Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post29 Jul 2014

Save Innocents wrote:One more technique to defend yourself.

Start chanting Gayatri Mantra.

What is this mantra?

Can you please share it here.

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Mr Green


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post29 Jul 2014

If you believe in something, for you it is real 100%. This applies to all things not just spiritual. You can believe you have a limb that is not there and for you that is real.

The same is true fro this kind of thing, move your mind away from it and you will forget about it and be free. engage yourself in better things than thinking and talking about it

Have fun and enjoy your life, leave this behind.

Save Innocents

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post29 Jul 2014

warrior wrote:what is this mantra? Can you please share it here

    Oṃ bhur bhuvaḥ svaḥ
    tat savitur varen(i)yaṃ
    bhargo devasya dhimahi
    dhíyo yo naḥ prachodayat
In Devangari (Sanskrit) it goes like this :
    ॐ भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः ।
    तत्स॑वितुर्वरे॑णियं(तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं) ।
    भ॒र्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि। ।
    धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त्॥ ।
It is very helpful in wooing ghosts away from your surroundings. Though everything depends on its right & regular practice(chanting). 15 minutes a day is sufficient.

You can read its description, here.
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post30 Jul 2014

Is a repetitive thought the best treatment for an obsessive? Perhaps yes ... if it takes her mind off this non-existent, non-influential ghost she is obsessed with.

I suppose this is how mantras work ... just a device to take your mind off things. To "beat" a bad thought every time it arises.

In English ...
Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life,
Remover of pain and sorrow,
The Bestower of happiness,
Oh! Creator of the Universe,
May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light,
May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction.

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Pink Panther

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post30 Jul 2014

A mantra that is to take your mind off something else surely just reminds about the something else you are chanting for? i.e. to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln - you can fool some of your Self all of the time, and all of your Self some of the time, but you can’t fool all of yourself all of the time. (The shadow knows)

A friend of mine, not a theist, recently underwent cancer therapy and rather than ”fighting” the disease (he says fighting is what you do with people who threaten you, not with your own microcellular pathologies, but in our world everyone gets things the wrong way round) he surrendered to the situation, and instead started a ”gratitude” mantra - firstly in latin (Grazi Signore) - with the aim of sets of 108,000 repetitions - then later in Pali. Each ”thank you” being for each breath that is granted him. He said it was amazing how quickly that number is achieved, how humbling and how satisfying it is as a way to spend many days in a hospital bed, fasting while hooked up to drips etc (he is in remission after first course of chemo).

Save Innocents

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post30 Jul 2014

See PP, I don't believe in mindless repetition of a mantra but if it is understood & then chanted, certainly its benefit can be drawn & used the way you want. There is certain auspiciousness in certain things. One may disbelieve everything till things are not realized. I believe in all religions & consider them as a sound base to humanity, it is another thing that people have misused large portions of all religion to do business.

You may relate a mantra to mind or a belief or some rule but in reality, it is independent & its energy works independently. Once you cross the threshold, its effect can be seen. Effects are enormous if done with understanding. Just chanting & concentrating can help for creating mental peace but it all will start as soon as chanting is stopped. So, the question is more about how it can give peace for much longer time?

The case that Chandaneeben described is not curable with medicines or with help of psychiatrist or a counseller as she had been to them many times & that too for no less than 15 years. Now that is a big problem. There may be hundreds of such people who get ghost of Lekhraj seeing them & doing everything as experienced by Chandaneeben.

Gayatri mantra is not the last solution but is just one very powerful method which she can use herself without requirement of any external guidance. You may or may not believe it but this mantra invokes Gayatri Ma who is a real Goddess & graces the seeker with mental peace & physical health. It is a used, tested & certified method used in India for thousands of years. What else can I say when there exist several things in this Universe which are beyond intellect?

Please don't take every system just like BKs. They have already polluted Hinduism to a large extent but you will be startled to know that their theories are not supported in India anywhere, only their few followers who run for fame after getting some solution to their problems believe in them. Other simply reject their system. Most do not bother about what they say & what they follow. We have much important issues to deal with.
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post30 Jul 2014

I don't know anything of this aspect of Hinduism, and I am not really interested in Hindu theology any more ... like you say, I have other priorities in life and am not looking to make a business out of religion like the BKs and Brahmins ... but I read Gayatri Ma is manifestation of Mata Saraswati, Mata Lakshmi, Mata Parvati ... all three in one form, a form of Adi Shakti.

And what do the BKs do? They teach their dead Om Radhe is Adi Shakti and Lakshmi and Saraswati and a Parvati. Seriously ... they do.

It's their way to take anything of Hinduism, and a few elements of other religions, and sit their fat bottoms on the top of it and claim to be the gods. That's the truth.

I know, in theory, mantras are suppose to have vibrations etc etc etc ... I don't know or not ... but, sure, why not she tries. Any alternative thought is better than what she is currently obsessing about.

She needs to keep trying to find a way out and forward.

Did you try any of those organisations I told you about, Sister? If not, why not?

Save Innocents

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post31 Jul 2014

And what do the BKs do? They teach their dead Om Radhe is Adi Shakti and Lakshmi and Saraswati and a Parvati. Seriously ... they do.

That is all madness. What can be done to stop this belief? Even if we publish it in daily newspaper with bold headlines on front page, it will not help, as they will change their theory completely & that too instantly. And you know what will be their answer to dedicated followers? It will be, "We need to play our roles in Drama in a way that it does not hurt anyone's religious sentiments. So, we have to change our theory for external projection. But remember what we have taught you, it is all true & is meant for meethay bachchaas not for ignorent world. So, let's ignore the ignorants".

And by this speech those dumbs will regain their faith in BK system.
I read Gayatri Ma is manifestation of Mata Saraswati, Mata Lakshmi, Mata Parvati ... all three in one form, a form of Adi Shakti.

Yes, that true but not in exact form. All four are different Goddesses but with their subtle power, they can manifest as One inside human body (in anyone & for that purity is needed but they do not manifest these days, at least not in frauds like Dadis of BK).
... but, sure, why not she tries. Any alternative thought is better than what she is currently obsessing about.

Actually, even Dadis need to chant a unique mantra which will make them realize the reality & mantra is, "I am a fool" (Aham moorkhasya asmi).


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post29 Aug 2014

With your thought power you can easily put into you anyone's subtle body and then you have absolute control over their life, thoughts, words, action - try it.

This Indian man referred to previously has done just that and won't let go of one's subtle body. How can I have my life (subtle body) back? He is carrying out and has carried out the worst kinds of abuses and harassments and is still at it as I write. My legs are aching time to time, anything I hold in hand has to fall, a cold wind suddenly surrounds me as I step out of my shower, many tasks are left undone which I can do only when he allows.

What kind of an ancient cult is this? We are only human, with no power to defend against demons.

No power on earth can touch me his ugly voice tweets in my head.

Of course Jayanti knows about this, but does she care? If one makes a big donation maybe then this sadist will let go and she will listen.
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post29 Aug 2014

Have you tried any of the suggestions we gave you?

Yes, giving the BKs a big donation might get you a meeting with Sister Jayanti; but, no, it won't cure you.

If you always do, what you have always done' you will always get, what you have always gotten ... therefore, you need to try something new.

If you have not tried any of the suggestions we gave you, then why not?

Does this idea give you some kind of excuse not to do things, or as a cover up for a lack of efforts in your life?

You know, you could well be suffering some kind of "psychic interference" and mixing it up with your BK experience. The problem is, there is no way to prove anything in "the psychic realm". It could be anything ... a 'spirit' in your house, for example, "devilling" you with ideas already in your mind.

If you think you have a psychic problem, then you have to go to experts in those matters. I gave you links to finding the leading experts in London ... what more can we offer?

If you chose not to, then I have to say that in some perverse way you are 'enjoying' what is going on ... it is giving you something.

Why you would want to do that then becomes a question for an orthodox psychotherapist.

Please do something to change your situation.


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post31 Aug 2014

Thanks for your reply, but psychics? It won't work.

Senior BKs have many subtle bodies/spirit/ghosts inside them, I know. It was shown to me, how two people looked so
much alike - okay, it was Jayanti and Maureen - they looked like twins.

It's true.

This Indian man who has my spirit in him showed me, told me, he talks to my mind all the time you see.

Only after he dies will I be free.
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post31 Aug 2014

Chaandneeben wrote:Thanks for your reply, but psychics? It won't work.

Senior BKs have many subtle bodies/spirit/ghosts inside them, I know. It was shown to me ...

How do you know? Is it wise to deny perhaps the only source of help there is for your condition?

I might agree that not all psychics or healers will be able to help and it might be difficult to find one that does ... but it might be worth pursuing and not one that should cost you a fortune.

As to your second statement ... according to The Knowledge of the BKs themselves, it is true. Although it may not be something that the BKs will easily admit. It was clearly stated in the Murlis that at any time any BK might be possessed or channel other BK spirits, even to the degree that they did not know it was happening.

It does not matter if you believe in subtle bodies/spirit/ghosts, or have some other explanation for what that might mean, it is what the BKs teach and so we should accept it when dealing with them.

In plain English, not BKSpeak, Brahma Kumaris is a form of spiritualism or psychism. It is spiritualistic not spiritual. It is based on the channel of spirits, not a Yoga per se.

Now, within the tradition of spiritualism, it is explained that the channelling of spirits with The Knowledge, permission and control of the human medium is called mediumship or channelling.

However, the channelling of spirits without The Knowledge, permission and control of the human medium is called possession.

Given that most BKs have no idea if or when they are acting as channels or mediums of BK spirits, we must accept that mostly they are being influenced by a form or spirit possession beyond their control.

I would argue that initiation into BKism is actually an initiation into a relationship with their "spirit beings", be they real or merely manifestations of the collective psyche, and an opening of psychic doors to their influences.

Influences that you feel you are feeling from, Chaandneeben.

I would not argue against that. I can believe you are suffering from influences beyond your control. However, I do think that you can find assistance that will help and teach you to close those doors that the BKs opened through which these psychic influences 'devil you'.

Please do not give up trying.

Please consider that those psychic influences will actually try and stop you finding the assistance you need. You may think it is your own mind that is stopping you find help but it may actually be the psychic influences that are obstructing you from finding the help that would rid you of them.

Such is the nature of "possession" cases.

Save Innocents

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post31 Aug 2014

"Only after he dies will I be free."

I thought he is already dead. Is he still alive? Do you know his specific identity chandaneeben? And his location from where he manipulates your life?

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