BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

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Mr Green


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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post25 Oct 2013

It is kept pretty secret usually, but there's always a few Westerners hanging out there, normally held in the old Shanti Bhavan outside the original Madubhan.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post26 Oct 2013

I suspect it will be a somewhere between, "a long time" and "next Kalpa" until the BKs allow talented negro acts in their inner circle.

I've yet to see a picture of any black people in their Golden Age heaven either.

One of my favourite guys in Madhuban that I made a point of catching up with each trip was from South India, although he could have been mistaken for a West Indian, know what i mean? Black as the night to a blind man and almost negroid facial shape.

On one trip he was particularly melancholy, and the discussion came around to his expressing that his ideal in the Golden Age was to have a quiet farm somewhere a long long way from the palaces and royal family - you don't need to be a psychologist to read something into that, and the discussion did continue to reveal his personal experience that there was indeed discrimination based on skin colour (not even ethnicity, skin colour).

How can these anachronisms still exist in the 21st century? In a "spiritual" community?

It's historically deeply embedded into the culture - from the time of the invasions of the sub-contintent from the Caucasus and Iran region by the Arians (people of the Ore) who as victors were of course more righteous, and the darker skinned indigenes were not Aryan, were the conquered, hence inferior ...

Some northerners also interbred with the later Caucasian Alexandrian conquerors, so you see many from the north who could easily be taken for Mediterranean types. Then the main Muslim invaders were from central Asia or Afghanistan who are also of that lighter skin type, to be superseded by the most advanced, and coincidentally the whitest of them all, the Brits (and Portuguese) etc. Historically, the lighter skinned have, being conquerors, been wealthier. With wealth comes health and education, so appear superior, the status and type of person to aspire to be.

The sindhis pride themselves on their lighter skin shades - it reflects and inflates their caste consciousness and their aesthetic sense of beauty, which is drawn to light skin and the slightly overweight (although the movie screen is affecting tastes for the latter).

But again, European Christians portray Jesus as blue eyed and often blond. Chinese Christians have icons depicting Mary, Jesus and saints etc with oriental features ...

Those like us are better, others are, well, different, strange ... other.
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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post04 Nov 2013

More weirdness from the BKWSU during their recently Godly puppet show.

From Arjun at the PBK forum ...
Arjun wrote:The specialty of the first Avyakt Vani of this season like the past year was that Avyakt BapDada vanished as soon as the narration of the Avyakt Vani was completed but, unaware of BapDada's vanishing act, the stage announcer invited the senior Dadis to meet BapDada just as it is done after every Avyakt Vani.

However, after the announcer realized that BapDada had already left, she did not seem to be surprised and cooly announced that there will be a magic and BapDada will come back. We will ask BapDada to come back again.

The white lights were switched off immediately and the red lights were switched on. The Hindi song (Hum ud ke chale jaayein ... "Let us fly away") was played to summon BapDada back to the gathering, and BapDada obliged them by coming back and met the Dadis and senior Brothers and Sisters.

He asks the question,
Does it not indicate that the powers within the BKWSU are trying to control BapDada by summoning BapDada at their will.

If the term 'BapDada'' includes Supreme Father Shiv according to them (God to the BKs), then can God be controlled by imperfect human souls?
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post04 Nov 2013

Sounds like a bit of showbiz razzle dazzle.

I think this will become part of the act (and gives Gulzar time for a "personal" break). By making them call for an encore (to get their money’s worth), the punters are buying in to the show even more.

Most performers already have an encore act ready, and the funniest thing is when the applause is muted but they still come back out on cue, as if it was reluctantly, but only because of the (let’s pretend it was) wild and continual applause.

No business like show business.

A bit of the old Razzle Dazzle can even get murderers set free

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