BK God does not comes to Earth 2013 to 2014 (15/30 November)

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BK God does not comes to Earth 2013 to 2014 (15/30 November)

Post03 Dec 2013

BK God never came on 15th November or 30th November ... does anyone know what has happened? Apparently Gulzar is ill and looks rather serious.


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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post03 Dec 2013

Yes, here:
Dadi Gulzarji's Surgery on 21 Nov 2013

Our dear divine Sisters and Brothers from Bharat and all other countries,

Please accept hearty Godly love and remembrances from Mumbai.

Hope everyone is enjoying Baba's love through remembrance, and jewels of Baba's wisdom through the precious Murlis, which seem to have been spoken in Mumbai (as I could make out from this morning's Sakar Murli).

On 15 November, everyone would have seen that BapDada's visit was very short, and it was even mentioned that the Chariot was not in good health. So accordingly, Brother Dr Ashok Mehtaji visited Shantivan and requested Dadi Gulzarji to come to Mumbai for a health checkup. After a sonography in Abu, it was evident that the Chariot has stones in the gall bladder which need to be dealt with laproscopic key-hole surgery. A very experienced surgeon, Dr Hemant Bansali, will perform the surgery today, 21 November between 3-4pm in BSES Brahma Kumaris' Global Hospital, Andheri (Mumbai).

Apart from this, Dadiji is in very good health and high spirits as Dadi Jankiji, and the Sisters and Brothers from Madhuban, Mumbai, Delhi, and other parts of India and abroad have been sharing greetings and good wishes for her speedy recovery.

Our dear Sisters Neeluben, Yoginiben and others are looking after Dadiji very well. The surgeon has recommended that Dadiji stay in hospital until Saturday, and return home on Sunday. As the weather is very pleasant these days in Mumbai, Dadiji may spend a few more days here before returning to Shantivan.

We trust our loving Sisters and Brothers from across the globe would keep the atmosphere very powerful, in the highest consciousness of being in the company of Avyakt BapDada, and all will be well.

With lots and lots of Godly love and feelings of gratitude from Dadi Gulzarji and the family in Mumbai,

In Baba's sweet remembrance,

B.K. Nirwair


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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post03 Dec 2013

desi_writer99 wrote:BK God never came on 15th November or 30th November...does anyone know what has happened? Apparently Gulzar is ill and looks rather serious.

So ... this what they came up with to replace the BK God who failed to come down to Earth on the 30th/11/13.
On 30-11-2013, there will live webcast of the programme of the Diamond Hall stage during the time meant for BapDada’s incarnation.

The programme will be as follows:

5.00 – 6.00 pm Suryabhai’s class

6.00 – 7.00 pm Yoga bhatthi

7.00 – 8.30 pm An audio/video will be shown of a revised Avyakt Murli.

8.30 pm Dadi Janki will share a few words of blessings for the whole world.

Note: From 6.00 – 8.30 pm, the time for the Avyakt meeting, all Brothers and Sisters to stay in an Avyakt stage and celebrate a meeting in the Subtle Region and BapDada will definitely give experiences of the Avyakt meeting.
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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post04 Dec 2013

They could have given a practically useful class on natural ways to dissolve gall stones - or flush the liver and gall bladder if no stones.

Although mainstream medicine will say ”no reliable of evidence that it works” - they are effectively saying ”equally we have no proof that it doesn't” - which is saying, no-one’s done the research to our guidelines yet.

I, personally, know a few people who have done it successfully, and heard accounts from others.

It’s an ancient formula.

Fast from the evening before, for about 18 hours, then afternoon next day, two versions - either:
    1. Alternate every 15 minutes between a half cup of olive oil and a half cup of lemon juice or grapefruit juice for about 2- 3 hrs - or about 1 litre of each
    2. drink 1 Litre straight of Olive Oil as quickly as you can, wait ½ hr , then drink same amount of grapefruit or lemon juice - undiluted
Hey, you aren't doing it for fun! (Although I use both items generously on food all the time and love them!) And it’s no risk, whereas any surgery carries risks - along with subsequent scar tissue and muscular effects etc. And if they take out your gallbladder, that’s for life that you won't be able to process oils and fats -> other health issues down the road.

A BK fast? Ha!
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Re: BK God does not comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post04 Dec 2013

To be honest, I don't think the BKWSU checks in here for alternative health tips ... but it's probably worth mentioning that the "Sick Dadi Routine" is regular feature of BK life and nothing to be too concerned about. Dadi Janki's has been exploiting it for decades ... she's regularly been "near death's door" since the 1980s.

It excites BK and relieves the general tedium, and it gives people something to talk about with each other ... it even allows them to express normal emotions that would not be able to do so about their own family and so on ... but most of it is over-exaggerated until it raises really serious issues, at which point they ignore them.

Why cannot or could not BapDada just possess a different medium like he apparently did in the old days?

Is there some technical reason, or is it because they want to keep power monopolised and if there was a different medium, people might follow them ... and they might have diverging views?

We heard once a long time ago that they were training up other younger Sisters to act as medium for their god, what happened to that?

I used to think with Janki it was some sort of contradictory love and attachment some BKs had towards her, contradictory because BKs aren't meant to have attachment for any human being - not even their own parents or children - but now I think it was just for fear of the whole business collapsing if, or when, she dies.

It'll be interested to see what happen when Gulzar goes.

Why did not "Trikaldarshi" Baba know what was going to happen ... they call upon him for all sorts of other fortune telling?

Could he have given warning to all those BKs who were going to take their few holidays and spent their hard earned cash making pilgrimage to Mount Abu?

What did they get for their money instead ... to go to Mount Abu to meditate and watch a video??? They could have stayed at home.

What flowery language ... could Nirwair really give such a written guarantee? I imagine most of the hall was sitting them deeply disappointed and a bit upset and being ripped off.
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Re: BK God does not comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post04 Dec 2013

ex-l wrote:To be honest, I don't think the BKWSU checks in here for alternative health tips ...

I was only making the point, by elucidating one pertnent point, that what is dished up as ”knowledge” is mostly fluff and fill, that there is real & useful knowledge out there that a ”university” could be researching and sharing… they get classes and videos in lieu of the real thing in the same way that ‘Godly knowledge,” as a whole, is in lieu of the real thing, i.e. real, practical, useful knowledge.

What good is it if good vibrations, good wishes, soul consciousness, remembering god etc leaves you ignorant of how to live as a human being in a human existence, a passive consumer of others’ knowledge and skills any more than you have to? Same can be said of formal education.

If you are empowered by curiosity and self-education you can give the medical establishment the finger and look after your own gall stones, avoid risk, fees, lifelong debilitation and dependency on their medications - in the same way continuing self-education & curiosity & experimentation empowers you to give a religious (BK) establishment the finger and avoid having your life determined by others any more than you have to.

BTW ”alternative” is not necessarily a simile for ‘traditional”.

- and if one person can take benefit from the traditional approach of extreme yin-yanging of the liver & gall bladder, then it's worthwhile. in fact, I think I will give myself that liver cleanse next weekend as prep for the season.

It'll be interested to see what happen when Gulzar goes.

My tip - Jayanti.

Already a supposed 'transistor' (trance Sister) that can tune in to that frequency, she has decades of translating Murlis and therefore could probably spout back what’s been absorbed through self-hypnosis, and be extremely convincing and move the organisation forward. (If you know a little of Gulzar’s personality and heard her classes, you could reasonably hypothesise that the different ‘quality’ that Avyakt Murlis have are a reflection of what she resonates with from the Sakar Murli. No doubt if Jayanti became the next medium we’d get more ”modern” Murlis, informed by her English education and her more ecumenical and widely travelled attitude - allowing the whole organisation to work itself free from past baggage and have a longer term future). (Dear BKWSU - I am available for long-term strategic planning and consulting at a reasonable fee).
Why did not "Trikaldarshi" Baba know what was going to happen ... they call upon him for all sorts of other fortune telling?

You asking us to think? I prefer "wah drama". ;)
Could he have given warning to all those BKs who were going to take their few holidays and spent their hard earned cash making pilgrimage to Mount Abu?

Ahem - "spend their hard-earned cash” - the answer is in the question. Some of that will, of course, stay in Madhuban and the various ”agents” or transit centres involved.
What flowery language ... could Nirwair really give such a written guarantee? I imagine most of the hall was sitting them deeply disappointed and a bit upset and being ripped off.

..but doing their best to prove they have "direct link" and are beyond such limited worldly concerns as getting what they were promised.

The capacity for BKs to tolerate abuse is a sign of spiritual stage.


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Re: BK God does not comes to Earth 2013 to 2014 (15/30 Novem

Post04 Dec 2013

I was watching the 15th November one when BapDada was there for a while and it seemed like Dadi Janki was very angry at Nirwair for trying to hog the Father. They say they aren't body conscious but all I see is attachment to the body.

The 30th November was just a sham. The same old running away from reality type of thing and distract the gullible. Why couldn't BapDada stay in the body? Surely if it is a vehicle, then it is strong enough to be with the all-powerful!
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Re: BK God does not comes to Earth 2013 to 2014 (15/30 Novem

Post04 Dec 2013

desi_writer99 wrote:Why couldn't BapDada stay in the body? Surely if it is a vehicle, then it is strong enough to be with the all-powerful!

And if one accepts karma philosophy, sure the Karma is Gulzar's and it is she that must suffer ...

Why if BapDada is beyond causing karma, and has no more karma account left (karmateet), would they experience any pain, weakness or discomfort in the body?

Or cause any damage being in it?

Stage hogging is the norm. That disgusts me. Why when they spent so much with Lekhraj Kirpalani must they hogging him? Why not give someone new who has made very sincere efforts or sacrifices a chance?

To me, and I think Janki and Nirwair are the worst at this, it seems like they are just using their association to serve their own interests reinforcing their own importance.
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Re: BK God does not comes to Earth 2013 to 2014 (15/30 Novem

Post07 Dec 2013

Some will be very disappointed if "Baba doesn't come" ... I wonder what are the different motivations for people to travel as far as MB, these days? I suspect that a high percentage of BKs goes there for service meetings of all sorts, classes, socializing, chance to sample India through an unusual tour operator. Only a smaller percentage will go there to enjoy silence, Yoga, searching for mystic experiences.

Supposedly, each visitor could have his/her own priorities. However, at centers one is mostly pressured to get involved in service and attend as many classes as possible. Difficult to escape, unless you are prepared to live without acceptance, love and respect of your teachers, and other students.

It amazes me more than ever to notice how fixed stereotypes are, in the organization: if you do this you are good, pukka, etc ... otherwise, blacklisted, worth rubbish.

In the old days, going to MB was a commitment, an act of faith and surrender. It meant that you were interested and available for receiving a stamp, a certificate of belonging and consequently having to obey to those higher up in the hyerarchy. Sometimes branded and damaged forever like livestock.

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