Help with Brahma Kumaris Wikipedia Article

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Post27 Nov 2006

Mr. Green. I appreciate your humility.





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Post27 Nov 2006

Dear Mr Green.

What more can you expect from the BKs who have not even spared the original Murlis of Supreme Soul Shiva; they have cut them and edited them to suit their own interests, thus showing no respect to God Himself; then you can imagine that they will do anything to eliminate anyone who comes in their way. In the near future they will start destroying all the Murlis and Vanis and pictures, when they feel that they are fighting a losing battle and will return to lokik life.

Also i agree with arjun Bhai that not all BKs are having the same mentality. Remember that hidden within the BKs are still the divine Deity souls (vijaymala souls ) who are still in love with sajan ShivBaba and will come running to ShivBaba when the time comes.

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Post27 Nov 2006

Mr Green,

From what I can see, it appears Wikipedia has strict rules on what can and cannot be used in that article that you refer to.

You claim a BK whitewash attempt - I'd say the oppostite is true (I know ... I would, wouldn't I?!) . The anti-BK brigade seem to have tried their level best to get their claws into that wikipedia article.

It appears some sanity is prevailing. Long live impartiality! :D
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Post27 Nov 2006


I do believe that was post 666
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Mr Green


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Post27 Nov 2006

There is no anti-bk brigade that I know of. And you're wrong, the article was originally written by many people, BK and ex.

Now it is the work of a team fronted by 2 individuals that have used the rules of Wiki to distort the truth. If you think that is good, I have misunderstood your position.
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Post27 Nov 2006

Guess it's just another area we'll have to agree to disagree. :D

I am sorry if you feel your version of the truth has been taken away from the article ... but it is just your version.
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Mr Green


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Post27 Nov 2006

Your wrong about that too :lol: .

The one contribution I wrote in the piece was based on actual events. :P


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Post08 Feb 2007


I've noticed that this phrase has come up from nowhere and occurs in some threads. You can search for this phrase.

I'd be more careful using a phrase like "Anti-BK", then it could be also equally said that Gyan is "Anti-Muslim", "Anti-Christian", "Anti-Buddhist" etc.
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Post04 Jul 2007

I've just noticed that the Wikipedia site seems to have been updated recently and that the restrictions that it had on certain people updating it have been removed. Does this mean that everything has been agreed and all is sweetness and light once more 8).
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Post04 Jul 2007

Ha! I doubt it. My guess is the official BKWSU IT team are just trying out a new tactic of stepping back and leaving it alone in the hope that others give up and forget about it. All that edit warring was a PR disaster for them.

It still attracts the usual drive-by shootings of Indian BKs willfully possessed to remove any reference to the PBKs. Who knows what it going on there ...
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Post04 Jul 2007

This is just for reference;

I found the history of the wikipedia arbitration here; Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Brahma Kumaris

It lists those who are banned for a year from making any changes, at least one of which is listed as being connected with this site.
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Post04 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:It lists those who are banned for a year from making any changes, at least one of which is listed as being connected with this site.

What is the world coming to!?! Hanging is not good enough punishment for the likes of them ...

Just for the record, how much 'extra toli' did the IT get given?
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abrahma kumar

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extra toli licensed to choke

Post04 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:What is the world coming to!?! Hanging is not good enough punishment for the likes of them ... Just for the record, how much 'extra toli' did the IT get given?

Maybe it doesn't require extra toli rations! Just the satisfaction of being a glove-puppet for the Mothership BKWSU. Anyway, drama has presented us with a lovely vantage point from which to observe and document all of this.


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Post17 Jul 2007


I made a few corrections to the BKWSU-Article on WP. Mainly it was editing the article so that POV-messages would be non-POV-messages afterward. Mainly by adding "they believe" to sentences.

When I noticed that an edit war was going on I registered an account for the English language WP (English is not my mother tounge.), so that people can identify edits made by me. My account name is "Capt. Lochley".

Then I tried to clarify the part about "view of Christianity".

What was there was:

View of Christianity

Contrary to the beliefs of Christianity, just as the BKWSU claims God the Father was now sharing a body with Brahma Baba, in the same way Christ had entered the body of Jesus. The groups says it was Jesus who suffered on the cross, not Christ. Christ, the pure Son of God left the body early and went to take rebirth to help guide his fledgling religion into maturity. They claim that many more secrets about Christ and the other religious founders have been revealed by Baba.[98]

They believe that thier god Shiva is identical to the Christian god. While Christian religion is seen as being tought only by a child of god (Christ) ("inspired by soul consciousness") the belief of the Brahma Kumaris is seen as being insprired by the one unborn god Shiva ("inspired by god consciousness"). Therefore Christian Gyan (spiritual knowledge) is seen as being impure while Brahma Kumaris Gyan is seen as the pure truth.

What I added was:

They believe that thier god Shiva is identical to the Christian god. While Christian religion is seen as being tought only by a child of god (Christ) ("inspired by soul consciousness") the belief of the Brahma Kumaris is seen as being insprired by the one unborn god Shiva ("inspired by god consciousness"). Therefore Christian Gyan (spiritual knowledge) is seen as being impure while Brahma Kumaris Gyan is seen as the pure truth.

This is the link to the diff: ... =145080625

That part was removed by a user called Green108 on grounds that it lacked references.

I then asked on Green108s User Discussion Page why. He/she answered on mine. This is what I got:

---- zip ----

== Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University ==

Hello Green108!

I have never before heard that one should discuss modifications to a page on the discussion page first. Could you please tell me where it is written that I should do so with this page?

Why did you delete my addition to the "View of Christianity" section in the article? Adding a "needs citation" would have been enough for the moment, don't you think?

Did you remove it because you don't believe it's true? Or out of other reasons? - If so: What reasons?

[[User:Capt. Lochley|Capt. Lochley]] 23:28, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

: hi , i think you were basically right in what you wrote , the problem is we have been through a war zone on this page and folks are going to come down hard on you unless you back up your idea with quotes and things

: sorry , i did not have time to leave a note earlier......tryasking Bksimonb what the rules are , he is the head boy on this page

: i mean it well , so do not be offended.....try writing your contributions in Word first to spellcheck them , you made a few spelling errors it was just easier to take the section out first

: oh.....and check out the discussion page of the article to have a chat with the BKs about your changes otherwise they will go mad about them after.i wanted to give you a chance to get it right first

: welcome aboard [[User:Green108|Green108]] 01:12, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

:: Hello Green108!
:: You say "the BKs will go mad". Then I take it you are nit a BK? From your user page I git the Impression that you are one yourself? At least the citations seem to indicate that you know a lot about their teachings. If not, what are you? An ex-BK or a PBK?
:: Are you perhaps the same person who is "mr green" on the board?
:: Regarding typos: You could just go and fix them, cannot you?

I could do I just did not have time to then.....sorry .when I have something important to write ,i do it in a word processor first to catch the mistakes

best join in the discussion and put your proposed edits up there first , thanks[[User:Green108|Green108]] 11:32, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

: What about my other questions? [[User:Capt. Lochley|Capt. Lochley]] 13:18, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

--- zip ---

I have two questions:

1: I have difficulty "putting Green108 in a box". I don't know what to think of him. On one hand he has stuff on his User Page that seems to indicate that he is a BK or perhaps a PBK. (Citations from Gyan, the sentence: "I am a peaceful soul".) On the other hand he talks about "the BKs" on my discussion page as if they were his adversaries. And what he does is I think counterproductive to revealing the truth about the BKWSU. I mean this is what I learned in the center from the BKs! I just don't have any physical evidence of that.

2: Has anyone got references to back up my claims? If so: please tell me!

I would like to get invlolved in setting the article right, but as I am not in a very good shape of mind at the moment I cannot do it alone. Can anyone give me more background on the "edit war" and who plays whis role in this "war"? Frankly I am not willing to read the lakhs of lines of discussion before ever contributing anything to the article.

Kind regards,

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abrahma kumar

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ardhanarisvara assists with BKWSU-Article on Wiki

Post17 Jul 2007

Welcome ardhanarisvara. Thanks for your feedback. Your first post is one that I find quite interesting. Given that your profile introduces your current status as one in which you are "questioning your BK beliefs", it appears as if your zeal and enthusiasm are sky high because you seem to have jumped in at the deep end with wiki page editing and all. Good luck.

ardha, care to tell us anything more about yourself as relates to your experiences with the BKWSU? How long have you been a student? Have you been to Madhuban? Have you ever had the chance to visit any BKWSU bookstore? Of course, its not compulsory that you share with us but it may help (its the way folk tend to orient themselves around here).

ardhanarisvara, what prompts you to share your Wiki experiences here? Is it on the hunch that wiki persona "Green108" is the same as forum member "Mr. Green"? If so, maybe you can send him a private message (pm).

Also interesting to observe your feedback that some actions may be "counterproductive to revealing the truth about the BKWSU"; and then you go on to imply that your edits were based on "what I (you) learned in the center from the BKs!" and further that, "I (you) just don't have any physical evidence of that". Ardha, given all this uncertainty one would be brave indeed to 'publish' their "unsupported" thoughts on the www.

Did you have any intention to add a disclaimer to your edits on the wiki page? Also, your access relevant resource material seems a bit on the "thin" side, so one wonders what will be the basis on which you will "set the article right"? Actually, I am a student with the BKWSU but - for the sheer hell of it - I have to confess i have NO evidence back up any of any of your claims. Maybe one of the other forum members can assist. Any specific info you need?

Maybe the BKWSU Thinking Positively course will help you to overcome the affliction of a mind that is not in too good shape? Is it this mind inconvenience which leads you to share with us that, "Frankly, I am (you are) not willing to read the lakhs of lines of discussion before ever contributing anything to the (wiki) article."? If so, maybe a little time selective reading of forum content may answer some of your questions. You may even be able to avoid reading "lakhs of lines"?

Hope you get well soon ardhanarisvara.

Good luck.

P.S. ardhanarisvara, was it your comments on the wiki page as follows: Therefore Christian Gyan (spiritual knowledge) is seen as being impure while Brahma Kumaris Gyan is seen as the pure truth.? If so, you may also find discussed elsewhere on this site the tendency that the BKs have of arrogantly looking at the world from a viewpoint of their own "oblox". As far as i know there is no such thing as "Christian Gyan". Same tendency cropped up when a BK was discussing a biblical figure reaching the "angelic stage".

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