then trying to pull them in.

A pattern emerges as we know that Lekhraj Kirpalani even had his daughter dump her infant with her ex-husband, and there is the mysterious case of the death of Dadi Janki's child. Dadi Janking being so unhappy in her marriage and wanting to escape back to her "Lucky Prince" and "Krishna" Kirpalani.*

The fact that it keep emerging all over the world proves it is one of their hidden and secret policies because no sister-in-charge can do anything without running to the telephone to take Shrimat from the Seniors.

Where do they document such hidden policies they call Shrimat?

(* And, remember, there was no God Shiva when Dadi Janki ran back to the arms of Lekhraj Kirpalani, there was only God Brahma).

We go to the essence of the cult, the 60 or 70 uneducated girls and women who were left at the end of 20 years of seclusion, refused to read newspapers or other religious texts, refused to watch movies, under no other influence than Lekhraj Kirpalani and his rambling which Quantum correctly documents portraying children as "Scorpions and snakes" or "flies" taking one birth and then dying; lust (the penis) as a sword, and loving making as a double murder, the greatest betrayal (of him), and love makers (except for him) impure outcasts etc etc etc.

What young, impressionable women would want to give birth to a scorpion or a snake?

And these are the elderly virgin crones now giving women family and child advice?

For the BKs, it's all just about economic. Money. To have a child costs the equivalent of, say, $150,000 to grow up and 1,000s and 1,000s of hours of work and attention. They want that money, work and attention. They cult has grown so quickly because they have obstructed their women from naturally having children ... and set out to steal fully grown ones from other families by targeting, e.g. students and young people.

The $150,000 and 1,000s of hours of free labour goes instead into their bank account to be spent on ... just what? Acquiring property to keep them in, fame (power and influence) to ensure their future security, business connections via flying business class and putting on events in 4 and 5 star hotels networking etc etc etc.

And they call it "world service".

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post21 Sep 2014

SI wrote:Instructing to kill a "helpless" unborn child is a gruesome act. Is it not a mark of weakness to abort a being in such way, that too to pursue some stupid motives? Yes, quantum, you are right ... it is murder. It is called Manah Panchendriya Jivahatya.

They have not "found" their soul. In fact, they have "lost" it.

f BK Seniors (especially center in-charges) are are the creation of GOD. I will say that it is the worst ever GOD's creation so far, and never after.

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post23 Sep 2014

So, is this type of service, Seniors in BKWSU ask for? I think nothing has really changed except the faces, earlier same thing Lekhraj did with girls, now these male BKs are doing same with juniors boys who surrender themselves for service or seva. Lekhraj was a bit better, at least he never did all those shameful acts with boys. And ex-l i think you were bit correct about that homo-pleasure part. There may be many in BKWSU due to/for that. Well, its none of my business.

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