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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post07 Sep 2014

Thank you for that Warrior.
kumar28061972 wrote:Then what will they say in 2036. They have claimed many times that sangam yug is of 100 years in total. They can-not continue, as you say for too long ...

I wish it was true ... but in the past they also said Sangum Yug (Confluence Age) was 14 years, and then 40 years.

How long will it take to build the splendours and high technology of the Golden Age?

Or rather, how long will Destruction, a Nuclear winter, the flooding of the planet to clean off all the corpses, the stinking decay, then nature to restore itself AND physical rebuilding take?

You have 22 years to go.

When I was a BK, the Murlis - not Seniors, not BK churning but the Murlis - "Destruction 50 years and Creation 50 years". Then they changed that (at the time I did not know they changed things and believed "God" has said it) to Destruction "50 to 60 years". What do they say now?

Trust me, they have no conscience, the donation business and government grants are still booming, they will change anything to keep living off it.

Otherwise, what will they do ... become beggars? The BK leaders have created an army with no real jobs, profession or skills.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post07 Sep 2014

When I was a BK, the Murlis - not Seniors, not BK churning but the Murlis - "Destruction 50 years and Creation 50 years". Then they changed that (at the time I did not know they changed things and believed "God" has said it) to Destruction "50 to 60 years". What do they say now?

Now it is 100 years.. can have copy of those Murlis saying "Destruction 50 years and Creation 50 years".
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post07 Sep 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:Now it is 100 years.. can have copy of those Murlis saying "Destruction 50 years and Creation 50 years".

We have a load of Murlis in the Library section and Encyclopedia, they might be in there.

I used to be part of the Murli translation team and so clearly remember writing it out many times.

For 1976, you should ask to see the dates
    25/10/69 " The final destruction of the whole world takes place within 6 years. Those who tell it to be 7 years have their position reduced." (6 years from 25/10/69 comes to 1975/76)
    05/11/70 " From this journey, it is 5 years for destruction."(5 years from 5/11/70 comes to 1975/76)
    03/02/71 " Within 5 years, the whole work should be completed."(5 years from 3/2/71 comes to 1975/76)
    09/09/72 " Even those who are rich, even they live hardly for 3-4 years more." (3-4 years will come to 1975/76)
    04/02/74 " From 10 years (of the declaration), only 2 years are left. Soon Kaliyug has come to an end. The drama is certain." (2 years will fall in 1976)
    09/11/74 " Rest, 2 years is left over. Don't think that it will become 3 years. It may become one year but it can never become 3 years." (2 years will come in 1976)
40 years Confluence is clearly printed at the bottom of the original poster of The Ladder. Earlier ones (14 years) are written in the Om Mandli documents form the 1930s.

Please ask your zone-on-charge or Senior Sister to confirm it. It's their job to do so.

There are a number of sets of original Murlis outside the BKWSU's control that the BKWSU has not been able to destroy or hide. These were printed back in the 1970s and 1980s.

If it is important to you and would make a difference, I can tell you where to find them.

There is no doubt in my mind that the BK leaders are deleted these section of the current revisions of Murlis and are misleading their followers over the issue ... but, please as your sister-in-charge is if it true - and that they have re-written them - and report back what she says.

Thank you

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post11 Sep 2014

Destruction dt.jpg
Baba Never Gave any specific date of destruction

Ex-I, I discussed the matter of destruction with sister-in-charge, she said Baba never gave any specific date of destruction. And very next day it comes as Murli headline. This is wonder happens in BK Gyan many times. Your internal questions is automatically answered in Murli and that is the reason why questioning too much is discouraged in BKs.

Above is the image of Murli Headline dtd 08.09.2014.


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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post11 Sep 2014

Murli is no better than any cheap horoscope, it fits all.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Sep 2014


What seemed true in 1936 or 1976 is not necessarily true today.

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are less frequent these days as tectonic plates settle (ask any geologist). There are early warning systems and emergency response teams. That there are larger populations forced to live in flood plains or earthquake zones, and that there is better reporting, is what makes casualty rates seem high. How many people died in the 1600s from natural calamities? No one knows - but - were those disasters in the past caused by "sweet children becoming satopradhan"?

Wars where thousands, even just hundreds, are killed are these days considered disastrous, whereas in the past tens of thousands, even millions used to die before one side capitulated.

Military casualties in the scores or hundreds cause political headaches for democratic governments. The great depression of the 1930s, the horrors of WW2 and the famines at the time in India, the bloodshed of partition of Pakistan, the famines of pre-green revolution India, the Cold War - all big reasons to worry about how the world would go on. All are now ”history”.

Is it "sweet children becoming satopradhan" that has practically eliminated polio and small pox from the world, including India?

The Spanish flu killed 18 million people in the early 20th century. Was it the BK Research arm that found the cure?
AIDS is now no longer a death sentence, at least manageable and better treatments, possibly a cure, are imminent, great leaps are being made in cancer treatments with increasing cure and survival rates ... (most people in the past died from other things and did not live long enough to die of cancer or other such conditions).

Be happy that your Yoga power is at least inspiring Putin to recreate global tensions or plutocrats to prevent action on greenhouse emission reduction. There is where your hope for more disasters to prove your faith may come true. But I’ll wager anything you like that in 50 years the world will still have billions of homo-sapiens living fruitful lives, rather than only 900,000 hyenas feasting off the carcasses of a "transformed” world.
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Sep 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:Ex-I, I discussed the matter of destruction with sister-in-charge, she said Baba never gave any specific date of destruction. And very next day it comes as Murli headline.

It is the BKWSU's "official answer" ... that "Baba never gave any specific date of destruction" ... but what does it mean?

Yes, he never gave any specific date, as in "1 April 1976" *if* you require a day and a month to call it a date.

On the other hand, he was specific about particular years or events, e.g. WWII [Mahabharata], 1950 [14 years Confluence], 1976 ([40 years Confluence], there used to be a huge, original painting of the 'The Tree' in Abu or Dehli centre with nothing more than a sticker, stuck on top of the statement to hide it). 1986, 1986 to 1996 ("50 years for Destruction, 50 years for Creation" [1986] or "50 years to 60 for Destruction" [1996]). Therefore it is a sort of white lie based upon what you define "specific" to be. The divine leaders have been saying 2 to 3 years since at least the 1970s, Year 2000 was another year that a 'number 1' Didi encouraged followers to believe was it.

I guess most BK "teachers" are innocent to this as they do not know the real history of their cult, do not question Madhuban revising the Murlis and probably joined after the year 2000. They just repeat what they are told by the leaders without thinking. Destruction predictions ... and the Murlis ... are now a well polished deception.

But what is this you are saying regarding "08.09.2014"? Are you saying that the BKWSU have released a specific date?

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:
But what is this you are saying regarding "08.09.2014"? Are you saying that the BKWSU have released a specific date?

No.. This is daily Sakar Murli which was read on 08.09.2014
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Sep 2014

Can you see now the statement that "Baba Never Gave any specific date of Destruction" is a lie repeating 10,000s by BKs to hide the truth which is he gave numerous failed predictions of Destruction?

Can you see the yukti they are using now?

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:Can you see now the statement that "Baba Never Gave any specific date of Destruction" is a lie repeating 10,000s by BKs to hide the truth which is he gave numerous failed predictions of Destruction?

Can you see the yukti they are using now?

I do not know what you are interpreting from this date "08.09.2014". I am saying that this is the date on which the Murli was read this month i.e monday the 08.09.2014 and NOT the date of destruction specified by the BKs.

What is the point of any yukti in it? It is clearly stated in Murli that when ever you souls becomes satopradhan (pure) number wise then only the destruction will take place. There is no mention of any date here.
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Sep 2014

I am not talking about that Murli. I explained to you how what they say about, "Baba never giving a specific date", is not true, it is deliberately misleading.

Baba has given specific years in the past.

It's just he has not given a specific day or month.

The BKs leaders don't make that clear, and then re-write the Murlis to hide it.
The BK followers repeat what they have been told without thinking or questioning.

When I was a BK, they told us 1986. They did not tell us about 1976, 1950 or WWII failures. We all made crazy sacrifices and gave up our lives because we believed that God was saying 50 years for Destruction. If God, and his pure chosen ones said it, surely it must be true? Would God mislead?

Perhaps if they had honestly said, "look, our god spirit has made false predictions in the past so be sensible", we would have made more sensible decisions in our life?

If we talk about some historical battle or event in the past, usually we say ... 1886, 250BC ... the year is the date, not just day and month, e.g. the date of Indian Independence is 1947. Am I wrong? Would god be so tricky?

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Sep 2014

I do not call it a wonder. Why many people find Murli giving answers to their personal queries? Firstly, the psychological part is common to everyone, so there is no surprise if you get angry today & next day Murli gives some strategy to curb it. Such things repeat regularly in Murli. Secondly, Murli is revised by a group of writers who visit this site & BK...net forum regularly. All issues raised here or there are answered in the favorable manner to hide the reality of past or present & to again brainwash their followers. It is so simple, anyone would get it after reviewing a cultist movement.
Pink Panther wrote : Is it "sweet children becoming satopradhan" that has practically eliminated polio and small pox from the world, including India?

BKs ideologies have got nothing to do any good to society or the sufferers. Fortunately, a right initiative taken up by Indian Government to eradicate polio completely is a success. And the credit for this huge success goes to Indian Government, the hard working doctors & primary teachers (who went door to door for almost a decade to detect polio infected child to provide neccessary medicine as part of their job) & also Amitabh Bachchan, a Bollywood actor, who enthusiastically promoted the Polio Eradication Movement through ads.

I think such stories & thoughts like satopradhan etc cannot help to even a minute extent to solve any big social cause.

And considering the present grim state of BKism, the Destruction they think of actually, is never happening. Leaders are not going to become Satopradhan by eating followers' money & followers cannot become Satopradhan by going opposite to given instructions & or by following instructions like leave the family, donate the property, use the family members, the family that helped you when you needed is Maya, ignorance ...

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