BK Maureen Goodman

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Post18 Jul 2007

We are heading off topic again ... I appeciate your "tough love" stance, yudhishtira. I am not sure how, where and when it has entered the BK consciousness but think it was quite early on in the West. I am conscious that, despite the "everything for Shiva" claim, the BKWSU DOES cherry pick external ideas and incorporate them. One of the reason, for example, I asked about Maureen Goodman was to identify her input. Jayanti Kirpalani is another avid source of input.

I am interested in clarifiy and defining its applicable boundaries not excluding it. As it is pointed out, it is a concept or device that is used and applied in many therapies and sects.
yudhishtira wrote:Its much more convenient to place the responsibility for your actions on somone else's influence than take responsibility that you chose to believe those things because that suited you at the time.

I think people are on auto-pilot, behaving in a pre-programmed manner, a lot more than we realise. Some people, and some spooks, are very good at manipulating pre-programmed states.

The experience of pulling out of the BK orbit is shown to be psychological painful, messy and the resultant state confused or damaged; time and time again, all around the planet, with no contact or involvement of other ex-BKs' influence. Considering the mess inside the organization, at a certain point one is going to have to accept those effect as emperical. I mean this question genuinely, what or where are the emperical "good effects"? I will start a new thread on the "benefits".

Smarter, or tricker, people take advantage of weaker or confused people's goodwill all the time, just as adults abuse kids. I don't believe "everything" about us is "our choice", or our mechanistic "karma".

If, emperically, ex-BKs after completing their exiting turned out to be content, in better shape, performing well, being happy and more successful in their lives - however they chose to measure that - then after a while we would have to balance up that emperical evidence.

All the same, I know if we did the BKs would just dismiss it as "enjoying their fruits of good karma earned during their time in Gyan" and be sure that the ex-s were still going to cry "tears of blood", "grind their teeth lilke mustard seeds" and end up as cremators in the Silver Age ... every chink in the BK armour is plugged with some device or another. Whether true or not.
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Sr Maureen

Post18 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:what did she do, or what quality was there about her ...

I've skimmed the topic entries and have a rather different take on/experience with Sr. Maureen:

    1) It seems to me that she has sounds very similar to Sister Jayanti and has some of the same mannerisms.

    2) On the day after my one and only BapDada encounter, I had one of the most intense mediation experiences I've ever had at a session led by Sister Maureen at Gyan Sarovar. It's the only time I've seen someone floating above the stage!
Combined with other sessions I've attended where she's been present, I'd dare to claim that Sister Maureen's a pretty powerful yogi soul ...

Best wishes.
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Re: BK Maureen Goodman

Post14 Nov 2013

Just to go back on topic, a source inside Global Cooperation House in London was telling me that Maureen has some kind of seizures, like epilepsy or something. Is that right? That when she has them, she has to be held down for her own safety.

Would this be a key to understanding her?

I remember her to be a little twitchy and always putting on a happy face. I wonder if this is why they never had children and why she was allowed or encouraged to drop out and join the BKs?

Like many of the middle ranking BKs, I also found her a little full of her own ability to intuit what advice their god spirit was telling her and telling her to pass on to others.

They also said she was really gullible and would believe anything.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Maureen Goodman

Post14 Nov 2013

Yes, Maureen was/is epileptic and her hubbie David is ... (I'll respect their privacy on this) ... a dentist.

There is recent research linking epilepsy with the same proteins linked to bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia. Other epileptics I have known have tended to carry themselves a little haughtily too, funny enough, like daring anyone to look down on them in some way, a compensation of some sort.

Does this affect anything other than them? BKs with neither condition are full of holes too - as are non-BKs.
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Re: BK Maureen Goodman

Post14 Nov 2013

How long has she been an unpaid worker and in servitude to the Kirpalani Klan now ... almost 40 years since the 1970s?

And the Kirpalanis are going to end up creaming off their big property too ... because they were encouraged not to have kids?

And weren't we just being told that the Brahma Kumaris had a cure for all such serious medical conditions as theirs?

Or does it
    a) Only work if it is "your karma".

    The ultimate get out clause, "It's not that BK Raja Yoga and 'Remembering Baba' does not work ... it's just not your karma (fault) that it does not work on you!"

    b) Only works as a way of enculting individuals and then discarded afterwards?

    "Don't think, don't question ... don't worry about the old body and the old world. They're all going to be destroyed! It's just Baba testing your faith if it does not work for you ... keep doing even more meditation, do service and donate to Baba's box, it might just work eventually!"
It's funny how, once enculturated, we allow ourselves to play into their game. What's her status now? Even back in the 80s she used to cream off a little Shrimat giving influence if the big Sisters were not available or she deemed the issue to minor to bother them about. What an ego trip ... "instrument of God Lekhraj, every utterance filled with his power".

One of the biggest mistakes I ever made was listening to her advice or in believing it was somehow "god inspired" and giving up on my own intuition. Especially given how the BKWSU has since haemorrhaged into a co-prosperity, co-pocrisy, co-habitation, career advancement dating zone ... for the Western inner circle.

I wonder how much crap Maureen has seen in her almost 40 years of being a BK and close to the Kirpalani Klan, and yet is keeping bottled up inside her ... no wonder she looks like she is going to burst. It's amazing those people can keep their faith going.

did not she get involved right around the time of the 1976 Destruction prediction?

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