Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kumaris

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Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kumaris

Post07 Sep 2014

From: Bhog Message for Dadi Prakashmanis 7th Anniversary 25 August 14.pdf

Souls can be in two bodies and two places in one time according to the Brahma Kumaris. How on earth ... or rather how on earth can they get people to believe such stuff?

7 years ago, in August 2007, the head of the Brahamkumaris sect, Dadi Prakashmani died after becoming increasingly senile and incontinent and then suffered a three day coma. Despite being a BK Raja Yoga for 73 years, she died not in full control of her senses like a true yogi but by a severe brain hemorrhage having had her nappies changed like an helpless infant.

It is said in Brahmakumarism that souls reincarnate almost immediately ... despite studying spiritualism for 82 years and have the alleged benefit of "God" teaching them in person, the BKs are somewhat vague on the details of such events, e.g. where souls go in between death and life, as there is no acceptance of spirit worlds; and unlike the Tibetan Lamas and others, they are unable to track and find their re-born spiritual leaders.

Therefore, we must presume that at present the reborn Dadi Prakashmani is around 6 years old and in the body of some Indian child.

Recently, a strange happening occurred in Mount Abu. In a special act of mediumship, the spirit of Dadi Prakashmani was called back and entered the Brahma Kumaris official spirit medium at a mass seance during an intensive retreat for 12,000 BK mothers. Well, every mother loves a young child, don't they? And the Brahma Kumaris like to put on a good puppet show to keep their donating punters happy. These retreats are designed to keep the cashflow coming into Mt Abu off season.

And what was the depth of revelations that was exposed to humanity by the allegedly reincarnate 'One of the Top 8' souls in the world?
The newness you have to bring is that whatever BapDada says, you do that. BapDada says and the children do – both should be the same.

And who is it who controls what BapDada says, oh, yes ... the leaders of the BKWSU!!! Therefore, please allow me to translate that ...
The newness you have to bring is that whatever the leaders of the BKWSU says, you do that. The leaders of the BKWSU says and the children do – both should be the same.

The BKs believe that dead BKs go on to a secret army of individuals rebuilding the physical Golden Age on Earth which is going to start in 2036. Continuing their favoured military theme, the Shiv Shakti Army calls them the Advance Party. And what was the specific news and revelations about the achievements of the Advance Party of which this 5 year old is playing a part ...
(What is the planning that is taking place in the Advance Party?) Whatever part each one has received, in a subtle way they are spreading their power in the atmosphere.

Oh, Wah Drama!!! I feel so satisfied with that and understand everything now!!!

And what is the explanation for the lack of spiritualist guidance BKs are experiencing ...
Now, there are fewer touchings with the subtle power of thought ... this is not happening so much ... Now, the touchings that used to inspire souls through the service of the mind are now fewer.

Ah, I see ... it's all part of the mystic plan and proof of Baba's greatness that nothing is happening. It's my fault if I cannot catch them!!! I know, it's a test!!!

What's funnier is that even the 5 year old child has picked up on the BKs' revision of Destruction to Transformation and says ...
Transformation has to take place, and how they will work with you in this transformation.

Trust me ... the god of the BK said "Transformation had to take place" during WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996 too, and it did not either.

Indian BKs, it seems, are still obsessed with the question, "Who is the God of the Gita?" A notable question since for the first 20 years or more of the cult, they believed Lekhraj Kirpalani was Krishna and their god before, in 1955, they introduced God Shiva.
(How can we expand the service of proving who the God of the Gita is? The God of the Gita is fine, but first of all, at least let them come. The God of the Gita is a big thing, but they should understand that they have to transform themselves.

Dadi Prakashmani reveals she is a little well behaved boy and not a mischievous Krishna type but there is no mention of who on earth she is able to operate the body of a boy child and appear present in the body of an old lady to speak to the BKs ... nor how she learn such arts.

Please ... this is the Brahma Kumaris we are talking about ... don't think and don't question such things !!! (Because you will get no answers).

Prakashmani seems to spends a lot of time berating BKs for not doing service and criticising them for being self-centred and seeking recognition, and offers such practical advice as taking would-be BK converts' addresses and following up by writing to them. It's a wonder what 5 year old boys are interested in these days ... or the superficiality of Englightened beings.

"Dadi Prakashmani" refuses to answer about what her name is or which school she goes to except to say she studies in both Hindi and English - so it must be a middle class one at least - and to vaguely hint that her parents are "in connection" with the Brahmakumaris.

Obviously they cannot 'be' BKs because otherwise how could have have partaken in the two minutes of squishing about that made Baby Prakashmani. No 'procreation by the power of mind' for the BKs yet ... it's all down to stroking and a little lubrication like the rest of the world.

This ought to keep the BKs excited with speculation for months but, in truth, is the utterance any difference at all to what Gulzar or the BK elite might say themselves?

How on earth would a 5 year old boy know what the problems of the BKs and BK service were, and why would he care?

Just wait until the boy discovers Playstations or World of Warcraft and the Golden Age will have to be put on indefinitely.


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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post07 Sep 2014

The boy speaks just like BapDada.

Is Dadi Gulzar just pretending and got caught this time?

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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post07 Sep 2014

I read in the message that Janki has been increasingly unwell, and the BK doing their usual of milking it.

I have to say that seeing her in the video she looks it. She looks almost fearful, presumably of falling over, and empty.

Niether of them really full of the power of Yoga.

Honestly, how many people really believe in all this? I note the usual 'in crowd' hogging the stage as ever as all the adherents remain stuck in the stalls.

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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post07 Sep 2014

warrior wrote:Can the boy be alive after his soul (i.e. Kumarka's) left body for 1-2 hrs and entered Gulzar during Bhog?

It is a fake story, no need to believe these false perceptions. It may be another plan of Dadis to put a male heir, who may be son of some Dadis or Didis kept hidden from others. Who knows what is the truth behind their ever increasing comical acts. That can be one suitable reason & for the same, they will make a story about reincarnation of some Dadi or Didi as a boy. This is also to prevent all allegations about female domination in BKWSU. Many senior Didis claim that we have equal male & female BKs but I do not know why I still find Didis everywhere.

Just a bit off the topic, a few days ago, I saw 4 BK Didis riding their Activas or Pep Plus scooters around 05:45 am. I have two question regarding this incident. Are Brahmakumaris Didis not supposed to do Yoga during this time? And where do they get money to purchase these vehicles? Is it also part of misuse of donations?

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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post07 Sep 2014

Let me put here my views on this doc & interpret it correctly as what it meant to be.
Special Bhog offering on the 7th Anniversary of Dadi Praskashmaniji

(At the time of Bhog being offered, Dadiji came in the body of Dadi Gulzarji in the midst of the mother’s bhatthi, met everyone and spoke sweet elevated version.)

So, Gulzar is daily having luxurious Bhog & is being prayed like a deity by followers. It is good for development of power of faith but the object of faith is not worth praising. Definitely faith is a power, it is rare to find people who have faith in everyone & everything & also the one who has no faith in anything. Both are great but are symbol of intellect's absence.

And this 'sweet elevated version' must be in the same choked voice & the message must be the repeated one. Make efforts, do service, bring more followers & donations too.
This is also drama

Yes, Dadi amma we all know it is all drama. All Didis are expert in doing drama. You or may be your PR, IT, HR team together write up a mischievous play & then you follow it & put it under label of babaa baap etc. Drama, drama, drama ... it's all drama. Do you get it drama queen?
It is a wonder of Baba that He gives a chance for all of you to meet me and for me to speak.

Oh shut up, this is all your whim, there is no one giving you any chance Gulzar. And you know this in your heart. You can fool many but not all of them.
Do you know, seeing all of you companions, my heart is very happy. (12,000 mothers have come here for this bhatthi.)

Yes, you must be very happy because more the number of dedicated Didis, more will be your access to different part of world population & so in turn it gives you more followers & their money.
To the extent that BapDada is working on all of us, we now have to give a return. BapDada’s effort is greater,
and the return is less. The return is to become equal to the Father.

Now what do you want? Return is less that's rubbish. When returns are in billion dollars, they are not "less". And do not ask them to become like Lekhraj Kirpalani, who was rich. And again Dadi you did another blunder in your speech. Cram it properly. How can they become equal to Father? You always said that only your Baba is 100% true. Rest all are his child cum servants. And yes do not give wrong views of- all those reflection make you like Baba kinda philosophy.
(What new effort should we make?) The newness you have to bring is that whatever BapDada says, you do
that. BapDada says and the children do – both should be the same.

Another brainwashing speech by Dadi Gulzar.
(At present, Dadi Jankiji’s health is not so good.) It is fine now. Dadi is with you. She has fulfilled the
responsibility of companionship. (Munniben celebrates the day of Dadiji with a lot of enthusiasm. All the
companions are giving good companionship. The Brothers are also fulfilling their responsibility well.)

Do you still enjoy 'similar' old kinds of "Golden nights"? Too much enthusiasm can kill you, so be normal which is given in every Murli, it it not? Janki becomes mad during such celebrations, why? Is it also effect of some BK ghost?
(Nowadays, earthquakes are taking place in many places in the world. What special attention should we pay for that?) Now, there are fewer touchings with the subtle power of thought. With subtle touchings, by becoming introverted, spread your inner power - this is not happening so much.

Gulzar. are you really dumb ? Earthquakes are not just happening nowadays. They were very much there in past too. And by the way, how many Earthquakes have you ever stopped or at least how many service camps did you organise for helping the survivors of such quakes? Just keep on sitting & wasting your whole life in thinking. Get up & do something substantial.
(We will be celebrating this year as the Year for Transformation). However, attention is lacking. It is a
good topic but there isn’t so much attention on the topic

Yes, it requires minimum 1 year to brainwash all your followers about previous commentaries on End of World. You are gradually drifting on safer side & we all get it clearly. All Murlis for 1 year will depict some or the other thing related to transformation & then in later years this will get consolidated in BK minds. It is cleverly designed act. Your followers are definitely going to forget everything or anything left about End of World or Destruction theory that you were giving for several last decades.
People are not giving so much attention to this. Draw people’s attention to this topic, that transformation has to take place, and how they will work with you in this transformation.Ask them this so that they understand that they are also our companions in this and then continue to ask them further, in one way or another. There must be people
coming in each of the area’s, but now make the effort to follow-up in the areas in which they do come ... blah blah blah ....

The whole message is just based on few concerned areas like get more followers, spread our limited reach to every mind, delete old theories that we gave & then follow new one tailored theory for same stupids who followed & believed in our Destruction theory.
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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post07 Sep 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Just a bit off the topic, a few days ago, I saw 4 BK Didis riding their Activas or Pep Plus scooters around 05:45 am. I have two question regarding this incident. Are Brahmakumaris Didis not supposed to do Yoga during this time? And where do they get money to purchase these vehicles? Is it also part of misuse of donations?

At 05:45 am, they may have been travelling to a centre for class at 6 or 6.30am.

In this case, I'd have to say no. They are meant to meditate between 4 to 4.45am and then do class between 6.30 to 8am (approximately, depending on centre). In between times they can be doing lots of stuff; washing, cleaning, preparing centre, cooking etc. And thursday is hair wash day when they get to wear their hair down for some memorial of something that happened during the Om Mandli days ... I forget what.

Heading back on topic, given the seance had at a normal time, what was the boy doing at that time? Was he mystically pulled into trance?

Let's try and ask some other rational questions:

Presumably the boy did not initiate the seance and so what power do the BKs have to suck a soul out of a child?

More to the point, how can they plan to do so at a specific pre-ordained time for appease a large gathering?

I am guessing the mothers were told in advance to encourage them to come. What a disappointment for them. For me, it looked no different than the Lekhraj Kirpalani sideshow. What did we learn ... that Prakashmani is a boy and she things BKs should be writing more letters!?!

I would say the reason it is a boy, Save Innocents, is more to do with Prakashmani being considered to have male sanaskars in comparison to her more submission or feminine Didi Manmohini, her co-partner when they were head of the BKWSU.


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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post07 Sep 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Let me put here my views on this doc & interpret it correctly as what it meant to be.


OMG this time they were caught, really it is a show.

OK, if they are so clever saying the boy's soul entered Gulzar so the boy died or, as ex-l described, went into trance.

Maybe a soul also entered the Sister who asked those questions and the show became out of control?

I wonder who is the Sister with guts to ask those questions, it was live so they couldn't cut it off.

The interesting thing is that they did not send this video to BKs via email but the one from last years - 25-08-2013.


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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post08 Sep 2014

They send a video from last year to the centres and no one noticed? And still posted this years video on you tube? Seriously?


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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post08 Sep 2014

Yeah, I only noticed was last year's by the face of Janki Dadi. I thought how come she looks so well in the video?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: God's Angel
Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 2 AM
Subject: {Murli} Avyakt BapDada Sandesh - 25-08-14 - Through Gulzar Dadi - Videos.

Divine Angel,

Avyakt Rajyogni Dadi Prakashmani Ji Through Gulzar Dadi - 25/8/2013 Part-1

Avyakt Rajyogni Dadi Prakashmani Ji Through Gulzar Dadi - 25/8/2013 Part-2


By the way Dadi is not so well:
7 September 2014

Dear Jewels of the Brahmin clan,

Please accept hearty Godly love and remembrances from Shantivan.

This is to update everyone on beloved Dadi Jankiji’s health. Dadiji took to ill health on 3 September, and her gastrointestinal doctor in Mumbai recommended she be brought for check up immediately. Dadiji was flown by chartered flight on the 4th to Mumbai.

Dadi Jankiji was in the ICU for 24 hours and was shifted to a private room today. Dadiji has been losing blood and the doctors are trying to see where the problem is. More tests will be done tomorrow, but for the moment Dadiji is being given blood transfusions.

Dadi Gulzarji flew over on Thursday to be with Dadiji, and so her presence has helped Dadi Jankiji a great deal and given her the sense of Baba’s presence. There has been pain due to the troubles in the intestine, but with everyone’s loving good wishes, everything will surely be fine.

We continue to send our loving sakash in Baba’s remembrance to our beloved Dadi Jankiji. We’ll keep you updated on Dadiji’s well-being.

The worship of Lord Ganesh is taking place with full force in Mumbai. Tomorrow is the final immersion of the 2000+ Ganesh idols into the ocean. So a lot of Bhakti is going on at one side, while a lot of silence and Yoga on the other…

With Baba’s love,
B.K. Nirwair

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Karuna
Chief Information & Public Relations
Radio Madhuban 90.4-FM
+91-94141 53999/93999
Land Line 02974-228111

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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post08 Sep 2014

Here timings are different : Murli Classes are from 8:00am to 9:30am & then evening Murli classes are from 7:00pm to 7:30pm. I think there is no sync in time also, it is just adjusted as per suitability of followers. What a system! Nothing fixed or organized though they keep on giving projection of an organization

From spiritual facts : If a soul leaves body once, it cannot come back in it again. As soon as soul leaves body, four elements (out of total 5 elements) at the same moments dissolve in nature & this process is irreversible.

That is one of those many reasons by which you can detect that all they teach is dramatic & lacks truth. There is no such trance state felt by followers. It is only for show-off purpose done by Dadis. If it is a real trance why all followers cannot undergo such state. Any BK who can resolve this issue? Please do not give that same crazy answer like more efforts are needed to reach that state, or it is the role, part of drama, blah blah blah....

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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post08 Sep 2014

I knew it dear that their target group is that comprising severely innocent kids. And there are several reasons why they prefer to introduce a kid.

A kid would never stand against them.

A kid (the boy mentioned in her speech) would not question or ask anything related to all these weird acts of BKWSU.

Kids like pampering & they will get it from Didis & no kid would doubt their double standard dealing.

Also, kids are more vulnerable & can be threatened by senior BKs to follow what they say.

Then it is question of a representative who has clean public image from beginning till end, who is better than a child for this purpose?

Then a child would become a great soldier who would sacrifice everything including life if he/she is trained in the BKism?
Also there will not be any ego issue with a child. So he would neither demand money.

And yes most importantly a strongest deceiving mind can be prepared by nurturing deceiving plays in an impressionable age.

One more reason is that youth question too much & they may finally end up leaving BKism, so what is the best bet in all this? A child, who is undergoing initial phase of intellectual development.

Got u Dadi, your new plan is hacked & cracked here. Now modify this one also. More twists & turns needed.

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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post08 Sep 2014

There has been pain due to the troubles in the intestine, but with everyone’s loving good wishes, everything will surely be fine.

And there will be much more if she does not repent for her evil acts. Wise up Dadi, still you have time. Do not waste it & just accept your blunders & disclose the truth known to you. I know it will be shameful but still people will accept it & will forget it within few years. Lekhraj is not going to help you in next birth and all money after which you have been running all these decades will be left here in this birth on this Earth for remaining Didis to feast upon with not even a single coin left for you in next birth. So, wise up!!

BK Nirwair appears to be complete idiot.

I often think what would be next life of BKs, it is not going to be boy or girl, OK. They shut all path of religion, for followers, which is said to be biggest source of Punya karmas (meritorious karmas), then they prevent their followers from doing any good human act like serving others, helping the needy, feeding the malnourished, giving medicines to ill patients, etc (which is second biggest source of binding punya karma) & at last they also ask to avoid the family members & relative, avoid all responsibilities to take out time for their baaap, conflicting with family members for same baap, etc (thus avoiding third biggest source of accumulating Punya karma).

So when there is no punya accumulated in this birth, what kind of happiness can be expected by a BK in next birth? The kind of Yoga they do is also not the original one or the actual one which benefits mind-body in this birth. Moreover, they are following a corrupt person who remained excessively involved in several sexual activities. [now they give another reason to hide such cases which are known to many stern BK followers themselves, they say that Brahma Baba has to be impure for transition of Shiv Baba in his body,....weird na????] What is left.....nothing. Nature automatically eliminates the useless guys who are good for nothing & are big blot on humanity. Next birth as a human becomes a dream for such people.What is going to be their next birth, only hell can tell them. Whew....
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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post08 Sep 2014

warrior wrote: Dadiji was flown by cnon the 4th to Mumbai ... Dadi Gulzarji flew over on Thursday

Chartered (private) air travel.


This is obviously the Brahma Kumaris Golden Age and Lekhraj Kirpalani had his visions all confused.


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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post08 Sep 2014

If you look at the comments on the video date 2013, it also said it is a video from the year before. So what is going on?

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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post08 Sep 2014

i don't waste time in thinking of such issues. There are lot more other things which one could learn while in Yagya.

They teach how to be content in lacking of materialistic things and many people are benefiting from their teachings.

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