BK Anthony Strano dead

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post01 Aug 2014

Any update on whether they flew the body out, whether the family ... his real family ... got involved.

No pictures of the send off or funeral?

Dying in South America, he'll not get the big march round Mount Abu and sandalwood bonfire. What qualifies a BK for that ... being SIndhi?

Anthony gave nearly 40 years. He died without any family of his own. In a way, he did much harder work in the West because of the cultural differences. His intellectual polish adding something special to shaping the facade of BKism.

What's it all worth in the end? Bhakti (faith) that in his next life he'll be rewarded ... but keep working towards the BKs' goal.

Save Innocents

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post01 Aug 2014

I don't think he will be awarded even with Bhakti in his next life, as that also requires certain qualification (that person should at least have some human emotions or at least he should be able to understand others or have faith in at least one religion, ofcoursenot the recent BK cultism). Reason for this inference is the culture that BK imbibe throughout their tenure in org. demands them to get out of all religious things (to get away from Bhakti is their topmost priority), so he has accumulated such karmas in this birth which will repel him from Bhakti for many next births.

He may have worked harder to spread & renovate BKism in West but I don't consider it as 'some effort' as it was all meant to divert people's income towards org., break families, create emotional disturbances within a healthy individual, get fan following for BKism etc etc. As far as his last rites are concerned, it hardly matters to BKs who even smile during his last moments & when he is gone, they just enjoy their "Halva party" & that's the end of Strano's contribution.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post01 Aug 2014

BKs use the word Bhakti rather differently. It's about the biggest 'acceptable' insult for them to use, especially about another BK.

It all goes back to their separation of themselves from other religions, and their superiority complex. They see themselves as being the only true religion which "knows" the truth; all other religions are ignorant, impure and deluded. Their religions are all partial, imperfect, faulted memorials of BKism from the last Cycle of Time and of limited value. They offer only limited, binding benefits as best ... only BKism offers muhkti or jeevan muhkti.

Of course, that is all twaddle but that is what they believe. It's also a total misunderstanding of what Bhakti itself is.

So, Bhakti means blind faith, worshiping god and believing in falsehood. BKism is "Knowledge", or Gyan; knowing, relating to the one true God, and truth (even if it has been shown to be false and constantly changing).

Therefore when I say that all the BK beliefs about what will happen to Anthony now is all Bhakti ... or the soul that was once within the body ... I mean it is all blind faith and superstition. They don't 'know' anything. Nothing.

What happens when a high ranking BK dies, a Sindhi one and usually a female, is that carry out all their own sorts of rituals ... even though they claim they don't carry out rituals and rituals are blind faith; they memorialise them ... even though they tell adherents not to remember anybody; they show sad emotions ... even though they tell adherents to have a halva party when their mothers die; they print big pictures ... even though their scriptures tells them not to have pictures of anyone; they will speculate about what will happen to the soul of the individual and, generally, one of their psychic will go into trance and come back with a story or even message from them.

Sometimes they will even claim that the dead BK enters the psychic medium, to meet, wave or say good bye to other BKs.

Om Radhe, Mama, for example, was meant to have gone off to some royal family in Nepal or somewhere ... I dare say none of it is true but it keeps them entertained in their otherwise fairly boring repetitive lives. It's excitement. There's even this big thing about who gets to go to the funeral if it is in Madhuban ... as they won't allow every one to do so.

It's a status and rank thing.

That is why I question what happens to Anthony body now. Is it just thrown out like empty garbage, dumped on his real family at their cost ... or will the BKs pay for it to be shipped back ... how will it and he be memorialised?

It's an indication of his real status and rank within BKism.

For example, when Wendy Smith died ... another 'serviceable' BK intellectual and I think a better one than Strano ... she went back to her real family and they had a service for her. Did the BKs give anything beyond some flowers etc for all she gave them? Ha. Probably they just gave nothing, aka "silence".

You can tell the BKs by the sound of the cash registers and accountant's calculators but when the end comes, they give ... silence. Unless, of course, by having a ceremony and even a trance message, they know they will get some money.

They do do it for rich Indians but likely from Western families, they will get nothing but contempt for having wasted their family members life.

Did Anthony have any wealth? Had any of his parents died and had he inherited any money or property ... those are the two things to prick up the BKs' ears and elevate you in their eyes.

A poor Western BK service wallah who might have given their life but has no money ... "bah, give 'em back to his Shudra family". You see, there's no equality in the BKWSU and no upfront written code. Everything is unwritten and conditional on the basis of what is the more profitable and expedient, and worked out behind the scenes by the inner circles.

And outsider average BKs ... who are watching what will happen to them one day too ... are enculturated to be afraid to ask about such things, what the rules and principles are. Nothing is documented.

Please correct if I am wrong.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post02 Aug 2014

You're right, it is BK Raja Yoga.

"Grind your bones in service." When Westerners latch onto BK Raja Yoga they take it very seriously and literally - to the extent that it can be a health hazard. Perhaps it's the Christian, sinner and need based slant on life, striving to be right or good so we can become acceptable in God's eyes. Instead of feeling closeness to God, feelings of insecurity increase and the dependence on others who are perceived to have more purity, power and closeness to God is encouraged.

Save Innocents

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post02 Aug 2014

What happens when a high ranking BK dies, a Sindhi one....

Yes, it is what I call double standards. But it has a reason, a logical & more humanly in approach. They may preach anything outside but deep within their hearts, they know that all things happening in world are meaningful & should be done in the same manner. So, they perform rituals as that only can bring peace to their mourning hearts. It is not just a simple loss. Death of a person is what reminds everyone of his own temporary existence in world & this has severe effect on those(BKs) who are trying to get out of so called Dehadhyas (who are presently into much severe dehadhyas as compared to others).

So at the end, all BKs have a fear which prevents them from going completely against traditions & customs though senior BKs have less effect of all these (as their main motive is to earn) & become part of it to win over their followers.
they will speculate about what will happen to the soul of the individual and, generally, one of their psychic will go into trance and come back with a story or even message from them.

And that is needed to continue the business, commonly known to world by name BKWSU. They don't see anything in trance, it just a trick to make fools out of their followers & a test to estimate how much their followers believe in their stupid story-telling tricks.

Close the eyes, start behaving abnormally, speak in different weird tone, etc etc. Do you think it is a way or can be a way suitable to get some divine vision? Actually no, it's just a fool paradise visit in trance.

The message & story are not made during trance but prepared right after death of their members. And they are prepared with many common messages in advance.
Sometimes they will even claim that the dead BK enters the psychic medium, to meet, wave or say good bye to other BKs.

There cannot be anything less idiotic in this world than this claim.

Yes, you are true, such incident of their visit in Nepal is a true incident & now they cannot say that they did not say anything like that in past because they preach it even now. In every BK Yoga bhatti, it is repeated along with all those super mindless stories. Why they repeat this one only & there is no other such incident? Because it was a royal visit. Also, it was the first incident when that beggar was able to entice a royal Nepali with her imaginations and the fact that Indians get respect in adjacent countries was exploited well by that trace-sister ....Although it is also a fake incident in which a trickster tried to play with emotions of mourning people on account of death of a family member.

So, Wendy was transferred to her real family after her death. If it happened to one like Wendy then it can also occur with Anthony Strano.

Shanti is right, one thing that drives BKs crazy is the insecurity. They are always in fear of their boss Dadis who can anytime declare them unauthentic, ignorant & unsuitable for their type of Yoga. And can even instruct the BK to get out of their system. Insecurity in BK system is very high. It rises with age, as they grow older they are bound to stick to the system's beliefs or if they are expelled, where would they go & get food for free? It would be shameful to show up to their lokik family whom they rejected during teenage. Oh wait ... I am wrong here, actually they are shameless & will take help even from their lokik family without any guilt, it is the culture they learn in BK. Use & throw everyone & anyone even if its your own family.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post02 Aug 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Shanti is right, one thing that drives BKs crazy is the insecurity. They are always in fear of their boss Dadis who can anytime declare them unauthentic, ignorant & unsuitable for their type of Yoga. And can even instruct the BK to get out of their system. Insecurity in BK system is very high. It rises with age, as they grow older they are bound to stick to the system's beliefs or if they are expelled, where would they go & get food for free? It would be shameful to show up to their lokik family whom they rejected during teenage.

This is all very true. BKism is built not on love but on 'total insecurity'.

I am particularly talking about the majority in India here, not the "luxury BKs" in the West who are required to have a job and allow a little independence, a Brahma Kumari has no security whatsoever. No rights at all. They can be chucked out on the whim of an elder at any time and outcast from the community they may even have built up.

For the low ranking Brahma Kumaris, it's a form of slavery ... servitude for life under the promise of rewards - ho ho ho - in the next. No pension, no shared ownership, no democratic rights, not even any holidays.

Talented Westerners, like Anthony, are just a facade ... as someone recently said to me, like a puppet show the BK masters can perform in front of an audience to attract new followers.

Westerner BKs like Anthony willingly played this role in India. The BKs used to literally say it ... "Look at us, we've even got White people following us" to impress dark skinned Indians. And, in my opinion, some Western BKs used to enjoy it, swanning around as if they were elevated gurus dressed up in mufti.

Others were a little embarrassed by it, and the generousity despite the poverty of many Indian who were thrilled to have foreign guests ... but I never heard any standing up to question and challenge the inequality of it all. It was just accept as "their karma".

And this is a point I always made about the elite BKs. They say, "Oh, we don't accept donations". The followers say, "oh but Dadi lives so humbly" (cue picture of BK in that white Rolls Royce) ... which is fair enough to fool the Western mind ... until you see what poverty for the elderly in India *really* looks for those without family or a proper trade or profession.

But now the BKs are so big in India, so well financed and able to buy in so much technology etc, that I am thinking Western BKs are no longer a big thing for them and they have become more dispensable. That they have gone back to being what they pretty much were in the first place, for the most part pretty penniless, low in status, and eccentric.

As for the trances ... I don't know. Yes, especially for individuals who have died, a large part of it does come across as staged. We have read of examples where "BapDada" has had to be prompted as to who is who and Gulzar has "forgotten" to keep up the act or come out of trance for some reason and confused everying ... but I think something does happen in some of them. I just don't think it is anywhere near a god, reliable or that meaningful.

Trance and mediumship is really no big deal, especially in India etc. The only thing that is reliable about it is that it is absolutely unreliable.

However, I am still interested in how it is use to denote rights and rank and what values system it manifests within the BKWSU.

40 years of fairly faultless servitude and not rocking the boat and Strano still did not even make it into the club.

Open your eyes BKs ... what does that suggest for you newcomers?

All the first generation Western BKs are now approaching retirement age. A few have already reached it. Destruction has not saved them ... what have they got?

If they are lucky, their Shudra lokik parents will have left them some money and may be a property, which the BKs will be eyeing up, but what will they get for a life time of service to the Shiv Shakti Army? Is there the income to support them in their old age?

Phew ... even during their 'official holiday' in Mount Abu, they still have to get up 4 am in the morning every day.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post04 Aug 2014

Anthony Strano has been embalmed and flown back to Australia to be buried after a funeral service to be held at his family’s local Roman Catholic church in Pennant Hills in north Western Sydney, this Friday 8th August. I have no idea who bore the cost of transport or the burial.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post04 Aug 2014

Let's guess the family did ... but I'd like to know. A BK buried a Roman Catholic?

I should imagine it will be quite a sad affair as the family lost him for most of life to the BKs, and will have no grand children. I wonder if BKs will be and feel welcome at the funeral?

I wonder if allow the body to go is the BKs' great "charity" to his real family, to allow them to express their "impure" and "degraded" bod conscious emotions such "attachment" for the empty shell of his body. The body they gave to him, loved, fed, nourished, protected and educated until it was fit enough for the BK to requisition for free.

Of course, allowing the family to do so would also save the BKWSU money.

Has anyone ever heard of the BKWSU making a financial gift or donation to the families of their deceased members in thanks for everything they gave to the cult?

Ha. Ha. Ha. I can imagine the Sindis spitting out their morning tea at the idea of actually giving away money.

One can pretend BKism is a religious path but, from another point of view, it is also the economical management of resources. Believing the body to an empty worthless shell, and practising their form of "eat Halva" detachment ... for everyone except their Dadis and Didis (of course) ... saves them the money for having to carry out rituals to bury and memorialise the dead.

Huge and increasing effort and expense is made for Dead Dadis, but not Western servants.

Save Innocents

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post04 Aug 2014

Last night, a BK got a dream in which 8 senior Dadis & 1 man were laughing on funeral of ... Anthony's soul left the place in tears & kept on introspecting what wrong had I done in my life that these Khalifas are not recognizing my efforts. Then his soul turned towards his lokik family members who were in tears for the loss they had. And do you know what he saw ? ... That his lokik family members loved him with all their emotions & heart without any conditioning but it was too late by then. :-(

Do you also want same fate, current BKs? At least he did not get heaven, only pains in his kismat (fortune) came. And then Anthony saw his next life in which he was disowned by his family members just like he did it in his previous life & then many people misguided him in his next life & extracted all his earnings & property (every action came with equal opposite reaction which may be way more harsh) ... At last in his next life, he gets a better understanding that live with humans who follow their heart & humanity. No need to think of heaven or long for useless pleasure of palaces.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post04 Aug 2014

It’s not right to try to score political points from the recently deceased.

ex-l is talking about the Seniors and their past form but, Save Innocents, you are presuming to mock the deceased before he is even buried or mourned by the family who did love him. Knowing what kind of people they probably are, forgave him for anything and prayed for the best in whatever fate awaits.

We might learn something from such Christian people.

A bit of respect for a week or three will not go astray.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post04 Aug 2014

Societies invent ritual to help individuals over traumatic events like losing a son but I would have to suspect, in this case, the son was taken from them a long time ago, and so this little bit is all the family will get of him back.

We all remember the advice on the Murlis, "If you mother dies, eat havla" ... meaning be happy and have a party.

As a pukka BK, anything he owned, if he owned anything, would go to the Brahma Kumaris according to the 'official will'. Of course, being a pukka BK, he has no family of his own.

Feelings ... love, attachment, even attraction to talents such as intellectual or artistic gifts are seen as vices, either gross or subtle. So what are BKs 'allowed' to show or feel these days? An official hour of meditation and then back to chasing VIP and enculting newcomers?

In the old days, none of them expected to get old. They lived think they were going to die during WWII, 1950, 1976 ... even Anthony spent 9 years expecting to die before 1986 when Destruction was predicted to be (1976 having just failed).

Given the failures of all of their own beliefs and predictions, should not they break down the edifice of non-feeling as well?

I found a page and activity of the BKs that I had not seen before, here. They appear to be calling death "transitions" now and documenting them. This is new to me. Interesting how the BK eradicate the real mothers from their world view and mark their own as the true "mothers" of the adherents ... "It was Dadi Prakashmani who gave him birth". Note the uncomfortable verbal construction.

No, Jayanti. It was his mother who carried him and bore those pains. Your lot just stole him away from his real mother and family.
Sr Jayanti about Br Anthony

26 July 2014

Luciana Ferraz of Brazil has contacted us to say that Br Anthony Strano who was touring Brazil was in Salvador and after breakfast this morning, left the body. He had a heart attack and must have left the body instantly (26 July).

On hearing the news Dadi Janki said he was Baba's first number child a wonderful Brother. It was Dadi Prakashmani who gave him birth. He was the embodiment of Gyan and Yoga. He knew the real meaning of Gyan. He was such a deity with a hero part in the drama. He was an example not only in Greece but for the whole of Europe and the world.

We will keep you informed of further developments.

With love,
In Baba's Yaad,

BK Jayanti

Save Innocents

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post04 Aug 2014

Yeah, you are right PP, I must not mock on this sad occasion. Sorry for that. It is not moment for jokes or craps right now.

The issue was why there is partiality in treatment of Indians BKs & non-Indian BKs in BK system, that too after last moments of a sincere follower like Anthony? Two reasons come to my mind:

Firstly, I think that last rites are done not according to BK system but according to the religion in which one is born &, yes, the BK system cannot go that far to challenge the traditional system so openly. They may say any thing about rest part of life but when it comes down to birth & death, no one would listen them & their rotten philosophy.

Secondlly, it also saves their money & some Indian BKs also get an opportunity to travel in business class freely to other countries to attend the last rites.

I think it is now the responsibility of non-Indian BKs to seek equal treatment from BKWSU in such moments, if not in every conditions.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post04 Aug 2014

It been not so much "Indians" but 'Sindhis' so far. Indians get treated pretty poorly too.

It does not matter how good you are, how clever you etc, if you were not one of the "original jewels", you are second, third or fourth division.

And we are no division ... untouchables. "Cremators" ... "Lower than the lowest of the low" to quote the Murli.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post05 Aug 2014

Societies invent ritual to help individuals over traumatic events like losing a son

The BKs have let each other know about his funeral arrangements for those who wish to attend. I knew Anthony quite well but that was many years ago and I would not consider going to his funeral.

I have some affectionate memories of good conversations etc but I have such memories and feelings for many people; school friends, work colleagues, clients, neighbours, whose life's caravan has travelled alongside mine for a while and we clicked on some level. Go to to all their funerals? No thanks. A funeral is a ceremony for the living, for his family and those who were close. Sometimes people who are not close emotionally or biologically will go to such events just "to be seen” - it’s a social networking event.

I have had no contact with him nor wanted to, for decades. I do not know his parents or any of his extended family, if he had any. I don’t think he allowed anyone, BK or otherwise to be close, to be a 'close friend’ in the real sense of the word. He took the idea of Baba as his "one and only" very seriously and was always aloof, seemed to allow only a half-painful laugh or a weary smile if any small thing was funny. Only high minded things were to be given any time.

The relationships he had amongst the BKs were, as far as I know, "colleagues” and ’workmates”, no close friends. Many BKs will go to the funeral, with some ego that they are ”doing service” or they see it as an opportunity to gain something by association by being seen there. How many will feel anything personally or deeply about him?

Maybe I am wrong.
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post05 Aug 2014

Pink Panther wrote:Sometimes people who are not close emotionally or biologically will go to such events just "to be seen” - it’s a social networking event ... an opportunity to gain something by association by being seen there.

That certainly sums up part of a funeral for one of the Dadis.

Yes, to me, your description of Anthony's personal and social life would sum up the "perfect" BK but still a sort of lonely delusions.

I imagine he would embrace that 'alone-liness' and the lifelong questioning is there was someone/something/god there as part of his expectations or fantasy of "religious life".

For him, and many I think, BKism fulfils that desire for a slightly more comfortable and open religious life than, say, joining a proper religious order like a monastery would require. It does not even require such a rigid and dedicated faith as, say, becoming a Christian monk would.

It seems weird to me know though that total strangers to the man and culture would accept an ex-millionaire jewellery shop owner as a personal savour.

Did Anthony really, really, really buy into the whole philosophy ... or did he just enjoy the platform and audience the community gave to him to play the role he fancied? Including being superior to them.

For example, did he sub-consciously prefer it because the overall general 'uneducated-ness' of most BKs would mean he did not face the same scrutiny that he would have had he gone into academia?

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