The experience of meeting BapDada

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ex-bk Jan

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The experience of meeting BapDada

Post15 Jul 2014

I only met BapDada once on stage.

Actually, as a foreigner, the first time I met Him, I really did not felt anything.

I visited the place with a group, other member shared with me about their experienced, how fantastic, wonderful, awesome ...

I did not experience anything ...

Anyone can share with me what was experience when you met BapDada?


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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post15 Jul 2014

Same here. No divine, surreal or out-of-the-world kind of feelings at all ... Not even for a second. Rather, I was feeling claustrophobic and just wanted to go out !

When I shared this with the centre in-charge, she took a deep breath and told me that I need to work harder on my soul-purification process so I am able to experience God during my next Madhuban visit :D

I said 'alright' and stopped going to the Centre because I couldn't take her s**t anymore :D.

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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post15 Jul 2014

Does she [Dadi in whom ghost comes] look as horrific as she is in photographs? She looks more like a demon rather than some divine human. There is no peace or any calmness on her face whether she is normal or playing that drama on stage.

Instead of calling them Brahmakumaris, I would prefer to call them "DRAMAKUMARIS"


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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post15 Jul 2014

Same here, I experienced nothing at all.

There is an old article about the entrance of the ghost in Gulzar Dadi that is quite interesting, I will find it ...
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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post15 Jul 2014

Tanya wrote:I said 'alright' and stopped going to the Centre because I couldn't take her s**t anymore :D.


Good answer.

I only wish that you had told that to her yourself!!!

It's a typical trick, is not it. They won't let you meet the ghost until you have invested 6 months or a year following the principles day (the main exception being if you a rich and/or famous ... then you can run to the front of the queue!).

After you have invested so much time and energy, and probably money, can you admit that you felt nothing ... that there was no feeling? I've heard that from many ex-BKs. Some say they never felt anything ... they kept trying and might even have pretended they did during "sharing your experience" sessions but they said after they did not.

And what answer do the BKs have ... you are the problem and to fix it you must do more meditation and surrender to them further.

Although it is probably not consciously done, the BKs have just responded to their circumstances and develop a strategy to survive ... the anatomy of it all is very similar to a "long" con trick in which you get someone to donate a little, and then a little more, and then even more and more constantly on the promise than soon they will receive multi-million fortune back.

Funnily enough - I don't know how it is now - but in the old days it used to be 1 year for an Indian but only 6 months for a White.

If you were White, you got privileges. You got to go to meet BapDada sooner, you got chairs to sit on, you got to sit at the front of the crowd. You might even get invited on the stage ... whereas the poor Indian were herded in like cattle to pens. They even have "security wing" with lathis (big sticks) in case they try and push their way to the front.

I find this discriminatory. And surely mainly about the financial value of Westerners?

I do not think it was not about the actual spiritual worth of the individual ... if you were the sweetest, old humble Indian man or lady you'll be stuck way at the back and only get to "meet" BapDada in groups.

ex-bk Jan

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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post15 Jul 2014

When I was in this clan, I took about 3 years plus to practice and to become vegetarian. I attended the morning Murli class 5 days a week. Joined their evening lesson conduct by Senior Sister. Maditation, donate money, do some service.

Everything I practiced, it was only for one purposed. I hoped when I meet BapDada, I would get a wonderful experience.

The day came, and I was exciting. I went on stage and came down from stage. What did I feel? I really felt nothing. I looked at Dadi Gulzar's body. What did I get? There was a Sister comfort me, might be something surprise at the back. It might be blessing and happy matter will happen later on ...

Yes, something happened when I come back to my place. In my working place, there were problem between me and my colleague and argument. My family had a court case. My money was cheated. I had not enough money for food. Is it a blessing to settle karma? Is it a surprised? Of course, that all this happened does prove a point to anyone.

But what I want to say was, there was no miracle or magic that changed my life for the better. I realised, in the end, it was ourselves face everything.

Anyone had blessing after met BapDada? Good news? Bad news? Or nothing happen?
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Pink Panther

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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post16 Jul 2014

ex-BK Jan,

I have had personal meetings with ”BapDada” - from early days when few foreigners were there and we got extra time and attention. I had very good experiences, some ”woowoo” supernatural kind of wow moments and some amazing ”coincidences” etc.

What I realise now is that you experience what you express, or what you project, a filter that lets through what you are expecting and are sensitive to notice.

It’s like fans of a movie star or pop star. Imagine teenage girls anticipating meeting Justin Beiber. They spend years and months looking at his poster on the wall, projecting their ”love”, fantasising being with him, marrying him one day while listening to his songs over and over. Maybe discussing with other fans the hidden meaning in the lyrics which are new and original to them but really just cliches lifted from other successful pop hits. Then they meet him as he walks by on a red carpet, and he stops and says hullo and shakes their hand or even gives them a kiss on the cheek and they give him a card with all their love written in it. They go away thrilled and ecstatic, sure they will never forget this greatest moment in their life that was years invested in the buildup and took only 10 seconds. They will spend years following his every move and joining the crowds for just another glimpse next time he tours.

Meanwhile, the policeman, the grandmother walking by seeing the commotion, even the session musicians playing in the band, all of them just see him as another teen idol they make some wages from, and the girls as young and foolish.

Unfortunately some never grow out of their juvenile adoration. There are old-age pensioner Elvis fans, Beatles fans and Abba fans who turn into giggling teenagers at the mention of their names. God can be a bit like that. People project Jesus or Krisna and everything they imagine them to be on to all their feelings in their prayers and meditations, looking at the icons and statues, reading the texts looking for meanings that are all their own rationalisations ...

You were lucky to be disabused of your illusions so easily. Took me a long time to realise where spiritual power lies (ambiguity intended).
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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post16 Jul 2014

Pink Panther wrote:It’s like fans of a movie star or pop star ...

I think that's a very good analogy ... it's just show business all over now. Show business mixed with religion too.

Lekhraj Kirpalani was the old women's movie star and they have enculted the younger women into the same adoration for him inflating him bigger and bigger to keep the cult alive.

I keep repeating this but it's worth remember that for the first 20 years or more there was no god in the BK religion, only Lekhraj Kirpalani as Krishna. And whether you believe that Gulzar is really a medium channelling the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani or just acting the part is up to you.

The whole idea that it can be the God of Gods is beyond ridiculous.

Last year there was a fuss because she came out of trance - or dropped the facade - mid-session and everyone become confused.


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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post16 Jul 2014

Tanya wrote:When I shared this with the center in-charge, she took a deep breath and told me that I need to work harder on my soul-purification process so I am able to experience God during my next Madhuban visit

I, too, did not feel anything there in front of the most divine being. I was feeling disappointed as I was preparing for this moment for year and a half and had better feelings at my home during meditation than in front of ´God`. I was trying hard and it was not working. At that stage, I was getting confused as what to expect and what is real and the noise there was no way making you go into meditation, at least not to me.

When I discussed this later with Senior Sister of my center, she had the same and expected answer. I told her that I, infact, expect the contrary. A completely impure being would feel the purity of Madhubhan or presence of God rather quickly than those jewels who claim to be next to God. It's a simple science. If you have fever, you feel more cold because of the temperature differences between your body and surrounding. So more the difference in purity levels, quicker is the realization of it to the impure being.

To which she said, you scientists have to change your theories. Soon, I chose to change my lifestyle rather.

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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post16 Jul 2014

Ex I wrote:They even have "security wing" with lathis (big sticks) in case they try and push their way to the front.

Hah, that is the way they restore peace when their God is around them. Seems doubtful. :D

May be its lathis which are used there for making people come out of Dehadhyaas & beome normal before meeting the Drama queen on stage. ;)

ex-bk Jan

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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post17 Jul 2014

Dear kmanaveen,

In your case, what did you think about 'pure' and 'impure' when senior told you in this way?

What I doubt about the senior Sisters is, did they really have experienced high, high elevated, soul conscious feelings? Experiences of BapDada love? Were they blessed by God? What is pure? What did you think about pure? Are they really pure?

I really doubt those senior Sisters. They want to keep their senior position level and just simply tell members to stick hard on this path, do more Yoga, do centre service, attend Murli class, encourage to work harder on this path?

In the end, what you work harder on this path, is it really will help you become better?


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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post17 Jul 2014

As your case, what did you think about 'pure' and 'impure' when senior told you in this way? What I doubt on Senior Sister, were they really had experienced high, high elevated, soul conscious feeling? Experience with BapDada love? Had they blessed by God? What is pure? What did you think about pure? Are they really pure?

It was always purity of thoughts, action, mind and body. Though, the later was always emphasized more than others. I know its difficult not to see others especially the teachers and Seniors, but I was convinced that i am here to realize and evolve myself, therefore was not bothered much about them.

As far as the experience of the Seniors with BapDada is concerned, some I felt had genuine good experiences while others were just making the stories. I think PP has very well explained this phenomenon in his post here. Also, what I strongly felt that many Seniors had a kind of fear of BapDada or Dadis and had no courage to simply follow their hearts. No surprise, often I found one or other teacher was getting angry or sometimes disappear from classes for a month or two.

I personally felt, that regardless of what one was doing before joining BKs, when they infuse their idea of purity in your mind, that is when you start becoming impure. It's like a child who was doing something without any prejudice of good or bad karma, but when constantly told by elders of him/her doing something wrong, the seeds of impure actions and guilt are sown and your love gets mixed with fear and many consequences follow up. And I can tell you, it does not go easily even after you have left BKs. Courage and little more intellectual understanding can help but I witnessed many innocent souls who were just scared of consequences and were not able to live the way they wished to.
Are they really pure?

I don't know. I can not judge them. Also, does it matter? Will I not accept my child if he/she is so called impure? I had much better feeling of Godly relation, a kind of friendship before I joined BKs. I have lost that precious feeling now. I have tried hard to get that back but failed. Now I have simply left trying too and hope it just comes back own his own someday.


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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post17 Jul 2014

kmanaveen wrote: Soon, I chose to change my lifestyle rather.

I am glad you did that instead of falling prey to the irrational ideologies of BKs. They're foolish enough to think that it's only through 'them' that people can discover and know everything about God.
kmanaveen wrote:To which she said, you scientists have to change your theories.

I think she meant - "you scientists only need to keep yourselves busy in inventing things for us to use in our Golden Age ... Other than that, you are also impure souls like the rest of the world who try to refute our theories through logic and rationality."
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Pink Panther

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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post18 Jul 2014

kmanaveen wrote:I, too, did not feel anything there in front of the most divine being. I was feeling disappointed as I was preparing for this moment for year and a half and had better feelings at my home during meditation than in front of ´God`.

Many BKs report this same better experience in private meditation than in front of ”BapDada”.

What does that say about the experience in meditation and how it can be explained in different ways?

It was always purity of thoughts, action, mind and body.

Purity is an abused word. Pure thought can mean many things - but in it’s simplest form it means ”only a thought”, just as pure orange juice” means ”only orange juice”. You can have "pure lust” - meaning the attraction was only sexual, unadulterated by affection. What about "pure evil”?

The Murli has ”god” saying soul consciousness is ”pure ego”. Now with that i agree 100% !!

"Pure action" as a concept is almost ridiculous if examined. It essentially means that the action was performed precisely, and was completely and only as intended. Like scoring a perfect 10 in gymnastics from all the judges at the Olympics.

Pure speech is just as bad a concept.

Is someone who dissembles when they speak to someone they dislike intensely, using euphemisms and superficial politeness really speaking more purely than someone who says outright ”Go away, i don’t like you”? Who is more honest?


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Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

Post18 Jul 2014

Gulzar Dadi also had a different name, she was known by the name Shobha.

There is this article in the World Renewal April 1983 about the entrance of the ghost of Lekhraj in Gulzar.

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