Definition of cheating

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Save Innocents

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Re: Definition of cheating

Post10 May 2014

I just don't want to even recall what I saw there. It is like a cartoon series watched with extreme seriousness. Better is to laugh it off and think how people can be brought back to their real lives. And for that, one thing I will take care of is that no one, even a current BK, is hurt with anything I write here as first they are human beings and humanity occurs somewhere in their hearts. If you ever find anything abusive or offending in any case do point it and let me know. To bring out truth, we have to be true to everyone. is not it? Or at least we can try.

What put me off was that none of their teaching synchronizes with any religion, spirituality, Yoga, 'vyavaharik' or social and cultural ethics, and at last our own personal views to least possible extent.

It is good remain away from luxury but in reality luxury is not poison. Indeed "rapidly increasing want" to have more and more luxury is poison. It induces greed within which is opposed to one's spiritual path.

Some are allowed to marry? Now that is a serious thing. First they tell everyone to remain celibate and then allow other to do the same. This is a weakness of their system.

In reality, marriage is no obstruction in spiritual growth if handled with purity. Ultimate liberation is for both Grihastha (householders) and celibates both. The difference is that celibate achieve spiritual elevation much faster than householder as he has to take care of others too. That is the reason why one is asked to remain celibate. But marriage is never a wrong institution. All brahmakumaris have born out from married couples only. Right?

Lord Krishna had 1600 Queens and many children but his brahmacharya is considered highest among any person ever born since millions years. His brahmacharya (celibacy) state is called " Naishthik Brahmacharya", in which person remain in full soul state and is untouched by any worldly luxury or sukh. He is same as Dada Bhagwan who manifested in Gnani Purush in last century.
"We heard many reports from India of poor villages and women being told to hand over their jewellery which was then given to VIPs. "

Oh, it is needed to make golden castles that they proclaim. How they will make such castles suddenly if they will not today collect gold from us .
"Also of violence between the BKs and other BK groups like the PBKs"

Yeah, I know about these incidents which was told to me by a very faithful BK himself. But he was not ready to understand that Violence or Himsa is one of significant enemy which a seeker needs to handle and remove it completely from his life. It is a wrong method and bliss do not enters till violence is not completely removed from our life.

Yes you are right about last thing mentioned there. To uplift others one needs to first uplift himself.

Why people believe BKWSU because today everyone is suffering and has so many problems. Mental suffering is very high these days. It can be well ascertained if we observe ourselves and others. Even psychiatrist justify this fact. Tension, depression, etc are common. So in this case if someone goes to BKWSU, sudden transition from noisy state of mind to less noisy state is experienced. During their RajYoga process things do become still for, say, 25 to 30 minutes. This is what induces taste in new comer. Then after repeated sessions, he understands that at least here we get some peace. Who cares more about what is right or wrong? It do reduces sufferings for few days. He firmly believes in what they tell. They even ask to change 'baap' or Father after just 7 days.

Later what happens is known to everyone here but the fact is true that in scorching heat of sufferings, if we get slight rest or a cool breeze out somewhere, we are bound to accept it as favorable, no matter what other say. This is the illusion and they need to come out of it.
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Re: Definition of cheating

Post12 May 2014

Save Innocents wrote:I just don't want to even recall what I saw there. It is like a cartoon series watched with extreme seriousness. Better is to laugh it off and think how people can be brought back to their real lives.

How to is a deep question. We are often asked and I do not know the answer.

For an adherent who is hooked and experiences the "intoxication phase" Brahma Kumarism is like a drug addiction which they crave ... and it does make them "high" (like an addict), I do agree with that.

BKism does not work on everyone, not even most, but for a certain percentage it is like drugs which they will do anything for, and it is during that time where they break apart the rest of their previous life.

What to do? One can only point out the facts, and warning them of the past patterns and abuses, and then pretty much leave them up to do what they want ... my attention is on encouraging families to protect themselves, i.e. not feed either the BKs or their adherents with money, protect properties and children from them. The BKs will tear apart and consume everything they can get their hands on and use it ... for what?

Flying around the world chasing VIPs ... printing out frame pictures of their god and having their photos taken with famous people ... tying rakhis as a publicity stunt ... keeping their students heads spinning?

What a poor and mundane life to live ... and not what I would expect of enlightened individuals at all.

I think it is necessary to burst the BKs' bubble with fair and accurate criticisms and protect society by spreading the whole truth about them ... refusing to hide or drip feed what the BKs keep hidden.

For such enlightened souls, the BKs have such massive egos about themselves. The world needs to know what the BKs really think of themselves and think of the rest of the world. The rest of society has to be inoculated in advance with antidotes to the BKs brainwash.

Protect society and, as much as possible, attempt to stop the BKs living off society's and other families' wealth like parasites. Actually, even the Murlis supports the later.

You want know, but there was a year where the leadership tried to stop abuses by moving many centers-in-charge around from their own centres to others ... they became so upset at being moved out of their comfort zones.

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