Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

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Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post27 Aug 2014

The amount for each course is not huge but total sum depends on how many students get enrolled in these courses.
Also, i get it why senior BKs have " Dr. " attached to their names. They must have done some Ph.D or whatever from this organisation. It is really easy to get that Dr. degree if you are the one who sets the questionaire, who gives the exam, who checks the sheets & then you are the same person who give marks & degree. Its pretty easier than lot of other degrees. Now they are on way to defame " Dr. " too.

ex-l wrote: Like BK Charlie in Australia says, "It's hard for the BKs to attract the same quality of souls than they used to these day"

He is right. People are not donating that much these days proportionally to the good old days where they used to get fat sum from one person alone. Comparing the ratio of present followers & older lot, the sum is not enough & that must be the reason why Charlie said this.

It's unfair on the rest of the BKs that they are being represented by these immature and unkind individuals.

It is not fault of Seniors but followers. If they would have never behave in immature way by putting down their intellect in BK feet, then certainly they would have been represented as mature ones like us. Still i would say that they are not immature but innocent & need to be rescued.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post27 Aug 2014

I see. These are courses arranged in cooperation with Annamalai University, a public university which specialises in distance learning. I suppose they will get a fair amount of the fees for costs but I wonder if the BKWSU, it's teachers and originators of the courses get a commission?

However, it's mandatory for students to attend a BK headquarters, called PCP, so they'll get a taste of the real thing and an initiation. That's funny because in the West, PCP is the short name for Phencyclidine which is colloquially as "angel dust". It's one of the scariest street drugs!

Yes, all of the courses are typical BK service fronts; Values Education, Self Management Leadership and Crisis Management. It's almost like they are enculting individuals and turning them into servers, without telling them what they are really about.

However, it's certainly a shift towards taking all the facilities and knowhow that was given for free, for service and turning them towards commercialism, and making followers pay for what used to be given freely. All we can do is watch and keep informing outsiders of what the BKs are really all about.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post29 Aug 2014

The Anonymous Cowards at the BK forum, 'LyingSpirit' and 'EasilyDeluded', continue to attack us from a forum they refuse to allow me to defend us within. Surely deliberately misrepresenting an individual is not a "divine art"?

They demonstrate that they have even read the recent topic about a woman who was deceived by a BK family into marrying their son, losing her honour and dowry to them.

Do they voice any concern for the ethics of the situation? Of course not!

They fly past the ethics of the situation, and the contradictions to Shrimat and Gyan, without any concern in the world, and engage in another round of bashing instead.

They obviously don't understand Indian society and the value and meaning of all this, and they obviously have zero care and compassion for woman in question ... and all rather hypocritically I think, given the BK forum was founded by a BK we are told married another BK Sister purely to give her an immigration visa.

Hence we demonstrate, once again, the morality of the BKs and their attitude towards the legal institution of marriage.

Do the BKs whose role it is to report back about this forum go to their Seniors and say to them, "how terrible this situation is ... we should do something to save this woman! (Or at least protect the reputation of the BKWSU) ... This so-called BK family have destroyed her life, spoiled her most precious day ... they have stolen a dowry from her ... we should throw them out of the BKWSU and make them pay the dowry back!!!"?

Would they do so?

No, it appears LyingSpirit and EasilyDeluded think the family is doing the best thing, and the "married" BK Mr Blandford remains silent on the issue.

Why don't they?

Well, I guess just like every other BK they are afraid of the Seniors and how taking such a position might damage them, and they know they are really just impotent and powerless within the BKWSU. They can talk and act tough like the BK Security Wing but, at the end of the day, their status is so low that their opinions are of no interest to the leaders.
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Mr Green


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post31 Aug 2014

I had a look over there, they seem to be a bit upset don't they!

I saw my name mentioned, they seem to think I have lost my sense of humour and have become more depressed!

Thanks for your concern, the truth is I am now a family guy. I have two young daughters and a lovely wife. Three Kumaris around the house keep me more than busy.

Just for you lovely people:
    Why did Popeye punch Jesus?
    Because he went to Mount Olive!!!!!!!!
Boom Boom
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post31 Aug 2014

Mr Green wrote:I had a look over there, they seem to be a bit upset don't they!

It's so bad, even I worry for the BKWSU's PR facade!

Is that's what the BKWSU has become like, it's going to take a whole lot longer than the 22 years left ... count them folks, only twenty two left ... to build a Golden Age on earth. Surely even they realise that too?

Since when have attitudes like those become defined as "divine"?

In response to their latest disgust at me ... yes, it's true. The first advice I give to anyone suffering familial or marital problems because of the influence of the money and property grabbing Brahma Kumari leadership is legal and financial.

The two things that the Brahma Kumaris care about most are,
    a) the money (in which I include property), and
    b) their public facade.
Ethics, equality, honestly, integrity, or even adhering to the law mean NOTHING to the BKWSU if it thinks it can avoid doing so or exploit some loop hole ... and we see this in cases, e.g. where individuals marry for the sake of visa to dodge immigration laws.

Do we hear of BKs voicing concerns about the likes? Of course not.

The leaders of the BKWSU want individuals to surrender 100% of everything they have to them. However, if they cannot get 100%, they will take 90%, 60%, 10% ... anything or whatever they can and what we have seen is that they will even fight in court to keep whatever ill gotten gains they have managed to defraud individuals or families off (... unless, of course, as in the case of BK Jayanti's Father the individual is a Kirpalani).

Therefore, I say to victims of the BKWSU .. don't be weak and don't be distracted, realise what the BKs game is all about and defend yourself in that area.

If any individual or family is having problems with the BKs, or a member who has become brainwashed by the BKs, the first thing they should do is make sure any money, property or other assets are safeguarded so that the BKWSU will not get their hands on it.

If the worst comes to the worst and the family or married partner is going to lose their loved one to the BKWSU ... then let them go but let them go with nothing. NOTHING that would feed the ambitions of the BK leadership.

The BK leadership wants all the profit from individuals and societies without any of the expenses of raising children of looking after the sick or elderly. That is the secret to the BKWSU.

The Brahma Kumaris move like creeping slugs across societies, giving nothing but wasting and spoiling ripe fruit (individuals), without putting in any efforts or expenses of their own to till the fields and farm the plants until they are ready.

And the best way to get rid of difficult parasites is to starve them of what they need to eat.

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post31 Aug 2014

Is that's what the BKWSU has become like, it's going to take a whole lot longer than the 22 years left ... count them folks, only twenty two left ... to build a Golden Age on earth. Surely even they realise that too?

Yeah, they realize it that's why Destruction theory was removed completely. And may be by 2036, Dadis (if they remain alive till then), will get a real Golden Age for themselves within their confined BK world, inferring from present situation where they have amassed billions & if not many, then a small golden castle can be made from that.
Since when have attitudes like those become defined as "divine"?

Since 1936. :D

It is more like a directed play then being something coming out as a result of natural circumstances. Whenever you ask them about their past & that their old theory said something contradictory to what they preach now, they have a very good explanation to it. It is, "Baba says that old points will not help, you need to move ahead & adapt to new evolving Gyan". That explains how eternal or sanatan their Gyan is.

Moreover this Baba & Murli are used merely as a tool. If BKWSU wants to come up with some new theory which favors their economical & financial growth, they will introduce it in Murli as part of Baba speech. So, one very important thing which we are missing somewhere is to find who is behind writing all these Murli. It is, definitely, not voice of God, for God sake. There must a team which manages all current political, economic & religious situation of all those countries where BK center are well established. And after daily analysis, they introduce the most favorable speech in form of Murli &, yes, there is hardly any role of Dadis in this process except that Dadi, head one, has to cram it & vomit it out everyday for fools.

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post31 Aug 2014

ex-l wrote:And the best way to get rid of difficult parasites is to starve them of what they need to eat.

Money, fame & huge fan base (HR). :-)
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post01 Sep 2014

Save Innocents wrote:There must a team which manages all current political, economic & religious situation of all those countries where BK center are well established. And after daily analysis, they introduce the most favorable speech in form of Murli ...

Yes, for sure, we know that there is a Murli Team in Mount Abu and now their have a highly centralised, password protected, highly encrypted, computerised Murli delivery system ... to stop the likes of you and me and earnest, sincere, gullible adherents ... from getting and sharing copies of their own.

I don't know who is part of that team or how it operates beyond the above but we know for sure that they are re-writing and removing inconvenient elements, changing and polishing it to give a false impression of their god.

The BKs don't even offer original copies of the Murlis so that any sincere students can study the differences and trying and understanding the original meaning and context. There was further controversy over their hiding the original dates ... I suspect the Murlis are now being doctored and re-compiled out of bits and pieces of various Murlis.

These IT BKs go along with all this and are even part of it 'creation' and 'maintenance'. It's perfectly morally acceptable to them that the leadership manipulates new followers in this way. This is just one of the reasons why I have so little respect for them ... they don't even have respect for their own god's teachings, never mind principles such as "the truth".

Actually, that's a BK joke ... what they have created (Brahma) and maintain (Vishnu) will be their destruction too (Shankar). They have no integrity.

They are opposed the truth and persistently want to suppress it.

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post01 Sep 2014

learning spirit wrote:A ghost seemed to have given new lease of life to BKinfo; ex-l and someone new called SI who seems to be under some sort of delusion of being on a rescue mission even teaching Westerners Gayatri mantra to get rid of Ghosts ..

For your knowledge spirit, the spirit that was following the sufferer has done much damage which is beyond your imagination. Why do not you contact her personally, there is one Id in one of her posts. Her life has been turned into hell & it is all due to ....

As far as Gayatri Mantra Japa is concerned, then you may not like to understand its effect as you seem too busy in learning ghostly knowledge. All mantras are available for everyone & their affects are one & same. And this "Westerners" comment itself shows your weakness to understand them fully. Do not forget that the air conditioner working right now in your room is gift of so called "Westerners". Or did you or some Dadi invented it? A Western would understand it faster than ... if told in right manner. Their intellect is stronger than you & certainly free from deceits of BKs. At least it holds true for most Westerners.

Let's not get personal but mind it that you neither sound spiritual nor one heading to become spiritual. You seem to just promote BKism without taking any case seriously. Because it does not affect you. Did you ever have a job, lokik one for your survival? If not, & you lived on money donated by followers, then I would prefer not discussing anything to such poor fellow who lives on donations of his followers. Pathetic Kalyug, is it not?
I actually find it hilarious these days when I read some of the BK info posts.

Yeah hillarious. Thank us for breaking your monotonous BK life. And it seems hilarious to 'self'-less people when others are in problems. Keep on laughing & enjoying. It is your previous birth punya karmas, just reap it off & wait for your next birth. Then you will find how beneficial it was to become BK, neither your Dadis nor you have seen what is going to unfold in future. Keep on making stories & fairy-tales, that will last longer as it is Kalyug.

Do you remember what Lord Ram said: "aisa kalyug aega hans chugega dana aur kauwa moti khaega" which means "People with sheer genius will get disrespect everywhere & fools will be praised worldwide in Kalyug". That is exactly what can be seen in some place like BKism is just a small part of it, but it is just initiation. You can even find good ones being praised currently. And that's why you are hiding behind & spreading your knowledge in concealed ways.

Why do not BK Dadis or Shivani or anyone come out with the whole core belief openly in public & stop going according to the audience? Is BK knowledge not Godly enough to be accepted by all? Oh, I get it, Shudra buddhis are reason.

Right, keep on hiding till all such shudras who are trying to bring you all back to normality are finished. Nature gives countless chance to repent for mistakes ... but when one accepts none, nature will keep him on the chosen path till it degrades him to such an extent that any form of upliftment or evolution becomes a dream for him when he becomes aware of his deeds.

There will be a day when people will stop opposing BKWSU & then the real tandav of BKism will start. That can be BK Golden Age.

Wise up, come back to normality.

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post02 Sep 2014

One more thing LS, if such a sacred mantra "Gayatri mantra" is not meant for Westerners, then why do you think they need BK Gyan?

Do you not think why such contradiction appears in BK theory? Dadis & upper BKs are fooling followers like you. They are trying to shun & abort everything that come in their way. Even you have been tricked & fooled by them. But stil there is enough time, leave that system & become a good human being first who can empathize with others, specially those who are in problem.

Laws of Karma are exact but they need not to be misused or the effect of misuse will fall on one who misuses them.

One gets pains because of his paap karma, this is absolutely correct but to see sufferer with such view is a blunder.

One must do everything to solve his problem as per individual capacity irrespective of any belief. The karma knowledge is used when you have done everything to help & cure others, and then something miserable happens at last. Use it then, then you can say that I did everything that could have possibly cured him but destiny or prarabdh prevailed.

Or otherwise be ready to face same situation when the defaulter will be caught by nature & same condition with much higher intensity will come to such an ignorant & inhuman fellow.

And we would never like that to happen to anyone, including you LS.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post02 Sep 2014

These BKs takes BKism down to a new low for me. Their sarcasm, mocking or goading, and lack of compassion for others, reflect a chronic lack of spirituality for me ...

They are discussing an individual who has certainly not been helped by BKism and has perhaps damaged by it further with total insensitivity to them. There is no indication that the victim is a Westerner, so what on earth are they going on about? ... And is not BKism an Indian cult selling a whole load of second hand Hindu-ism Lite™ to Westerners? As usual, they show a total insensitivity towards them ... nothing more than a "weak brick", their Baba would say.

They forget, or perhaps even don't know about, the academic study of spirit possession within the BK world.

The joke is, the English translation of the Gayatri Mantra - a positive, religious affirmation - is something we could easily discover the BKs "borrowing" for one of their meditations or some of their publicity. It is, essentially, what they believe or do.

Indeed, for the first twenty odd years before they "borrowed" the concept of "God Father Shiva" from Christianity and Hinduism, "Divine Light" was exactly how they referred to the Supreme.


But, of course, a low ranking BK like Learning Spirit would not know that because the leaders have kept it hidden from them. Anything that they do know about it would comes from us.

The next thing I have to say is very important.

It's bizarre ... on more than one occasion when individuals come forward for help, some BK or demi-BK has come forward to condemn, criticise or spoil things for them. To put us and them down, and want to spoil their opportunity of becoming better or freer of BKism.

This is deeply psychological. And very typically so of the suppressive types BKs are.

In family psychology, it is often said that the "bad one" or the damage one that seeks help, is actually the strong one in the sick family. This is because they are the one who breaks free from cyclical pattern of abuses, either by rebelling against them, or seeking help.

We expose the BKs' "shadow", the dark side to their cult, that which they refuse to accept exists, hide and deny.

They work to suppress it and attack us.

Everything time another symptom (controversy, victim, someone speaking out) arises, they want to beat them down so BKism does not look bad. Their obsession is on the public appearance of their cult and leaders, the facade. Anything questioning they version is "defamation" of their Super Ego, aka their Baba.

Gayatri mantra

We meditate on the glory of the Divine Light; may he/it inspire our understanding."

"We meditate on the adorable glory of the radiant Divine Light; may he/it inspire our intelligence."


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post02 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote:These BKs takes BKism down to a new low for me. Their sarcasm, mocking or goading, and lack of compassion for others, reflect a chronic lack of spirituality for me ...

They are discussing an individual who has certainly not been helped by BKism and has perhaps damaged by it further with total insensitivity to them.

Who is doing this? Are they BKs? Please give details of these people or write in PM in case you cannot write here in public.

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Mr Green


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post02 Sep 2014

May be they are very young, a bit immature and not experienced in the ways of life?

Unlike 1/2 BKsimb, now only Murli readers will get that!
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post03 Sep 2014

I remember reading that at least one was not following BK principles fully. I suspect more are not.

For me, a non-pukka BKs opinion's worth nothing in these matters. Believing in BK but not following speaks to me of some kind of strange psychological disconnection. They are nothing. They are not a BK. They are, and they know they are, destroying their own inheritance ... and just they lack the balls to come out and be an ex-BK.

What are they ... a weird fan club scrabbling on for some kind of hold onto the BKWSU as their spiritual status slips away? They are the ones who are "defaming Baba" not us.

I remember the George Carlin quote ...
"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

I think the same is true if you were to apply that principle to integrity, morality or ethics ... a lack thereof the Brahma Kumari leadership has turned into an artform.

I know from my own experience, unless you following the religion properly and doing, I would say, at least 2 hours of proper meditation every day, you're not even in the game as far as consciousness goes. You can dress in white, pretend all you like, but you're just not 'there'. Perhaps this explains their bad attitudes?

That and the lack of a sister-in-charge to keep all the Brothers balanced.

There is nothing in a twisted, sarcastic or mocking tone that suggest something spiritual or divine.

If this is typical of today's BKs, then they should shut down the religion.

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post04 Sep 2014

learningspirit wrote:Thank you SI for your concern but the point you don't understand and refusing to believe (thanks to ex-l) is that I am not following BKism for many years now. I am now about to watch an English movie on Telly - probably that may give you some comfort that I am not following BK lifestyle.

Good for you that you are out of the system in your thinking. Your good experiences are what make you support BKism. Also, you are not very different from other BKs I know. They, too, watch movies & and do many other things strictly prohibited by BKWSU. But they still call themselves BK. It is just a matter of opinion. But look it from unbiased view, you will find that you are still one of them. Though you may deny yet it may be very much possible that online BK supporter prefer to call them non-BK so that they can reflect on issues more openly. The truth is with you & you know it better.

Just as a part of information, if I had been in your place & got to know some negative thing/cases about BKWSU, then I would have directly questioned the authorities & without a satisfactory answer, there could have been no chance of continuing it or even supporting it ever. It is a big wonder that you take all cases exposed here so lightly. Do you think even a single negativity about a religious or spiritual institution shall be tolerated by society? People donate everything to them , their lives, their money, their faith, their security, their emotions & everything else & then someone sitting at good position just violate them as per his needs? How ethical is it? Even animals give everything they can as a response of humility shown by human.
As nobody really can tell what the cause of such conditions is, can you deny the fact that first and foremost belief that lady should be given is that BK ghosts are not haunting you so that she can disassociate herself completely from BKs. What is the point of re-affirming it as some of the guys do over there? Just to use it as another reason to attack BKs and call it empathizing?

OK you are one with BKism. So, stop making stories about you being a BK or non-BK.

Why nobody? You think that Shiv Baba, head of BKWSU, is god & "can" thus cure anyone or do you disagree? So, it should not be difficult for him to cure her. The belief that "no BK ghost is haunting" had been given by everyone there but it failed to break her view. Why? Cause she is haunted by one & is sure about it from her personal experience & that too for some 15 years. It would be very kind of you if you can contact senior BKs for her & make that BK ghost or any other ghost disappear from her life, everyone wishes here same, right? We would stop re-affirming given that you must give proper solution. And kindly give the definition of empathizing & when one must empathize?

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