Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post19 Aug 2014

ex-l wrote:true spirituality must be equal opportunities for all.

I do not see any equality in the BKs' pecking order and think that as far as marriage or relationship issues are concerned, rules are much relaxed and flexible for Westerners ... Having said that, I am sure there are situations when unnecessary and undue importance is given to the leadership at Abu and they bend rules in their favor and according to their convenience.

I find both these situations highly discriminatory and believe that this discrimination is done intentionally. Reasons, best known to those who're doing it ... I really haven't been able to comprehend the reason for non-uniformity in the application of rules.
Pink Panther wrote:When truth is in opposition to loyalty, then ego & super ego are severely challenged. For BKs the latter are more important.
BK teaching effectively insists that ego and super ego are prime - that one must always consider, ”I am a Brahmin, Lekhraj Kirpalani is Brahma is Baba is God/God’s Chariot, there is no truth other than is (today) sanctioned as true by the ”yugya”.

Agree 100% !
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post20 Aug 2014

Firstly, to the Anonymous Coward Learningspirit hiding behind false name on an internet forum making personal attacks ...

No, I was in and around the BKs for more than 1 to 2 years. Yes, the effects of it seriously hindered me for 10 or more lost years as I waited trapped in the kind of half-in/half-out bardo many ex- and exiting BKs find themselves (... 1 to 2 years refers to the period when I was pukka).

I specifically refer to the failed predictions of the End of the World or Destruction which was to be in 1986, and then 1996, in my day. I believed as I was led and told to believe God was telling me and, for me, God is truth and does not lie or fail. It was only after 199 6 or 8, I would say, that I really started to live again.

I was conned and robbed of my 20s, and more.

Actually, my life will remain severely damaged by the influence of the Brahma Kumaris because I was of that generation who were encouraged to give up their further education, put aside their career, and take simple jobs that would leave their minds and bodies free to serve the Kirpalani Klan world domination plan.

If you measure from when I took the course to when I finally started to find liberation after the End of the World prediction failed, you will find it is 15 years. Who is telling the truth, me or you who knows nothing of me?

Why don't you start by telling us who you are?
Pink Panther wrote:When truth is in opposition to loyalty, then ego & super ego are severely challenged. For BKs the latter are more important ...

When truth is denied to maintain loyalty or ego, cognitive dissonance appears [and] the potential for harm to others or to self (psychological damage).

I agree, and in the case of the Brahma Kumaris, it is only one step away from their old caste/community mentality as Bhaibands. A mentality - based on cultural, historical and geographical factors which was very much 'us against the world', and then 'our world (the Bhaiband community) against us'.

The Sindi Bhaiband were a very tight and somewhat clandestine bunch known for dubious legalities, e.g. in relationship with the Amil administrators who ran their businesses ... and somewhat fitted into the role of sucker fish on the body of the Sindi sharks ... they develop secret unreadable languages in order to hide their accounting from the scrutiny of the British and whichever nation they were trading in as middle men of other people's produce.
Tanya wrote:I find both these situations highly discriminatory and believe that this discrimination is done intentionally ... I really haven't been able to comprehend the reason for non-uniformity in the application of rules.

Such individual practical examples are useful because they illustrate the real values of the BKWSU. Values they want to others to think are described the vague and meaningly word "spiritual" ... but are really defined not by morality, ethics or - God Forbid! - legality ... but by nothing more than expediency.
    Expedient or expediency means the attaining an end, especially one that is convenient but considered improper or immoral.
"Spiritual" to me would mean starting with equal base of morality and ethics applied to all. It would be open, honest and accountable.

To the Brahma Kumaris leadership, it's just a good advertising word for a system which is based primarily on 'expediency' ... whatever is the most useful or profitable at the time, however ... and then, secondly, on a patchwork of mental tricks or excuses (yuktis) to stop adherents questioning the quixotic will of the leaders. And, yes, it's all highly discriminatory and based on hierarchies. If you are rich and powerful you'll get away with anything; if you are poor you'll be made to conform but comforted by thought that by conforming, you rank in the next life will be higher whilst the corrupt will be lower.

The Brahma Kumaris have re-defined the world spiritual, or soul-conscious as they used to call it, to mean a sort of superstitious belief if they remember their Baba when they do something dodgy, it will have no bad karmic result.

In the UK, we were told the chief trustee of the BKWSU also married another Brahma Kumaris, both of Indian origin. One from Mauritius. That the Kirpalani Klan knows all about it and sanctioned it. That is has nothing to do with love between the two parties, I don't think they even live together. Most probably it's just to do with mortgages, money and property.

Remember how they used to discipline their poor and weak follower about "purity", celibacy, not accepting money from individuals not following the principles and not doing business with other BKs? This individual is their accountant.

Did Jayanti sit in morning class and announce they have a new policy ... that any Brahma Kumaris can now pick their Brahma Kumar whether it is for a visa, or for money mortgages on properties?

Do you hear any of the BKs questioning this?
    No. Rigid silence
Is casting groundless, false, negative and aspersion at another individual "spiritual".
    Obviously not to the rest of the world.
But to a BK it is ... as long as they believe they are remembering their Baba whilst they do it, or do it in service of their Baba ... as they see it ... it seems.

Simon spent years doing this on the Wikipedia and now they use their copycat forum to launch attacks on us here.

If Simon has any evidence of me betraying anyone's privacy on this forum, please post it.

Actually, I think I have only done so once and that was in private to the leaders of the BKWSU not referring to the individual by name.

It related to BK Hansa Raval's bigamous marriage incident (bigamy is when one person is married to two different people at the same time. The matter went all the way up to Madhuban).

Did the BK leaders show any concern (it is a crime, not merely an immoral activity)?
    Ha. No. Not at all. What they did was attack me accusing me of blackmail from raising the spiritual ethics of it and Simon supported her.
There is your "spirituality" of these people.

I don't want to speak badly of snakes but the BKs twist and curl and slither and spit venom just like them.

BTW, two of the secretly married BKs in London are both from Mauritius. Is that a co-incidence?

Should other BKs not be concerned about the ethics of such activity rather than just sitting there believing that their rank has just gone up because someone else has just fallen?
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post20 Aug 2014

To Easymeditation, who are you?

Tell me, why don't the BKs set an example and demand people use real names on your forum?

The domain dispute was 7 year ago and remains unresolved as your leaders refuse to discuss the matter of paying our legal costs, the normal thing to do when you lose a case. Especially one on such false grounds as Hansa had (she was using the charity for person gain in order to sue us personally, don't you think that is wrong?).

As I said at the time and I will say again, this website is not "mine". I know the history of it. You don't.

You BKs keep trying to hammer this nail in to weaken its value or discredit it but it's just not true. Despite the values of your founder's alleged last words, it would appear you have no idea what spirituality (egoless) means.

It will never cease to amaze me how far our "divine" little angels will go to contrive to damage and obstruct the truth getting out.

At least I should be grateful I don't live in India, otherwise they would be dragging me out of town and beating me up like they do PBKs.

Another fact I never heard any Western BKs question the morality of, nor the BKWSU investigate and ensure the perpetrators face justice.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post23 Aug 2014

As usual, the BKs' response to any moral issues being raised is 'silence'.

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post24 Aug 2014

Save Innocents on BKinfo wrote:The example is still not logical. He may manipulate but what about other users ... alright you think they are all fake one. Then question to discuss does not arise. You condemn everyone who is opposed to BKism or does not get easily in your system, just that is their fault
Learning spirit on wrote:No, I don't believe the users are fake. I am only opposed to ex-l's exaggerations and misrepresentations and not others sharing their dislikes or criticisms of the BK system. The trap you are falling into is very typical of ex-l of generalizing everything and not seeing specifics that people bring in.

On one side, you say that they are fake & then you are giving this comment of belief. So, which one shall be considered truth?

Well, I have seen the specifics that people bring here, you can see it too. Alright just read this particular case, " Non-stop remote viewing and abuse" in which a user is haunted by BK pret (ghost) for 15 years. Can you give some Gyan to her? Certainly her life is in this condition after she left BK system. I think you need to introspect deeply before reaching an inference.

And as far as trap is considered, it is not even close to BKWSU. If you fall in this trap here, you have chances to log out & believe it or not, ex-l & administrator of this site are not going to track you & tag you as Ravan, Shuddra buddhi or anything else. Its quite safe here.
SI wrote:Well, you are definitely a BK. do not lie. And if you are not BK, then there is no meaning in taking their side & praising them. And it is not that way, most BK teacher tell followers to stop visiting both sites (including yours) as it is full of Maya. Many left BKism after visiting your's and this site.

Ls wrote:Again ex-l's way ... It's an exaggeration that many people have left BKism reading these forums.

As you said you are not BK, so kindly join one center & get to know what Didis say about these sites. They discourage people to visit anyone of them as the secret gets disclosed. They may advise to a pakka BK who can go against anyone who opposes BKism irrespective of what experience ex BK had there. And the belief that help them is that all ex BK are considered to belong to Negative group like Ravans or Kans.

I am not telling this, this is what a very, very pukka BK told me, though I reflected disinterest, still he told to encourage me to join BKism again.
Can you prove how many and be specific?

Do I need to be specific? When there is no "specific" detail of all money coming in BKWSU, how it is utilised & also there is no "specific" end to the ongoing expanding, modifying BK theory, it is really harsh to ask specifics from others.
And by the way, I have no need to prove anything - you should be able to do a quick research on this forum from my posts ... And if you think all the ex-BKs go with negativity towards BKs and don't appreciate anything about BKs once they leave, that is a false assumption

Yes, they say good thing about BKism for any nice experience they received in BKWSU. At least they are true to what they ever felt, while a BK would simply tag his own family as nothing but attachment which needs to be abandoned. Whatever ... main thing is that people are given nice treatment initially in bkism, so they have those good memories but the harsh things come later & that's why they leave.
That's not the case on this forum and I have myself raised controversies and criticisms of BKs here.

Yes, you have raised it much similar to a reality show which is all decided & destined. First you may put a counter view to a BK there & then yourself praise & align with his view after long discussion & start praising BKism. What's new?
Pink Panther who is currently blessing BK info has been very vocal on this forum too with criticisms in the past and I don't think he is banned here. So by all means this forum allows more independent opinion.

OK, you get 10/10 & this site gets 9/10, now happy ... say cheese.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post24 Aug 2014

An aside from topic - if you please Save innocents, I am curious.

You had such brief connection with BKs. What drives your passion here?
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post24 Aug 2014

You don't get more real than Mr Green!

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post25 Aug 2014

What drives me here ... mm ... good question.

When your dearest friend is stuck in filth, you try everything to get him out of that. I am just doing that here. Also I have that negative experience in BK center where teacher herself did partial behavior towards me.

Oh, I am not hurt for that but is it not a serious offence. Someone who is trying to preach godhood is doing one & same idiotic things that others do, where is the difference? And time does not matter. 1 day is enough for a smart guy to pick up the signals, I still took 1 month approx to understand the mechanism of BKWSU. It is more clear now about what is real motive of the BK propaganda.


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post25 Aug 2014

SI wrote:1 day is enough for a smart guy to pick up the signals, I still took 1 month approx to understand the mechanism of BKWSU.

Admittedly, I was not smart enough and it took me more than two years to understand that. Also, I feel I still carry some of their stuff in my thoughts or subconscious. Either it does not leave me or I don´t let it go.

However, SI, do you mind sharing with us what went wrong other than just a usual egoistic behavior of a BK senior for seemingly questioning intellectual?

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post26 Aug 2014

Also, I feel I still carry some of their stuff in my thoughts or subconscious. Either it does not leave me or I don´t let it go.

It is perhaps because BKism asks to alter our lifestyle, daily activities & the way we see the things, also it gives unique view to make you stand apart from crowd, all for negative reasons. But it has hardly any impact on me owing to short stay there.

Other than egotistic behavior of BK, I witnessed some other blunders:

1) On one hand, Didis said that they do not take any thing offered to them by anyone but i saw them confirming the supply of food, wheat & other grains upon insistence from a BK who was some 40-45 years old. Though Didi denied at first as she saw me & others sitting in the Murli hall but later she agreed to accept. So, she overruled her own statements within minutes.

2) She asked money from me for any resource that i wanted to use like CDs, books while on other hand they were freely available to many others. So, this double standard dealing was definitely another indicator. The amount was less but main issue is that today she is charging just a small sum but what if she asks for more after few months or later so as to continue the membership. As you know that once the need or dependence gets created, person does every possible thing to sustain it.

3) On asking questions during 7 day course, she asked to listen & understand it quietly & for problem, solutions will come in Murli classes. Alas! none of the question got answered during Murlis and Didis became unavailable for any further discussion after course. Moreover, Didis found it difficult to handle me as i would discuss just single statement for indefinite time which would cause problems in arranging their schedule of fooling others with same course. And disussion raised countless qquestion which she could not answer according to her own theory & some time got puzzled.So, she completed the 7 days course within 4 days for me.

4) Didi encourages a lady who had a (approx) 3 year old kid to stop paying attention to worldly matters & attachments, pointing towards her son. Next day, that lady came without her son & told that while she was leaving, her child was crying like anything but she tried her best to come out of all negative illusions. To this, Sister smiled & said nothing to prioritize her responsibilities towards family.

5) In each Murli, I heard there was criticism of present conditions & had no direction for how it could be improved. Moreover, there were bad comments about ascetics, sanyasis, householders etc who were eventually not there to argue. There was an attempt to malign & showcase whole cultural & spiritual history of India in a very bad way. I agree there are certain bad elements but putting everything under same label is not justifying.

6) Then after understanding meditation to some extent, if someone asks you to imagine things or to focus on red light or on a red tube light, that appears totally insane....actually it is insane. The whole Yoga activity which they assume to be at their core is a myth that need to busted. It is nowhere close to ancient RajYoga style.[a person who reaches state of RajYoga has hardly any physical problem while on other hand, BK rajoga starts with an audio tape telling us that if there is a gas problem blah blah blah....ha ha ha] BK type Yoga is very harmful too. Prolonged concentration in that manner can lead to hyptonize oneself without any external assistance. So, definitely there was nothing more wrong than this.

7) On one hand, Didi gave instruction to my friend for eating only things cooked by them but do you know what was served to us during one special Yoga bhatthi? Packed snacks & ready-made namkeen. That was a shock, I refused to take it although i saw how all other enjoyed that sattvic snack, most annoying thing is that there is no principal followed in BKism to a good extent. Even those who have been there in the center for 30 or more years were also having it without any question as it was named Brahma Bhog. Give them anything in the name of brahm Bhog and they will jump over it.

8) On first day when she told me their time cycle, I asked question regarding end of their predicted Sangamyug & she was silent. That is one of their most confusing issues. I think the time cycle may be removed from that booklet within some years & later they will again come with new statement like there is no such cycle & we never said any thing like 5000 or 1250 etc etc. It will have similar end like the destruction theory had.

9) There are countless bad things & it will take a lot more to recall each & write it down here. The conclusion is that they are trying to make it a pure system but my inference says that till they do not change their attitude towards householders, non-BKs, money & donations usage, etc they will remain in same corrupt state forever. I joined this forum intentionally so that when it grows like a movement & compels BKWSU to change their ways, ethics & stop spreading crap, there remain some genuine proof. Definitely I have only experience, no objective proof.

People would vandalize their center if they would come to know about all these malicious activity. In India, people first act & then later on think whether it was right or wrong, because, generally, only that which is not acceptable to society gets disclosed in a bad way & commoners understand it in a better way, they need not any Yoga to detect dirty activity breeding in the society. And facts on this site are enough to propel a movement, a movement of thousands or lacs of individuals, it needs a huge backup to tackle the Anaconda sized Bkism. But main problem is nobody cares about what is happening around these days until it starts affecting them.

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post26 Aug 2014

[quote-"learningspirit"]The best solution to her is already offered by PP on that forum. There is nothing else that can be explained on the phenomenon.[/quote]
Why nothing else? That is not going to solve the problems. Well i have a suggestion for you, today when you go in bodiless state, ask Shiv Baba about the solution, communicate(if he ever gives a response) whatever he tells. Maybe you get answer in tomorrow's Murli as it discloses all made up facts related to issues raised here. Murli writer is very much influenced by this site.
What is ridiculous is that despite that, some people on BK info think they are experts and can help such a complex case and keep giving some "Gyan" without understanding the repercussions..

Yes i understand the repercussion, may be that ghost starts haunting many other users of this site, right? And as far as Chandaneeben is concerned, there is hardly any improvement, nothing more worse could happen to her.
If you have started believing that a Live BK can haunt someone for 15 years as a ghost and can view her all the time...well to be honest I find this as absurd...there can be no rational explanation for this and this needs to be examined by right experts..

Yes, it as absurd for you as existence of Shiv Baba is to most of us. Do you have a rational proof of existence of your Baba? Same Baba may haunt anyone if he exists somewhere(i know he does not). Get examined by right experts to get out of prolonged belief which has lately turned into a disease.
people like you or with prejudices can jump quickly to conclusion that this is the doing of the BK system but if that were the case then this shouldn't have been one isolated case and there should have been many more cases of such ghost following

And many may not possibly visit this site due to fear created by your ghost. Chandaneeben told that there are many others like her who underwent same treatment by that ghost to such extent that they do not speak about their problem to anyone.
This is a very individual specific problem and in such cases, last thing one can do is to re-inforce the psychological problems that lady is facing by igniting that deep resentment/fear further without knowing what the real cause of such complex issues are...please for God's sake we need to only wish her well and advise to take support of experts

What kind of experts? Are you talking experts other than BK experts ( who claim to have expertise in all mental problems like tension, depression, anxiety, etc etc). Now when an unusual case appears, why are they running from giving their BK expert advice?
There is absolutely no "Gyan" that she needs right now from you or me ...

And I think BK Didi told me that Gyan solves all problems. It is written repeatedly in Murlis. Is it not? Or it is fake & kept there just to entertain people?
BTW, there is no point of a prolonged cross-forum dialog as the readers get confused so I am not going to go into every topic you raise any longer..

BTW, there is a point in prolonged discussion cross-forum dialog as the readers will get deeper insight into what you are trying to hide from everyone. But it is up to you to continue it or not, but remember best answer BKs give other is ... silence ...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz .....
Easy meditation wrote:If a reader (learning spirit) cannot tell most of people are nutters just by reading their posts, I doubt the cognitive capacity of such a reader.

Definitely, you are true. Easy meditation got to know about your cognitive abilities just by reading, literally, few post of our discussion ... that is enlightening. And, yes, I would, THUS, ask to discontinue this discussion & would prefer more cognitive receptors there. And easy meditation, you owe "thanks" to most nutters as you say, who are responsible for tremendous development of BKWSU by their criticism. Now BK teachers & Murlis give answers after considering whole situation on this forum.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post26 Aug 2014

Easy meditation wrote:If a reader (learning spirit) cannot tell most of people are nutters just by reading their posts, I doubt the cognitive capacity of such a reader.

Did the Anonymous Coward called Easy Meditation really say that? So sayeth a man who believes the world is 5,000 years old, dinosaurs existed 2,500 years ago and god speaks to him in person through a little old Indian lady.

I would say both he and LeaningSpirit are particularly butt hurt BKs, and that the majority of BKs would be shocked by some of the attitudes and actions of the IT wallahs.

Amazing ... on one hand they claim to be the most divine, elevated souls on the planet; on the other hand, they throw around and pile on petty, unqualified insults like that. "Lies ... exaggerations ... nutters!!!".

It's incomprehensible given the quality, diversity and accuracy of the posts on this website ... and given the fact that we cracked open their historical reinvention and whitewashes so far that their leaders, "academics", and activists have had to review what they say and correct it, admitting we were right all along. Soon they will forget the sources of such correction and be led to believe their beloved leaders magicked it all out of the air. They are just hoping out enthusiasm to expose them dies out before they do.

However, I will say this on the matter ... one of the typical put downs the BKs often use is accusing individuals of some kind of mental illness in order to discredit them, often delivered with faux sincerity. This based on the taboos and prejudices about mental illness, particularly to the Indian mind.

Therefore, if the BKs are banding around suggestions like this, I would look to such a source as being the root of them, and we have had this before.

Mr Green's credibility, for example, was attacked in this way.

As far as the rest of the real world goes ... I am sure they can judge who are insane or not! A man who thought he was god for 20 years, and sat selfishly waiting on a mountain top for the End of the World to come with his dependent cult of worshippers.

All the same, I would not place so much emphasis on "sanity". I rather like the Buddhist position that from a spiritual point of view, this planet is the equivalent of an asylum for the criminally insane to some extent or another except those here to lead such individuals out of it to enlightenment ... and I doubt Lekhraj Kirpalani is amongst them, he appear yet to be leading adherents into an insanity of beliefs.

I would place more emphasis on honesty and integrity ... and who are the most honest and have greater integrity, BKs or ex-BKs?

The BKs cannot be honest. Their institution and leaders are not honest and have no integrity. All the followers are, is enculturated not to question their dishonesty, to believe it is good and god-inspired, and re-marketing constantly.

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post26 Aug 2014

Did the Anonymous Coward called Easy Meditation really say that?

Yup. They do belong to IT department of BKWSU or may be fraud & running their own site. Whatever....they are hardly ethical or follow any teaching but still they keep on teaching & suggesting this & that crap to newcomers there.

One of their major role on the site is to publish the modified old Murlis, you can compare it with originals, if you have with same date.

You can see how Easy meditation criticized Learning spirits, i think both were supposed to be BK bros. Their Baba teach them that they are Brothers but once again they proved that whatever Murli writers may say, we will work on our will & will go to any extent to protect & promote it. Once again they violated norms laid by BKWSU on how to talk (Is it not that BKism teach "meethaa bolo"(speak sweet). Nothing has been implemented. But it is OK, if super Seniors can speak like that why not their juniors be given such liberty.
ex-l wrote:This based on the taboos and prejudices about mental illness, particularly to the Indian mind.

Personally, I would suggest you not to consider all Indians like BKs. They are far different & normal just like you, me & everyone else on this site. India has much more to give but what can be done if 'specific' rich people get hold of all power say media, FB likes, political backing, etc etc. Try to visit India, if possible, to rediscover the genuine spirituality ... but I think you already know about it as reflected by your compilation of women spiritual leaders, most of them were Indians.
I rather like the Buddhist position that from a spiritual point of view

Me too. It denies existence of soul altogether and offers gross as well as subtle perceptible ways of spiritual elevation, which is much better than running after an entity which cannot be identified by normal means, which is also the reason for BKs fooling followers. If they say there is soul, then they must give a realization. I am ready to give them 10 years of my life if they can do so. But it cannot happen with BKism means. They may help us to learn techniques of fooling others for everything but realizing soul ... it is not in the menu.
I doubt Lekhraj Kirpalani is amongst them, he appear yet to be leading adherents into an insanity of beliefs.

He is gone & I think it is now Dadis, IT & PR department managing the belief.

I came to know about fees charged for different mental courses in BKWSU (is that true????). It is a bold step, they came out of their old belief & took some respectable position, now they charge for their service & that sounds better. At least they are shifting from begging habits. So, it is a new source of income & hope that it become whole & sole source of their expenses in near future (it is off the topic though).
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post26 Aug 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Yup. They do belong to IT department of BKWSU ...

Oh, the copy cat forum is definitely run by BKWSU IT Team members, the core based in London. They started it to distract people away from this one.

Amazing ... someone suffering from a serious mental illness or psychic disturbance made worse by their involvement with BKism, and all they can see is that they are a "nutter" and cast everyone else in the same mode.

How compassionate ... how enlightened ...

You see, in the old day, their leader referred to such individuals as "weak bricks who explode in the kiln" of BKism, meaning the people that breakdown and leave are like spiritual weak bricks that cannot take the heat and pressure of their "bhatti". That is a quote-unquote from the old Murlis.
One of their major role on the site is to publish the modified old Murlis, you can compare it with originals, if you have with same date.

Typical, we set off attempting to document and archive original, unedited Murlis and share them with the world whilst the BKWSU were keeping them hidden and secret. They archive the faked up, re-written and whitewashed ones.

This used to be a big thing for the BKs ... hiding the Murlis. We and others worked to change that sharing them. THey god says any follower can have Murlis to read at home, their leaders say they cannot, that they have to come into the centre (where Baba's box is) to read them there. Control ... they tell their followers they must read the Murli every day ... and then they withhold them and use them like bait to draw their followers into their centres.
I came to know about fees charged for different mental courses in BKWSU (is that true????).

I know they charge for their corporate coaching spin offs ... I don't know anything about this.

If you have more information, I'd like to know about it.

They all ways, "Everything we offer is free". It is only after you are hook that they suck all your money, time and energy, and property out of you.

Both EasyMeditation and LyingSpirit come across as fairly poor BKs by my standards. I remember asking one of them before they banned me from their "Open" forum and they did not even follow full principles.

Like BK Charlie in Australia says, "It's hard for the BKs to attract the same quality of souls than they used to these day", and then they kind of get stuck with who they've got. It's unfair on the rest of the BKs that they are being represented by these immature and unkind individuals.

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post27 Aug 2014

This is list of courses offered along with fees. I found it on's old post "brahmakumaris please take a note !!! important i request". It is supposed to be authentic as posted by a stern BK follower.
There are four courses -

1) Diploma in VES (Value Education and Spirituality) - Tuition fee - Rs 2500/- one year course - available in 9 languages - needs minimum 4 days of the 5 days (80%) compulsory attendance at a PCP centre.

can be done in Hindi, English, Tamil, Kannada, Odiya, Malayalam, Telugu, Gujarathi languages.

2) PG Diploma in VES - Tuition fee - Rs 8500/- one year course - available in 9 languages - needs minimum 8 days of the 10 days (80%) compulsory attendance at a PCP centre.

can be done in Hindi, English, Tamil, Kannada, Odiya, Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarathi languages.

3) MSc in VES - Tuition fee- Rs 4500/ + 7000 - two year course - available in 6 languages - needs minimum 8 days of the 10 days (80%) compulsory attendance at a PCP centre per year.

can be done in Hindi, English, tamil, Kannada, Odiya, Gujarathi languages.

4) MBA (SM & CM =Self management and Crisis Management):- - Tuition fee - Rs 14500 + Rs 14000/- two year course - English only - needs minimum 8 days of the 10 days (80%) compulsory attendance at a PCP centre per year.

English only.

Eligibility for course 1) is plus 2 or eqvt.

Eligibility for other courses is- graduate in any discipline or eqvt.

No age limit.

# Exam fees are to be paid varies from Rs 2000/- to Rs 4500/- per year depending on the course.

# If 2) is completed, there is lateral entry directly to second year of 3) - so that just second year of MSc has to be passed - so the student gets two degrees in two years!

Subjects of 2) and first year of 3) are same, except that 2) has a and additional paper - project work.

So - if one wishes to have two degrees in two years (PGDVES and MScVES), then better join to course 2) and then take lateral entry directly to second years of MSc. The second year of MSc will have project work once again.

So - if you are willing to do project work in first also, then better join to course 2) and then directly to second year MSc in the next year

There are wide range of topics for Project work and selecting and doing project is not difficult.

# Course 1) has just theory papers, and no project is to be done,

PCP = Personal Contact Program:- It is the teaching of the subjects at any PCP centre (the student can opt) which would be either Madhuban or at BK centres. The list of PCP centres would be mentioned in the brochure. Mostly, in every sub zone, there would be at least 3 PCP centres.

In every subject/paper, the student has to write assignments for few questions. Totally it would vary as per the course, from 100 to 180 pages of A4 sheets for a course. These assignments should be handwritten and the student has enough time for that. By the end of February or March (they will inform) the student has to submit through registered post.

Assignments carry 25% of the total marks (100) per subject. 50% marks are needed for passing. So- makes us cool to pass external exams.

Subjects in Course No 1), 2), 3) are fully about spirituality and some about health. In course No. 4), 50% are spirituality and the rest are lowkik professional subjects and health.

The contact address and numbers are

Directorate Office:-

The Program Director,
Distance Education Programs,
Vishwa Shanti Bhawan,
36, Meenakshi Nagar,
behind P & T Nagar,
Madurai - 625 017

Ph:- 0452- 2640777, 555
Fax:- 0452- 2640666
Mobile:- 094422 68660 (O), 094422 22157 (P)

Of these numbers, the underlined no. is the best one to contact during office hours. Mostly it is 5 days a week- Mon to Fri 9 to 5.

Sometimes the phone may be busy or no reply. No need to hesitate to call once again.

Prospect cum Application Form will be obtained from any of the PCP centre of the Brahmakumaris or from the The Director (the above Madurai Address). The cost are-

a)Rs 100 if in person, and Rs 150 by post for courses 1), 2) 3)

b) Rs 250 in person and Rs 290/- by post for MBA

If by post, the above money should be in DD favouring The Director, DDE, Annamali University- drawn on Chennai. [But the DD with a request letter mentioning the course and your name and address, etc should be posted to Madurai Branch]. - please get confirmed by phone.

It is always advised to keep a photo copy of the DD, application form, etc.whatever you send.

It would be better to visit nearest centre, and check whether application forms are available there (in big cities) and even other centres can have these details displaced on notice boards, so that you get chance to see the phamplets.

Good and easy courses.

October 31st 2013 is last date. But during all the previous years, it had got extended by one month.

Date of PCP courses would include week ends so that the need to take holidays for working professional would be lesser. The PCP classes would be from 9 Am to 5 PM. Once the application form is received at Madurai Office, they will send text books to the student's home by courier.

The PCP classes would be scheduled from Dec end till April end according to the convenience of the PCP centre and faculties. So- the student should not wait to study till PCP course begins. He should start himself as soon as he gets text books. Exams will start from May 19 every year. The candidate will receive important dates, etc through SMS in his mobile.

Remember ShivBaba, you will get more help.

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