Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post16 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:Yes, Kumar, an ever forthcoming Destruction has certainly just been a stick and we certainly need more honesty about it.

The stick is actually a hope for 90% of the surrender ones. The rest 10% are the leaders who are riding the BK cart using this stick.

The poor 90% are contented that it’s a matter of few years only. If the leadership honestly accept the reality and open it to the world, no one will even think of surrendering their lives for this depressing type of life style. Whenever the national disasters happens they feel happy that they got a signal of forthcoming destruction. This is the only happiness for them.
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post16 Sep 2014

Do you mean a "hope" because it is their only escape from BKism?

Yes, I think the leaders are just using the stick consciously because they need to keep followers enslaved to provide them with food and lodgings.

If they had any ethics and integrity they would tell the truth ... and admit their doubts.


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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post17 Sep 2014

During research I found out that the essence of Murli, blessings or slogan was invented or created by Dadi Manmohini.

A BK senior told me that Dadi Manmohini was so clever in doing it and her idea is preserved till today.


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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post18 Sep 2014

Because of your work here I am sure, BKs released 3 original Murlis today:
Sakar Murli 15-04-1968.pdf
(452.92 KiB) Downloaded 878 times

Satguruwar Night Class-04-04-1968.pdf
(296.36 KiB) Downloaded 854 times

Sakar Murli 18-09-1967.pdf
(738.14 KiB) Downloaded 829 times

Good work
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post18 Sep 2014

All clubs generally work out the same ... the end up governed by a "committee" who generally are not the best, the most enlightened, or the most intelligent or ethics. They are just the ones who stuck it out for the longest, who do not have anything else going on in their lives, and who, ultimately, end up serving themselves. Lekhraj Kirpalani was right to want to shut it down is Destruction failed in 1976.

Getting goodness out of the BKWSU is like getting blood or even light out of a stone. Ultimately, it might be possible but it goes entirely against their nature.

They are dumbing down the Murlis to one line slogan, or one page summaries, to suit the level of their followers ... and keeping the followers at that level. Where anyone tries to raise that level ... they try and attack them, then suppress them, then try and ignore them ... and then, when all that fails, borrow and adopt their ideas, as per the PBKs' ideas.
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post18 Sep 2014

Originally they posted them to world leaders, then they realised it was crap and tried to hide it from the likes of the the Daily Mirror. Some of those Murli points are pretty extreme.

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post20 Sep 2014

I was thinking about exposing Murli writers & proving that they are not words of God & there is no Shiv Baba or god entering or exiting BK Gulzar.

If their Shiv Baba is god & knower of infintite knowledge as BKWSU propagates, then language must not be barrier for him. Most of the basic Murlis are written using English words, Hindi, Sanskrit (more in modified form which lacks grammar completely) & may be some Sindhi words too. Then these Murlis are converted in different languages by respective members of different countries involved in BKWSU.

So, first question is that why the base Murli always come out in that fixed language. Is there even a single Murli which has its original version in some other language & then converted back in Hindi or other languages?

Secondly, why does Gulzar never speak in different language, other than Hindi, in her so called trance state? If god enters her body & she loses all her control, then god should express the pathetic Gyan in other languages too. But it is not so. She always speak Hindi + some English words (whole speech is pre-decided & quite repetitive).

I also heard that Gulzar does not remember anything when she comes out of trance. It seems to be an excuse for her failure to memorize each & everything said or written in Murlis. People would line up to ask several question like why she said so, what was its meaning, etc etc. Do you think Gulzar or other Seniors can tell you exactly what was written in some Murli dated xyz? I guess ... No ... they do not remember & do not want to remember. They would only remember the controversial Murlis & their dates, might be possible.

How many languages does/did money-addicted Gulzar, that useless Radhe & the pride-addicted Lekhraj know?


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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post04 Oct 2014

Also affected BK can find some links to original scanned Hindi Murlis with destruction 1976 references at http://www.moreaboutbrahmakumaris.org . Click on God and Destruction in menu and go to Predictions 1976.

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post07 Oct 2014

OMG ... :shock:

Thanks leonard for the link.

'The World Renewal' and BK Shivani on Destruction.

The World Renewal magazine referenced a 1976 destruction in the December 1971 issue, page 40. The World Renewal, official organ of BKWSU, with a wide circulation among the faithful, was edited at the time by spokesperson BK Jagdish, with BK Nirwair as managing editor.

"Godfather Shiva has revealed that the destruction will take place within the next five years as follows:-

1. There will be civil wars, communal riots.

2. Nuclear war

3. Natural calamities like floods, drought, famine etc.

So God Father Shiva has now directed His children to throw a challenge that the world will undergo a transformation within the next 5 years. Believe it or not but it will be soon"."

However, popular TV spokesperson BK Shivani has stirred the pot recently by giving 'destruction' a different spin,telling the world that this event, often referenced tellingly by God, will be just a transitional 'flow'. Shivani said in an interview:

'We are going through a world transformation, not world destruction. It’s already happening. People are taking care of their health, their well-being. That is Satyug. In Satyug, people will be healthy, wealthy and wise. The key factor to bring out this change is taking responsibility for one’s own life. Hundred per cent responsibility. No blaming anyone else. As samskars (conditioning) change, sansar (world) will change. It will be a gradual ongoing process. We won’t ever come to know the precise moment of the shift. It is just like morning shading into afternoon, evening and night – it flows'.


How long will they go like this ...?

I really think what will be BKWSU after next 100 years or so..?

May be at that time Dada Lekhraj's pictures would be eaten by termites / covered in dust /thrown away in scraps, by then ... and brahmakumaris will go on launching new service ventures to hook the people..
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post07 Oct 2014

However, popular TV spokesperson BK Shivani has stirred the pot recently by giving 'destruction' a different spin,telling the world that this event, often referenced tellingly by God, will be just a transitional 'flow'. Shivani said in an interview:

'We are going through a world transformation, not world destruction.

Today’s BKs have no qualms about effectively labelling their god a liar or a fool.

A riddle.
    Q. How does the world ‘flow’ from 9 billion people to 900,000?
    A. You remove four zeroes (0000) - and a zero is nothing, so no-one is hurt.

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post07 Oct 2014

I think next edition of BK theory to further brainwash BKs will be to consider only 9 lac (BKs) alive & the rest as dead. And fools will be asked to believe it without questioning. One who questions will be dead for BKs. That seems to be the only possible way for proving their Transformation theory right because the kind of transformation they talk about is not happening ever even after thousand years.

What I rather see is that old & senior BKs are suffering from fatal diseases & leave this world without knowing the actual truth about BKism or may be, they know it all.
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post08 Oct 2014

In short ... it's all a big lie. "Transformation" is an even bigger euphemism that the Nazi Party's "Final Solution". Nothing has changed. It's just PR whitewash.

BK Shivani is an idiot and, like you say, a dangerous idiot.

I find it really difficult to understand how people are sucked in my her. Even just watching her videos, there is something strange about her. She is sort of robotic and, for me, there is a sort of undertone of irritation/aggression/domination. The BKs have lucked out in that she is an excellent parrot, repeating whatever she tells them; and it appears she has been caught up by her own ego to believe that she is something special.

The woman has no spiritual authority whatsoever to make such predictions, and a limited intellect. She is just a puppet and happily willing to go along being one because of what it gives her ... a cable TV celebrity. Her talk is just a series of copy and paste homilies she has heard the BKs repeat 10,000 times stuck together in lines.

And the way they use her is typical 'one way' broadcast, like their Seniors, in which she is never really challenged.

Even the BKs are now confusing the power of celebrity with spirituality and Shivani is doing that dangerous thing many politicians get sucked into, of believing one's own bullsh**.

What is happening here is that she is being used to address the controversies the PBKs and we are raising and to promote the BKs current PR line ... which includes deceptively re-writing the past.

She is insane ... completely deluded and now deluding.

How can any decent Westerner or India, go along with that?

There is NO WHERE in the Knolwedge that Baba has spoken about a "transitional flow". It is pure Manmat and an outright black lie.

The fact that, "People are taking care of their health, their well-being" is NOTHING to do with BKism, nor "Satyug". And it's a joke considering how proportionate sick and unhealthy BKs are in comparison to non-BKs.

When did you least hear of a BK Sister going down the gym, going Yoga, going on a diet etc etc etc.

They don't. They just and remember Baba and stuff themselves with sweets and oily food.

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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post08 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote:There is NO WHERE in the Knolwedge that Baba has spoken about a "transitional flow". It is pure Manmat and an outright black lie.

I think there is no such Shrimat in Murlis too, they all are manmat of those writers who know how to make it work. It's all manmat & that is the reason why that manmat changes from time to time, which is one property of manmat that it never stays permanently. Why Murli is aimed to change rules/regulations that were initially laid down by Seniors' manmat through previous Murlis? Because it is the only way the manmat works. Murli custom would get destroyed within a year if they keep on repeating same rules which were made to suit earlier circumstances, all favored & flavored for BK Seniors.

I mean one must not rely on Murli as it preaches transitions which itself is not the property of soul, so there is no meaning of such meditations. Still BK teach that their soul make transitions & its mind which acts as soul for them most of the times. So, this manmat is actually what they have been portraying all these years in Murli & manmat is the main reason in my view for denying access to continuously transitioning & modifying Murlis. They are trying hard to sell it by introducing something new like one in Satyug is likely to get a crown with 4 jewels now instead of previous one that had only 2 jewels. And that is too much for BKs, they do not want more.

So basically Murlis are manmat but you will get traces of certain religious text quoted & modified in Murlis to suit BKism. That is the only part which if they would have left unmodified could have made Murli an incomplete manmat but due to the manipulations it is perfect manmat. Someone who is trying to decode Murli will go mad because it's manmat & to decode it means reading minds of those Murli writers which could be full of some serious nonsense.

Reading Murli is almost like playing with your intellect, mind & making both of them numb.
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post08 Oct 2014

I have original copies, they were on foolscap paper bigger than A4 and at least 5 pages, there was a lot of boring name dropping in the originals.
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Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

Post09 Oct 2014

Don't throw them out. If ever you go to dump them, let us know.

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