Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post16 Aug 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:a BK follower, he will politely catch your sh** and keep smiling, because he is a BK, and you are testing his tolerance power ...

What you are describing, Kumar, is just a yukti for advancing Brahma Kumarism. It's a strategy. BK are taught how not react, aka "tolerance power", not just to negative situations but even quite righteous questioning or confrontations. That is, when BKs are or do wrong, they are very good at feeling superior about everyone and everything and continuing on.

Is Save Innocent throwing "sh**" or are some of his observations and questions quite fair and accurate? I'd say the balance was about 90 fair and 10 sh** but that he really did not mean the sh**, it was just a question of language, e.g. the brothel question. But as brothels is an accusation or "sh**" Lekhraj Kirpalani or the god spirit of the BKs throws around, I think it was fair to ask the question.

Lekhraj Kirpalani or the god spirit of the BKs has always thrown around a lot of sh** at other individuals and religion calling them devils, impure, ignorant, hunchbacks and so on.

I don't find the BKs sincere in this aspect. I find the leaders and many of the followers very conceited and self-important. They are full of telling others how good they are, how high BKism is ... but very bad at responding to criticism and exposure of their corruption. For me, it is more that they just think themselves to be high caste and look down on all others. They may patronise them but, ultimately, they think they and their ambitions are far more important. Many of the leaders are basically fairly stupid and without morals.

On the whole, the movement lacks ethics. It is more just about keeping the money rolling in in order to climbing up the greasy pole of society. Social climbing we call it.

The leaders were just spoilt rich girls, who never worked for a living, who lived off Lekhraj Kirpalani money until it all ran out wasting their lives waiting for the End of the World, who then had to find a way to live and wanted to work their way back to that life of comfort and self-importance. And now they have a chain of corner shops all over the world selling religion.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post16 Aug 2014

Dear BK Kumar,

I know you are 100% BK. This forum was only place for ex-BK to open their heart to speak the truth and their experience.

As per your message, you use your own BK angle view to judge people. I used to do that action before. I used to judge people and matters based on BK teachings. Now, when I think back, that kind of minded really limited my view and heart feeling to understand people. All people around me really love me and concern me. Which was different what BK mention about Maya - ' attachment '.

What can I mention? If you don't have open mind for everyone, your world is only BK. If really open heart, everyone will be your friend. As my experience in BK life, too many of BK principles and judgements caused my relationship with others to go bad.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post05 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:My life would probably be more comfortable if I accepted their shelter, cooperated with them, met their demands ... and, most of all, did not think too much or question them.

ex-I, The grapes are sour ... or you want more....? :D
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Pink Panther

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post05 Sep 2014


Many of us here are no-good filthy shudras with a body-conscious ego to boost and more time on our hands than we need to keep ourselves alive.

What’s your excuse?
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post05 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote: ... and, most of all, did not think too much or question them.
kumar28061972 wrote:ex-I, The grapes are sour ... or you want more....? :D

Pure sarcasm.

Of course, as ever, there is a truth to it ... if I had accept becoming part of the co-prosperity, co-hypocrisy that surrounds the higher echelons of the Kirpalani Klan, I am sure that I could have had a nice flat above Global Cooperation house for free or a nice cottage with a pretty talented Kumari wife too.

Who knows ... if we'd shut down this website, I might have been given a nice little apartment in Mount Abu to sit out the next failed prediction of Destruction, and be earning big buck doing corporate coaching or writing New Age books.
Pink Panther wrote:Many of us here are no-good filthy shudras with a body-conscious ego to boost and more time on our hands than we need to keep ourselves alive.

You speak for yourself ... I am the Global Master Almighty of Knowledge making my bid to be 'One of the 8' and inspiring the stories of Bhakti for next Kalpa!!!

* In Hinduism there is a story of a devil who fought so much with Krishna that he became a god because he had been having Yoga with him so much. That's me folks. No, really ... it is. I am just like the BKs ... I really believe that I am going to become a god worshipped by Hindus for 2,500 years!!!

(Excuse me ... there is a psychiatric nurse here trying to administer some medicine to me right now).

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post06 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:I am the Global Master Almighty of Knowledge making my bid to be 'One of the 8' and inspiring the stories of Bhakti for next Kalpa!!!

Good ... but the path you have chosen is wrong one. You have to become angel first and for that you have to put in efforts according to Shrimat and not use your manmat ..


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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post06 Sep 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:Good ... but the path you have chosen is wrong one.. you have to become angel first and for that you have to put in efforts according to Shrimat and not use your manmat..

You joined BKs and it was your manmat. You left BKs and again it was your manmat. Again YOU got convinced and joined again. Don't you see it was YOU who were deciding and following YOUR manmat. Nothing wrong with that, it's fine. Everyone infact follows his/her heart. So please cut this crap of Shrimat and stop lecturing BKism here.

From BKs point of view, you are not even a good enough of student because you are showing so much interest (attachment?) in worldly things .. this website (may be Murlis are not giving you any more thrill now) ... to us ... the Shudras. ch ... ch ... poor boy, you will be the lowest level slave of a Dadi ... the future king in SatYuga. Grow up boy and don't spoil your great inheritance.

On the other hand, one can easily see the trap here of so called Shrimat. Anything you do as PR for them, they hardly care if you follow your heart or Shrimat, but when you start questioning and show some logic to them ... Shrimat enters with ... no questioning and only Baba Baba ...
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post06 Sep 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:You have to become angel first and for that you have to put in efforts according to Shrimat and not use your manmat ..

The meaning of Shrimat has been perverted by the BKWSU leaders now to mean, "submit to our will and not question what we do or say".

I cannot believe any adult honestly believes they are going to become an angels and then a deity worshipped by Hindus for 2,500 years, nor that either would be a motivating factor in their lives.

It is, my friend, a children's fairy story, and a not very good one at that.

You also missed the meaning and subtlety of the Bhakti metaphor which is a shame because it is fairly wise.

It's amazing to think BKs really are sitting there going,
"I am going to become 'One of the 8' ... I am going to become 'One of the 8' ... I am really am going to become 'One of the 8' if only I can stay awake and keep getting up at 4am every morning ... or may be at least I am going to become 'One of the 108' ... or at least 'One of the 16,108' ... as long as I keep sucking up to Dadi ... I must keep making efforts and race ahead ... last go fast .. last go fast ... I am still in with a chance in the race!!!".

That really is what is going through their minds and how they are encouraged to think.

Me, oh I am going to have a seat on the right hand of Dharamraj and judge all the lying, snivelling, tricky, cheating, manipulative, sneaky, snitching BKs who have chopped, changed and re-written the philosophy, and lied to the general public whitewashing their true beliefs.

You better watch out. If it happens, I'll be there and telling you all, "I told you so".
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post06 Sep 2014

I am going to host a cabaret show for them as they queue up to be judged

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post06 Sep 2014

You joined BKs and it was your manmat. You left BKs and again it was your manmat. Again YOU got convinced and joined again. Don't you see it was YOU who were deciding and following YOUR manmat. Nothing wrong with that, it's fine. Everyone infact follows his/her heart. So please cut this crap of Shrimat and stop lecturing BKism here.

As told before, I am still not sure where to go ... but I get peace so I am staying ... I will fully decide after the demise of Dadi Gulzar, if they keep on claiming that GOD is arriving then it will be nonsense for me ... That's why I am keeping my eyes open by referring to this website also.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post06 Sep 2014

.. but i get peace so i am staying..

How do you know it is true peace when you are there, unless you have identified peace before going there, which means that peace is already known and within yourself.

Did they give you peace, or did you allow your own peace to emerge?

If you believe peace is part of your nature, why the need for the religious baggage? peace is not a package deal where it only can be had if you buy all the accessories and supplementary products.

The basis of most meditations that result in peace is allowing time, sitting in correct posture to allow easy breath, allowing thoughts to move on and find the common space between thoughts. The common thing is ”allow”.

Don’t hold on to ideas that rise and fall away (attachment). Instead, sit in the silent space from which they arise from and fall back into. This means that ideas of ”I am soul” or idea of ”God” are still ideas which do not permit the silence of being/not-being where true yogic transformation happens.

BK meditation is merely an "alternative ego” affirmation. It works for a while, but then, because you become conditioned to think in those patterns, it becomes a mental cage no different to other mental cages that bind people.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post06 Sep 2014

Did they give you peace, or did you allow your own peace to emerge?
If you believe peace is part of your nature, why the need for the religious baggage? peace is not a package deal
I do not think too much, all I know is I get good vibration while in Maduban/centre and remain contented that Baba is with me. I am taking each day as it is coming, and apply Gyan and drama in order to keep myself away from unnecessary arguments and chaos. That’s what I think and it is enough for me.
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post06 Sep 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:... if they keep on claiming that GOD is arriving then it will be nonsense for me ...

I remember many years ago there was talk of Mohini training up young Kumaris as mediums but we did not hear anything more about that. You might ask and find out for us. I'd be interested to know how.

I suspect that they will actually stop the theatre pieces and selling it as "time to become Avyakt and meet Baba in the Subtle Regions", and the religion will become more vague.

Remember that in the beginning of the religion, god was some kind of universal light ... I could even believe that will drop the whole Lekhraj Kirpalani God business and go back to that. They won't admit they were wrong, they will just say Baba/Dada was testing or purifying them and this is the new Knowledge.

But they will go on and on for as long as the money is still coming in ... they have no other option but to be a priest caste as they don't make enough from just selling boots etc.

The religion is not the philosophy, it can change in any way. The religion is the unquestioning surrender to the Seniors' will, and conformity to their house style, in my opinion. Successful BKs are individuals who can just go along with that flow, play the part, keep their noses clean, and not throw any spanners in the works.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post07 Sep 2014

Then what will they say in 2036. They have claimed many times that sangam yug is of 100 years in total. They can-not continue, as you say for too long, At one point of time the Gyan will reveal itself. We have to just wait and watch...


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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post07 Sep 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:Then what will they say in 2036. They have claimed many times that sangam yug is of 100 years in total. They can-not continue, as you say for too long, At one point of time the Gyan will reveal itself. We have to just wait and watch...

Kumar, what do you make of Dadi Kumarka being a boy and leaving the present body and floating around in Abu?
(Are you a Kumar or a Kumari at the present time? Tell us something about yourself.) I am a boy

Can the boy be alive after his soul (i.e. Kumarka's) left body for 1-2 hrs and entered Gulzar during Bhog?

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