Apparently, GOD HAS ARRIVED!!! (Movie)

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Post29 Nov 2013

BK John (Mexico) wrote: short description of interest in joining forum :

I have not left Baba or the BK family, but something has to be done to STOP the abuses with the Seniors. I am not here too serve them. I am here to serve God. My aim is to try and implement a system (by law) in the Yagya where Seniors should have to pass certain tests to be considered Seniors There is too much corruption in this organization. Global Functioning is a Mafia controled by a selected few.

Thank you for that.

I had not seen/read it before and I think I owe John an apology for being a little bit too hard hitting on him in my first email. I am sorry but we have had so many pains in the asses from the BK, and some of them persistent ones, I tend to be a bit lacking in patience and commpassion towards any one of them coming on forum and telling us what to do.

I do not doubt the sincerity of your affections towards God and religion ... although I have not actually watched your movie yet ... what I do strongly doubt is whether the BKs god spirit is "the God" of all. And what I consider is happening with the BKs is that they are misleading people's sincere interest in divinity towards them and misdirecting them towards their god spirit ... and bank account.

Therefore, John, if you do make it back and you are willing to try starting again, I, for one, would be willing to attempt fair and decent communication.

If you are also having a problem with BKs misusing your documentary, e.g. uploading it without your permission, then I would say that is typical of their attitude towards anyone else property ... theirs to have and use if they want with scant regard for legalities.

I would say, however, on the basis of decades of BK watching or fringe dwelling ... and the experience of others ... attempting to reform the Brahma Kumari leaders is a futile effort. They are what they are. It's the level they are at and it's the way they do business. Many have tried before you and little has been achieved ... hence where this site has ended up. Mostly being a red flag to document what is going on to warn others.

Expedience, not integrity and ethics, is their by-word ... which is why I further doubt that are 'of God'.

I am interested in knowing why you called the "Global Functioning" a mafia because we thought that, in the first place, it had been set up with the intention of being a problem solving department largely to do with the influence this website had had.

Has it just become a further device of global control putting Janki Kirpalani's heir apparent, Jayanti Kripalani at the helm on behalf of the Kirpalani Klan?

Many people have had negative experiences of her behind the highly control facade.
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Pink Panther

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Post29 Nov 2013

BK John (Mexico) wrote:Global Functioning is a Mafia controled by a selected few.
ex-l wrote:I am interested in knowing why you called the "Global Functioning" a mafia because we thought that, in the first place, it had been set up with the intention of being a problem solving department largely to do with the influence this website had had.

I am going to keep playing ”bad cop” and suggest that BK Johnny Mexico is peeved because he wants to be part of the ”in-crowd” of ”Global Functioning” but has been shut out.

There are many "reformers and activists" who say they are about truth and justice (hey, whatever happened to the Justice League?) but they are only envious really, because they are not part of the powerful, rather than being truly concerned ... if they were ”in”, would they be as ”reform-minded”?

It’s human nature. Sorry if this isn’t you John, but I have seen this type of ”divine outrage” too many times not to be a little sceptical. I hope you can show me I am wrong.
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Post30 Nov 2013

Pink Panther wrote:I am going to keep playing ”bad cop” and suggest that BK Johnny Mexico is peeved because he wants to be part of the ”in-crowd” of ”Global Functioning” but has been shut out ... (hey, whatever happened to the Justice League?).

The "Justice League" presented themselves as a group of would be reforming BK one of whom who posted on the forum a few years ago ... and then disappeared leaving no apparent influence upon the Brahma Kumari movement behind them.

What you are saying Pink suggests that "Global Functioning" has become the title of the Western BK inner circle ... aka Jayanti Kirpalani's court ... is that the way it is?

I don't know but on past records, gathered over decades, someone like John would be very attractive to the inner circle and considered attractive to them ... until they outlived their usefulness and started to expect to be able to make changes and improvements.

Money and the willingness to spend it on PR ... what the BKs called "service" ... we buy you a few dinners with the inner circle but not a seat on their table. They're hardly beyond being a blood dynasty so far ... the Kirpalani Klan.

Mind you, what will happen when Janki dies as Jayanti has no heir?

I've seen a few moderately wealthy BK adherents get a big wake up call when they realised what is going on ... over to you John and how you see things.
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Post01 Dec 2013

Orwell’s famous "Animal Farm" is a perfectly applicable satire about the way those who are exploited by the power elites and challenge them then become just the same when they are the power elite. There are talented people knocking at the door of such elites wanting in and rejection makes them call for reform. Once they are in, they say ”the others outside the door don’t understand’ and shut them out the way they used to be!

Politics is there by necessity in every collective ... it gets played in many (but still the same old) ways, regardless of "divinity".

BK John (Mexico)

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Post01 Dec 2013

Dear Enlightened,
I have asked you to please remove my film from you web sight. I want you to know that some of the images I show in my film do not belong to me. They are property of Reuters. That is the main reason I have asked that you people remove it.
Even though I should thank you for giving me so much free advertisement, I need to tell you that what you did is against the law. Now you know.
I have contacted Reuters explaining the problem. They have told me to explain this to you. If the problem persists, they will be contacting you or the web sight.
It is nothing personal. I just need to protect myself from your acts.
Thank you. Have a great day.
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Post01 Dec 2013


We don't host your movie here. We just link to it. That's not against any law. If you and the BKs have used, and perhaps still are using copyright material (as is the habit of the BKs) ... then it's your legal and ethical problem not ours.

Have you take them out and release a copyright free edition, or are you and the BKs still showing this version at its public events?

Yes, that could get you in trouble or at least land you with an expensive invoice.

But let's put that and any hostility aside and discuss more important issues such as the corruption and how it can be addressed, what is going wrong with the Global Functioning project, and your response to it.

Thank you

BK John (Mexico)

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Re: Apparently, GOD HAS ARRIVED!!! (Movie)

Post01 Dec 2013

Thank you Ex-I,

I am beginning to like you.

Let me first try to resolve this so that I don´t get that expensive invoice. Then I will respond to you. I do have a lot to tell you and your readers.

Just know one thing ... my film has nothing to do with the BKs. Leave them out of it, or leave me and my film out of them. I am not the BKs. I am myself. I call myself a BK because I considered myself an active student of the University. I hope that makes sense. I will write you one more letter and I guess that will be it. Just give me some time to write it, because it will be a long one.

Thank you.


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Re: Apparently, GOD HAS ARRIVED!!! (Movie)

Post04 Dec 2013

The Global Functioning reform project, or whatever it was called at the time, was a Western BK thing, planned by Western BKs for Western BKs. From the outset, it was clear that the leadership did not want any of it in India.

Like all other attempts to reform the BKWSU, it failed. On the surface, it had the blessings of the leadership but, after it went on for a few months, when asked what she thought of it, Dadi Janki said that it was alright but that really what was needed was more soul consciousness and more remembrance of Baba. The leadership then began to use the term Global Functioning to describe their effort to give a face lift to their organisational structure and to try and protect themselves from legal procedures.

They could not care less about the laws of what they consider to be the devilish world but they are very concerned with their image. They are very skilled in finding their ways around the laws but want to look like a good law abiding organization. They took very seriously the threats from the Justice League and others about their cheating the immigration rules, etc, and instructions have been given to try prevent gross misbehaving of that sort.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Apparently, GOD HAS ARRIVED!!! (Movie)

Post04 Dec 2013

bkti-pit wrote:The Global Functioning reform project ... Like all other attempts to reform the BKWSU, failed.

I saw many of these attempts over the years, involved in some myself. It finally dawned on me that when they were acceded to by the Seniors it was done so exceedingly patronisingly and these ”projects” were strategically used by them as a pressure valve to allow people to let off steam and to feel they were valued/valuable/validated - without affecting anything substantially. Very few rcommendations were ever implemented.
They took very seriously the threats from the Justice League and others about their cheating the immigration rules, etc, and instructions have been given to try prevent gross misbehaving of that sort.

That’s good to hear that there was some improvement. Was there ever any report cross-referencing what was asked for and what was actually implemented ? And what about policing these new guidelines? Any review structures in place? Spouting ideals means nothing if there’s no mechanisms for checking.

BK John (Mexico)

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Re: Apparently, GOD HAS ARRIVED!!! (Movie)

Post12 Dec 2013

Dear Ex I,

I have not forgotten you. I told you I would reply and I will. I have been very busy and now with the hollidays coming up ... I am writing and I will reply. I just need more time. I will amaze you.

With Love to you and to your readers,

Happy Hollidays to everybody.


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Re: Apparently, GOD HAS ARRIVED!!! (Movie)

Post13 Dec 2013

Thank you John and happy holidays to you.
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Post14 Dec 2013

BK John (Mexico) wrote:Dear Enlightened,

I have asked you to please remove my film from you web sight. I want you to know that some of the images I show in my film do not belong to me. They are property of Reuters. That is the main reason I have asked that you people remove it.

Dear John

I am sorry but this is not my website. I am just an ex-BK who is recovering from the brainwashing and trauma caused by the Brahma Kumaris dogma and teachings. I am just posting on this website to recover from all this nonsense and to help and prevent others from joining the Brahma Kumaris organisation.

I don't feel I have done anything against you or your film company. Someone obviously uploaded your film on public website and so any Tom, Dick or Harry could have watched your film across the world. It has got nothing to do with the fact that I posted the link here. The problem lies between you and your company, and whoever uploaded it onto a public site in the first place.

Also, I have no authority to edit this website as I am just a forum member and not an administrator.

In any case, even though you press the link, it shows as film removed.

Furthermore, how can you say that we are hiding behind masks? We are not hiding behind any masks. It is the members of the Brahma Kumaris that are hiding behind the masks and pretending to be someone they're clearly not.

I hope this clarifies things for you.

yours enlightened
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Post15 Dec 2013

enlightened wrote:Furthermore, how can you say that we are hiding behind masks? We are not hiding behind any masks. It is the members of the Brahma Kumaris that are hiding behind the masks and pretending to be someone they're clearly not.

A very powerful statement, enlightenment.

How many mask have the BKs worn and how many do they wear? ... They are a religion, they are not a religion. They have a million members, they have no members. They are a religio-political movement, they are not political. They are not Hindu, they are representative of the Hindu community. They don't have and worship gurus, they have and worship Dadis ... but their Dadis are not gurus, apparently, they just lead them into light (gu (गु) and ru (रु) means 'darkness' and 'light'). They don't want your money, they want all of your money. They don't want anything from you, they want everything from you. They are the BKs, Living Values, Appreciative Inquiry, SML corporate trainers, Inner Space, etc etc etc.

They sit at and even chair interfaith meetings where they say how all souls are divine and equal and have one Father, and yet secretly and privately they teach how they are the chosen elite and only they have a directly relationship with god and how all other religions are; ignorant, blind, stumbling in darkness, monkeys, devils and of almost no benefit merely binding souls to the wheel of life and death.

The stench of their hypocrisy is remarkable. It often strikes me that 90% of their practise is merely directed at keeping up the facade, the pretence, the public mask, they wear and becoming polished (subtle) at misleading and manipulating people.

There you go ... over to you now John. We like to be surprised and give extra marks for honest and courage.

Please excuse the directness of my comment. I recognise an individual's right to follow BKism if they want ... up until the point where they are "giving courage" or "inspiring" military scientists to use weapons of mass destruction, exploiting vulnerable and naive individuals to hand over their property and wealthy, or splitting families ... but I demand of them to be very honest and accurate about their faith and beliefs.

And to refuse to be part of the Kirpalani Klan secret mafia.
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Mr Green


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Re: Apparently, GOD HAS ARRIVED!!! (Movie)

Post15 Dec 2013

God hasn't come,

Those without doubt at the Gulzar meetings are full on blind faithers! How can they be anything else, what proof of any kind is there that it is God at the meeting. Can you see him? Can you talk to him? It's all just an excercise in self/mass delusionment

Even if there is a spirit being chanelled there, so what? I am a spirit apparently what's the big deal.

What about the endless subtle battles of the so called Seniors to get themselves on the stage for a personal meeting or the bye bye dristi! Just ludicrous really.

An organisation that arrogantly breaks the laws and always has done over tax affairs and traveling on falisfied passports, public donations embezzled into private mortgages, the list of lies and crime would take an ocean of ink and a forest of trees.

Please help yourselves live before you die.
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Post18 Dec 2013

BK John (Mexico) wrote:If someone broke the law by uploading it on Youtube, does that mean you too can break the law? Yes, I will remove it from Youtube. I have done this seven times now. People want it on Youtube, but I have never authorized this. There is a reason for this.

So I am asking you through this medium to please remove the links from your page.

I will comment anything you want (regarding Mexico or anything) when you have the courage to take off your masks. Why hide when you possess the truth?

I did not "use" my kid to do BK service, as you state under my picture. I shared this adventure with my son so he would have a nice memory of his dad for the rest of his life. Just want to clarify this before you try to destroy this memory ...

You people are hurting inside. That is very clear to me. Just know one thing: nor I nor my kid are your enemies.

If there's anyone that is breaking the law with regards to your film, then blame

your film is advertised on their page and so reuters should be suing them is that not so?

If you are suggesting that we are hiding behind masks and suggesting that we possess the truth and saying that you will only comment on anything if we do as you ask us to do, then perhaps it's you that has something to hide behind a mask.

You are giving very mixed messages. and I think you too are hurting. I don't think anyone is trying to destroy your kids memory of you. If there's anyone that is trying to destroy, then it is the Brahma Kumaris. They will be teaching you to detach yourself from your friends and family. they will be teaching you not to eat food made by your friends and family, they will be instilling fear in your child either through you or directly brainwashing him. They will be destroying your poor child's social upbringing, they will be making your child unable to express his feelings and emotions, they will be telling your child that this world is going to be destroyed, they will be preaching about the Golden Age to him. They will preach that your child must wake up at 3.30am and meditate and then go to Murli class at 6am. They will be preaching that he must give all his time and bones to the service of God, they will be instilling all these weird and wonderful nonsense in his head. That is what will destroy his relationship and connection with you his dad, not the fact that your film appears on this website or any other website.

On the other hand, perhaps you are looking for a way into the film industry and this is your way of making contacts and networking. Perhaps this is what you are really afraid of. Maybe it's got nothing to do with Reuters coming after us. Only god knows the truth and nothing but the truth. How can you produce such a film and then claim that the organisation is corrupt? It just doesn't make sense. If you are against the way the Brahma Kumaris are running the organisation, then you would possibly destroy this film altogether.

In what way is Reuters involved in a filmsbk production? Perhaps there's some dodgy business going on. who knows.


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