Brahma Kumaris now ripping off Buddhism: BKWSU & Mindfulness

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Brahma Kumaris now ripping off Buddhism: BKWSU & Mindfulness

Post26 Aug 2014

Not content with ripping off Hinduism and the traditional term "Raja Yoga", widely used for another 'value added' practise with an entirely separate 2,000 year old tradition, the Brahma Kumaris have now reach a new ethical low ... by ripping off Buddhism, and promoting the BKWSU as teaching "Mindfulness".

Why you might ask would the BKs teach mindfulness from the godless practise of Buddhism?

Well, the answer is simple.
    a) the Brahma Kumaris do not teach mindfulness, but ...
Public interest in mindfulness has never been higher and the BKs are using the term to mislead the public in one of their typical 'soft sell', misleading PR campaigns. Lying to and deceiving them, hiding behind fairly meaningless facades like "life coach" as usual.

At present, lifestyle magazines are said to brim with mindfulness features and even the global advertising giant JWT listed "mindful living" as one of its 10 trends to shape the world in 2014, as consumers develop "a quasi-Zen desire to experience everything in a more present, conscious way".

But be warned ... Mindfulness therapy comes at a high price for some, say experts ... especially when it is Brahma Kumarism hiding behind the facade.


BKWSU_mindfulness.png (252.15 KiB) Viewed 12400 times

Brahma Kumaris Birmingham
West Bromwich Community Centre
Gayton Rd, West Bromwich, B71 1QS

This Friday: Mindfulness and Meditation 6.30-8pm, join Thomas Burton BA (Hons) and Carl Jackson experiened life coach's (sister in charge) with an interesting perspective to share for an interesting evening of positive thinking and Meditations.

And I see that they still have not learned how to use apostrophes ... that alone proves they are not mindful!
BKWSU wrote:Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness - Valuing a moment of Life at the moment it arrives...

Scientific studies have proven that mindfulness can bring about long term changes within the self, and can transform negative long term patterns and habits.

This workshop will give you the opportunity to make those changes and by attending you may:

Decrease anxiety levels by using our meditation techniques in your daily life and there by relieve symptoms of depression and irritability.

Increase general wellbeing and improve coping mechanisms for a more successful life experience.

Learn to appreciate your life and experience a new level of contentment and happiness in a very natural way.

Join us for an interesting talk and meditation.

    The Brahma Kumaris do not teach mindfulness.
    Brahma Kumarism is not mindfulness.
    Mindfulness is not part of Brahma Kumarism.

    Nor do they teach real Raja Yoga.

But you see how easily the shape shifting BKs are willing to purloin other religions selling points to push their own business ... and business is appears to quickly become ...
Brahma Kumaris, London wrote:In The Light of Acceptance

Not to accept what is going on around you and even inside you is to argue with reality. And arguing with reality is a fast road to madness. Everyday we experience such moments of madness when we complain. Worry and get angry with what ‘is’. Acceptance isn’t about apathy and being stuck. It’s about freeing up energy that is lost in futile resistance and discovering the lightness of letting go. It’s about knowing that. Despite how things may seem. All is well and always will be.

Andelo Tabu is an IT manager for a small Prison and Family Advice charity in South West London. He also works for the Community Alcohol and Drugs Service in Brent where he teaches ‘[b]mindfulness’ to people who are affected by drugs and alcohol. Andelo, started studying and teaching Raja Yoga meditation over 20 years ago.[/b]

Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel
68 - 86 Cromwell Road

It appears "mindfulness" BK Andelo Tabu attempted to cash in on another BK marketing success story and tried to float ... not RelaxKids this time ... but a business called "RelaxFamily". Whereas Mr Tabu Ngandi may well have MBCAP accreditation, it's interesting to note from his advertisement he makes no mention of his 20 years as a Brahma Kumari adherent, living as he does in the BK global epicentre of Willesden Green/Dollis Hill and participating in number BK public events.

How can the public be assured he is drawing a distinct line between Brahma Kumarism, mindfulness and his other practises? How can the public be assured he is not using those other practises as a veil or avenue to promote BKism?

Mr Tabu Ngandi even claims to have had practised within the NHS ... it will be interesting to find how.
Counsellor Details
First name: Andelo
Surname: Tabu Ngandi
Gender: male
Town: London
County/state: London
Postal code: NW2
Telephone: 077 65385693
Session charge rate: Sliding scale from: £25 (Daytime students/not employed) - £35 (Daytime employed) - £45 (early evening) - £55 (late evening)
Accreditations: MBACP
Other accreditations: MBPsS

About me: I am a co-founder at a small counselling service called RelaxFamily. We are an ethical service committed to providing affordable psychotherapy to the community.

I provide short term solution focused therapy and long term psychotherapy to individuals and couples.

I am based in a convenient North West London location, the nearest tubes are Willesden Green or Dollis Hill (on the Jubilee Line).

Qualifications: I have experience working in both counselling agencies and hospices supporting people of all ages through some of their most challenging times in life. I have some N.H.S. training and experience. I believe firmly in the importance of working alongside you to see what kind of therapy will help you the most, given your character, difficulties, strengths and aims.

Code of ethics: I am a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP) and a member of the British Psychological Society (MBPsS) and as such abide by their strict code of ethics

Theoretical approaches: My approach is integrative which means I have been trained in, and can employ several theoretical approaches. I draw from cognitive behavioral therapy, humanistic/person centered, psychodynamic, brief solution focused therapy and existential approaches to adapt the theory to each individual client. I might use cognitive behavioral therapy for clients with phobias or panic attacks, whereas the person who is depressed or anxious will need a more supportive and philosophical approach.

Areas of expertise: Anger Management, Anxiety, Addiction(s), Bereavement, Cultural issues, Depression, Phobias, Self Esteem, Spirituality, Stress

Types of client seen: Adults, Seniors, Couples, Families, Groups
This is how I work: Long term face-to-face, Short term face-to-face, Time limited, Home visits, On-line counselling, Telephone counselling

My goodness ... even the late and great 83 birth BK ANthony Strano was in on the scam!
Mindfulness & Heartfulness by Anthony Strano
Anthony Strano wrote:"Through the understanding and practice of Mindfulness and Heartfulness we can develop the inner power and peace to learn, to transform and adjust meaningfully to different people and situations." by Anthony Strano
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Re: Brahma Kumaris now ripping off Buddhism: BKWSU & Mindful

Post26 Aug 2014

What's immediately interesting to me is that whereas the BKs get very upset about anyone using what they consider to be "their" trademark ... they don't think twice to rip off other religions.

Examine also the technique they use ...

They start with a truism, e.g. "Scientific studies have proven that mindfulness can bring about long term changes within the self, and can transform negative long term patterns and habits" to impress and lull people ... and then head off on an entirely different tangent promoting their own End of the World cult.

Yes, scientific studies have proven that mindfulness can bring about long term changes within the self, and can transform negative long term patterns and habits ... may be, although they have also shown it to be dangerous and damaging for some.

Do you feel lucky? Want to gamble with your mind or soul?

Although I do believe that mindfulness can bring about long term changes within the self, I also accept it can bring up deep seated issues for some people, crises with immature and untrained teachers are not experienced enough to deal with, nor have the tools to do so. It was never meant to be a feel good panacea for the "worried well" or modern day ails but the current market interest is pushing businesses to push through as many "teachers" as they can.

A 7 Days Course and you to can become a BK Master of Knowledge!

To me, this smacks not only of opportunism on behalf of the BKs, who have equally attempted to clamber on interest in Taoism in the past; but also a New Age 'bubble-style' boom industry like so many before it.

Anthony offered his own critique on mindfulness, here. Having been a BK for nearly 30 years, I am not sure when he even had the time to explore it experientially and am absolutely sure he did not do so in a formal manner under a teacher.

I think, just like the rest of this cynical exploitation, they are just using the word for effect and good business.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahma Kumaris now ripping off Buddhism: BKWSU & Mindful

Post26 Aug 2014

Mindfulness is seeing things things as they are, what is right in front of you as it presents, without overlaying assumptions or value judgements.

BK practice to overlay everything with BK values - a person is not a human being, they are a ‘soul’, bad events are karma, good events are Baba’s wonder, the world situation is not a state of flux that right action can rectify but on an inexorable decline to destruction etc etc.

Might it be that BKs are moving in this way because of the inadequacy of their practice and philosophy?

Save Innocents

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Re: Brahma Kumaris now ripping off Buddhism: BKWSU & Mindful

Post26 Aug 2014

That is funny, there is no mention of "Shiv Baba" or "Murli" in any of above BK quotes. BK turn mindful when it is all about PR or anything ese. Who would accept them if they talk about Baba Dada in their ads? Definitely no one. So, another trick they use is, "Talk in intellectual way & don't vomit the Gyan everywhere, use it when someone receives the bait".

Sorry to say but I did not get how it is ripping off Buddhism.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris now ripping off Buddhism: BKWSU & Mindful

Post26 Aug 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Sorry to say but I did not get how it is ripping off Buddhism.

In the West, the term "Mindfulness" is synonymous with Buddhist practise.

I think it's fair to say Buddhism is and was practised a little different in the West as in Asia, except latterly since Tibetans, Vietnamese and Thai monks have started coming over. Basically, "mindfulness practise", based on watching the breath, is the core practise they use. Vipassana.

But, in the BKs' case, it is just marketing and using another older tradition's terminology to promote their cult.

The BKs might say "mindfulness", the audience will be coming to look for mindfulness, but inside the BKs are going, "I am a soul, Om Shanti, Remember Baba".

As some of the articles say, it's a big thing right now. A bit of a fashion. The BKs are trying to cash in on it. It's what they do because, as you say, their Dada Cult, End of the World-ism, Krishna worship with Nuclear Bombs attached is really not very cool or fashionable at all.

Quite the opposite.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahma Kumaris now ripping off Buddhism: BKWSU & Mindful

Post27 Aug 2014

One monk : "The banner is moving."

Another monk: "No, it is the wind that is moving."

Although he appeared to be but a lay observer, Huineng could not contain himself: "You are both wrong. It is your mind that moves."

The abbot of the temple, standing nearby, was dumbstruck by the profound insight of this stranger, and on the spot offered to become his pupil.

Mindfulness practice cuts off nothing, judges nothing, recognises each and every thought, phenomenon or sensation as equally valid, and indicative of the game of samsara.

Any BK mindfulness practice does not go any deeper than ”observing” thoughts, a useful enough first step but opening the door ... then when the person is ”vulnerable” plants the idea, the cardinal sin, of thinking certain thoughts are ”ideal” and suggesting you only dwell on those and create those, and that these certain thoughts are the highest state. (Unfortunately these never go beyond a translation into BK-isms of "I and my” level thoughts) along with the notion that other thoughts are ”wrong” evil, sinful, and so on. Both kinds of thoughts, the ideal and the wrong, trap one in a tug of war with mind, rather than mindfulness.

Rather than understanding the actual nature of thought in relation to the whole.

That’s why I said it may be that for some BKs, the cleaner, simpler, faux-buddhist ”mindfulness” practice, even if it is a front, provides something that counters the entrapments of more dogmatic BK ideology. It’s like the mafia might run a gymnasium as a front, and the mafia manager & his minions train there - at least they are staying fit, fitter than their boss Fat Tony!
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Re: Brahma Kumaris now ripping off Buddhism: BKWSU & Mindful

Post27 Aug 2014

I think to the BKs all it is is the first level of BKism and they have no idea what the real practise of Vipassana is.

I think to their mind, they are going, "Oh, yes, yes, yes ... we can sit quietly no problem and remember Baba, we can do Vipassana and remember Baba" ... which immediately means their mind is actually jumping all over the place AND they are carrying out a deceit which is immediately the opposite of Vipassana practise.

They are not trained in Vipassana practise, they do not practise Vipassana practise, they do not teach Vipassana practise nor even the Western commercialised/intellectualised version Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) practise developed by Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn.

All I can see is the BKs deceiving outsiders to attract them to their religion. Deceit is a cardinal sin within Buddhism.

All I can see is the BKs thinking, "Oh, mindfulness is fashionable and good for business now ... we'll advertise that to drag them in". It is at the same level as the Indian restaurant owners who open a restaurant right next door to an already successful restaurant because to their mind it's a good way of capturing someone else's business.

Yes, you might say - with a proper teacher - mindfulness is a good practise even for BKs and the foundation of all meditation practises (except for japa-style). I could accept that. However, within BKism, I feel there is a silent initiation into their practise, a practise which entails the surrender of the mind to their god spirit ... which might just be their collective consciousness or egregore ... therefore I do not think it is safe.

BKism, I find to be extremely conceited (meaning excessively proud of itself and vain). I remember when I was a BK going to a Buddhist temple to use the facilities or share meditation time because there was no BK centre where I was. I was sitting them happy enjoying their peaceful surroundings but doing "my" "superior" BK meditation. Spiritually, I was being dishonest. I was full of my own importance at being a BK and doing my thing in their space. In truth, I was stealing and polluting their environment. That would be the strict definition from a Buddhist point of view.

I think this latest BK fad is shameful and disgusting ... but sadly typical of them. They have no respect for others. Neither the traditions they asset strip not the outsiders they encult.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Perhaps one day they will learn and change ... but I don't have much hope of it happening soon. They are addicting to a way of acting that brings them in what they want - money and other human beings time, energy and free labour - and will make any moral comprise for it to do so.

Save Innocents

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Re: Brahma Kumaris now ripping off Buddhism: BKWSU & Mindful

Post27 Aug 2014

PP wrote: Mindfulness practice cuts off nothing, judges nothing, recognises each and every thought, phenomenon or sensation as equally valid, and indicative of the game of samsara.

Its a good view. May be we get to see it copied in coming soon Murlis too. You are right, mindfulness (in Indian view) is not related to stagnating the mind or emptying it altogether by putting certain constraints. It is rather to view each thought separately & keeping the conscious separate from acting upon it. Even if conscious gets involved, the separation remains as seer-scene relationship. From Indian point of view, what i have learnt about Buddhism is that " It is more about developing intellect & increase decision making power, distinguishing between righteous & wrong deed by taking deeds that does not hurt anyone as right one. Yes, there has to be a base as intellect works on relativity.

ex-l wrote : I was full of my own importance at being a BK and doing my thing in their space. In truth, I was stealing and polluting their environment. That would be the strict definition from a Buddhist point of view.

But that was the best choice or otherwise you would have been there serving fatsos & may be, given your activeness, today you would have been among senior or high rank BKs fooling many others. Its good you did not let them invade your personal space.

Perhaps one day they will learn and change ... but I don't have much hope of it happening soon. They are addicting to a way of acting that brings them in what they want - money and other human beings time, energy and free labour - and will make any moral comprise for it to do so.

They are changing, this site is responsible for good changes but negative changes are quite dominating there. They are changing due to other forums to. Many newcomers often ask BKs to shut their old theory of Kalpa, yug, dham etc etc as it hardly matters what is age of Earth, when fake Baba was born, when he died, when he became self proclaimed god, etc etc, they ask for something more realistic & meaningful. That is the reason for such "Mindful games" invented or may be copied completely to keep young generation intact or they would run away just within 3 days of 7 day course. I think in future, they will remove this 7 day course altogether as it contains many controversial points. Though they may go for mindful or soulful strategies of their sinful intellect, yet internally they can just offer same malnourishment as directed by upper BKs.

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