Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

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Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post08 Aug 2014

Hi, I joined BK 3 months back. When I was shopping I met a old couple who gave me a small leaflet about Raja Yoga and took my number and told me that his son is taking free class. Since it was close to my house I joined for a 7 days course and thought it was the end. But he took me to the center and the meditation is at 4 AM and its open eye meditation and after the meditation they read Murli which is really a idotic message and they say it is the words of Shiv Baba the Supreme Soul. This Supreme Soul who is the creator of this beautiful world only say that this is a ugly world and all people are impure and this world is ruled by Ravan and also this is a brothel house and living a prostitute life. Will God use this type of words. I really cannot believe this and really confused with their theory. I want to leave this BK soon since I could not accept their teachings, Also they say that Bagavad Gita is not the words of Sri Krishna but its Shiv Baba and also the end of this world is nearing so we should take this knowledge and become deities and always think Shiv Baba.
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Re: Wrong concept of mind given by BKs

Post08 Aug 2014

karthik wrote:... after the meditation they read Murli which is really a idotic message ... [that] all people are impure and this world is ruled by Ravan and also this is a brothel house and living a prostitute life. Will God use this type of words?

Yes, you are absolutely right the Murlis are awful.

No, it is not God speaking. It was Lekhraj Kirpalani, a deluded and dissatisfied business man with mental problems who unfortunately had sufficient money to afford to support a harem of around 200 women and girls to play "gopi" to his "Krishna".

You don't know the half of it yet ... for the first 20 years of the cult, they was God. There was no God Shiva in it. They just made that up at some later date in the 1950s and then re-wrote their history.

Welcome to the forum. Please allow us to inform you more honestly and accurately that deluded BK followers will ... followers who generally have only been in the religion and know nothing of its past, inner workers, controversies and lack of ethics all of which have been hidden from them by a leadership that controls and exploits them for money, property and free labour.

Save Innocents

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post09 Aug 2014

You are a lucky soul that you got out of it within 3 months. Many remain stuck there for years, sometimes it takes their whole life. Cheer up, you are now free from their fangs of created Maya.
And don't pay attention on their teachings. It reflects their own mentality. It is often said that world is projection of our own inner intentions. So, for BKs its prostitution & brothel mechanism, they cannot think beyond it.

It is a big Mayajaal more powerful than any other posh cities round the world. They have created such powerful Maya that people there cannot decide whether to leave or to remain stuck. Genuinely, you are fortunate & smart enough to take right decision at the right time. Or if one spends more time in BK classes than that, say 1 year, then escape from BK org becomes almost impossible.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post09 Aug 2014

Lucky, left this BK clan as fast as possible. Your future wouldn't trapped by anyone.

Unlucky, stuck for many years. Most of followers stuck their, spend time, energy and money to support their own fortune. The more you spent on BK, so called Godly clan, the fortunate you are. The Senior Sister will encourage members to do a lot of service to create their fortune.

They will used members for everything, once you said 'no', no more friend with you. This was what I saw.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post09 Aug 2014

And you know what is the worst problem which one would face after leaving this BK cult? One can work & earn money, can even forget the time wasted there but an almost unrepairable damage that BK system do to you is that they remove all human emotions from the followers. That is a serious issue. Most people suppress their emotions as BK call it impure or a Maya. BKs forget their ability to mix up with the people & enjoy (or live) their life in a natural way. Every time when you wish to do something new, their psychic memories will hinder in getting a feel of your actions. Also the mind becomes too conditioned towards several aspects that we face daily.

It is still better to get out of that system & enjoy your victory over BKs influence which is not an easy task for still-stuck followers.


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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post10 Aug 2014

Remember that BKs use "incognito" and "experiment" to allow them to participate in lokik things. Only to come to the conclusion that according to the "teachings" that the world and the people are bad. If there is no bad thing they create it for you.


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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post10 Aug 2014

Thanks for all your replies. I stopped going to the center for 3 days but they go on send messages and one person is calling me to come to the center. When I told him that I am not interested and also told him that I do not want to become deity instead I want to be a human being and also I feel that this earth is a lovely place and I luv to here not in the heaven since no one has seen heaven. But he says that is all Maya which is making me talk all this. And started sending me messages in watsapp and video about Brahma Baba and so on. Really I am confused. When I enter their center I do not get any happiness or peace
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post10 Aug 2014

Yes, that is typical strategy ... they will bombard you for a while, try making you guilty, try sweet talking you and so on.

You have to be very firm with them ... they want your money, your time and energy, to keep their big balloon inflated.

Without newcomers coming in and pumping their money time and energy into their business, the BKs balloon will wither and die, and they will be faced at looking at what a dishonest waste their lives have been. That, and having no more money to live off, is what frightens them the most.

I saw "dishonest waste" because they fill their followers full of untruths. Untruths about everything. Everything. It's all just a confusion, many confusions, to make people stupid in order to exploit them.

Listen to your intuitions. We can supply the facts if you want them.

You cannot talk to them reasonably because over decades they have worked out 10,000 different "yuktis" ... mental manipulations ... and they are very persistent. They want to wrap you up in their web, separate you from all other influences and relationships, put you to sleep, and then suck your money and life out of you. And, at the end, unless you become a 'life sucker' like one of them, you will get nothing out of it. Nothing.

Save Innocents

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post11 Aug 2014

Don't listen to BKs, listen to your heart.

If they send you another message, reply them sternly via message. Tell them to stop following you, if they have even a pinch of shame.

Block them at whats app, don't interact with them, they can revert all your logics. Everything that you see right is considered wrong by them.

Rightly said if we are not able to feel heaven on this Earth right here at this moment, there is no guarantee of heaven in next birth. BK path can lead to animal life in next birth. Heaven is impossible (if you believe there is heaven) via BK philosophy. They abuse all deities we worship & tell you some new stories. That is just a market strategy, as Ex l always points out.

And, yes, you are correct, there is no peace or happiness in their centers, all you get is a Zombie island feel. Even look their faces, they themselves appear so sad & exhausted & over worked. Believe me, you are more sorted & peaceful than Didis or Dadis who always think of tricks to attract innocents. Commonly human beings are not that cheap.

Overall view is that they are not running for your upliftment but after your money. If you are a student, they still try to follow you as you have chances to get a job in future. Save your self, relation & money of course. (Better donate to needy than to these parasites, one more thing BK consider needy & poor as worst soul, or compare them to insects. Now see, is it humanity?).

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post11 Aug 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Don't listen to BKs, listen to your heart. If they send you another message, reply them sternly via message. Tell them to stop following you, if they have even a pinch of shame. Block them at whats app, don't interact with them, they can revert all your logics. Everything that you see right is considered wrong by them.

Save innocents -

you seem to me a coward type of person who could not walk on this path and is depriving others also to walk upon it. For the souls like you Baba says, "ASCHYARYAWANT SUNANTI / KATHANTI / SUNAVANTI AUR ASCHARYAWANT BHAGANTI".

So pity on your sanskar

Om Shanti


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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post11 Aug 2014

kumar28061972 wrote:Save innocents - you seems to me a coward type of person who could not walk on this path and depriving others also to walk upon.

Well, Kumar, at least SI and we too had the courage to tell the king he is naked ... courage is less about fearlessness and more about facing fears. Your profile says you are ex-BK but obviously you are braving to stay with them ... kudos to you ... but if I find a danger around, I would like to warn others and even if deity souls have pity on such Sanskars.

What your Baba said had many BKs left shocked and ASCHYARYAWANT many many times before but they dare not say it and quite often they are put in such situations that all other doors are closed and the only way left is ... wah Baba wah!

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post11 Aug 2014

I was ex-BK for a while but after spending long time with them I again changed my mind and decided to stay in as I did not find a better place than BKs. I do not think about Destruction part, I keep my self safe and I do not think that other than BK any other place is safer. It makes our life disciplined and on the track. The outer world is becoming very much polluted and I did not fit in to it. So I decided to rejoin the BK, so that I can spend my life peacefully and safely.

If according to you ShivBaba (BK god according to this forum) is not GOD then I DIRECTLY ASK A QUESTION TO GOD ... THAT WHAT IS "HE" DOING..? IS HE NOT SEEING THE SORROW, AND GRIEF OF HUMAN BEINGS ON THE EARTH ...? At least BK GOD is trying to build up a heaven and and finding some good souls to support.

What is our MORAL duty ...?



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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post11 Aug 2014

If according to you ShivBaba (BK god according to this forum) is not GOD then I DIRECTLY ASK A QUESTION TO GOD. THAT WHAT IS "HE" DOING ..?

I DO NOT KNOW God .. ShivBaba or BK god or any other god, so I am in no position to talk about him/her/it. However, if telling others about our experience and feelings is BLAMING, then what is wrong with that? You can tell about your experience. Do you know God now?

You find BK safest place and so you are there ... that I find very strange, where is all that soul is imperishable and Baba is there to save you anywhere. I am, in fact, surprised that you were with them more than ten years and still no soul consciousness ... and Baba is making heaven ... well, that sums up where you stand ... then why are you worried about this forum? Your heaven in making has a reservation for you, enjoy your stay with BKs dear!

And what sacrifice are BKs doing! When you say, "sacrifice", it itself means something you are not enjoying and a kind of loss. That means BKs have already created a hell out of their life and, in my personal opinion, that is a far greater sin because they also trap others and let them destroying their present in the name of non-existing future heaven.
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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post11 Aug 2014


"See yourself first ... check and change yourself first" is a Brahma Kumari code.

It means, "don't look at us too closely because we are corrupt and dishonest, and have been so for decades ... don't look at us too closely because we are involved in many hypocritical and sometimes illegal activities".

It's just a yukti to manipulate and control followers.

"Blame" ... I don't understand this word.

If someone does you and others wrong, destroys families, causes divorces, even causes suicides ... tells 1,000s of virgins not to marry and then allow leaders to secretly marry ... should I not tell the world about it?

Criticisms, or critiques, are essential to development. Unless there is analysis, there will be no change.

The Brahma Kumari leaders tell their followers, "Don't think, don't question" (quote Dadi Janki one of the the most corrupt and manipulative of all ... she even corrupted BKism due to her attachment to her "lucky prince" Lekhraj Kirpalani) ... Don't look at us or our faults, change yourself".

It's just a method to stop people seeing through the facade, the smokescreen, to what they are really like.

If you saw a great vehicle out of control ... killing people even and consuming property as the BKs do ... or a building falling down going to crush everyone under it ... would you not shout out to warn other people to get out of its way?

Well, that is what we are doing.

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Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

Post11 Aug 2014

Kmanaveen wrote:I DO NOT KNOW God .. ShivBaba or BK god or any other god, so I am in no position to talk about him/her/it.

When you don’t know about GOD, then what allows you to question them who knows ... If you come out with reality then come and tell it to the world, or let them experience who are happy and making their lives better.

I would like to hear from ex-I about my question he did not answer.
If according to you ShivBaba (BK god according to this forum) is not GOD then I DIRECTLY ASK A QUESTION TO GOD ... THAT WHAT IS "HE" DOING ...? IS HE NOT SEEING THE SORROW, AND GRIEF OF HUMAN BEINGS ON THE EARTH ...? At least BK GOD is trying to build up a heaven and and finding some good souls to support.
What is our MORAL duty ...?

I am afraid, but I have to say that ex-I’s approach is to point the BK leadership for their corrupt or manipulative practice (if any, as he says ... I never noticed it) but he never talks about GOD, THE real GOD. If he knows about it, then why he do not put it to the world.

The poor BK adherents are concerned with GOD. They have nothing to do with the BK leaderships and they feel happy and energetic after doing seva, they save money after following BK principles, because they were addicted to many things before, and now they feel free of it. That is what common people want, and BKs are providing it to them.. What is wrong in it..

I WOULD LIKE TO ADD ... EVEN IF THE BKs are untruth. I will support them as this fallacy is causing good to thousands of people, and I am one of them.

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