Kindred Spirit Magazine 2014 Award for Spiritual Community

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Kindred Spirit Magazine 2014 Award for Spiritual Community

Post06 Jul 2014

Aboutbrahmakumaris wrote: Kindred Spirit Magazine 2014 Award for Spiritual Community Initiative goes t to ... The Brahma Kumaris.
Kindred spirit Magazine wrote: Spiritual Community Initiative Winner

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University has 8,500 centres located in 110 countries where individuals of all ages and backgrounds are able to regularly attend classes devoted to spiritual knowledge that nurtures respect for all faith traditions, that coherently explain the nature of soul, God, time and karma, and which delineate an enlightened lifestyle.

Brahma Kumaris centres teach a form of meditation known as Raja Yoga that relaxes the mind and nurtures a healthy balance between the inner and outer worlds. Raja Yoga meditation redefines the self as a soul and enables a direct connection and relationship with the Supreme Source of purest energy and highest consciousness. They also run courses such as Positive Thinking and Stress Free Living.

Through numerous community outreach and social service activities and partnerships, the Brahma Kumaris University promotes spiritual understanding, leadership with integrity and elevated actions towards a better world. They are instrumental in global initiative and also have a presence and influence at the United Nations....

Renowned psychologist and author, Dr Robert Holden hosted the ceremony and gave a rousing introduction in which he spoke about the ethos behind the awards and about the mission of Kindred Spirit magazine. He did a sterling job of building the tension before he announced each category of the 2014 awards and we are very grateful to him for his polished and enthusiastic performance.

Other winners:
Spiritual Writer Award Winner

Diana Cooper

Tim Wheater

Judy Hall

The College of Psychic Studies

Louise Hay
wrote:“Create a loving dialogue with yourself, enabling your inner values to awaken and be expressed regardless of your external world” went the text in a page I just now randomly flipped open in a Brahma Kumaris booklet a friend lent me.
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Re: DJ honored with Bharat Gaurav Award?

Post06 Jul 2014

Yes, I saw this just recently and must look into it. I never heard of the Kindred Spirit magazine having a competition. I have no idea how many people voted for the BK.

However, I do suspect the BKs just lobbied their followers to whip up support for it ... as I find it hard to believe the rest of the world would bother in voting. That it to say, that it's all BKs voting for the BKs. I suspect a 200 people or so would be enough to win it.

Who was the competition? Or was there any?

Robert Holden has been a BK contact soul since the 1990s. The BKs have had a sort of on-off relationship with the Mind Body Festival people and the New Age movement for decades. At first, they use to chase it as a good venue for targeting new adherents, then they fell out with it a bit because it was too touchie-feelie ... too many dodgy hippies want to hug Brahma Kumaris is my guess ... it seems they are back in with it. A good market to sell more general or vague books at.

But, wait a minute, hold you nose for this bs ...
Aboutbrahmakumaris wrote:... Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University ... nurtures respect for all faith traditions

I wonder if Kindred Spirit magazine knows what the BKs really teach?

Diana Cooper is another selling a Golden Age coming ... in 2032. I wonder if it is a competing one to the BKs' in 2036? Do we have a choice now which one we want to go to? No mention if you will be refunded the price of the book back if she is wrong in her predictions. Apparently her advisers include Angels, fairies and a goblin ... but her Angels are BKs, so there again they must be different breed of Angels. As usually, the BKs *know* they are right (even when they are wrong ... that's just Baba or Drama testing them!) and everyone else including Diana is wrong, deluded and selling a religion which is based on an partial memory of what they did and taught 5,000 Years ago. That is what they teach.

YMMV ... ;).

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Re: Kindred Spirit Magazine 2014 Award for Spiritual Communi

Post07 Jul 2014

I wonder if Kindred Spirit magazine knows what the BKs really teach?

Unfortunately, NO.

I think we all can apply for next year's lifetime achievement award if it is given in this manner. Afterall, every person on Earth has lifetime achievement of his own.

What should be correct base for giving award on basis of voting?

I think at least if minimum 80% population takes part in such events, only then results can & should be accepted Universally. Otherwise what is the significance of such Award which involves 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 people? Most does not even come to know about such polls. Then decision taken by just random 1,000 or 100 people who can be FB followers of winner is certainly misleading.

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Re: Kindred Spirit Magazine 2014 Award for Spiritual Communi

Post07 Jul 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Then decision taken by just random 1,000 or 100 people who can be FB followers of winner is certainly misleading.


Yes, I agree. Absolutely. Unfortunately, it's not possible to monitor what the BKs are doing all the time, and not worth doing so but it's often worth dropping a email or letter to the organization to let them know what is going on. The BKs are a 'hive mind' cult unquestioningly obsessed with their activity. The majority of "active BKs" will just be neophytes, additionally excited by it all, and without any knowledge of the history. That's the way cults, social media and the BKs all works. I know because I was in them and remember how it was. They would have "service meetings" - actually, it's all just "PR" and publicity, not service - encourage or organize us to do such things, and target specific individuals or areas.

It's just a bit depressing how they play unknowing third parties and then use them as part of their overall PR campaign ... they are 99& PR and publicity - blowing their own trumpet - and about 0.1% actual service.

Does Kindred Spirit agree with the nuclear bombing of 7 billion impure human beings? I presume they would be shocked to think that is what the BKs teach.

The other thing is, in a situation such as the UK, there are only handful of such groups or centres and the magazines have to give a prize to someone ... therefore, they kind of take it in turns to give a prize the them in turn. You see this in many similar small fields of interest.

In short, it means very, very little but it just more PR spin by the Global Masters of Warping Publicity.

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Re: Kindred Spirit Magazine 2014 Award for Spiritual Communi

Post09 Jul 2014

EX-I wrote:Does Kindred Spirit agree with the nuclear bombing of 7 billion impure human beings? I presume they would be shocked to think that is what the BKs teach.

Of course not. They do not disclose their theory to anyone they meet, whether it is contact soul or static soul or mobile soul or some other soul with their weird terminology. They have already shifted from world destruction theory. Good for humanity. Atleast a developing branch of terrorism ended before any effect on large scale. Now their cause is not destruction but transformation, let another 100 years pass & no one would give a damn to their transformation theory. See the actual transformation taking place everywhere, who will go to some psychic organisation for help, infact they themselves need help to get out of rigid opinions.

May their soul guide them & bring them back to their practical lives.

At last this award craze simply reflects that they are no different from others, whom they call worldly people. They too want recognition. It is merely an excuse that they are doing so to spread the cult. Need of money & fame is enough to put them in line of other desparate so called worldly people.

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