My time with the BKs

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My time with the BKs

Post26 Nov 2013

I am really pleased to have discovered this open ex-BK forum. In my case, it has taken many years to understand & come to terms with my time spent as a full time BK back in the 19900s. I take full responsibility for the choices I make in life. Living a spiritual life in the modern world is truly the most challenging path we can undertake in our life journey. From my many years, being on a spiritual path which started with the BKs & now I facilitate various meditation & channelling groups from home.

I would like to share with other ex-bks my own experience of the structure of Brahmin life. Sadly many BKs fail to understand the cunning nature of mind control, which many cults, religions & spiritual traditions fall pray to. The nature of mind control is to trap us in a belief system that feeds off our psychic energy, good nature & weakens one's personal willpower.

Rudolph Steiner a great spiritual teacher, known for his deep insight of esoteric knowledge, understood the various unseen Satanic & Luciferic forces that become activated when we begin the perilous journey of spiritual awakening. Many fall victim to false & premature spiritual illumination that is not the true state of spiritual enlightenment a true initiate seeks. The process of awakening higher consciousness is a delicate & perilous journey to begin our assent up the mountain of self realization. Many BKs are, in my opinion, deluded in thinking they have found the only path to reach the summit. I have come to realize that there are many paths, with various experiences, that can take us to top.

The BK lifestyle of meditation & Murli on a daily bases creates over time strong psychic cords that can trap one's consciousness in the collective thought form of the organization, which can be very difficult to sever.

BK Raj-yoga meditation practiced by the BKs opens up the third eye, failing to understand the importance of grounding & closing down the aura after meditation. So over time, I began to feel very open to energy & was introduced to the unpleasant experience of psychic attack, particularly after a long weekend at the centre. I,m sure many ex-bks have had similar problems with being to open.

I would be happy to correspond with other ex-bks who can contact me

Yours in light, Gary
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Re: My time with the BKs

Post26 Nov 2013

Thank you Gary and welcome to the forum. Please document your experiences for others to learn to. We have many BKs and ex-BKs read this forum and take strength or clarity from it who, for their own reasons, don't post on it. Apparently it has quite an influence.

I am going to give quite a long answer, so for those with only a little time or interest, I will put what I consider my most important response here at the top.

I don't think anyone should accept completely responsibility for the mistake of committing to the Brahma Kumaris ... because the Brahma Kumaris leaders habitually deceive and even outright lie to others about who they really are, their past, their intentions and so on.

I understand it is a kind of New Agey religion, or part of good therapy, to do so and to not blame others ... especially where doing so helps individuals move on and not waste their energy fighting against something they probably cannot win against. However, specifically because we were deliberately deluded by the well practised leadership of the Brahma Kumaris, I don't think I can accept full responsibility. We were conned. Sure, I was young and stupid, I was vulnerable, I had not a clue about what I was getting into, and I was used, misled and manipulated ... but was it really my fault or responsibility?

I say this because I think the leadership of the Brahma Kumaris has also become well practised is escaping responsibilities for their actions and exploiting the goodwill and intentions of others even after they have left. Using this idea against people.

They are like fraudsters who have learned that 9/10 people just walk away after being conned and base their business model, their income stream, upon it. They sell a fraudulent religion with a fraudulent past to people.

Yes, over the years, many ex-BKs and the friends and family of ex-BKs have come forward and recounted what they would call weird psychic experiences ... however one understands them. I, myself, from my own experiences would concur with them. I have also come to the conclusion that the "spirit" or god spirit behind the BKs ... whether you understand it an actual being or whether you understand it as a collective energy ... is basically parasitical in nature.

I would also write without fear of contradiction that at least 99.99% of BKs have no idea what those experiences are, how they are induced, how to manage them when they go wrong, nor have any understanding of such matters. And in that is the danger. They are, as you say, deluded. Their good intentions usurped and misrouted.

They are running around like crazy, getting up to all sort of "secret missions" to infiltrate other networks and organizations, believing absolutely factually false beliefs, without a clue of what is really going on with them ... seeking out a drug-like experience from their meditation/channeling experience.

Some here have likened it to parasitical insect or fungus which plants its seed inside humans being, at the same time intoxicating them, only for its to slowly take over and control those human beings, ultimately turning them sort of mad. Even until they burn out. There's a video on the forum of, I think, an Eucharitidae wasp or Cordyceps which plant their seed inside ants and the ants go crazy seeking the most light, climbing up to the top of stalks of grass, where they die and become cocoons for the next generation of wasp or fungus to break from from. A fairly perfect analogy.

Many people, especially enculted/inotoxicated BKs, think I am too extreme when I draw such parallels ... but the strange thing is, there are even clues in the Murlis which hint at just this. There's a quote about how they, the BKs, are 'brahmari' which, by tradition, were "bees which flew around the worms (other non-BK human beings) turning them into butterflies" (approximate translation). There are such "bees". Of course, they are not turning the worms into themselves, that was a misunderstanding. They were doing something similar to what is written above.

I am not a Steiner devotee but I understand the archetypes he used to explain the polar opposite forces or tendencies effecting humanity which he called Lucifer and Ahriman. You have understandably called Ahriman Satan. My guess is you are suggesting that the Brahma Kumaris are enthralled under the influence of some kind of Luciferic influence? I think I would agree with you, excluding the idea that "Lucifer" is a being but rather thinking of it as a collective tendency with human beings.

Steiner hypothesises that Lucifer and Ahriman (Satan) are real spirit beings, in the same way that the Brahma Kumaris hypothesise, nay insist, that their "Shiva Baba" or BapDada are real spirit being ... albeit confusing them for their lover boy, the now deceased "Lucky Prince" Lekhraj Kirpalani.

One thing you might now have read so far is we discovered that until 1950, there was no Shiva in their religion, it was all about Lekhraj Kirpalani being god.

Steiner goes on to suggest that both Lucifer and Ahriman have armies, or hierarchies of other "spirit beings" helping them. The Brahma Kumaris believe in spirits and possession and so on but avoid discuss them or theorising about their nature ... possibly, you might say, as a cover up. To them, borrowing from Christianity, it is all "Baba, Baba, Baba ... and a few deceased BK spirits doing the rounds of their centres in their spirit bodies".

Of course, others on this forum have their own opinions about such matters and, for me, both views are really just theoretical. I cannot say I know all this psychic stuff to be true. I, for one, don't actually see it. But it sort of makes logical sense whether it is a real true or an allegorical truth.

Either way,
    a) Brahma Kumaris adherents have not any clue and are made and kept stupid by their leaders ("Don't think, don't question ..." - Dadi Janki)
    b) Brahma Kumari leaders are deeply dishonest and manipulative and enthralled by the power, status, comfort and wealth their spirit dabbling brings them - completely Lucifer by Steiner's definition even down to their fixation with the United Nations
Luciferic Traits, Attributes

frenzy, hyperactivity
unification, generalization
one language
gnosis, speaking and thinking
fantasy, illusion, superstition
spirit-permeated cosmology
eating & drinking
unified vision [United Nations]
flexibility, airy
the high flight of Icarus
pagan wisdom
Ahrimanic Traits, Attributes

tedium, boredom
diversity, particularization
many languages
statistics, proof, literal Gospel reading
concrete sensory-based, materialism
mathematical, astronomy
un-read knowledge stored in libraries
individual vision [Chauvinism]
solidification, granite-like
the humility of Francis Bacon
technological advances

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Re: My time with the BKs

Post27 Nov 2013

asensionlight wrote:I take full responsibility for the choices I make in life. Living a spiritual life in the modern world is truly the most challenging path we can undertake in our life journey.

I think it's easier today than at almost any time in history. Most of the people that have ever lived have been more concerned with just feeding themselves. People used to die from mouth infections due to lack of dentistry ... bacterial infections before antibiotics etc. ”Spiritual" life is often a euphemism for, "the basics can now be ignored / taken for granted, now what?"
The process of awakening higher consciousness is a delicate & perilous journey to begin our [ascent] up the mountain of self realization. Many BKs are, in my opinion, deluded in thinking they have found the only path to reach the summit. I have come to realize that there are many paths, with various experiences, that can take us to top.

The "higher self" needs a lower self the way any mountain top needs a whole planet to rise out of (a mountain top is merely a pimple on the face of the earth :-D ). If you take care of the base, life’s "tectonic forces” will give a nice mountain-top of your very own to look out from. Looking to a mountain top someone has indicated is to be found ”this way" is like chasing the pot of gold at the end of distant rainbows.

My own experience when leaving the BKs was to have a series of dreams using this metaphor:
    - one included a scene where I was with Dada AK on Mt Abu at night. He was showing me around all the new building work (replete with bamboo scaffolding etc) but we were both appalled by the expansionism and materialism of the whole thing and what it boded.
    - The next was on a mountain here, ”closer to home”, where in scorching sun I was looking for a track to get down to the plains below that I could see though the trees and bushes.
    - The next dream I was near the bottom looking back up through the forest where there was a large watercourse that seemed to have been formed by a flash flood or large water runs, leaving it scarred with large corrugations in the now-surface-dried mud, I was thinking that I might need to climb back up to help the others down who were less adept and possibly endangered by the treacherous landscape and might get stuck in the mud and sludge.
    - jumping a few, the last dream in this series found me standing by a harbour at night (again), bright starlight, boats, and a silhouetted mountain behind the small town where there seemed to be some small celebrations going on somewhere, calypso music and voices floating on the warm breeze etc. The seawater was translucent and a dolphin swam toward me then leaped out onto me and I hugged it and it, in its own way, me, until it slipped through my grip back into to the water and swam away. I was back at sea level (see level?) grounded, in the world, awed by the joy and the connection I felt with all of the world around me.
The BK lifestyle of meditation & Murli on a daily bases creates over time strong psychic cords that can trap one's consciousness in the collective thought form of the organization, which can be very difficult to sever.

Yours in light, Gary

Where there’s light, there’s shade. Where there’s shade, there’s cool. Where there’s cool, there’s jazz.


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Raj-yoga meditation as practiced by the BKs

Post29 Nov 2013

When I began meditation with the BKs, I had some very powerful, deeply peaceful meditation experiences. During the Honeymoon Period, I felt on a continuous high & never felt so good. Eventually that transcendental state of mind began to fade & difficulties in my practice surfaced. For the first time, I would go into busy places & have the unpleasant experience of picking up other peoples' vibrations & thoughts. This overload created a hyper sensitive state, where I could no longer find myself able to cope in busy environments. Now, after many years, I have realized that this problem arose due to my aura being far to open, allowing external psychic forces & thought forms to cause me to feel very drained & exhausted.

Raj-yoga meditation, from my experience, is unbalanced, as mainly activates the third eye & crown chakra. Surely meditation needs to encompass the safe cultivation & awakening of the heart centre & solar plexus chakra as well?
In my humble opinion, one major reason BKs suffer burnout & difficulties in their continued meditation practice, is that the spiritual fuel, solar plexus energy, becomes depleted, as was the case with myself. As a result the aura then becomes to open & the danger of psychic attack becomes a real issue.

I cannot remember in the years I spent as a BK any senior BK ever lecturing on the subject of psychic protection.

Particularly, in the the modern world, with the ugly head of stress, worry, anxiety & other lower vibrational thought forms that permeate, the need for psychic protection is paramount.

Another point I would like to share regarding BK raj-yoga, is how a collective mind is formed by the BK thoughtform. So when we meditate as a BK, we unwittingly tap into this thought elemental. All religions, cults, political movements, music fans ,tap into this strem of thought.

As a channeller & lightworker, I am slowly beginning to see how collective thoughts form a matrix reality around a particular belief system. The BKs have created their own bubble in how they see reality.

Yours in light, gary
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Re: Raj-yoga meditation as practiced by the BKs

Post29 Nov 2013

asensionlight wrote:I would go into busy places & have the unpleasant experience of picking up other peoples' vibrations & thoughts. This overload created a hyper sensitive state ... to cause me to feel very drained & exhausted.

Going right back to the early 1980s, in my experience, I have heard of numerous BKs saying exactly the same thing. One of them, who had been involved since the 1970s (one of the first Westerners) described it as being like a "psychic vacuum cleaner". Another used to complain of sleepless and headaches picking up on others heavy and negative vibrations (other BKs that was).

I am not a psychic and so I cannot say if it was all true, but it was certainly what they believed they were experiencing and given that more than one was experiencing it, it suggests a commonality of experiences that were going unresolved.
Raj-yoga meditation, from my experience, is unbalanced, as mainly activates the third eye & crown chakra ...
In my humble opinion, one major reason BKs suffer burnout & difficulties in their continued meditation practice, is that the spiritual fuel, solar plexus energy, becomes depleted, as was the case with myself. As a result the aura then becomes to open & the danger of psychic attack becomes a real issue.

I agree with you and, in my opinion, it's because the Brahma Kumari "practise" is ... overall ...psychically parasitical (and, of course, financially parasitical). The entire set up is living off other people's energy.

I mention money because money is, by extension, a metaphor for people's energy. At the physical level, the BK leaders and organization are always syphoning off others, and so too at a psychic level. It's pure theory on my behalf, but we have discussion this in the past, questioning whether the spirit of the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani or their god ... whether a real thing or a collective thought form as you call it ... is just living off BKs' energy and sustaining itself on it rather than giving at all.
I cannot remember in the years I spent as a BK any senior BK ever lecturing on the subject of psychic protection.

No. Despite 40 years of interaction in the West alone, they know, care or believe nothing about such "psychic" elements. It was one of my greatest disappointments. I was stupid enough to genuinely believe the Brahma Kumaris were a "Spiritual University" and were studying such things for veracity's sake. In the end, I gave up and just accepted they are just a brainwashing cult stupefying individuals to keep them submissive and "serviceable" to their very worldly aims.
Another point I would like to share regarding BK raj-yoga, is how a collective mind is formed by the BK thoughtform. So when we meditate as a BK, we unwittingly tap into this thought elemental. All religions, cults, political movements, music fans, tap into this stream of thought.

Yes, since the early days of the xBKChat forum, we have discussed this using the term 'egregore', a classical concept I find very useful in understanding what they are up to.
The BKs have created their own bubble in how they see reality.

Yes, a bubble of delusion ... and intoxicating gas ... they spend much energy and much money patching up and attempting to keep inflated.

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