In the end, I left BK ...

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Save Innocents

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post14 Jul 2014

Hi Ex I

You are right. We need moral & ethical values today among the current religious & spiritual leaders. In an are where there are hardly any true moralistic people at the top of these organization, we should stop talking about spiritualism completely. But its just these parrot followers who need to know that what they are told in bits is not even correct to slightest possible extent.

As far as I have seen, Brahamkumaris have projected Karma Theory in a very bad taste, rather making it completely tasteless. Kudos to those dumb who believe in it. The real theory of Karma is much more interesting & rather frees one from such parasites who are there to suck everything from one's life.


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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post14 Jul 2014

ex-BK Jan wrote:When I was in BK clan, there were many Senior Sister (especially BK leader) warned me not to search website

I think they were referring to this website and gave you this warning because they knew if you went through it, their lies, deceit and hypocrisy would be exposed and they would lose out on a follower/adherent, i.e. you and many others because after all, any new scheme, idea or business mostly spreads through word of mouth and since the BKs invest in their PR extensively, they see websites and forums like these, a blow to the 'fake' reputation they've created over all these years ... I was surprised to learn (from this forum itself) that the BKs sued the creators/Admin of this website ! Don't know the Court's verdict though but really how 'spiritual' does that sound ...
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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post14 Jul 2014

Tanya wrote: ... I was surprised to learn (from this forum itself) that the BKs sued the creators/Admin of this website ! Don't know the Court's verdict though but really how 'spiritual' does that sound ...

This is a perfect example ...

The BKs lost and the leader involved ... Dr Hansa Raval of Texas and part of the Janki Foundation ... was found to have
    left her infant child with her husband to have joined the BKs
    "secretly" married a BK Brother ... probably in the first place to defraud the US immigration department
    had a relationship with him
    had him do $10,000s of dollars worth of work to her own property
    after he left her and the BKs, Raval failed to file their divorce papers which meant his next marriage was bigamy
    continued to interfere with his new family encouraging him to leave his new wife and child
    filed numerous other false immigration applications for well paid Indian IT Brothers claiming they were "priests in the community".
When the BKWSU had all this pointed out to them, they did nothing and but accused us of "Blackmail" for telling them.

Spiritual? Ethical?


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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post14 Jul 2014

Is what you've told same as or connected to this newspaper report or is this a different issue altogether ? ... 886531.cms
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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post14 Jul 2014

Different issue altogether.


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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post14 Jul 2014

Despite having known so much about the BKs by now, incidents like these (BK Hansa) continue to surprise me...How brazenly they boast of ethics, moral values and divine principles ! Why cannot they just stop calling themselves a 'spiritual' organisation...
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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post14 Jul 2014

The main trustee of the BKWSU in the UK also married a BK Sister. They don't live together. My guess is that they've never had sex or consummated the marriage.

Given the trustee is the accountant/financial adviser for the BKWSU it is probably just for the sake of money, e.g. property investments, or perhaps a visa. There are property interests but I don't know the specifics. I wonder what they say to the authorities?

I wrote to the director of the Brahma Kumari charity, Sister Jayanti Kirpalani, and the trustees of the charity to ask them to explain if this was a new opportunity for *all* Brahma Kumari Sisters equally and where it had been announced ... they utterly ignored me.

I was told it got as far as the great hypocrite Dadi Janki Kirpalani being told but she sanctioned it.

My guess would be because they were getting money out of the arrangement too. Or saw the business sense in 'ripping off' the British tax system.

Personally, I don't think marriage is wrong. It is up to the individuals ... but you tell me if *every* Brahma Kumari internationally is told that they are allowed to marry for either financial and visa benefits? If it was made public ... there'd be an avalanche of Indian BK leaving for a life in the West!

And it's funny how financial or visa fraud is more acceptable to the Brahma Kumari elite than love, the continuation of families or shared welfare in old age.

Were you ever told by the BKs you could marry another BK?

Of course, many of them are mentally trapped and would be too confused by the idea ... but it shows you the favoritism and corruption starts from the top.

5 years after the legal action, we discovered that one of the other BK IT team members who was helping Hansa Raval had also married a BK Sister ... a contact within the BKs told us it was purely so the BK Sister could stay in the UK and have a visa.

Both these Indian BK came to the London center in UK from Mauritius.

Corruption of spiritual values, hypocrisy, favoritism, tricky money dealing ... those are what are at the heart of the BKs' spiritual DNA.

ex-bk Jan

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post15 Jul 2014

Dear ex-l,

The BK leader would not bother with your question and letter. What I think about them, they will only reply those who held the important position of government/government officer.

According India government, what I think they would not bother this kind of organisation. Will India government really take action for the investigation of their activity?

There was an example, Sai Baba organisation. Did government control their activities? In the end, after Sai Baba left this world, the government found the billion of dollar and gold hid under secret hole.

Please correct me if I have the wrong thought.
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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post15 Jul 2014

No, you are completely right. I did not expect them to reply.

I just wanted them to know that we knew and to prove what the leaders are like ... and that is arrogant, hypocritical and conceited; not honest, sincere, consistent and humble as really spiritual people are.

Of course, good hearted and sincere low ranking BKs are, and they are used as a facade by these people, but the leaders are not.

How many young Kumaris has Janki Kirpalani encouraged to life of total celibacy and slavering within the cult ... and then when elite BK members want to marry, cheat immigration, make money etc she lets them.

But my guess is she will manipulate them into to giving her or the BKWSU a proportion.

You would have thought the trustees would have to be the best BKs ... but this particular man, Sanjay Tulsidas, is said to go to health spas and saunas where other women, not his BK "wife", walk around half naked. (We have more than one witness to this).

And the Kirpalani Klan accept it ... why? Money.

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post15 Jul 2014

Tanya wrote:I think they were referring to this website and gave you this warning because they knew if you went through it, their lies, deceit and hypocrisy would be exposed and they would lose out on a follower/adherent ...

Very true. BK teacher actually mean it. Whenever I ask my BK friend to go through this website to know something about BKs, he just try to end the conversation. Once I tried to show him few things on this website indirectly & you know what was his response? That this site is run by a clan which was/is/will remain enemy of BK, the kings. Of course, these were not his words, he was simply telling me what he was told by senior BKs. It's pathetic, BKs try to shut their followers intellect from all source of information which exposes BKWSU.
Ex-I wrote:Spiritual? Ethical?

None of them. They appear neither spiritual nor ethical & that can be proved by several cases posted here.
BKs lost and the leader involved ... Dr Hansa Raval of Texas

Ex-I can you please tell whether these all doctors from BKWSU are real doctors having done some doctorate course from a government recognized colleges or University or are just fake & self made identities? Is this "Dr." refers to those who hold PhD from BKWSU in mental-retarding course or likes?
Tanya wrote:Why cannot they just stop calling themselves a 'spiritual' organisation...

That would the most awaited event for all those who are still stuck there. It will put an end to all confusion BKs have created in their minds.
Ex I wrote:It is up to the individuals ... but you tell me if *every* Brahma Kumari internationally is told that they are allowed to marry for either financial and visa benefits?

Not possible because their system rejects marriage system in all forms. Those who are married, follow BKs & live together are told not to act like others & remain more like strangers to each other throughout life. After all, these all the beliefs that can push one to get divorced & then donate everything to BKWSU.

Their rules of no-marriage is propagated by their boss Baba & now by Dadi, thus it should remain same in all countries. Hence, it is clear that BK teachers preach & follow different customs.


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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post15 Jul 2014

ex-l wrote:Were you ever told by the BKs you could marry another BK?

We all know that during the 7-day foundation course (which has now contracted to 2 or 3 days) BKs act very innocent and don't talk about controversial issues like Brahma Baba holding a seat next to God, senior Dadis attaining angelhood, their complete disregard for religions, marriage, celibacy etc. At that time they portray themselves as part of a very progressive, tolerant and non-discriminatory 'spiritual' organization who can make all your stress disappear in a few sessions !

It's only when you kind of start getting hooked onto their concept and beliefs that they really start opening up ... I was initially (i.e. during the foundation course) told that there are many BKs who are living with their families while being actively involved in the Organization and that they really don't have any problem with marriage and married people but gradually when I started attending regular Murli classes, I was made to feel that there is no sin as big and as grave as Marriage ! And that people who think of marriage after becoming BKs are 'traitors' who bring a bad name to Baba and Maya will kick them very hard blah blah blah ... Trust me, all this left me shocked for a while because that was the time when I had developed a lot of faith in the Org. and my faith was on it's way to becoming blind !

So this strategy of attracting followers by initially putting up an artificial face ('mask' in BK terminology) and then showing your true colors is what the BKs call as 'Yukti' (trick).

One of my other grudges is that rules are different for Indian and Western BKs ! I don't say they are more flexible for Westerners (because I don't know much) but I surely know they are not uniform across the globe ! The BK leadership is highly discriminatory.

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post15 Jul 2014

EX I wrote:5 years after the legal action, we discovered that one of the other BK IT team members who was helping Hansa Raval had also married a BK Sister ... a contact within the BKs told us it was purely so the BK Sister could stay in the UK and have a visa.

And you know what can be the belief of BKs working behind it? It is "Do anything for spreading knowledge of Baba, even if you have to marry you can. After you become detach from body & become karmateet, you may marry as it is body which is marrying not the soul itself. So, go on & take any step your Baba asks you for educating the ignorant, foolishly trapped in Maya."
Will India government really take action for the investigation of their activity?

Only when a very large part of population starts opposing BKs orthodox system which is breaking integrity of religious values & professionalism, Indian government may act to shut it down. But it is still typical now, as you can see in one pic posted on some thread where you can find a VVVVVIP Government personality inaugurating BK events. Surely, BKs have good reach to most politicians.
ex-BK Jan wrote:Did government control their activities? In the end, after Sai Baba left this world, the government found the billion of dollar and gold hid under secret hole. Please correct me if I have the wrong thought

Yes, this is true. What I see here as main problem is not the incoming donations rather it is the misuse or no-use of it by these babas or Dadis. People donate with a hope to see improvement in condition of those who are deprived, malnourished, uneducated, do not get full meal for just 1 time per day, etc. But how is that used by these people is known to everyone. I think it is better to donate our money directly to the needy ones rather than to some mediator who hardly utilize the sum.
Ex I wrote:How many young Kumaris has Janki Kirpalani encouraged to life of total celibacy and slavering within the cult ... and then when elite BK members want to marry, cheat immigration, make money etc she lets them.

I don't think its like that. Rather Janki Dadi would try to put more vigilance on such girls who try to go out of their rules & organization. She would never give anyone permission to marry. BK teachers marry when they come to know about real internal strategies made to fool outsiders, not everyone succumb to their pressure & thus fing humanity lying in her heart rather than in some foolish beliefs. So, they search the possible partner, either on fb or within organisation.

If BKs will marry, the number of servants helping to run BKWSU may eventually decrease [as finally after marriage they will be eliminated from BKWSU as they rely on foundation of Celibacy & people would not accept any married BK]. They may ask their followers to marry but not the servants or BK teachers or it would spoil their GRAND image OF PURITY. It is also not so easy to add a new teacher in their circle, so they would try to bind all their older ones to system.
... trustees would have to be the best BKs ... but this particular man, Sanjay Tulsidas, is known to go to health spas and saunas where other women, not his BK "wife", walk around half naked. (We have more than one witness to this).

:shock: It must be karmatit awastha that BK often respond to any of their wrong behaviour anyone point out. :D
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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post15 Jul 2014

Tanya wrote:One of my other grudges is that rules are different for Indian and Western BKs ! I don't say they are more flexible for Westerners (because I don't know much) but I surely know they are not uniform across the globe ! The BK leadership is highly discriminatory.

Very much ... they would call it "being yogyukt" which sort of means "connected to god and clearly directed by him" but which really means cunning, skilled and canny. A spiritual version of "streetwise".

I was just mentioning their discrimination between Whites and Indians with regards to meetings with and access to BapDada. For example, I know of one White Sister who "had a holiday" ... that is, left and had a sexual love affair ... but when she came back was given a chair at the front of the stage and all sorts of privileges largely because her Father has donated a lot of money to the BKWSU I suspect.

Had an Indian BK Sister left and had sex how would they have reacted?

It paid off for the BKs because she has done lots of free PR for them now.

It's an interesting cultural dynamic that has developed since the days when the Sindhis ruled the BKWSU. Of course, they still do ... but more proper Indians are rising now. It is an logical extension of the position and attitude of the Sindhis business caste on the whole to place themselves as middle men between foreigners using cheap Indian skills, ideas or labor to build their businesses on.

White or light skin is very powerful in India. It is a sign of power and wealth. In the old days, as the BKs were developing their influence, White BKs were used all over India to show off to the dark skinned Indians, and the qualifications and status of the White BKs were often exaggerated, e.g. a hospital porter would become a "doctor", a primary school teacher would become an "educationalist", and so on.

There has been an awful lot of this kind of hypocrisy on their rise to power ... which is why I don't think they are very spiritual at all. A truly spiritual organization would never lie, cheat and manipulate. It probably would not even do any PR or advertising ... it would just do good and never blow its own trumpet like the BKs have an industry doing.

The BKs are so distorted now, and conceited about their own importance, that they believe 'doing publicity' is 'serving humanity'.

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