Love without borders

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Love without borders

Post07 Jun 2014

Love without borders

Police in Odisha's Balangir district have started investigations to trace a girl who is said to have crossed over to Pakistan and married her Facebook friend.

The family of the girl filed a missing person complaint after Pakistani and international media reported about her elopement.

"We have started an investigation and looking at all angles. We are probing whether she has went to Pakistan," Balangir inspector in-charge Tariq Ahmed told HT on Friday.

International media reported three days back that Pratima Sahoo (26) fell in love with Pakistani national Muhammad Mansha (32) after coming in contact with him about a year back through the social networking site.

A fortnight back, she went to Layyah, a district in Punjab province of Pakistan, about 460 km south of Islamabad, converted to Islam and got married to Mansha in a local mosque.

She reportedly changed her name to Maryam.

"I am extremely happy to find my love. I will apply for Pakistani citizenship at the earliest. I will love to stay with my husband and his parents," she was quoted as saying in the Daily Mail.

Pratima's family had no idea about her whereabouts till her story was highlighted in Pakistani and international media.

"We had no idea that Pratima had gone to Pakistan," her Brother Pramod Sahoo said.

Pratima was associated with a spiritual order (Prajapita Brahmakumari) for the past 10 years. She mostly stayed in its ashram in Balangir town. The ashram's head Premlata Jena said she was not aware about Pratima's dalliance with the social networking site or her friend.


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Love Story Takes New Turn

Post07 Jun 2014

BALANGIR: More skeletons tumbled out of the cross-border love story of a Balangir girl and Pakistani national, which hit international headlines recently, with the arrest of Premalata Jena, a Prajapita Brahmakumari and head of the Brahmakumari ashram at Gandhinagarpada here on Tuesday. Later in the day, Premalata was forwarded to court.

Pratima Sahoo, the local girl who married her Pakistani boyfriend Mohammed Mansha recently, was working under Premalata at her ashram.

Recently, international media was abuzz with the story of Pratima (26) and Mansha (32) who fell in love after coming in contact through a social networking site a year back.

A couple of weeks back, Pratima went to Layyah, a district in Punjab province of Pakistan and got married to Mansha at a local mosque after converting to Islam. She even changed her name to Marrium.

Following the publication of Pratima’s story in Pakistani and international media, her family members, who had no idea about her whereabouts until then, lodged a missing complaint with the Balangir police.

Pratima’s Brother Pramod informed the media that his Sister was associated with Prajapita Brahmakumari for the past 10 years. She mostly stayed at the ashram in Balangir town and the family members met her a couple of times in a month.

“One day, Premalata came to our house and informed us that Pratima was absconding from the ashram. While leaving the ashram, Pratima told her that she would be visiting her aunt. We came to know about her after her story was published in newspapers,” Pramod said.

Meanwhile, another group of the Brahmakumari cult in Laltikra area lodged a written complaint with Balangir police on Monday accusing Premalata of running the ashram in Gandhinagarpada illegally. On the basis of the complaint, police started investigation into the matter and came to know that Premalata had applied for 90 days’ tourist visa to Pakistan.

Earlier, Premalata had pleaded ignorance of Pratima’s whereabouts. However, during police interrogation, it was found that both Pratima and Premalata had applied for visa to Pakistan. In the last one year, more than `3 lakh was deposited in bank accounts of Pratima and Premalata from different places in India.

After digging deep into the matter, police came to know that Mohammad Yassiyin Thakkar of Cuttack shifted base to Pakistan a few years back. Pratima had friendly relation with Thakkar and through him, the Brahmakumari came in contact with Mansha. It is said that Pratima went to Pakistan accompanied by Thakkar.

Moreover, Pratima was not a doctor which the international media had reported. After she failed in Class VII, she dropped out of the school in Balangir. At the age of 17, she joined the Bramhakumari ashram in the town. Premalata and Pratima used to visit the headquarters of Brahmakumaris in Mount Abu a few times in a year and the duo met Mansha there. Police suspect the love story angle.

Balangir SP R Prakash said the transaction details of bank accounts of Premalata and Pratima are being investigated. Police are not ruling out women trafficking angle in the case, added the SP.


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Odisha woman running fake ashram denied bail, lands in jail

Post07 Jun 2014

Odisha Sun Times Bureau
Bolangir, June 4:

‘Brahmakumari’ Premlata Jena who was held on Tuesday for illegally running an ashram in the name of a widely respected spiritual order even after she was suspended in 2004 by its authorities in Gandhinagarpada area in the district headquarter town of Bolangir in Odisha landed in jail today after a local court denied bail to her.

Police have sealed the ashram premises, sources said.

Police had detained Premlata on Tuesday after Brahmakumari Usha, head of Bolangir branch of the organisation based at Laltickra here, complained to the police that Premalata has been running the ashram illegally.

Brahmakumari Usha submitted papers to the police showing Premlata was suspended from the religious body in 2004 due to her involvement in illegal activities.

Premlata was also under police scanner in the case pertaining to Bolangir girl Pratima Sahoo marrying a Pakistani national a few days back. Pratima was staying in the ashram run by Premlata before she landed up in Pakistan.
Sources said the investigators have also seized her passport and Pakistani visa in which there is a seal of permission for her to land in Pakistani city Layyah.

It may be recalled here that a fortnight ago, Pratima went to Layyah on a 90-day tourist visa, converted to Islam and got married to Muhammad Mansha, a Pakistani national in a local mosque


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Re: Love without borders

Post07 Jun 2014

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Pink Panther

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Re: Love without borders

Post09 Jun 2014

Brahmakumari Usha submitted papers to the police showing [Gandhinagarpada centre in charge] Premlata Jena was suspended from the religious body in 2004 due to her involvement in illegal activities.

Now that raises many questions.
    1. Are those ”papers’ authentic or recently concocted so the PBKIVV can disown association with Premlata?
    2, If authentic, did they know about the centre Premlata ran?
    3. What about the other BKs in that centre? Was there no connection with the larger organisation through other BKs and other nearby centres or zone HQ?
    4. Did the PBKIVV accept donations from this centre?
    5. Did no-one from this centre go to Madhuban ?
Many other questions arise too - about PBKIVV procedures & systems...
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Re: Love without borders

Post09 Jun 2014

Curious and curiouser ...

I'd be suspicious of any allegations of "suspension from the religious body due to her involvement in illegal activities" if they came from the BKs themselves. Probably just some battle of wills in the hierarchy.

Usual BK mess ... but I am happy that the woman found some genuine love, sex and affection in her life, even if only for a short while, and I hope it goes well for her.

There's more reporting of the whole affair, here; Brahmakumari disciple marries Pakistani Facebook friend and, here; Odisha woman running fake ashram denied bail, lands in jail.

Note the comment below ...
The girl namely Dr. Pratima Sahoo above is not associated with Prajapita Brahmakumari. The ashram situated at Gandhinagarpada in Bolangir town has been dismmissed by the then Administrative Chief Dadi Prakashmani ji in the year of 2004 also the Pramlata Jena.

Now, this is all typical of the ambiguous, tawdry and amateur nature of the Brahma Kumaris' organization ... you're a member but you're not a member etc ... there are no solid contracts, licenses or agreements binding center-in-charges.

It's like the whole Hansa Raval cases in the USA where she was a "center-in-charge", on the basis of owning the center properties, and self-appointed representative ... but then secretly married the White BK Brother. The BK leadership is morally capable of coming up with anything ... they even retrospectively supported Hansa, despite knowing about her affair and bigamy.
Police has detained Premlata after Brahmakumari Usha, head of Bolangir branch of the organisation based at Laltickra here complained before the police that Premalata has been running the ashram illegally.

Brahmakumari Usha submitted papers to the police showing Premlata was suspended from the religious body in 2004 due to her involvement in immoral activities.

Can we really believe she ran a BK center for 10 years before the BKs notice ... with their tendency to gossip and spy on each other? What could possibly be "illegal" about running a BK center? It sounds like the BKs are pulling in favours from the local police to harass the women.

In other articles, it is translated as involved in indefined "immoral" activities. Again, typical of BK smear campaigns against its dissidents ... nothing specific but damaging enough. Ditto given the Time of India even picked up the story, it's another place the BKs have succoured support from in the past and feed PR shots to.

It has to be said, the odds are usually stacked against such relationships working out but Pratima will feel better, and become wiser and more grounded, for having experienced some cock between her legs a few times. Hopefully she'll have children, settle down and exorcise the BKs from her life.

The poor woman must have been desperate to escape the BKs ... the reports she was surrendered up at 17 years old ... and, who knows, perhaps this Premlata is a bit of a hero enabling it for her, and getting her out. There's very little opportunity for them. Once they are surrendered, there is basically no way out. They lose their dowry, they miss marrying age, and few men want to take on an ex-Brahma Kumari.

The BKs will have to ban all young Sisters from using the internet now ... who knows, the filters on the computers in Madhuban aren't even strong enough to stop the pull of Maya! The say Premalata and Pratima used to visit the headquarters of Brahmakumaris in Mount Abu a few times in a year and the duo met her lover Mansha there.
Pratima Sahoo (26) fell in love with Pakistani national Muhammad Mansha (32) after coming in contact with him about a year back through the social networking site.

A fortnight back, she went to Layyah, a district in Punjab province of Pakistan, about 460 km south of Islamabad, converted to Islam and got married to Mansha in a local mosque. She reportedly changed her name to Maryam.

"I am extremely happy to find my love. I will apply for Pakistani citizenship at the earliest. I will love to stay with my husband and his parents," she was quoted as saying in the Daily Mail.

Another comment on social media sums it up well ...
hstapanghosh wrote:Brahmakumari Dr Pratima Sahoo converts to Islam. ... 24521.aspx ... It's natural outcome of BrahmaKumaris' confused pseudo-secular dogma

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Re: Love without borders

Post09 Jun 2014

As a response to this love affair, what India really thinks of the Brahma Kumaris ...
Dee Bee wrote: No clue about BK philosophy, but find their practice of husband calling even wife as Bhen loathsome.
krushna choudhury wrote:YES THE BRAHMAKUMARIS consider themselves superior from Hindus and try to distort Hindu history and culture ... what they want to prove is that female souls are superior than others.
g.d singh wrote:The Brahmakumari concept is closer to Islam & Christianity - any serious research of Ancient scripts will show
maitas66 wrote:A retired IPS officer told a few years back most of these Brahmakumaris are lesbians into illicit relationships ... Brahmakumari's is one of the most senseless movements in India under guise of spiritualism
Ramesh Patel wrote:This woman must have family or personal problems at home before plunging into this. She must have craved to get out of her family and social surrounding before taking refuge in Facebook.
jane wrote:Indian men have reputation of being rather on the smaller side but paks have the opposite reputation and well they are wild. Girl love wild boys. no offence intended ...Yeah but she gets to have a big one inside her every night.

It even reached the British Daily Mail newspaper where Brahma Kumari contact soul journalist Liz Hodgkinson was recently outed for neglecting her children and grand-children whilst exploiting them to make a buck out of a story!

'I found my love in Pakistan': Orissa woman meets her husband through Facebook.
Daily Mail wrote:In July 2013, Dr Pratima Sahoo, a resident of Orissa's Balangir district, was spending her time on Facebook when she came across the profile of Pakistani national Muhammad Mansha. This was the beginning of a cross-border love story which culminated in their marriage in Pakistan's Layyah district. As it turned out, the first meeting at the social networking website changed their lives.

"We have been in touch for almost six months. It was then we fell in love and decided to get married," Mansha told reporters.

Can anyone find their Facebook pages? Let's see if they can dish more dirt about the BKs and life in it ...
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Re: Love without borders

Post10 Jun 2014

Wasn’t there a thread somewhere here, about 6 months - a year ago, about a Facebook page that had been set up as a matchmaking service for BKs? Could it be someone is making money out of this (even if from passive pay-per-click ads linked through)?



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Re: Love without borders

Post06 Jul 2014

Hi Jann,

I agree with you that not all the BK student stick to BK rules throughout the life.

However, you would agree with me that the benchmark in itself tells a lot. While some organisation are facing serious charges on their Gurus, small-2 events (like someone decides to leave BK and marry) are questioned from BKs.

And the comments posted by Ex-I does not reflect how India thinks about BK, but it's about how 'some Indians' think about BK.
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Re: Love without borders

Post07 Jul 2014

And the comments posted by Ex-I does not reflect how India thinks about BK, but it's about how 'some Indians' think about BK.

More than most foreign BKs, I travelled in India, often alone, and made a point of getting into coversations with others - initially thinking I was ”doing service” then later realising how little I knew, and listened nearly as much as I spoke (!).

What I found in my personal encounters, in regard to non-BK Indians view of BKs, is that the more educated the Indian was, the less respect they had for BKs as a religious movement or as having anything to offer. One who had travelled abroad regularly said that the BKs were seen by Indians the way Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses are seen in the UK.

Mormons and JW are seriously concerned with proselytising, their own disciplines and strong concerned about the end of the world too.



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Re: Love without borders

Post12 Jul 2014

more educated the Indian was, the less respect they had for BKs as a religious movement or as having anything to offer

and what was the survey size? I guess, you must have surveyed more than a million people before reaching this conclusion :)

If not, I'd like to disagree with your conclusion as it may be biased.
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Re: Love without borders

Post12 Jul 2014

... And when did sarcasm become a divine virtue for BKs, Arvind?

Can you show us any independent review the BKWSU or anyone else commissioned about public impressions of the Brahmakumaris?

The only academic paper that comes near it I can think of is Richard Musselwhite's and it reports the non-BK residents of Mount Abu as universally disliking or distrusting the BKs.

In fact, show us any well educated appraisal of Brahma Kumarism with an explanation of the science of its beliefs. There aren't any. Just boasting, exaggeration, marketing and PR from BKs themselves.

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Re: Love without borders

Post14 Jul 2014

Hah, a new case. And same is action taken by BKWSU like in earlier cases.
It is a clear strategy now.
When some BK Didi goes on her own terms or do something which is not according to the rules laid by BK & most importantly only when it becomes public, the BK units located in nearby areas lodge formal complaints & detach the concerned ashram. They do not take any action before it is disclosed by media.
Another girl becomes victim of BKWSU. Well, at least she has got a life partner(a human) who can teach her much about human relations & feeling which she might have lost while remaining in BKWSU.
OK, can someone please please tell me, what was her previous incarnation or a devi who is worshiped today?

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Re: Love without borders

Post14 Jul 2014

From a report posted above:
However, during police interrogation, it was found that both Pratima and Premalata had applied for visa to Pakistan. In the last one year, more than `3 lakh was deposited in bank accounts of Pratima and Premalata from different places in India.

Behold faithful donors. Just churn deeply about this money. It can be yours(that you might have donated). She is merely literate & has no source of income except incoming donations of yours.
So, Donate for a better cause. Or your money will be spent in paying bills of NET RECHARGE used by BK Didis for searching their soul mates on facebooks .

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Re: Love without borders

Post14 Jul 2014

In July 2013, Dr Pratima Sahoo, a resident of Orissa's Balangir district, was spending....

After she failed in Class VII, she dropped out of the school in Balangir. At the age of 17, she joined the Bramhakumari ashram in the town

And then she became a doctor. Ha ha ha. LOVE SPECIALIST. Right???? :D

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