Science of Vibrations

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Science of Vibrations

Post13 Sep 2014

I have known very well as I witnessed that "BKs prepare their own food. They take bath after going to urinal or if they go near place when babies did urinal. They do not touch food not made of love and so on ...".

My simple question to you.

Your mafia organization and your organization people are living in my home against my wish.

That home (my home) has full of negative vibrations of me in there for your people and your organization.

Why are you still living in my home?
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Re: Science of Vibrations

Post14 Sep 2014

Are you speaking to the BKs, or us?

Do you understand that we are not BK, but ex-BKs?

The simple answer is because they are obsessed with the advantages of money and property, and hypocrites who will break all their own rules, and except followers who break all their rules, if there are material advantages in it for them.

Please remind me of what is happening again. You say it is your house, who has invited them in to live there?

Simple ... wait until they go out and change the locks on the door. If they cause trouble, hire a security guard.

If you have lost your family member to them now, tell them you still love them and will accept them when they leave the BKs, and lock them out too. Say good bye to them.

Bear in mind, the BKs fill the minds of their followers full of "persecution stories" and so they get excited by persecution. It makes them feel like the teaching must be true ... you are a devil, they are pure, Destruction of the world must becoming soon.

How can we help? Do you want us to speak to them and tell them to leave?


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Re: Science of Vibrations

Post16 Sep 2014

Dear ex-I,

I am very sorry for not being very clear. I do understand the difference between BKs and Ex-BKs.

I have tremendous respect for ex-BKs and I know and value your service to educate or guide new OR potential OR possible victim's of BKs. If I have the authority, I would award a Mini Noble prize for running this site to you (ex-I) and your team/organizers of this site. I said Mini because the results of your services are reaching very small percent of victim's /audience.

Let me clarify that I am referring to BKs as Mafia, Because they are picking and choosing which of my property they want to enjoy and how long they want to enjoy for free, until they find another victim like myself or my family.

Since I am living far away from where I built that home, at this time I am limited in my capacity to act on such options/choices that you listed. But sure I will do some thing, some time, when I am ready for it, that will not only shock the BKs who are enjoying my property, but will send shock waves and earth quakes to Mount abu and their BK leaders(dead and alive). These BK bast...s told me that only one old old BK lady will live there and run the BK classes occasionally, which I denied permission for. But now I am hearing that some young and attractive BK ladies are living there as well. Now I understand why BKs don't need to marry.

And you are correct. I am devil for them now as I am opposing their free use of my property for their luxury living. I choose to be devil for them (BKs). But I choose to be good Samaritan for real Orphanage and Handicapped children for whom I approved use of the same of my property which BKs are using now.

Speaking to them, telling them to leave wont work for sure. Because they turned my family BK member against me. I am in no hurry to resolve my issue because of my circumstantial limitations. So, I want whole world to know the truth about BKs. I choose to stand up as victim and be a face to the world to expose BKs and their organization, rather than making a settlement with them and let them continue in search for other victims.
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Re: Science of Vibrations

Post16 Sep 2014

If you live far from the property, you could engage a property agent to lease the property. Instruct him that he must lease it to a family or group of people who are most needy, for a low rent for 6 months or one year.

Make sure they have documentation to prove they are the leaseholders and ensure the agent goes with them to take possession of the property for the legal leaseholders. Do not inform the BKs that they coming.

Ask the agent to have a smart phone or other video recording device to capture the scene as evidence in case they refuse to leave.

Then, if the BKs don't leave upon request, go back another day, again without warning, to do the same but this time you invite some press along, maybe some tabloid style TV show to send a crew to film the ”confrontation”. You already would have the amateur video to show the press how the BKs behaved first time ...
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Re: Science of Vibrations

Post16 Sep 2014

May I ask, which family member? How close?

Let me suggest the mentality of them ... they have been told that by giving the BKs your property they will earn a fortune in their next life in the Golden Age (by doing nothing). And at your expense.

I don't know India but elsewhere you have to be careful because if you allow people to stay in your property, they gain legal rights and it becomes much harder to throw them out.

Perhaps a legal letter telling them you don't give permission and demanding that they leave should be sent, even if you don't immediately act on it, it will be on the record that they refused to do so.

I really appreciate your pure, charitable wish for it to be used for the genuinely needy.

If you have the keys, just turn up with gang of people you know, real charity workers, or even some "impure" homeless people, and allow them to move in for a limited period. The BKs will move out ...

Yes, the BK "re-home" their Kumaris in the fashion all over India but only after they have proven their subservience to the organization and discipline, it is a kind of reward to be made a centre-in-charge. Once they are made a centre-in-charge, then they will be given 2 or 3 unpaid servant girls (junior Sisters) to run the centre ... and so the expansion continues.
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Re: Science of Vibrations

Post16 Sep 2014

Someone needs to start an Association for Victims of the Brahma Kumaris in India to work cooperatively to stop their abuses. I am sure you will find 10,000s of such families and individuals.

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Re: Science of Vibrations

Post16 Sep 2014

[quote="ex-l"I don't know India but elsewhere you have to be careful because if you allow people to stay in your property, they gain legal rights and it becomes much harder to throw them out.[/quote]
Still you keep on generalising Indians. Whatever be the reason ... in India if such condition occurs, it is called Kabza, there had been several cases here when landlords are beaten & thrown out from their own homes. And BKs may be no exception to it.

Here, legal intervention is must. Either sell the property through thekedaars who will force BK Didis to get out of it at any cost. If they still do not move, these contractors would lock them inside & thus they would be forced to vacate the place. They have much dirty ways to get the result. You may also choose not to sell it but just get it back through them, pay them only after works is done. Police, lawyers, illegal contractors & politicians are very unreliable.

But the problem is your own BK family members, you may try anything but it is just going to change your equation with them if they keep on supporting BK Didis.

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