BK Anthony Strano dead

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post05 Aug 2014

Here is the usual divine message from BKs from Subtle Region
Om Shanti Message for Br Anthony Strano from BapDada via Sr Shashi, Madhuban 31/07/14

Today I carried remembrances on behalf of our dearly loved Brother, Anthony. As I reached the Subtle Region, I saw Br Anthony in a very beautiful, decorated form adorned with a crown of light and seated on a stage. In his hand was a beautiful Shiv Baba flag that had Baba’s image on the top and light emerging from its centre. Br Anthony was looking at it, and when he pressed a button on the flag, rays of light and vibrations spread around far into the distance. These vibrations reached many souls, and gave them the experience of attainments.

In another direction I saw beautifully designed models. Then there were many Brahmins standing in front of
Br Anthony in a half-moon circle. In the fourth direction, there was a table on which a lot of decorated material in the form of books and CDs were kept. Br Anthony was looking at all of this in amazement, like an innocent child.

Baba then appeared, and on seeing Baba, Br Anthony became very happy and embraced Baba. He asked Baba, ‘What is all of this?’ Baba said, ‘This is the result of your creation and service’. To which Br Anthony replied, ‘I have not done anything.’ Baba said, ‘Since the time of his spiritual birth, this child has been fortunate because a very powerful soul (Dadi Prakashmani) was instrument for his birth. With the cooperation of such spiritual light, he began to understand spirituality and continued to move ahead on this path. With his dedication, love and humility, he served many souls and enabled service to expand. His biggest speciality was that he lived by the spiritual codes of conduct, and filled others with the zeal and enthusiasm to experience a spiritual lifestyle personally.’

Baba then gave Br Anthony a beautiful large roll and asked him to open it. As he unrolled it, different coloured garlands emerged consisting of beautiful flowers. The garlands were emanating light, and they went automatically around Br Anthony’s neck. He asked Baba, ‘What is this? Why have I been garlanded in this way?’ Baba said that He has not done this. ‘The souls who have been served by you are sharing their love, appreciation, and gratitude, and singing your praise.’

Br Anthony said, ‘Baba, this is what You have accomplished.’ Baba said, ‘From the beginning this child maintained an unbroken bond of love and faith with Baba, and it is this love, faith, and intense efforts that have achieved so much in service. He was always eager to create new methods of inspiring souls to experience Baba’s company. This is why the child created beautiful books, exhibitions and CDs of knowledge and Yoga based on his practical experiences. He used to not only explain to souls but enable them to have experiences. In a light and entertaining manner, he filled souls with spiritual experiences. He always ignited the light of enthusiasm and hope within Brahmin souls. He has done such good service and earned the good wishes of many souls.’

Br Anthony said, ‘It is Baba and the Dadis who have taught me all this’. He specially shared a lot of gratitude and love for Dadi Prakashmani, Dadi Janki, Dadi Gulzar, the senior Brothers, RC Sisters and Brothers, and his equals especially.

Baba then remembered Br Anthony’s lokik family members, and said, ‘The family that he was connected with is also so fortunate for having given subtle support in enabling such a charitable soul to move ahead. Tell the members of the lokik family that this soul served many people and helped create the fortune of many, and so he has accumulated a treasure store of good wishes. The soul is carrying those blessings with itself. This family too should be proud of his achievements in service of the world. With the help of spirituality they too can have special experiences.’ Br Anthony said, ‘Yes they too can experience all powers through spirituality.’

Br Anthony then gave lots and lots of thanks to everyone. Baba said, ‘This child is about to start a new role on the service field.’ Om Shanti.

To me, it looks all fabricated and yet another PR attempt by BKs for Dadis and Didis.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post05 Aug 2014

kmanaveen wrote:To me it looks all fabricated and yet another PR attempt by BKs for Dadis and Didis.

Yes, precisely. It's as if they have been reading this topic ... which, of course, is what they do do.

But, putting aside any notion that it might have been constructed to defray criticisms ... it's too much expect the BKs to be honest about whether they do or whether it is just born out of habit ... it's affirming to others what the leadership wants them to think and emulate; in particular the importance of the leadership and good relationships with them. It's not spoken in Lekhraj Kirpalani's voice.

It's a little bit too much of a fairy story for me. A little too euphemistic and little too leading. Shashi would have been filled in as to who he was and did beforehand.

And, sure ... every dead BK rushes of into their next rebirth to do more work for free for the BKWSU.

But, wait, presuming Anthony takes birth in 6 months ... he will only be 16 in 2031.

The Golden Age is supposed to start in 2036. Destruction already having happened allow time for them to build their golden palaces and flying machines, nature having been restored to 100% purity.

So what "service" is a child of a few years with no memory of the BKs going to do?

I also wonder if they dare send the message to his family?

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post09 Aug 2014

As I reached the Subtle Region, I saw Br Anthony in a very beautiful, decorated form adorned with a crown of light and seated on a stage. In his hand was a beautiful Shiv Baba flag that had Baba’s image on the top and light emerging from its centre. Br Anthony was looking at it, and when he pressed a button on the flag, rays of light and vibrations spread around far into the distance. These vibrations reached many souls, and gave them the experience of attainments ..... .....

I bet when rays & vibrations were sent, no BK felt it. Only after reading message they may have started pretending.

So BKs if you are reading this, then do consider what you get after death:
    1. a very beautiful, decorated form
    2. a crown
    3. a beautiful Shiv Baba flag with a button on it (ha ha ha that's funny is not it :D )
    4. beautifully designed models
    5. books and CDs (for free? confirm it at center, may be you have to pay bucks directly to Baba to get all these)
    6. a beautiful large roll which has flower inside it.
    and ....
    ....nothing else. What do you expect more out of Baba? Do you want him to give his throne? It is reserved.
Well all these goodies can be bought in this life too.

BKs have got some special attachment to crown. Poor fellows, it is just a greed symbol & you are running for this.
    If you like flowers & garlands, buy & wear it but don't waste your life like this.
    If you like to wear a crown. please go,buy & wear it. Then express the joy (if it comes). Then when its done, leave the BK org.
Are you a kid who need pampering in form of shiny glossy materials or some beautifully decorated lollypops. Grow up dudes ... Brothers.

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post09 Aug 2014

Tell the members of the lokik family that this soul served many people and helped create the fortune of many, and so he has accumulated a treasure store of good wishes

Also tell the lokik family that he did not get treatment at right time & died due to fatal disease as opposed to what BK system promised him ... health.
This family too should be proud of his achievements in service of the world

They may be proud but it does not matter you babay. You call it attachment, right?
With the help of spirituality they too can have special experiences.

Now leave them alone & let them attain natural peace. How greedy are you that first you took their son & even now asking for more. Shame shame.
Br Anthony said, ‘Yes they too can experience all powers through spirituality.’

This is what writer or speaker said. Anthony has got nothing to do with it. Speaker is just fooling you.
Since the time of his spiritual birth, this child has been fortunate because a very powerful soul (Dadi Prakashmani) was instrument for his birth.

I thought this earlier & knew that such explanations will come around about his birth. How many more have been given birth by Prakash'money ? Yes first she throws some light on money of follower & if it is huge, then she promises to give birth to many. Too dirty.

Indirectly they are asking for more followers, this is hell. They even cash on followers after their death. Using reference of Anthony to accumulate & motivate others to donate & work for org is very very condemning. What kind of people or demons they are.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post09 Aug 2014

This family too should be proud of his achievements in service of the world

Note the conditional "should" ...
With the help of spirituality they too can have special experiences ... they too can experience all powers through spirituality.’

This is another reason I could never believe it to be the "word of God" ... their corporate use of the word "spirituality".

What does "spirituality" mean ... nothing. It's just the BKs looking for a better way to market their spiritualism in the West.

In the old days it was "Soul conscious" or "God conscious". They appear to be withdrawing that and using the vague term "spirituality" ... we've seen this in other materials of theirs, e.g. at the United Nations.

I have no idea if Anthony sought medical help but, yes, it's hypocritical that they sell their religion on the basis that it can cure cancer and heart disease etc ... and then all their leading members die of cancer and heart disease etc!

To the BKs, that's no problem! They have idiotic ready made response for every failure ... "Oh, that was his karma" or "Baba wanted him to serve the doctors and nurses". Their religion is formed in an extreme resistant and persistent malleable manner. It has had so many failures, so many revisions or re-writes that they have an armoury of mental tricks to negotiate any problem that compromises them and with them they wrap themselves and others up with endlessly looping snake-like contortions ... it's this, it's that ... we are a religion, no we're not a religion ... we have 900,000 followers, we have no members ... they have no moral and intellectual integrity and stability.

They are shapeshifting chamelons claiming whatever is the most expedient ... the most useful and profitable ... at any given time.

... And they consume individuals' lives and destroy families. I'd love the family to tell us, and the BKs conceited god spirit, exactly what they really think.


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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post10 Aug 2014

The whole message is ... peer pressure and totally fake!. Subliminally, it tells BK followers what to do. Do more service and dedicate more. It is disgusting how BK works their way "incognito" to fill their own pockets and misuse innocent people with their comedy train, and even involve his so called lokiks for a ******* crown and a stupid flag.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post10 Aug 2014

It's also reeks of confirmation bias.

Objectively, why was Strano elevated because he met Prakashmani? Technically, how does that work?

Prakashmani met 1,000s of individuals who took ZERO from her, who walked away and ignored her, who left the BKWSU at a latter date, and so on ... what happened to them?

That section is just all about reinforcing their status, and importance in the minds of followers, of the BK elders AND their seats which 2nd and then 3rd generation BKs will occupy in the future. Rulers by divine decree. And despite 40 years of Western expansion, and many Western BKs have far better education, intellects and integrity, there are still no White BK elders (never mind Black ones).

At best, within the BK philosophy, Strano must have only been an 83 birth soul therefore not a first class Golden Age 84 birther. This is what they teach, but cannot admit ... but who believes in that stupid stuff any more?
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post10 Aug 2014

The message was as generic as cheap white bread from the discount supermarket chain.

Replace the name ”Anthony Strano” with ”blank” and save message template for next BK death.

What's in this "eulogy" that only a personal, close loving Father with whom Anthony shared his innermost thoughts in meditation for decades could tell us to give insight into what made him "special”?

He wrote some books and recorded some CDs. No one knew that apparently, not even Shiloo (the transister) it seems.

OK - you might say that a message doesn’t need to be a ”proof” of anything. But this sounded similar (just as generic) to the one for Wendy Sargent who died two or three years ago. Both included references to things that everyone who knew them already knew.

When I go to funerals and the following ”wake” - (I only go to funerals of those I have some close connection to, and unfortunately I am at that age where it is becoming a more frequent occurrence) - I and others there are always amazed hearing stories shared in the eulogies or over a meal later that reveal something specific about the deceased that most never knew about, something very humanising and rounding out their character, something funny or moving or laudatory, some special aspect that only the person speaking noted and remembered as quintessentially defining that person.

This was middle management being asked by top brass to prepare the necessary press release about the recently deceased co-worker that would keep up morale, maintain corporate pride and show the workers that management really cares about each and every one of you special ‘what’s-your-name again?’ child of god.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post10 Aug 2014

What exactly were the achievements that the family should be proud of?

The reality is BKs do very little good if any for anyone, even themselves

The blindness of their faith is so great that they even deny they have a faith,
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post13 Aug 2014

His body was flown home for a Catholic funeral


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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post16 Aug 2014

I was in the center when a Senior Sister read this message. I could not stop laughing at this stupid message. I don't know how the educated public who comes to this center believe all these things. It was such a cheap message and I don't think people will believe this but there are lot of BK followers who believe this blindly
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post16 Aug 2014

Blind faith.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post22 Mar 2015

Digging a little deeper, sadly it turns out Anthony Strano was poisoned by the diseases spread widely through the organization ...

It seems the BKs allowed the local LVEP national coordinator - a soft front for lukewarm BKs or non-discipline following supporters arranged a work permit for Anthony in their non-BK consulting company ... even though he was not working and earning anything from them.

More visa fraud in other words ... a profitable by-product from BKism being posed as management consulting, I presume.

The woman having been courted by no less than Dadi Janki, a "favourite" ... although she did not attended morning classes.

Anthony Turkish tax and the social security payments were paid monthly from the couple's own pocket ... tax fraud, personal benefit ... so he could stay as NCO of the BKWSU centers in Turkey.

Seemingly Anthony lost his mind a bit in his last year, sad at the silent rejection and respectless behavior of other foreign BKs in Turkey ... again "Dadi Janki's favourites" Aruna and Yogesh, and Jayanti. BK students were divided by the conflict.

Tales of luxurious flat big enough to host 100 visitor, Anthony demanding a double flat for himself and extensive renovations ... money lost with landlord problems.

More later ...

To be honest, I always found him a little stuck up and self important. It seems he had an entourage fawning over him.

The question now is how did British born Jogesh survive in Turkey?

Locals say Aruna was "exiled" to Bahrain amidst the troubles but she is still in the BKs and selling book ... It's Time.


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BK Anthony Strano dead

Post01 Nov 2016

RIP Brother

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