BK 'service' only means one thing

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BK 'service' only means one thing

Post22 Aug 2014

Unfortunately, for BKs, 'service' only means one thing - to expand the presence of their centres and to attract adherents who will contribute their Tan (physical body), mann (mind) & most importantly dhan (money) to keep the centres going which will further keep the organisation going. That's the only kind of 'service' they recognise. Everything else is 'attachment' and 'Maya'.

Every donation or contribution made to anyone or anywhere other than the 'Centre' is 'impure' and 'bad karma'. In short, one should not be attached to his family or friends as much as he should be, to the Centre & the Didis & Dadis.

According to the BKs - "Your real family is not the people who brought you up and sacrificed so much for your well being ... your real family is your Brothers and Sisters in Madhuban even if you don't know everyone's names ..."
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Re: BK 'service' only means one thing

Post22 Aug 2014

It's funny that you came to the same conclusion despite living in another country and joining the BKs decades after I did.

That's exactly what conclusion I came to.

The BKs don't do "service of humanity" ... this is their greatest conceit or contempt of others.

They do PR and publicity of themselves.

And this is a criticism of them outsiders have made since the very beginning of Om Mandli.

Obviously, it is purely for financial reasons. Giving or spending money on the poor, the vulnerable, the needy only means less for them to live on and afford their global PR campaign boasting about how important they are.

But what do they really do? Even by their own philosphy, they are not doing good for others, they are "earning a fortune" for themselves. That is the term their Baba uses time and time again. It's not, "do good for others, for society, for the world" ... it's "earn a fortune, earn a golden palace, create servants and worshippers". Hence we can see the mindset they attract.

Where genuinely charitable activities have happened, they have happened against the will of the hard nosed leadership.

Most BKs adherents have not got a clue about the real defining principles of the Brahma Kumaris because they keep the most important aspects of their activities hidden, even from them ... the money.

How much to they make and take and how do they spend it?

It's not even all honestly accounted for ... "don't distract your intellect with such matters" they will say ... just stay stupid and remember Baba! That's it.

"Don't think, don't question", quote Dadi Janki.

Save Innocents

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Re: BK 'service' only means one thing

Post23 Aug 2014

I think followers of BKism are doing great seva to their teachers & no one can deny this. Whatever people donate, it goes directly for sustaining the livelihood of teachers (Didis, Dadis.... & Brothers too). As these teachers don't have any other job for which they are paid, so it is quite clear that they get everything right from the donations. So, it can be said that followers do some service to humanity by feeding few teachers (who are human though they may consider themselves as deities).

On one hand, they are in hedonism while on other they pretend to practice renunciation. Not only that, look at the huge bank balance of Didis. Yes they do have monetary accounts apart from karmic accounts. There was a post somewhere where it was mentioned that every year INR 2-3 lacs was deposited in some Didi's bank account. From where does that money come. It is indeed the service of faithful followers on which they are surviving. But just sum up whole transaction of BK teachers accounts & we would get huge figure in billions. Approx. 8000 centers were there across world in 2010 as Didi told me when i was there at BKWSU center. Each center has on an average 2-3 (or may be more) teacher permanently. That would be some 20,000 teachers approx. & then each has this 2 lac every year which means it is about 40,000 lac every year coming in the system. May be its a wrong calculation but it still gives indication to large sum.

Just tell me the name of one Didi who earns herself for fulfilling her daily needs. Though Didis boast of Swamaan(self pride) but i think there is no self respect in the person who lives on money of his servants or followers. It is in fact a business. Earlier king used to give protection to commoners in exchange of tax or revenues they paid. Now the BK teachers are providing some mental techniques for getting calmness by forgetting everything in return of the donations or service of followers. Both are involved in boosting each others ego. Followers give them money to nourish Didi's ego & Didi's say some nice words & tell them that they are getting pure day by day, to support ego of followers.

But don't think that BKism have got nothing for commoners as part of their virtual service. It has materialized to some extent. And it is possibly impact of this side or other critics. They have started few social activities like tying Rakhis to prisoners, orphans, etc as part of their service. But how much that cost...tying a thread is not expensive, it is cheapest when it does not involve emotions or brother-sister affection. Also prisoners & orphans can prove to be more useful to BKs, they are vulnerable targets. But its the beginning & may be we get to see better social activities in future. Next activity could be giving a glass of water, helping others to breathe properly, giving free wishes to world or anything else which is not costly. Whatever be the reason, these initiative are always good if there is no deceit or personal motive involved but ....its all for promoting their system & that is it.

Save Innocents

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Re: BK 'service' only means one thing

Post23 Aug 2014

ex-l wrote:That is the term their Baba uses time and time again. It's not, "do good for others, for society, for the world" ...[/b]

By that the Murli writer means:

"Do good to others": by telling them about BK system & in any way, increasing the number of followers of BKism by your medium.

"For society for world": Let the society or world join us as we can teach them right values virtues & so that they get saved from Destruction ..... or get transformation from their Shudra life to deviya or Godly life.

"Don't distract your intellect with such matters": It means the writer want followers to not interfere in governing authorities work, money matters should be left to those for whom it genuinely matters. Give money & forget it.

"Don't think, don't question": Because we have webbed it in a hard way. If you will try, you will fail or if you win then you lose us. Don't think as it will cause useless tension & pressure on your already gone mental & intellectual abilities. Don't question because there is no limit ... of our tactics. We have been doing it for 78 years approx.(BKWSU was not built in a day, it is still building), so instead of questioning it, just follow us ... or leave.


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Re: BK 'service' only means one thing

Post23 Aug 2014

SI wrote:Also prisoners & orphans can prove to be more useful to BKs, they are vulnerable targets.

In fact, what I observed that most of the BKs who joined and remained with them were those having one or other problems with either family, spouse or life as such. There were hardly ones who were happy with the life and still wish to remain BK with no thinking and no questioning.

Obviously, weaker minds (that does not mean not intelligent) are more vulnerable and easy target for them. Healthy minds will definitely question and can see the trap where in the name of dissolving old belief systems (as Shivani calls it), a new belief system is incorporated.

It's like removing other softwares and installing new BK-software in your mind which might have programs to control your hard-drive.

Save Innocents

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Re: BK 'service' only means one thing

Post23 Aug 2014

kmanaveen wrote:Healthy minds will definitely question and can see the trap where in the name of dissolving old belief systems (as Shivani calls it), a new belief system is incorporated.

Is it so? Shivani is completely out of mind. She appears so confused during her conversation programs. If you just notice the way she speak, gestures, expression, one can easily deduce that there is nothing coming from heart. It's just the brain working & guiding her completely. Her expressions are so fake. The way she interrupts the so called contact soul in her 'show' reflects her ego to project herself smart & as a big knower. Even contact souls they choose nod in whatever she says.
It's like removing other softwares and installing new BK-software in your mind which might have programs to control your hard-drive

Yes, you are right. It's actually BK Malware. It's a slow software with processing speed depending upon the installer not the hardware. It takes quite long time to recognize its effect. People after joining BKs complain of family problems, maladjustment etc etc. The situation is not created within a day or two. It builds up in years. And, at last, the BK member are forced to dissociate themselves from their family emotionally. Those who take divorce upon their recommendation also remain confused.

While on one hand BKs create a situation in which divorce or breaking from family is most suitable option, on the other hand they would just tell the followers that we do not ask you to part away from family. It's your decision & we are not asking you to take such step.

Followers fail to understand that such a step does not appear suddenly but it has already consumed a lot of BK learning churning. If they ask to detach from body, then certainly, if followed, it is going to detach them from body's need whether emotional or psychological which are fulfilled by family. So, breaking from family is not a tough step for a BK who has spent long time there.

And they call it sacrifice for service in their mission.


Re: BK 'service' only means one thing

Post25 Aug 2014

I just wanted to say here that BK 'service' from what I can remember, being an old time ex BK, was always said and understood to be about 'revealing Baba' to the masses in order to recruit new BKs. It was never about 'serving humanity' in a human way etc, also to hoodwink any susceptible VIPs for further PR. I don't think it's realistic to 'expect' BKs to do real humanitarian service ... for all the reasons that pertain to being a cult ... the immediate programming, conditioning, hypnosis, and weird belief system, disable them in a short period of time, from normal human responses. They are now the elite ones chosen by God himself ... the rest of humanity are shudras, untouchables, iron and Copper Age souls, lowly ... so their service is to remain in the Pure realm of revealling Baba only. They are no different than any other cult, religion who have the same belief to spread the good news about their leader, saviour, guru etc ... they cease to be human, and lose sooo much of themselves ... they are now 'super humans' becoming Angels ... ??
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Re: BK 'service' only means one thing

Post25 Aug 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Shivani is completely out of mind. She appears so confused during her conversation programs. If you just notice the way she speak, gestures, expression, one can easily deduce that there is nothing coming from heart.

Perhaps you would be better to say, "Shivani is completely out of heart" then? I would agree she comes across as a bit robot and even a little aggressive. If she was a bloke, she'd be a real prick.

The whole thing was just paid for "infotainment" and PR again. Like you say ...
quantum wrote:I just wanted to say here that BK 'service' from what I can remember, being an old time ex BK, was always said and understood to be about 'revealing Baba' to the masses in order to recruit new BKs. It was never about 'serving humanity'

... Self-advertising.

That's all it is.

And it's only one step away from the Hindu movement it has its roots in (Lekhraj Kirpalani's wife's religion of pushti-marg)*, Krishna worshippers who believe, e.g. all that is required for a human being to hear the name of Krishna ... their Lekhraj Kirpalani ... and they are assured of having at least one birth in heaven.

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