When and how can a BK travel for free and when and why not?

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When and how can a BK travel for free and when and why not?

Post05 Aug 2014

Before a friend of my became deeper involved in BK he said very enthusiastic , " I can travel all over the world for free, and stay at centers for free". I wonder if this is some recruitment method to get new followers more involved. Up until today he never went anywhere for free and paid his own trips to Madhuban and elsewhere.

Maybe he got in trouble somehow, somewhere on the way. How can a BK come into trouble with the leaders?
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Re: When and how can a BK travel for free and when and why n

Post05 Aug 2014

The BKs certainly use the "everything is free" line to attract people it. Perhaps that was our fault, we were attracted by the idea of "free loading" and got caught.

But once you are in, and certain after you have gotten over your "BK childhood" when they will allow you to make 'errors' out of ignorance and enthusiasm, the system becomes increasingly tighter.

It's not a youth hostel type of association! Actually, it would be better if it was ... but then, I suppose some folks would exploit it.

Travelling from one center to another normally entails a very good reason, e.g. an event like a retreat or service, and a letter or call or both from your center-in-charge recommending and introducing you. Not a holiday! In my day, I would say people rarely did. The leadership would even discourage individuals from leaving a center, e.g. for work or a preference to live in a different city, for the sake of keeping numbers up to pay for and run a center.

Although BKs are outwardly friendly, they aren't really encouraged to form relationships and have to give over varying degrees of individuality so, for example, they might have to ask permission before allowing another BK to come and visit their bhavan (house where BKs live together). Some bhavans have guest rooms but not many. In my experience, they were normally used only for special events and not personal whim.

How much trouble? You can fall out of favour with the BK leaders for many reasons ... but if your friend thought the BK system was somewhere where he could just hang out and cruise around the world free loading, then he would certainly fall out of favour quickly!

BKism is an army on a mission. Once you join the army, you're there to work. Was he following full principles, e.g. getting up at 4 am and going to class every day? If not he would not be considered a full BK and safe if he continued to do so. He would be tolerated at best or considered a nuisance and a burden at worse. Perhaps even made or told to leave.

Some have even had doors literally locked on them to keep them out because they fell so far out of favour.

Yes, unless you are a Senior Sister ... perhaps even some of these senior Brothers like Anthony Strano, you have to pay your own way and are expected to pay (make a donation) at any center or bhavan you visit. They will all have "Baba's boxs" somewhere. Some give the money to the center, some keep the money to run the house ... that's another area of politics.

But it's no hippy ideal of free living.
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Mr Green


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Re: When and how can a BK travel for free and when and why n

Post05 Aug 2014

if you're passively aggressive you can have what you want

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