Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post11 Aug 2014

Hi, I am so glad you had the strength to leave. I too managed to leave after 3 months. I absolutely fell in love with the BKs and there ways but I was so scared about the destruction that I had nightmares and cried alot but in the centre felt so peaceful and loved. I feel so sad for the people who have given all to BKs or tried to leave as I know I was there for such a short time but even after 6 years since leaving I still think of them often and get sad that I've turned my back on Baba. What they do to good people is so unfair and cruel and what god-loving people can tell a mother not to bond or attatch to her child? Dadi JAnki is happy her child died (am I correct about that) that is what I was told. They are evil I believe.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014


You haven’t turned your back on anything.. You have turned toward personal integrity.

What you feel was left behind has not been left behind, unless you believe it belongs to someone other than yourself.

Inner peace, contentment etc are natural states, even a lizard can feel it when the sun shines and it has a nice rock to lie on. We humans chase after this and that, and we get caught in a whirl of thoughts and emotions, missing the simplicity of life.

Along comes a ”teacher” who gets you sit still and contemplate the simple truth of sitting still and appreciating your own ‘being” - you enjoy your own peace and contentment, maybe even feel a recharging of inner strength as your ”energies" re-align.

The teacher calls that ”God’s love” (or in other groups "the guru’s grace") and makes an ownership claim, then tries to link your feeling to the rest of the package he has for sale. Many buy into that and become a mutually reinforcing fan club for that particular belief system.

Don’t feel sorry for "the nice salesman" who tried to sell you more than you need.
Be content that we all already have what we need, if we care to honour it more than the distractions all around us.


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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

kumar28061972 writes
When you don’t know about GOD, then what allows you to question them who knows… If you come out with reality then come and tell it to the world, or let them experience who are happy and making their lives better.

Now you hear/see what you wish to hear/see. I am not questioning who knows God, rather I simply asked you 'Have you known God now'. Why don't use Share your experience?

If I don't know God, I do not want to waste time talking about him. And then there is no question of what he/she does? Is that so complicated that you cannot get it.

These MORALITY lessons are another trap to suck your time and money. Thousands of poor people, children dying of hunger and disease and you are talking of wah Baba and heaven...flying business classes around the world on the hard-earned money of people, enjoying retreats and buying expensive buildings in this brothel world....wah your morality. Its people like you and your Dadis who talk a lot of humanity and give a damn to human beings. In the end, however, its your choice what you want with your life, but manipulating and trapping innocent people by initially providing filtered and false information (like Shivani) and then building a sense of guilt and fear (and sometime greed of heaven, see yourself) is surely no Godly act and no act of any God that at least I can think of. If God is so manipulative, so biased then human beings perhaps need another one.

ex-bk Jan

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

It was a game of BK. They set up the rules, terms & conditions, win or fail. Whether you able to follow or not, like or dislike. Once you chose to play this game, you had to accept lose or fail. At 1st, I really blamed them. But I calm down now, this kind of experienced, the passed, the history happened in my life really cannot be removed from my mind. No matter how much I upset, hate them, blame them, all this emotion did not effect anyone. If give up earlier, which meant you win the game or win back you own life.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

kmanaveen wrote:
I am not questioning who knows God, rather I simply asked you 'Have you known God now'. Why don't use Share your experience?

Shiv Baba - The Supreme Soul
download.jpg (3.23 KiB) Viewed 19447 times

See, this is GOD. The divine, almighty authority. Ocean of Knowledge, Peace, Purity, Love, Happiness, Bliss, Power. And if you want to know him, Pl go to BK centre and experience the powers. Otherwise become egoistic like your guru ex-I and see what happens in the future.

YES WE PROUDLY(mind you this is egoless pride.. otherwise your guru ex-I will take it literally and write an essay on it) SAY WAH Baba WAH.. WAH DRAMA WAH.. AND WAH MY PART WAH
...…talking of wah Baba and heaven...flying business classes around the world ....
Yes, Dadis and big Brothers fly and enjoy 1st class luxury, because they have done that type of karma, not in past lives but in this life only. What you know about them…? You only seeing the output but have you ever thought of input they have provided…? Wait.. one day they will fly in ‘PUSHPAK WIMAN’ also. And you will only keep criticizing them.. what I can say.. it is your part.. it is your drama.. nothing comes free my friend.. sow the seeds and reap the fruit.. this is the Law of Karma.. One day you will realize (if you are honest enough) that God came on my door steps but out of my greed and misguidance by my guru ex-I I kicked off my fortune, wah re mai
if God is so manipulative, so biased then human beings perhaps need another one.

Dhunte reh jaoge….. :D

Save Innocents

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

you seem to me a coward type of person who could not walk on this path and is depriving others also to walk upon it. .

Thanks Kumar for shedding some of my paap karma. Please shed some of yours too now by going through different post describing several cases of splitting of families, distortion of relations, sucking properties & belongings by BKs Didis, then you may understand the need & significance of my previous post.


Also the Baba who is dead but kept alive by your Dadis/Didis is having poor comand over Sanskrit language. There is no word like bhaganti, kathanti, sunavanti,etc in Sanskrit & it is also not Apbhransh, what BKs call their their stupid innovation out of Sanskrit. [For English speaking users, it can be understood as : Using speakot, talkot, runnot, etc for speaking, talking, running respectively is said as an innovation by BKs & referred as Apbhransh] Once again it proves that they are nothing more than mere illiterate business minded cult members.

Here many people have been following BKism for more than 30-40 years & may be even before you were born. So, better use your intellect before making such senseless remarks. Oops sorry you are beyond senses, right? so you will always be talking non sense. Apology, if hurt.

So pity on your sanskar

Thanks again for that. I do not want that kind of Sanskaar which are given at BK centers. There are better sanskaars which can be nurtured. It would be better to discuss kind of Sanskaars present in BK Didis. Sanskaars like eating from followers money, disturbing personal life, interfering individual perception negatively, opposing the traditional values to set up some new stupid system is all what you get to see in them. Whew.... you will understand only if you try to see them unbiased.

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questioning BK

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

Oh my god. You felt hurt ... why are you considering language ..?

I am not a professor of sanskrit dear. But I understand the language what GOD is speaking to me (us), and perhaps you don't ... and Why are you seeing what is happening to others after following BKism. Why not you consider yourself only. Have you become perfect ...?

see.. criticism is the easiest thing one can do.. You are a brave child of Baba wake up and grab your fortune dear ... do not waste your time in following your guru ex-I.

Save Innocents

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

True, everyone must go to Baba, but there is a problem. They have limited seats available, luxurious ones are already grabbed by your senior Dadi. Where are you going to settle with that left part, may be it is also occupied already.
Oh my god ... you felt hurt ... why are you considering language..?

Yes hurt, can you fix it? No. You must be thinking it as my karma & that is best excuse for all your mistakes. Did you ever repent for all sins you committed in this life (forget previous births)? Not needed, right? After all you are going to become a god, so don't need to do anything, just join the BK force & follow their actions& instructions.
I am not a professor of sanskrit dear.

But your Baba is or am i wrong about this information that your Baba claims to be original writer/narrator/guide of Bhagwad Gita which is full of Sanskrit Shlok? Oh I got it, it has been approx 2500 years from Dwapar Yug according to BKism, so may be Baba forgot Sanskrit. Don't worry, he will revise it again for you in Satyug.
But i understand the language what GOD is speaking to me (us), and perhaps you don't ...

Then you are a genious, but what are you doing here, go & have conversation with NASA or LHC scientists. May be they can show the extent of negative intellect instiled by BK teaching inside your head.
and Why are you seeing what is happening to others after following BKism. Why not you consider yourself only. Have you become perfect....?

Pathetic, is not it? What kind of perfection are you talking about? Something which remains with you for a finite time is not 'perfection'. All your knowledge & memory fades during Treta & Dwapar as per BKism, so that is not perfection.
see.. criticism is the easiest thing one can do.. You are a brave child of Baba wake up and grab your fortune dear.... do not waste your time in following your guru ex-I

Even criticism requires experience & knowledge, it is not that easy as you think it to be. Can you critices your Baba, no because you are still stuck there. And i am not child of your Baba, you may be. But the truth is you are also not child of Baba. Go & touch feet of your parents & take Ashirvad(their blessings), they are your real parents & you are their son. Or is it wrong?

ex-l is not someone's guru. It is an independent forum which does not need any Brother, Sister, teacher, guru, student relations. Here problems that many old BKs, ex-BKs & new comers have faced are put together to bring out reality of BKWSU. It is not that they directly communicated here. Most of us discussed it with BK teachers but they turned back to our problems. If you see some BK killing other person, is it a crime or a role in the drama. Can you see it? Even if real life examples do not budge you then this blabbaring will also not help.

Save Innocents

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

See, this is GOD. The divine, almighty authority. Ocean of Knowledge, Peace, Purity, Love, Happiness, Bliss, Power. And if you want to know him, Pl go to BK centre and experience the powers

Oh that is so wonderful. A light becomes God. May be, tubelights, bulbs, lamps all will turn into Gods after few years. This is animated image, right or is it clicked directly by Dadi in her dream?

Oh, yes, everyone who wants peace must go to BK center, they will turn your conscious into piece. It is so pieceful at center where one becomes fool for peace.
Otherwise become egoistic like your guru ex-I and see what happens in the future.

Our future is bright & is improving day by day. But this statement is like a threat which is given not just to BKs but also to ex BKs, PBKs, etc. That is horrible, is not it?
YES, WE PROUDLY (mind you this is egoless pride ... otherwise your guru ex-I will take it literally and write an essay on it) SAY WAH Baba WAH ... WAH DRAMA WAH ... AND WAH MY PART WAH

Don't bother ex-l when I am writing one for you. Oh divine to-be-Dev, what is egoless pride, can you please describe it from your pure inteligence which no one else has on Earth? Jaah Baba Jaah, take all your followers to Paramdham forever & let others leave with peace on Earth.
Yes, Dadis and big Brothers fly and enjoy 1st class luxury, because they have done that type of karma, not in past lives but in this life only. What you know about them ...?

Great, your Dadis have surpassed Laws of Karma too. Karma of only previous birth give fruit in this birth. [There is a maturity time period for karma to become ready to give effect]. They have once again fooled BKs with manipulations.
Wait. one day they will fly in ‘PUSHPAK WIMAN’ also.

Historicaly, pushpak viman was the vehicle owned by Ravan. Certainly Dadis are like Ravan, so they will get one in their next birth.
nothing comes free my friend

We all know that. Nothing is available for free in BK centers. You have to pay it now or later but you have to give something in name of service or securing position in heaven.
One day you will realize (if you are honest enough) that God came on my door steps but out of my greed and misguidance by my guru ex-I I kicked off my fortune, wah re mai

I saw the future just now & there was no day like that in the calendar. Can you see it for others & tell when is it coming? No one kicked fortune but kicked BKism. I don't know why you get everything wrong about users here.
Dhunte reh jaoge ... :D

Dhunte to tum reh jaoge. Aisa phasaya hai ki nikal nahi paogay.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

Dear kumar28061972,

I will interrupt your and S I ’s afternoon tea chit chat to only say that instead of debating your god versus my god or no god, I am happy to let you have your god and your devils, but do not presume that they are anyone else’s.

Bharat’s great ”gift” to humanity is the possibility of ”you can have any God you like” in any shape or combination. And which one is supreme is also ever debatable.

Even the BKs change their God. if you don’t know your own history you won't know that Om Mandli was built on the belief for over 20 years that Dada Lekhraj was God (TWENTY YEARS!!) , he called himself Prajapati God Brahma.

Later in the late 1950’s the idea that Shiva was god entered the picture but even then ”Shiva" was a thumb shape and so was "the soul”. This most auspicious incarnation of supreme knowledge that comes to remove the darkness seems to trip over itself with two left feet.

It took another 10 or more years to become the self-aware god that finally learnt from a girl educated in primary school geometry that ”He" realised only a point form has no material dimension. And so ”Jyoti bindu swaroop” was born.. hardly a miraculous birth of blinding revelation, it took over 30 years.

Your wonderful personal experiences at the centre - why are they better than the wonderful experience of any other persons in other places and times? Does an ecstatic state prove god?

No, it shows that human beings can have ecstatic states if they meditate on the transcendental in particular ways - and have done this for millenia. BKs call it ”god Shiva” but they previously called it God Brahma. maybe because Brahma is a ”backwater” nowadays very minor god when Shiva has a branch in every town and suburb, they decided ‘what’s in a name anyway?”

Others call it The great Mother, others ”the Universal spirit, other, the ”inner self” ... and so on.

Now - back to your debate. What’s the sanskrit for ”bullsh**”?

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questioning BK

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

For all the arguments put by SI all I can say is :D .

Baba says ..."maha murakh dekhna hai to bhi yahi dekho" (SI please translate it make your English speaking gurus understand it).
Pink P wrote:Now - what’s the sanskrit for ”bullsh**”?

SI will tell you as he is expert of Sanskrit ... I am not here to please you English people, for that few people like SI is readily available. It is misfortune of India in past and present to have people like SI who will sacrifice their freedom in order to please the English people, just to pretend that they are advanced ... what a shame.

Save Innocents

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

Definitely I used to score good in Sanskrit (it's a language in which most of the Hindu scriptures were written. As it is complex language, so BKs are trying to make up a different version of it with manipulation of words of Hindi language along with prefixes & suffixes used in Sanskrit).

Really you think so kumar28061972 that these English people are way worse or less good than you. Know that you are still locked in shackles of ignorance (soul is present in each living being in equal measures). BKs propagate Universal brotherhood on one side but see this is their real face, always some kind of partiality towards non Indians. And I am here to give you your freedom, freedom from Brahmanisms who are against all cultures & religions of India. But you must now analyze this yourself. Kindly go through numerous posts available here on this site. Do you know how BKs fool Indian in name of God to accumulate money & property? Of course not, but you can read such experiences & incidents on this site. It is up to you whether to know the secrets of BK cult or remain one of their blind followers.
in order to please the English people, just to pretend that they are advanced ... what a shame.

This itself tells how narrow minded you are. You may see yourself doing khatirdaari of non Indian senior BKs whenever they visit your BK center. There is a term "Humanity", have you heard that? It is with this sanskaar that one gets unified with any person or any living being. When there are boundaries in your mind, where will be the unification? And blaming every non-Indian for the sad phase of Indian history of colonial rule & struggle till now is neither ethical nor humanly.

Do you know what is Bharat quote of humanity "Atithi devo bhav" (guest [non Indian] are Gods, who may behave any way with us but we must not leave our sanskaars).

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

SI- You seems to be free guy, wasting time, but I can not prolong this idiotic debate. I think you are deluded with this website, and one day will come out of this, as me. So God bless you (whichever God you believe on). Good bye and take care


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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

I feel so bad for the people who have had there mind and more robbed. I cannot believe that any decent human being would take contributions from the poor and then travel and live in complete comfort and then use the karma card. It is daylight robbery under the guise of god and spirituality. There is is nothing spiritual about turning people into slaves. This makes me so angry and sad and I thank god I got out when I did.
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post12 Aug 2014

I don't believe in a God, especially a "Supreme", singular person god that demands my total devotion, surrender and focus. Especially a merchant god that demands 'work today and get jam tomorrow' type deals.

The idea is absolutely ridiculous. It's a simple con trick designed to keep BK leaders in food, clothing, servants and property.

"God" is just a term primitive, uneducated, superstitious tribes used for elements of the material world they did not yet understand, e.g. the weather, the creative energy of the natural world, events around them, which now having been established in the human psyche is used by manipulative individuals to provide them with free money, free labour, power and influence, sex, a roof over their head ... whatever it is they desire ... vis a vis the Brahma Kumari elite.

Poor and mainly ignorant and uneducated BK adherents are being manipulated by the BK leadership who are skimming rupees out of their blind faith and superstition. Religious addiction is similar to an addiction to gambling. Those poor BK adherents are gambling on the lies and nonsense that they are being told by the BK leadership being true in the hope that it means they will escape the misery in their lives. Misery with very simple, obvious, real practical causes and solutions the Brahma Kumari leadership actually keep them away from addressing ... because if they address them, they would not need or pay money to the Brahma Kumari leadership.

I accept that religion and other ignorances has been ingrained into human society for so long, especially Indian society, that it will take time for it to be rid of it ... but it is happening quickly. In the meanwhile, at least we can work to make sure that religious leaders act ethically, responsibly and transparently toward their subjects.

Remember "subjects" ... the world as a lower class ... is the word the BK god spirit uses all the time; not equals.

There is no one god. There may be many god spirits as others believe, there may be many levels of god spirits but we have no way of knowing or proving it and so therefore should ignore them, and certainly ignore any that demand our total devotion lives whilst being absolutely unreliable ... like the BK Krishna Lekhraj Kirpalani.

The only thing that has been reliably proven about the kind of spiritualism the BKs are involved in, is that it is unreliable. You cannot rely on anything it's leaders and god spirits say.

Would you work for a boss who lied, manipulated, made false promises, did not pay you, did not offer you any pension or insurance ... and so on? The answer to that is, "of course not" (unless, perhaps, you were utterly desperate and faced death). Well, that is the BK boss and bosses.

Therefore, my advice would be forget all tribal gods, especially the ridiculous tribal gods who claim to be the only god, and concentrate on the real world.

If there are good gods, then I am sure that by doing good work and making positive changes they will be with you and help you. You do not need to become a slave to any god, and especially any one making a living (taking money) out of pretending to be his official representative.

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