BK Anthony Strano dead

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BK Anthony Strano dead

Post26 Jul 2014

He is no more.
Ken O'Donnell wrote:Today unexpectedly the soul of a very near and dear friend, Anthony Strano, left his body after a massive heart attack and flew to God's lap. He won the hearts of so many wherever he went and must be riding on their good wishes. He had accumulated so much positive credit from the life of serving others that he led that wherever he has gone too will be the best..

BK ANTHONY STRANO.jpg (172.25 KiB) Viewed 38131 times

Om Shanti
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post27 Jul 2014

36 years as a BK and no claims of his being karmateet then? Sounds like an untimely death to me.

So was he only a 83rd birth soul ... or how is he going to finish completing himself now?

Or does it all matter any more ...
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post27 Jul 2014

Anthony Strano died from a fatal heart attack while having breakfast at the centre he was staying in during a visit to Brazil. He had been suffering with a heart condition, apparently some kind of coronary viral infection, for a number of years. He would have been in his late 50’s, possibly 60 years of age.

Anthony Strano was born in Australia to Sicilian immigrant parents and raised in the Roman Catholic tradition by his devout parents who worked a market garden (small farm) on the outskirts of north West Sydney.

He studied religion and philosophy at University of Sydney and was a Sunday school teacher for a number of years. He was primarily influenced by Platonic and Neo-platonist philosophy, St Augustine and St Francis of Assisi, and had considered entering the priesthood.

He came across the BKs in London in 1977 while Dadi Kumarka was on tour. Finding a community that followed monastic-like religious disciplines impressed him, as did the idea of a meditation practice that spoke in terms of a direct, personal connection to ”God the Father” rather than through an intermediary like Christ, the saints or the Madonna and which was confirmed, in his mind, by his meditation experience.

This convinced him that he had a found ”The Truth". He came to believe he was to be an ”instrument” to give the founders of the Christian faith and classical philosophy ”their inheritance” and he volunteered to do ”Baba’s service” in Greece, Italy and surrounds.

From his background and education, he brought to his talks and his writing a deeper, more universal philosophical base to BK thinking which has gradually seeped into the mainstream of BK beliefs and language, at least outside India.

He is the first of the senior, well-known figures of the third generation of BKs to pass away.
[ Of those who join and stick with the BKs, the largest age group seems to be people in their late adolescence or early adulthood. The first generation was in 1930s which saw all those who became the Dadis and Dadas, the late 1950s - 1960s saw the likes of Ramesh, Nirwair, Nirmala, Mohini, Vedanti and later Jayanti and others. The 1970s saw, in the West, the third generation - Charlie Hogg, Ken O’ Donnell, Veronica (Waddy) McHugh, and Anthony Strano. Wendy Sargent, deceased more than two years now, was also of that generation but i don’t think she was regarded as being as senior, except in terms of number of years in Gyan.]

We remember here on this forum the many lives that have come and gone over three generations that were devoted to the promise of Jeewan Mukti and heaven on Earth brought by ”world transformation” through the ”Godly Knowledge” imparted by God Father Shiva” and then ”glorifying the Father”.

This of course erects a large question mark as part of the memorial of the many who ”died alive” - then died, a necessary question given the first generation, then each generation in turn were told and seriously believed they’d never live past their middle age.

It is moot to debate whether any individual’s life might have been lived better if they had not encountered the BKs.
In every period of history, in every culture, there are the religiously inclined who will gravitate and give themselves over to one or other of the belief systems that are on offer. Anthony Strano was such a person.

What is not arguable is that history itself has shown that much of what formed the basis of their beliefs, to which they devoted their loyalty and energies, has proven to be in error or a delusion (if arising innocently and sincerely) or a fraud (if not).

I knew Anthony Strano well in the early days of his BK time. In the balance of virtue , intellectual rigour, philosophical integrity and moral insight, he brought much more to the BKs and Gyan than they ever brought to him.

As the buddhists say, there are countless meditations and countless fruits of countless meditations. Anthony Strano took BK Gyan and fused it with his own character to create a post-christian, neo-platonist BK ideal which he lived out romantically, and shared it with others.

As the buddhists also say, you may believe in your gods and your demons, just remember, they are your gods and your demons.

Whatever follows and whichever way you like to look at it, "Anthony Strano" is no more. My sympathies go out to his aged parents, his family and close friends.


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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post27 Jul 2014

A good place to die? I think so.

@Brahma Kumaris Serra Negra
13930-970 Serra Negra, Sao Paulo, Brazil

This was his last bit of contribution:

Serra Negra Brazil.jpg


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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post27 Jul 2014

BK call it piece of heaven in Brazil..

Serra negra piece of heaven.jpg

Serra negra.jpg
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Mr Green


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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post27 Jul 2014

A bit strange posting pictures of where he was privileged enough to live on a freebie!

I met him a few times, usual mixed up personality, very aloof
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post27 Jul 2014

Mr Green wrote:... privileged enough to live on a freebie!

I met him a few times, usual mixed up personality, very aloof

Did Strano make it onto the payroll of the BKWSU? I cannot remember him ever having a proper job. Did he have his flights and accommodation all paid for?

I was thinking of my encounters with Anthony Strano and I would have said the same thing too ... a little bit stuck up and pretentious.

I think Pink Panther's obituary of him is highly accurate and the best that he will get; far better than the codified, fairy tale twaddle Ken O"Donnell and BKWSU will give him.

Without a doubt he had this romantic view of himself of a high mind philosopher but I never knew it went as far as believing he was to be the instrument to serve the Jesus or Christ souls and next Cycle's Greek philosopher. Did any of his written work ever reach such heights?

He was certainly intelligent and well read, far, far more than the BKWSU Seniors and most BKs ... but I don't think it was really that appreciated by them nor that he was sufficiently challenge by their company to rise to great works.

Was he influential is developing the shop front ... the facade of BKism in the West? Yes, I think you are right Pink. Back in the old days it was pretty much unthinkable to read, never mind take seriously, other non-BK religious or philosophical works ... beyond the odd canned quotation useful for starting a introductory talk ... perhaps Strano's persistence in that area, of drawing references from and to Western religious and philosophical sources, allowed others to do so and BKism to broaden.

However, I never heard of him taking any strong ethical position regarding the controversies that have emerged in recent years which leads me to think he just quietly enjoyed his position and having an audience and playing the role of a philosopher soul.

Did he really believe in Baba and BKism, or did he see himself as in some way benefiting and encouraging the BKs and their uneducated Kirpalani Klan rulers to become better and more like him?

I am sure that in another circumstance he could have done much better intellectual work and risen much higher. Yes, I think his personality would have lent itself to many religious orders, particularly Christian ones. Perhaps he just like the BKs as there was less competition for him? Ultimately, I think he leaned toward being poetical rather than philosophical, as to have been truly philosophical he would have had to have been, at times, far more tough and critical than he ever was (at least in public).

Will they put on a psychic side show and call his soul back to recount his after death experiences via the corporate psychic mediums?

Now that might be interesting ... but they won't. As a White, and especially male, he's would still only be second or third class within the BK system. And they would never risk channelling some spirit that might come back and say ... "Well, actually guys, you've got it all wrong ... it's not like how you say it is!".

Far better for them to eulogise him and write their usual flowery, unsubstantiated and unsubstantiatable rubbish about him.

Let's wait and see if he even gets a page in World Renewal ...

Has anyone read any of his books?
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post27 Jul 2014

This is as much as you get from the Kirpalani Klan for 30 odd years unpaid work.

Do they really know he is "resting in the Subtle Regions" with their dead Baba? Will he really be going to join the Advance Party? Of course not. It's all become recanted in some ritualist manner.

It almost make me want to die to see what sort of flowery obituary they will write for me ... ha ha ha.
B.K. Nirwair wrote:To the powerful lights of BapDada’s eyes in Bharat and foreign lands,

Our divine B.K. Sisters and Brothers,

Please accept hearty Godly love and remembrances from Ahmedabad.

All of you would have heard news of the sudden departure of our very beloved Brother, BK Anthony Strano on 26 July 2014, in Salvador (Brazil). This invaluable angel has flown to Avyakt BapDada and is now resting in the Subtle Region.

From the very beginning of his spiritual birth, Br Anthony played a very, very important and enlightening role in serving innumerable souls around the world, while being responsible for service in Greece, in particular. His nobility, solemnity, gentleness, depth of connection with Avyakt BapDada, attention towards his own spiritual well-being, and loving interactions with the divine family as well as Contacts and VIPs/IPs have endeared him to One and all in every corner of the world.

His love for Madhuban, the Dadis and Seniors would always remain in our hearts. We are sure most beloved BapDada would bestow a very special crown of responsibility on Br Anthony, for his onward journey and service within the Advanced Party.

Our respected Dadi Jankiji, Dadi Gulzarji, Dadi Ratan Mohiniji and Madhuban Niwasis family, join me in extending our love, affection and salutations to this beautiful jewel of Baba’s unlimited family.

In the remembrance of BapDada,

B.K. Nirwair


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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post27 Jul 2014

Dear beloved Dadi Janki, Nirvair Bhai, Nirmala Didi, Mohini bhen, Jayanti bhen and divine family around the globe, specially Sothiris, Maria and divine family of Greece.

Om Shanti and loving greetings from Brazil.

After a wonderful retreat in the Serra Serena Retreat Centre, last weekend, where Br. Anthony took us into deep experiences of soul consciousness and companionship with God, he travelled to Rio de Janeiro where he had lovely days, sharing on the angelic stage experience – in Subtle Regions, at the Confluence Age and the Golden Age.

Last Thursday he went to Salvador, in the Northeast of Brazil. After a public talk in the evening, he felt very tired.

On Friday he had a lighter day. In the afternoon he went to the hotel where 80 BKs were gathered for a retreat with him.

Today, during breakfast, he had a massive heart attack and went to Baba’s lap.

Sister Lenora ( she is a nurse ) is currently at the hospital trying to get the death certificate.

Brother Charlie in Australia is in contact with his family to decide if they want us to send the body to Australia for the funeral to happen there. If so, the body will be embalmed and we’ll follow the procedures in order to send the body to Australia.

I am also in contact with the BK family in Athens to keep them informed as well with NY and London.

We’ll keep all of you updated. Ida bhen and BK family from the Northeast of Brazil kept silence and remained meditating in the retreat at the hotel. At lunch time they would leave the hotel and go to the BK Retreat Centre in Salvador, where the retreat would continue with meditation.

All the BK centres in Brazil are maintaining introspection to honor the soul of this messenger of Baba.

While in Brazil Bro Anthony came to know that there is an excellent iridologist (doctor that diagnoses through the eyes) and was very keen in having an appointment with her next Tuesday. He said that since he got a heart virus while in India some years ago, which no doctor could diagnose and treat him properly.

He was keeping very light meals, mainly of fruits and fresh juices, no dairy products, no sugar, no white flour or oily food.

We had a lovely walk in a rain forest in Rio last Wednesday. He was shinning and in high spirit during the week he was here ( he arrived in São Paulo on the 17th July).

May it be a great practical lesson for all of us ~ we must be ready ... NOW.

In Baba’s love

Luciana and Ken for the Brazilian family

The message about death comes with a threat which is called "peer pressure". " You better be ready NOW ... or else ...".
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post27 Jul 2014

jann wrote: ... went to Baba’s lap.

What a strange euphemism for "to die", reinforcing infantilism at the heart of BKism. A new composite verb, "to go to Baba's lap" equals "to die".

Anthony died. No one really knows where he went. Why would he want to go and sit on Uncle Pervy Kirpalani's lap? He was a man. Men don't normally sit on other men's laps.

This goes back to the day when the young girls and women *did* sit on Lekhraj Kirpalani's real lap and it was the highlight of being a Brahma Kumari reserved for his chosen ones.
The message about death comes with a threat which is called "peer pressure". " You better be ready NOW ... or else ...".

I agree with that. Could not miss a chance to have their audience sitting on the edge of their seats fearing death as a "time out" for Confluence Age effort making.

What would that be ... a viral myocarditis caused by mosquito infection or something?

If it happened in India, and on "Baba's service", is not that yet another failure in "mother cat" Baba Murli's promise that, "not a hair on your head will be touched".

No mention of messages via mediumship like they do for the old Indian Sisters? Shame, because if it is all true someone like Anthony, or the other intelligent Western BKs like Wendy, might actually have something interesting to say about the world beyond.

Perhaps Gulzar just is not capable of faking English language trance messages and that's why Western BKs aren't honoured?
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post28 Jul 2014

Mr Green wrote:... privileged enough to live on a freebie!

I met him a few times, usual mixed up personality, very aloof
ex-l wrote:Did Strano make it onto the payroll of the BKWSU? I cannot remember him ever having a proper job. Did he have his flights and accommodation all paid for? I was thinking of my encounters with Anthony Strano and I would have said the same thing too ... a little bit stuck up and pretentious.

Yes, he was ”fully surrendered” whose worldly needs were mostly covered by donations since the late 1970’s, early 1980s. One of his early and ongoing sponsors was Arianna Huffington (nee Stanissopoulos) a supposedly leftist/liberal journalist who married an American Republican senator and chairs the successful news aggregation web site The Huffington Post. She switches ideological allegiances with ”market forces" and writes on meditation, lifestyle and feminist issues often by attacking other feminists rather than addressing the real issue. Strano’s work is featured on her web site. I assume he was paid something, unless he saw it as ”service” and she "created her fortune” by donating the space. I am sure she uses much of what she takes from BK Anthony Strano in her books just as she apparently plagiarised others’ work for some of her other books.

I think ”aloofness” was part of his way of not dealing with the nonsense around him and reinforcing his own rationalisations of what he was doing among these ”numberwise” - and I don't think pretentious is the right word - that was really him! There are, as we all know, lots of idiotic BKs with even more far out ideas than the Gyan itself.

That ”mixed up personality” - in his case it's a kind of narcissism of humility, if that makes sense - how to deal with the feedback that people give, that you are so wonderful etc, especially when they are attractive females who are turned on by your sensitivity, wisdom and "spirituality" (yes, I saw that look in their eyes, and in his!. The more famous ”Temptation of St Anthony” would have been well known to him!).

Many a ”guru" has been tempted. Some use their abstinence in the face of temptation as proof or reinforcement of their ”spiritual ego” and "virtue”. (Of course, if their parents were as ”spiritually virtuous" they would not exist!).

Also, believing you are in a position to "be merciful”, through mere ideas and words rather than actions, is a kind of superiority complex. Deigning to be patient and ”serve others" implies you have what they need. Especially when they are materially well off and for the most part have no real problems other than self-created mental ones. ”Here let me help you with that - I have the answer right here".

He was certainly intelligent and well read, far, far more than the BKWSU Seniors and most BKs ... but I don't think it was really that appreciated by them nor that he was sufficiently challenge by their company to rise to great works....

However, I never heard of him taking any strong ethical position regarding the controversies that have emerged in recent years which leads me to think he just quietly enjoyed his position and having an audience and playing the role of a philosopher soul. Ultimately, I think he leaned toward being poetical rather than philosophical, as to have been truly philosophical he would have had to have been, at times, far more tough and critical than he ever was (at least in public).

The lack of critique of the yugya was dealt with by the usual rationalisation, any fault in the BKs was merely ”human error” and not revealing of deeper incongruity. This was also a carryover from his Roman Catholicism. "The church" is an abstraction, and abstractions suit Strano-type personalities (I know because it is a part of my character too).

Reading philosophy, quoting and using another’s reasoning that reinforces your position is not itself philosophy.

Indeed, the philosopher’s credo is ”Question everything” - particularly your own beliefs! Especially if one doesn't take equally as seriously any counter-arguments from other intelligent people. St Augustine for example was a pagan hedonist who became one of the great moral thinkers and celibate (well, you can’t keep up that kind of lifestyle forever you know), i.e. he changed his mind. All Strano ever did was become more of the same - just changed his uniform. And, yes, like any leo he enjoyed being ”out front’ and lionised!
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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post28 Jul 2014

Oh, and now he's screwed spirituality because he won't be able to burn off any more karma through "remembrance". or earn any more fortune according the Brahma Kumaris by giving all his time, money and energy to them ...
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post29 Jul 2014

Did he really go "on the books" as early as the 1970s or 80s?

Do they keep books?

All I can say is in the time I knew him, he barely ever had a job. I know he did take a few menial jobs in the early years, in London, Greece and Italy but I think once things were established, he didn’t.
Do you know for a fact Adriana Huffington was financially sponsoring him? (Sorry, but we have to be sure of your facts here otherwise they will use the smallest of blots on our record to discredit us).

The word ”sponsored” is not meant to mean "continual" or "ongoing". She was in contact with BKs around that time - late 70s and early 80s, and she organised (paid for) at least one major event in Greece for BKs through Anthony, on one of the islands near Athens frequented by the "creative classes", maybe Hydra?

Other programs were also run there but who was behind them I don't know. I know there was intermittent contact between them over those years, and that his articles were in the Huffington Post says something. Being featured in one of the world’s most popular news sites would not hurt his book sales in the slightest.

Given the lack of transparency, no submission of direct "services in kind", gifts or pecuniary interests - who’s to know which BKs have what paid for? If a rich local person pays for trip to the Greek islands, supplies a few days accommodation, given it is all in the "line of duty" and nominally not for personal gain, are they being "sponsored" or merely receiving co-operation or is it a donation to the "yugya"?
I don't think he quite made it into the ranks as a "Bishop" of the BKWSU's Vatican. I'd say more like a slightly oily courtesan good at flattering (read 'not questioning') the local Dons, and feeding them quality lines to bolster their status.

He proudly took on his role as ”travelling disciple” spreading the Gyan gospel to the the barbarians - as has been said, he had a conditioned romantic view of living sparsely and suffering for one’s faith a la St Francis, or Socrates.

He liked to relate how he ate only bananas for months as that was all he could afford due to unemployment and poverty. Referencing the self-serving Gyan that all new religions are founded by two souls incarnate together - eg Jesus + Christ= Christianity therefore Bap + Dada = Adi Sanatan baloney, Strano once said to me that if Socrates and Plato had been "in combined form" they would have started a new religion. I’d argue that they did, without hocus pocus but through intellectual clarity - it was "the combined form", the fusion of pagan Hellenic philosophy & Jewish monotheism that gave Christianity clout ... but that’s another topic.

Staying in London HQ made him a small fish in a big pond, whereas going to Italy, Greece etc made him a big fish, the leader of the pack. I think he was held in very high regard by Seniors, who were probably glad he was willing to do the hard yards in "unploughed fields" and not take any of the local spotlight. He could then be "guest star" and add variety to the show whenever he was in town.
Therefore, he saw where his bread was buttered ... and sucked up to it unquestioningly.

Indubitably. Time creates inertia and vested interest.
Intellectually, a very small fish in the even smaller goldfish bowl that the BKWSU world is. And it says a lot he has no challengers or heirs to follow him.

Relative to the BK bowl, he was a moderate size fish.
I can remember when reading other philosophies or religious works was forbidden for BKs. He must have been deeply bored by The Knowledge™ on an intellectual level. I had no insights into his relationship with the Kirpalani Klan elite. Did you? What I've read of his work it was vague and cloudy, poetic and misleading rather than clear and defined. It was typically misleading as is the BK habit.

People who are well known by BKs as being "good churners" are really those who can take infantile Gyan and relate it to the broader world - or really, it's vice versa - they discover what is there, mature and developed, in other philosophies & religions and assimilate it or relate it to the Gyan. Masters at convincing other BKs that correlation/similarity is causation. Like a boy who discovers wanking and thinks he invented it, then when he sees chimpanzees doing the same at the zoo, is amazed that they have copied him!

I have never read any of Strano’s books. I think his main speciality of thought was morality & meditation, for which he received his major training as a serious student of Roman Catholicism before he encountered BKs. Most moral philosophy from a religious viewpoint starts from a desired end and works back from that to prove itself. Gyan generally does that too. I am guessing that’s what we'd find in any of Strano's pieces.

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post29 Jul 2014

Hi Guys,

It may be awkward again for you all to again hear some spiritual aspect related to death, but just know this one.

It is said if person dies with sudden heart attacks or any other sudden & unexpected untimely death (like in accidents), then his next incarnation is not a good one. Most of the BKs die in this manner. Still they believe their understanding correct. Though it is sad for heart patients but it is a spiritual fact. During these sudden attacks, conscious leaves the body from a dirty body part as if heart is under attack, it blocks the inner feeling & only pain & fear rules which is not good during last moments.

So, a message to BKs ... "Beware of all your intentions, the heart does not block itself all of sudden, it is what you have been forcing upon yourself cruelly. Detachment is useless if it hurts people around you. No Baba will help you in last moments. Become sensitive to human emotions so that your heart remains with you during last time".

Alas even your leader Lekhraj died with same attacks.

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Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

Post29 Jul 2014

Like a boy who discovers wanking and thinks he invented it, then when he sees chimpanzees doing the same at the zoo, is amazed that they have copied him!

PP, it's best analogy ever given to individuals involved in the BK system.

The best & worst things are done with mental peace. If mind is still, it can direct its energy to desired task. So, first BKs train guys to become calm & composed, so that the most heinous crime can be committed later on. But look at his fate, no amount of dedication towards Dadis helped him at last.

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