Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post13 Jun 2014

This man has never revealed himself or his name - and yet he's watching,listening, sending bad energy at will, all day/night. Knows all about BKs there is to know. My harassment hasn't stopped though i been ignoring him. I'll give you a heart attack he says - its very easy. Few times he has sent very strong pain to heart and then that pain travelled up to the throat, it was unbearable. Another time he sent severe pain to a back muscle and I wasn't able to move for four days. That unbearable pain he has given several times - tooth pain, leg pain, shoulder pain - anytime he feels like. Daily remote viewing, harassment, threats, very little energy, no thinking allowed, no going anywhere allowed, and should one dare disobey, the consequences are not worth bearing. I left BKs 16 years back, but this person refuses to leave my soul and body. Shamelessly he's watching and watching and watching. Nothing is hidden from him. People I knew forty years ago - he knows all about them and their entire life. Is this religion?
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post13 Jun 2014

Does he go to the Brahma Kumari centre in London? Where is he?

Have you met him in real life?

Tell us as much as you can about him.

I suppose, according Brahma Kumarism, they might say he is a deceased BK elder ... it be the ghost of Lekhraj Kirpalani himself ... or even the god spirits that they claim works behind the scenes for the BKWSU?

Either way, I am sure we can sort this out for you and you can block him out.

The Brahma Kumaris are into all sort of weird and wonderful psychic nonsense ... and fill people's heads with the ideas ... but that is all it is, nonsense. It is all at a fairly low psychic level.

I also do not think you should or have to spend any more money on attempting to resolve it. It might take a little will but he can have no power over you unless you allow him. You really can and do have the power to detach from him.


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post14 Jun 2014

Having taken abuse for last sixteen years and listening to the same voice in my head controlling and talking to me, I gather it is the same person, I have never met him or seen him but I know he is definitely there living in London with his wife and kids. With his power he is able to put several people's soul inside himself maybe that's how he is able to watch so many and know their every move, thought, action, spoken word. Sometimes he tells mind-boggling secrets of BKs.

Once he said Dadi Janki is his mother and she's kept him here to help out and control remote viewing and abuse which apparently is very common among Sindhi community ladies who were watching each other inside their homes and being unpleasant to each other. I know one BK Sindhi woman who has been remote viewing me since day one, and this man has put stop to all this. It is very easy to put another BKs soul inside of you and become powerful and like them, and the worse thing is you don't even come to know. I believe that dead ones are far gone and it's the living one upto all-sorts, taking the mickey.
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post14 Jun 2014

Well, I would start a blog and document it all. Don't think, don't question too much ... just document it all for a while.

Let him reveal who he is to you and then let us know. Not what he does but who he is.


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post17 Jun 2014

This crafty BK man has never ever voiced his name or whereabouts, apparently jobless, all he does 24/7 is remote viewing and harassment, abuse of any kind as long as it causes pain and havoc in a person's life.

Shamelessly he continues sending bad energy and watching every move, thought, word. What gives them the right to harass people inside their homes? People they have never met. Every time I eat I get tongue-bite, hair-pulls, hammering in ear, a pain here and a pain there, asking for money - all of this is on-going day after day.

And one's mood - always bad, thank you BK.

The whole day he is hovering over my head. He is giving visions of himself, or his fat leg, or his nakedness. Now do this. Now do that. Knows all my relatives by name and keeps abusing my parents.

Keeps calling me names, bad names all day long. Always watches change of clothes and voices nasty things. Is not allowing to form new relationships and has got rid of old relationships.

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post17 Jun 2014

Well, there are a number of things going on here ...

In all fairness to the BKs, you've no evidence to connect him to the BKWSU. Logically, it's impossible for someone to stay awake 24/7 and why on earth would he bother? Can you imagine how boring watching another person's ordinary life for days on end would be? It would be worse than watching Big Brother.

It's not clear how much the external influence is ... and how much is external influences being filtered through your mind and being re-interpreted via your bad BK experience.

How did the BKs treat you?

It sounds like to me, it is just a voice inside your head which is referencing all the BK programming you received. It's a jumble of BK influences but not an external BK.

So then the question arises, what to do?

If you believe in spiritualism, psychicism and spirit possession etc, like the BKs, then you have to try and find an 'ethical' spiritual healer ... and, be careful, there are many frauds in this field. Certainly the BKs are not going to help you. It may be doing BKism has opened you up and now you cannot control it. But that does not mean it is a BK doing it. Unlikely I would have thought.

In London, you have the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association and the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain in Belgrade Square. They may be able to recommend one. A sign of a sincere healer is that don't charge or, say, charge only a minimum which goes to run their church. Many spiritualist churches have free healing sessions. If you have a serious problem, one of their leaders may see you in private.

In unorthodox cases which don't respond to medical treatment, such "healing" can be helpful.

But, on the other hand, hearing voices is also a symptom of medical illnesses and you can discuss that with others who suffering from it, for example ... Hearing Voices Network Website. They have a big national meeting coming up soon. That way you would feel less alone and strange.

Obviously, their voices would not be BK voices but that is specific to your experiences. They may have Catholic voices, for example.

I would almost guarantee you that the voice you are hearing is not a BK. I can accept there is a voice etc ... there may even be an "influence" ... but I think the voice is just pulling out your BKs experiences and expressing things in BK terms. On one hand it's just not possible for any human being to stay awake 24/7 ... and I am sorry to be so blunt ... on the other, your life and purpose would just not be so interesting or important enough for anyone to want to do so.

Some people say there are no such thing as spirits and what people think are "spirits" are just projections of their own mind and the product of medical imbalances. I don't know. I cannot tell. But what I can say, based on studies in this area, is that the symptoms are reduced and some individuals are benefited *if* they are treated as if they are possessing spirits.

A good spiritual therapist might even find themselves giving the spirit therapy to find out why it is hanging around you.

And, in whatever direction you choose to go in, you've got to decide that you've had enough of it and you want it to stop.

This forum is about the BKs, I'd be interested to hear more of your real world experiences with the BKs ... how they sucked you in, how they spat you out and what they tried to do.

Presumably the BK or "Sindhi" voice only started *after* you met the BKs?

Thank you
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post18 Jun 2014

I agree with ex-l that it will only continue if you sit back and do nothing.

You have to want it to stop, and you have to do something about it. Consider yourself as victim and you will continue to be victimised. Take real steps to live life free of these things and slowly you will be freed of it.

Some of ex-Ls suggestions are practical, and as it’s said, it can’t hurt to try.

If you do nothing it means in some perverse way you actually prefer things the way they are.

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post18 Jun 2014

Dear Chaandneeben,

If you really leave BK clan, just move far away from them. Keep your ear far away from them. Go back to your own life, re-start everything, go for study, exercise, earn your true income.

Please take more supplements and re-build your health, example: 1st go for body detox, 2nd must take Calcium, protein for daily. 3rd have a walk/exercise under morning sun (about 6am to 8am) to absorb natural Vitamin.

I already left BK clan for 1year, I ever questioned myself. Will I become unlucky? Maya curse? Will I bring bad luck to my family? Now, I cut off from BK clan. I changed my mobile no. and move away from there. And I don't hear what news from them. I go for study, body exercise, and earn daily income. Connect with friend (non BK). I keep my daily schedule full.

I stop vegetarian. I eat a lot of onion, ginger and garlic, food/fruit vinegar/yogurt and little bit of meat and take more cooked vegetable (do not take too much raw vegetables, it caused body pain). I make sure my daily food is balanced. (I give up vegetarian, does not mean I will eat much of meat, the most I encourage is food balance).

Beware your food, especially white flour and white sugar white salt, white bread. Because all these will cause depression and it effect more seriously.

After I gave up BK life, I thought my life would become unlucky. Which was absolutely not, thought is worse. I set targets in my life (e.g. make sure I am happy and healthy). I concern and care about whatever there was. Actually, nothing happen so far. I am happy right now.


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post19 Jun 2014

This sindhi man has been speaking to me via voices for last sixteen years, and I am convinced that all he wants is to destroy destroy destroy. He controls my every move - how much I eat, where I go, who I meet with, what I do. If he doesn't like what I do, he has ways of showing - by giving pains or making one feel nauseated/horrible, or make one feel sleepy, or no energy, or threats/bad language. Its a no-win situation. Spiritual power used in negative ways is life destroying, and he knows hundreds of ways to make trouble. It makes him happy he says.
But thanks to all for the good advice and good words.
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post20 Jun 2014

Chaandneeben wrote:This sindhi man has been speaking to me via voices for last sixteen years ...

What that reads like, is that you are allowing the voices to.

I believe that there are such not yet fully understood spiritualistic influence in this world ... but that the only think we can be reliably sure about them, is that they are unreliable. That is to say, we can never take them and what they say as truth or for granted.

What that reads like is, for some reason, you don't want it to stop ... you don't want to let the idea go.

You said you are in London, to remove any possibility of spiritualistic influences, there are three place - in order - that I could recommend you go to; the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association, the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, and the College of Psychic Studies. I put College of Psychic Studies last not because they are "bad" but simple because they are more commercial, however, they are more ethical in how they allow their psychic therapists to carry out their work.

These are three places where you can go and speak to people to work out what is going on, and the people *not* think you are crazy.

For example, just because a "voice" say it is Sindhi ... how can you prove or tell? It may just be playing with your fears etc.

From our point of view, you are not actually telling us much about your time in the BKWSU, how the BKs dealt with such a problem and how they treated you.

You said this only started *after* you joined the BKs ... is that correct?

BTW, are you Sindhi or do speak Sindhi yourself? Do the voices speak to you in Sindhi?


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post27 Jun 2014

Thank you for the lovely advice. I was with BKs for three or four years way back in mid-90s after doing the 7 Day Course and everything was going smoothly. Of course everyone was very nice and no complaints at all, except getting funny looks from one BK while having tea once. So I put a fiver in the box and no more stares!

Then, in late 90s, I started to get thoughts that I shouldn't go there perhaps, as I do not want to go too deep into this religion and wear white clothes etc etc. But I did not wish to leave as I loved listening to the Murlis. Then I had a bad fall from stairs inside Global House. Still I did not get the hint. Next morning when I drove down to Global House, I did not feel like stopping my car and going inside Global House, and drove away.

Then after few days one afternoon I saw a vision of a woman I knew vaguely, who told me about abuse that is going on and she told me lots and lots of things. This was in late 90s. The rest is history as we know it as abuse happened with me and lots of people are victims though no one dare says anything or their families and kids become victims.

I am in their grip and cannot free myself - I can ''see'' this man constantly watching my soul. Sometimes he doesn't let me sleep at night, and most of the day I have little energy - I can only do things which he likes. I cannot go on holiday, or go out with friends, of even get a ''life''. These powerful parasites are able to put your soul inside their soul and then will let you have only that much ''energy'' - to do what he enjoys watching me do.

Can you understand what's happening?
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post27 Jun 2014

Chaandneeben complaints at all, except getting funny looks from one BK while having tea once. So I put a fiver in the box and no more stares!

Ha. Says a lot.
Can you understand what's happening?

I think understanding is secondary. Resolving is far more important.

I'd speak to the spiritualist associations mentioned and ask them for an expert in de-cording and spiritual self protection (e.g. closing down chakras).

Cording is the psychics word for the spiritual connections between individuals and "de-cording" the breaking off or dissolving of them.

You come across as perfectly intelligent and rational enough beyond all this stuff and, hence, we have to take seriously what you are saying ... but it is beyond anyone here helping practically.

Please tell us more about your time in the BKs ...


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post28 Jun 2014

The only way to resolve this is if this ''person'' stops watching my soul. I have tried covering my soul by tieing scarves around my head etc and thats the only way I had felt ''free''. By watching the soul one comes to know all - past lives, present lives and even future. If Baba's soul can enter, so can anyone's soul enter anyone - the senior ones could have many souls inside them and there's nothing anyone can do about it, they wouldn't even know. I have been shown proof of this.

In the past, whenever I was out of the country, be it India or US, this man had made things unpleasant very and on four trips I have had to change my ticket and come back early. He won't allow me to go abroad, and has used many ways to stop me thinking. No thinking allowed or I am in trouble.

I feel I have left BKs but am still part of them, how I ''feel'' is how this man is feeling, its awful. In the past he has given me panic/anxiety attacks, breakdowns, accidents, falls, ankle twists - you name it he's done it. One time while driving, he deliberately diverted my attention and I had a nasty car accident - my car was a write-off and I am lucky to be alive.

About money? Not allowed to go near it or think of it or pray for it - not allowed to do any kind of work that pays. Even stops me from spending/shopping. Won't even allow me to sell my old stuff, but has deliberately made me lose precious jewellery. Why? Listen to this - if I wore a diamond ring I would attract diamonds in my life (like attracts like). So I never wear any jewellery, and if I do I shall definitely lose it.

Apparently Jayantiben has got him to leave many people alone, so he tells me. I phoned Jayanti once to talk about this but all she said was she is going to put the phone down; would have been different if I were rich, very different.

I have met ex-BKs who were also harassed, and how they managed to have harassment stopped is either by threats or violence. There have been several cases.

Is there any way one can hide one's soul?

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post29 Jun 2014

Chandaneeben wrote:: "The only way to resolve this is if this ''person'' stops watching my soul."

No one can watch soul. It is not a tangible object to be seen. First get correct interpretation for different events in your life. The way you tell things shows that all your answers to your miseries & beliefs is still coming from BK Murlis views. For example :
I have tried covering my soul by tieing scarves around my head etc and thats the only way I had felt ''free''.

Soul is not a point. It is present throughout your body. Wherever you will pinch, if it pains you then soul is present. Two body parts where soul is absent are hairs & nails. Tying scarf around your head hides your head not soul. I would advice you to stop using BK theory & become wise for your own benefit. That is verily the first step you must take.
"By watching the soul one comes to know all - past lives, present lives and even future."

Again there is no such power that BK head, Seniors or their followers possess. That is a good story they have made. Even you can claim to know everything. If someone asks for a proof, tell a story & that's it. That is what they have been doing for decades. See the facts. They don't have any extraordinary energy. A senior Dadi once fell off her bed & then so much medication was given to her. For her treatment she was taken abroad for a special treatment.

If they had powers, they would have cured her themselves. There is no link of BKs to any God. They just made a good-to-hear story & now trying to fool others.
If Baba's soul can enter, so can anyone's soul enter anyone - the senior ones could have many souls inside them and there's nothing anyone can do about it, they wouldn't even know.

I have been repeatedly saying that No one's soul enters or exits other person body. Kindly understand this. Those who claim so, they are trying to get others attention for their benefit.
I have been shown proof of this.

If it is not very personal then do share the proof.
In the past, whenever I was out of the country, be it India or US, this man had made things unpleasant very and on four trips I have had to change my ticket and come back early. He won't allow me to go abroad, and has used many ways to stop me thinking. No thinking allowed or I am in trouble.

Even our lives are full of such incidents but we are not interpreting all events as action directed by some Baba or Dada.
Happiness & sufferings are part of everyone's life. It is not a miracle if you also face some unpleasant incidents. Try to get out of BKs interpretation of life because they don't have one.
Listen to this - if I wore a diamond ring I would attract diamonds in my life (like attracts like). So I never wear any jewellery, and if I do I shall definitely lose it.

Your interpretation to things are really something out of world. As far as everyone knows, if you wear a diamond, it will attract thieves or BK senoirs. Why is it going to attract more diamonds. If you have huge money & a great liking for diamonds then your wish will certainly attract you towards diamond shop.
I phoned Jayanti once to talk about this but all she said was she is going to put the phone down; would have been different if I were rich, very different.

Everyone knows about Jayanti or any other senior leader. They would do anything for you if you are very rich.
"Is there any way one can hide one's soul?"

With such a great mindset that you have, certainly there are many ways. Wrapping your head as you told earlier is one of your own invention to hide soul.

Come on Chandaneeben, why don't you get real? All problems have started because you believe there is a soul & it works in the way BKs tell you. People who believe there is no soul live a better life than others. But's it alright there is soul & it exists within each living being. If you believe in its existence then you need to know everything in its right form. In short I can only tell you now is that soul is a seer not a doer. It sees but is not part of even a single action that we see in our life. When it can not be seen, where does the question of hiding arises. Many people are there to fool & loot you.

Start believing in yourself not in someone's Baapdaaada.


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post01 Jul 2014

I believe in myself, and focus on the stomach chakra as ''he'' won't let me be soul conscious or I hear threats.

Jayanti's ally - thats all. Still abuse continues, remote viewing continues. I can see him watching me and making mischief, harassing, giving pains.

Evil ugly sindhi man, shameless to the core. Always watching in bathroom, taking shower.

If anyone reading this has been through the same abuse, please tell how did you manage to get this evil off your back.

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