Feedback please - Anyone else finding this forum slow?

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Pink Panther

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Feedback please - Anyone else finding this forum slow?

Post17 Mar 2014

For the last few weeks, I have experienced this site, particularly the forum area, to be very slow when loading any page - whether just reading posts, using < backpage arrow or previewing a post (this post took 20 seconds to load a preview as I checked it) or for submitting etc. Any of these actions can take over a minute

Importantly, it is only this web site that goes slow, not others.

As there seems to be fewer posts I am wondering if others are not posting because of this? I have been discouraged from contributing recently as it takes so long to review and edit.

I tried changing browser from Safari to Firefox to Google Chrome; Firefox is only slightly better for this site but all are slow - none are regularly loading as quickly as normal. Especially after I've clicked through one or two links or pages, it seems to logjam and is grindingly slow.

I am noticing as I experiment that some older pages are not being found - "not available” - on first attempt, then will come up later.

As it happens on all browsers and only for this site - I must assume that it’s neither the browser nor the OS. ( I have a decent internet service, better than what I had a year ago)

It maybe there is some background ”junk” - but after a "cache empty" or a full "system scan and clean”, any improvement disappears after a couple of clicks and it’s back to the slowness.

It may be an issue at the servers ( I had an issue last year for some commercial sites I look after and had my ”host" make changes - eg servers will host multiple sites, and if it includes a banned site, the whole server is affected)

it may be some kind of surveillance or filtering here in Australia or internationally (by who knows whom) or something else.

Hence the request for feedback.

Please readers - post a quick reply - does it all seem to be as usual for you, or has anyone found it noticeably slower in the last few weeks?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Feedback please - Anyone else finding this forum slow?

Post17 Mar 2014

it took 30 seconds to submit that last post.
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Re: Feedback please - Anyone else finding this forum slow?

Post17 Mar 2014

I am not having any troubles or delays posting at all, but you make a good point. There may have been a couple of times when I've had to reload pages but no more often than generally usual. It might be a problem with traffic on the actual internet between you and the server. Or at the server.

Can you do a "Traceroute" ?

In Windows, select Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.

Enter the word tracert, followed by a space, then the domain name.

In Mac OS X, open the Utilities folder > Network Utility > click Traceroute.

Enter this, then click Trace.

Please copy and paste the result.


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Re: Feedback please - Anyone else finding this forum slow?

Post18 Mar 2014

No troubles here.


exiting BK

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Re: Feedback please - Anyone else finding this forum slow?

Post18 Mar 2014

No troubles here too...
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Pink Panther

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Re: Feedback please - Anyone else finding this forum slow?

Post18 Mar 2014

Trace route result
Traceroute has started…

traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 72 byte packets
1 {removed my IP address] (-------------) 0.339 ms 0.163 ms 0.152 ms
2 * * *
3 ( 8.426 ms 11.448 ms 27.413 ms
4 ( 10.475 ms 11.588 ms 10.938 ms
5 ( 7.951 ms 13.071 ms 10.828 ms
6 ( 11.220 ms 7.667 ms 12.234 ms
7 ( 12.142 ms 11.507 ms 8.157 ms
8 ( 11.763 ms 7.925 ms 7.927 ms
9 ( 156.214 ms 159.532 ms 159.977 ms
10 ( 154.736 ms 155.709 ms 155.552 ms
11 * * *
12 ( 157.822 ms 157.308 ms 156.157 ms
13 ( 214.864 ms 197.061 ms 200.073 ms
14 ( 202.271 ms 202.685 ms 205.917 ms
15 ( 206.837 ms 205.796 ms 202.299 ms
16 be38.trmc0215-01.ars.mgmt.phx3.gdg ( 194.716 ms 195.724 ms 195.340 ms
17 be38.trmc0215-01.ars.mgmt.phx3.gdg ( 196.377 ms 205.124 ms 196.022 ms
18 ( 203.707 ms 203.821 ms 205.808 ms
19 ( 206.069 ms 203.112 ms 206.080 ms

Note - this is a recent model desktop iMac currently running OSX10.7.5 on hardwired cable ethernet connection.
Other sites not slow, only this one.

I don;t really know what this all means - assuming ms = milliseconds?
For comparison, here is result for - a similar site, which seems to be behaving normally
Traceroute has started…

traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 72 byte packets
1 {removed my IP address] (-------------) ) 0.357 ms 0.462 ms 0.160 ms
2 * * *
3 ( 8.599 ms 9.076 ms 7.961 ms
4 ( 8.476 ms 13.444 ms 7.664 ms
5 ( 8.300 ms 7.792 ms 8.021 ms
6 ( 14.348 ms 15.803 ms 12.510 ms
7 ( 10.987 ms 11.230 ms 15.977 ms
8 ( 10.717 ms 11.788 ms 16.051 ms
9 ( 158.743 ms 158.966 ms 155.703 ms
10 ( 156.703 ms 155.141 ms 155.462 ms
11 * * *
12 ( 154.737 ms 157.511 ms 160.058 ms
13 ( 196.745 ms 198.193 ms 239.063 ms
14 ( 201.429 ms 201.890 ms 201.888 ms
15 ( 206.260 ms 201.772 ms 201.900 ms
16 be38.trmc0215-01.ars.mgmt.phx3.gdg ( 195.545 ms 197.529 ms 200.040 ms
17 be38.trmc0215-01.ars.mgmt.phx3.gdg ( 195.855 ms 195.375 ms 195.781 ms
18 ( 203.655 ms 205.417 ms 202.114 ms
19 ( 203.589 ms 204.030 ms 205.220 ms


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Re: Feedback please - Anyone else finding this forum slow?

Post18 Mar 2014

ms means "martian standard". It is the triple foreigners (originally humans) that left 5000 years ago and now have returned from their quest through the universe to return to earth after their unsuccessful quest for God. They are trying to figure out where Madhuban is, which is relocated after the last shifting of the earth axis by BK Raya Yoga ...

BTW : "martian standard " is a joke :-) ; the rest Gyan :-)))

Honestly, Pink Panther. I don't know about the rest. Sorry.


Independent, free thinking BK

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Re: Feedback please - Anyone else finding this forum slow?

Post21 Mar 2014

I have not been around much lately but everything seems normal to me.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Feedback please - Anyone else finding this forum slow?

Post21 Mar 2014

It seems to have become intermittent now, sometimes very slow and sometimes normal.

And it seems to matter which set of links I navigate through - going via ”new posts” seems to be the worst.

OK, as its ”improving” and others have no issue, this thread can be left until further developments.

Thanks all.

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