Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

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Mr Green


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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post19 Jun 2014

haha hugger mugger very good leonard

Save Innocents

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post29 Jun 2014

During the 7 Days Course, when the BK was telling me about The Cycle of time, I asked her about end of Sangamyug & thus year in which Satyug is going to start. She was .... silent. Then I started calculated myself according to data that she was referring from her book of 7 Day Course. At last it came out to be somewhere near 2030 to 2040.

I asked her that is it so that we will see Golden Palaces as you say in after this time period & you know what was her answer.

It was ...... silence.

    1) She do not believe in whole theory herself.
    2) She knew nothing about Destruction, gold palace, etc is happening by 2040s.
    3) Her expression reflected that she is stuck in that institute but can not do anything about it.
    4) She was not ready for such questions from a newcomer within 2 days of joining.
    5) More efforts are required to convince newcomers.
    6) Destruction theory (i.e. indirectly removing the timespan of Sangamyug is better) is likely to be removed from their book used for giving 7 Days Course.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post29 Jun 2014

You are obviously very clear seeing Save Innocents. I think you've struck the nail on the head many times in your comment.
    Yes, the Golden Age is meant to start by 2036.
    Yes, it's creation is obviously behind schedule. Destruction should have happened by 1986 and construction should be happening like crazy now.

    Yes, most BK teachers are trapped and have nothing else to do. They cannot leave as they have nothing. The BK have stolen their dowries. They have no skills, no education and no family. It would be hard for them to marry.
It's a good question to ask if they actually believe any more or are just going through the motions having to keep new students coming in, in order to feed them and provide support for the centres.

Yes, they have already removed mention of Destruction in the 7 Days Course from many countries in the West (although in my day we used to teach it directly).

ex-bk Jan

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post30 Jun 2014

Save Innocents and ex-l, to be silent was a good answer given by BK Sister. That was one of method teaching. I can tell you the truth, not one of the senior can tell the truth. They give the answer with smile and 'no answer'. Make it mystery, interesting and fun to attract people to follow.

Who is really innocent, stupid, idiot and victim?

Save Innocents

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post01 Jul 2014

ex BK jan wrote:Who is really innocent, stupid, idiot and victim?

None other than those dumb followers who forget to use their intellect & surrender to someone they really don't know.

Infact, they are not shifting from destruction theory, they have shifted completely from the destruction theory. Post queries on one site that goes like : & you will get to know all happening there in BKWSU.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post16 Sep 2014

Destruction becomes Transformation ... become Great Transformation!!! What can we expect in 20 years time ... Super, Great, Global, Universal, Supreme Transformation? When will the BK finally run out of hyperboles?

Did they let on 7,000,000,000 humans are going to die?

Usual business of signing up VIP and well meaning non-BK individuals without a clue at what the BKs' real agenda is.
Press Release and Photos of Great Transformation Project Launching at Talkatora Stadium - Delhi

15 September 2014

Press Release

"Change Attitude to Change Atmosphere. Time Is Now For Individual & World Transformation Through Spiritual Power"- Dadi Hriday Mohini

" Character Building Key To Nation Building"- Mr. L. K. Advani

" Protect Women To Protect Society"- Mrs. Maneka Gandhi

New Delhi, Sept.12: The National Launching of a Mega Project titled "It is Time to Receive God's Power for Great Transformation" was held in a public program organized by the Brahma Kumaris Institution at Talkatora Stadium here last evening.

Blessing the function, Rajyogini Dadi Hridaya Mohini, Addl. Chief of Brahma Kumaris said that the key to change the current atmosphere of tension, hatred, conflicts and violence is to bring positive and healthy changes in one's attitude.

She said that for such attitudinal transformation, development of inner powers through daily practice of spiritual knowledge and RajYoga Meditation is essential. Now is the time for such individual transformation which can lead to world transformation, she stressed.

Save Innocents

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post17 Sep 2014

I think the Big Bang collisions trials in LHC or other such experiments & a newly proposed theory by Stephen Hawking about destruction through collisions is a good material for BKWSU. They can use it for introducing fear among BKs.

Like - "The next experiment & it will end everything".

If we analyze the way Galaxies function, destruction appears definite but after millions years. At the center is a super massive black-hole which is engulfing Suns or stars at rate of thousands or lakhs stars per second. And this hole is pulling whole Galaxy towards itself. So, one day when our Solar system will come closer within Schwarzschild radius, it will end up becoming one with Black hole. But cool down, it is million years & countless light years apart. No need to hurry, enjoy yourself.

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post17 Sep 2014

[quote-"ex-I"]Did they let on 7,000,000,000 humans are going to die? Usual business of signing up VIP and well-meaning non-BK individuals without a clue at what the BKs' real agenda is.[/quote]
May be for the outsiders or non-bks they are offering, some different dish but the recipe is same. Once the individuals are hooked the authentic Murli focuses on complete destruction only.

This is a piece from today's Murli describing complete destruction.
Date :17.09.14 (Sakar Vani)

When destruction takes place, all the tall buildings will fall. Previously, they did not make such tall buildings. When the bombs are released, the buildings will fall like a pack of cards. This doesn't mean that only those in the buildings will die and that others will still remain. No, wherever they are, whether they are at sea, on land, in the sky, on the mountains or flying, everyone will be destroyed. This is the old world. All the 8.4 million species will end. There, in the new world, none of this will remain. There won't be so many human beings or mosquitoes or germs and insects etc.

I would like to take the initiative of extracting those Murli points which are related to destruction (others are also expected to contribute) and request all sensible BKs / Ex-Bks / Non BKs / family and friends of BKs to focus on such points which often come in Murlis, based on which the young adherents takes the drastic decision of throwing away their lives, like many of us done it before.

Through this website, we learned that such warnings are coming in the Murlis since beginning of BKWSU but nothing has happened as predicted by them. The faithful BKs of those days are no-where now.
SI wrote:But cool down, it is million years & countless light years apart. No need to hurry, enjoy yourself.

Thanks SI. Of course we will.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post17 Sep 2014

... And put a little aside for your healthcare and old age.

The BK Empire is based on stolen dowries and squandered pension funds.

When the BK EMpire collapses, which it will one day under it own wealth and unsustainable economics, there will be a lot of homeless beggars left.

Already in the West such BKs who gave their lives to the BKWSU are ending up in government funded residences and care homes ... so the government and tax payers are paying for the BK irresponsibility.

I'd like to see any BK explain how the BKs plan to take care of all their old. They simply wont ... they will drop them, send them back to the family they destroyed, or expect the governments to pick up the pieces.

Correct me if I am wrong.


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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post17 Sep 2014

Ex-I, during your time as a BK, how did your BK peers feel/react when they realised that predictions on 'Destruction' had failed ? Did their perception about the BKs change even a bit? And how exactly did the BKs cover up their glitch ... just by renaming and reinterpreting Destruction as 'Transformation' ? did not that raise more doubts in the minds of the adherents?
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post17 Sep 2014

I was a member in the early 1980s. Thank God I extracted myself before 1986 and I was not in touch with BKs during that time time, from 1986 to 1996.

At the time, you were very much 'in' or 'out' and if you left it was as if you died. You were a failure and, of course, frightening for committed BKs as many of them wished they could leave and not get up at 4am every day too. It was far more like the marine corp then! These days half the so called BKs are slackers and would not even be considered BK back then.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how they reacted during the 1986 to 1996 period, however, I do know they had another flush of silliness around Year 2000. If anyone else can say, please do.

During my time there was NO mention of 1976, it had been completely removed and absolutely no mention of the Prajapati God Brahma, 20 years of no Shiva and 1950 or WWII as Destruction.

Dadi Janki, who knew all about it, lied to, manipulated and deceived us outright. And probably even did to the likes of Jayanti too. The foundation of the BKWSU in the West was based on lies and cemented by Robert Shubow abd Jagdish Chander's fantasy book, Adi Dev which came out at that time.

And Janki has the audacity to sit in public these days and say "She had never told a lie".

She is the incarnation of lie.

I am sorry, I have no idea if people were trembling all the way through 1986, asking questions or doubting afterwards. I have no idea if it led to more people leaving and losing all they had invested at the 1976 failure did. But I think that intoxicated BKs are so gullible that even if they knew, they would work out some excuse for it or copy their leaders, e.g. blame themselves for not making enough efforts. 10 years is a long time to adopt to waiting.

Can anyone else comment?

Save Innocents

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post17 Sep 2014

in today's Murli as posted by Kumar it is wrote:When destruction takes place, all the tall buildings will fall. Previously, they did not make such tall buildings. When the bombs are released, the buildings will fall like a pack of cards. This doesn't mean that only those in the buildings will die and that others will still remain. No, wherever they are, whether they are at sea, on land, in the sky, on the mountains or flying, everyone will be destroyed. This is the old world. All the 8.4 million species will end. There, in the new world, none of this will remain. There won't be so many human beings or mosquitoes or germs and insects etc.

ha ha ha :D

I thought their theory on end of world has met its end. It is like they are still trying to keep a dead one alive. Wake up Dadi, you may not have many years left to see these predictions coming true. And I think those 8.4 billion species, germs, bacteria will be replaced by BK Didis, yes, only Didis & no followers. All Didis head count more than 16,000 so hardly any place left for followers.

Kumar, is it really today's Murli ?????????
ex-l wrote:She is the incarnation of lie.

Right. But I guess she will wise up in her next incarnation considering the pain she might have to go through as result of her paap karmas aggregation of this birth.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post17 Sep 2014

It one thing to be a liar. It's another to be a liar and say you are not. It's far worse to do it all in the name of god and service.

The 8.4 million species of life idea comes from the Padma Purana. It says there are nine hundred thousand (9 lakh) types of acquatics, 2 million (20 lakh) types of plants and trees, 1.1 million types of insects, a million types of birds, 3 million types of animal bodies and 400,000 types of human bodies ... and the soul journeys within a cycle through all species.

Why would the BK god quote a purana?

How will life work without bacteria?

Bacteria on Earth form a mass of life which exceeds that of all plants and animals put together. They are vital for life to exist.

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post18 Sep 2014

Already in the West such BKs who gave their lives to the BKWSU are ending up in government funded residences and care homes ... so the government and tax payers are paying for the BK irresponsibility.

Would like to hear more about them, or may I have any contact of these BKs.
I'd like to see any BK explain how the BKs plan to take care of all their old. They simply wont ... they will drop them, send them back to the family they destroyed, or expect the governments to pick up the pieces

PBKIVV has started an old age home for elderly BKs in ABU. I have heard the deposit is Rs. 10,00,000/- though I am not sure. I will confirm and inform accordingly.

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post08 Oct 2014

It's destruction again ...

Murli point datd ... 08.10.2014:

The old world definitely has to become new again. The old world definitely has to be destroyed.

Through rain, people can even die: when there are floods, so many people drown. The Father now continues to explain: None of those lands will remain. Natural calamities will also help. So many human beings and animals get carried away in the flow. It is not that they become pure with that water, but the bodies just flow away.

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