BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

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BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post18 Oct 2013

It's that time of year again when the Brahma Kumaris claim God possesses their spirit mediums and meets in personal with their adherents ... all of whom are strong encouraged to travel to Mount Abu to meet him (and empty their wallets when they get there getting a special "karmic bonus" if they do).

What happens is 1,000s or even 10,000s of BK cause endless pollution by flying from all over the world and crossing India to desperately descend on a little village in Rajasthan ... where there is very little water and not much food grown locally, to sit and listen to a spirit possess their medium and whisper through them causing endless noise and congestion for the locals ... for a "rallying of the troops" experience and to speak a new Avyakt Vani or Murli (which sounds almost exactly like the old ones).

If the adherents are lucky, the ghost of their deceased founder will get up, shoot a water pistol, open a flag, or cut and eat some cake and other highly cultural activities. In fact, they claim it must be god and the ghost of their deceased founder because the spirit medium herself does not like bananas ... but when the ghost comes and takes over her body, apparently they do! Miracle or miracles ... of course it must be god!!!

If you are rich, famous, powerful or white, you are invited to sleep in newly built, air-conditioned rooms at the top of the hill where it is cooler and quieter. If you are poor and brown, e.g. low caste Indian, you end up sleeping in tents by the dusty side of the road at the bottom of the hill ... because that is your karma.

Likewise, if you are rich, famous, powerful or white, you'll probably be allowed to sit at the front of the massing crowds and even meet the God Father; whereas if you are poor and brown, despite what sacrifices you've made, you'll be herded into crowd control cattle grids and sit on the floor at the back by security guys with sticks. Everyone with a camcorder will block your view; everyone else will burp, fart, cough or snore to try and "test" your meditation level. The BK Elite will be allowed to sit on the stage next to the medium thereby re-confirming their importance ... and they'll be someone sitting next to "God" to whisper into his ear who anyone meeting him actually is ... because God hasn't a clue and cannot remember from last year ... and what they have done.

The best prize for a year of getting up at 4am and spending the whole of your life slaving on BK projects is a milky sweetie given in person. However, most BKs will just get a distance view of all this going on ... and perhaps the runs and a cold. Most find the 'meeting with God in person', called "Baba's Milan", to be disappointing.

For many, it is their turning point to leave the Brahma Kumaris.

The big excitement for me is, since the vast increase in the wealth of the Brahma Kumaris, God and the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani get a new bra and pair of panties to wear every time they come ... or "mount the virgin" as it is called in the BKWSU! That's right, the spirit medium into whom they descend on Earth to meet the BK congregation is dressed up in ... along with an increasingly large gold and gemstone badge ... a new bra and pair of panties. And, it looks to me, a starchy new polyester sari.

The BKs cannot risk having him come into a dirty pair of pants.

What happens to the new bra and panties afterwards? No one knows. It's a mystery. Which I think is a shame as I reckon they might raise quite a sum if they were to be auctioned off on Ebay.

From secret sources, it's understood they look more like this ...

God wears big knickers
Gods_big_knickers.jpg (26.05 KiB) Viewed 29362 times

Rather than ... these.

When this ritual of purity started is unknown and not according to the Murlis. Perhaps Gulzar is getting on and prone to accidents?

God's gig list for the 2013 to 2014 is as follows ... posters, badges, T-shirts and other tour merchandising is available at the kiosk on the way out. Cash and credit cards accepted. Tickets strictly limited and according to availability only. Big bribes ... backhanders ... donations to the BKWSU increase your likelihood of a personal meeting.
    24th October 2013 - Non-Indians and Indians living in the West (Double Foreigners) and Indore
    15th November 2013 - Karnataka
    30th November 2012 - Uttar Pradesh
    15th December 2013 - Gujerat
    31st December 2013 - Maharashtra
    18th January 2014 - Indore
    31st January 2014 - Punjab
    14th February 2014 - Eastern
    27th February 2014 - Rajasthan
    15th March 2014 - Delhi
    30th March 2014 - Madhya Pradesh
This, BKs believe, is a picture of God possessing their spirit medium and waving back. God and Lekhraj Kirpalani, like everyone from Little Richard to David Bowie, have a thing for eyeshadow ...



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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post18 Oct 2013

What sort of God, who would need the services of a human body to talk to Earth inhabitants (his children in BK terms), and to also demand wearing a brand new set of underwear ..?!
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post18 Oct 2013

Al Capone, the famous american gangster of the 1930's, was known to prefer underpants made of silk. When Robert De Niro played him in "The Untouchables" he insisted on wearing silk underwear too so that he might know what it felt like.

He said it definitely made a difference!

Image Image
Godfathers who wear silk undies have a certain expression
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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post18 Oct 2013

dany wrote:What sort of God, who would need the services of a human body to talk to Earth inhabitants ... and to also demand wearing a brand new set of underwear ..?!

It's just Bhakti, is not it? Just like they wash and dress up statues of Krishna in the temples. In BKism, they say that all of Hinduism in the past, is a copy of Brahma Kumarism in the present (time loops round so the past will become the identical future). Therefore, they say, the Hindu traditions must all start with the BKs ... therefore they must do these things.

You would think a humble god would be satisfied with a pair of freshly laundered underpants, would not he? There is plenty of time in between the dates. He does not even need a "one on, one off, one in the wash". Just one pair of "Official Godly Knickers" kept in a box somewhere.

I am wondering what brand he wears, perhaps Royal Underwear with a Triumph Bra ... but which one? Sparkling Essence or Eternal Essence? On the other hand, it could be Divine Moments or Heaven Sent Angels by Victoria Secret.

But, in the meanwhile, I want to know how much was spent on 'The Badge'? There's got to be some diamonds in there ... but is the red stone a ruby!?!

From time to time, the BKs make a big push for females follower to give them their jewellery which they then use as gifts for wealthy targets or ... do what? Melt it down ... keep it in their vaults ... pawn it off for the money??? Who knows. Some of it is broken down and remade ... this was, after all, their founder's profession. He knew Indian women traditionally kept their wealth in their collection of gold, silver and gem stones.

Are these precious stones? Would they give "God" fakes? Why still the eye shadow Lekhraj Kirpalani used to love wearing?

I noticed that there is obviously, a "memorial in Bhakti" ... in the divine form of Victoria's Secret Angel Candice Swanepoel who wore a ten million dollar "Royal Fantasy Bra" with a 52 carat, Shiva shaped pear shaped centre ruby (below). I am no expert, but I'd say Gulzar's are bigger (cup size and gemstone). Rubies are worth between $600 to $10,00 per carat.

The BKs' God manifesting in a little old lady

The rest of the world's God manifesting as a beautiful young woman
candice-swanepoel-wears-royal-fantasy-bra-see-the-pic.jpg (22.2 KiB) Viewed 29231 times


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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post18 Oct 2013

If the Brahma Kumaris are smart enough, they would bring the above beauty with the royal bra, as a replacement to the aging medium "Gulzar".

I will guarantee that the BK God will take a permanent residency in "Mount Abu ", and the Brahma Kumaris will accordingly have 365 days/year season, instead of a single day appearance ..!!
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post19 Oct 2013

I note the poster with the dates below, is also exhorting everyone to finish "homeworks" before their "Baba milans".

Is not this year's "homeworks" the same as every other year's, to become complete so that "transformation" (aka vinash - Destruction) can take place? The scientists and weapons are all ready, drama only awaits the BKs, is not it?

It used to be said that once 'Baba' ('Brahma') reached karmateet 'perfection', this "impure world" could not hold him, would thereby 'calibrate' what the highest human achievement was, what "number 1" and perfection actually is for a human being, and Destruction would happen, everyone would then be adjudged numberwise as per their purity at that moment by Dharmraj, return "home" (for the briefest of times for the 900k) then incarnate for the first time (again) in paradise ... and so on.

But 'Mama' died first. That was easily dealt with, she was after all "equal first" - to be Krisna's consort. She had completed her homework even before Baba (he said).

Then Baba died (aka "became Avyakt"), i.e. finished his homework - and still no Destruction. Maybe there was a new "scene in drama" to be played out?

Oh, yes. Time for the 8 to do their homework, to also become perfect/bapsaman - for are they not "equal" and to be Narayans in turn?

You can see who they are on the old posters, painted at the roots of The Tree, next to Mama and Baba. And they have been finishing their work and dying off one by one as well ... Didi, Dadi K, Dada AK, Vishwa Ratan etc etc ...

So, if the rest of you BKs could just follow sri mat, do your homework, become complete and just drop dead, then the world will be a better place. (Hey, don't look at me like that. No offence meant. That's what the Baba's Gyan says! is not it?).


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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post19 Oct 2013

Hilarious. This totally changes the perspective ... The Knowledge ... that God changes underwear each time God appears on stage.

Considering the present trance medium, the visitors may be lucky that God keeps it discrete ...

But the visitors come from so far and have been slaving their efforts ... the least God can do is change and appear fresh. You wouldn't want to believe in a smelly God ... 'cause the whole business smells already so much.

Might be good if they start selling lingerie in Madhuban with the BK emblem on it. That's Big Business ...

Now I know what meditating under red light is meant for ... the ultimate lingerie show !!!
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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post20 Oct 2013

The Royal Fantasy Bra - obviously a memorial of the BKs' Golden Age (?) - is worth $10,000,000. For that, they'll throw in Candice Swanepoel and two burly security guards. The Brahma Kumaris are worth *much* more.

Pink Panther wrote:I note the poster with the dates below, is also exhorting everyone to finish "homeworks" before their "Baba milans".

Is not this year's "homeworks" the same as every other year's ...

Yes, I guess it works because so many of the BKs are new, they have no idea what this has been going on for 30, 40 ... 60, 70 years in exactly the same way.

They'll get suckered in for a few years, milked of their time and money, and then drift off later.

BKs Brothers? You are allowed to look ... It's all a memorial of Baba from last Kalpa, honestly! Staring at Candice Swanepoel, erm, heart chakra will definitely improve your Yoga ... with her lingams. For ex-BK Brothers, there's always Jessica Alba's "Stare Response" from ibeatyou if you still want to practise your dhristi. Warning, it's been scientifically proven that staring into another person's eyes increases your likelihood to fall in love with them. She married ... and way out of your league.

Misty wrote:Hilarious. This totally changes the perspective ... The Knowledge ... that God changes underwear each time God appears on stage.

Considering the present trance medium, the visitors may be lucky that God keeps it discrete ...

Apparently ... hopefully she is not wearing nappies or incontinence diapers, but who knows what is under that sari ... God and Lekhraj Kirpalani do not take a pee break like the rest of us during their visits and whilst "mounting the virgin" Gulzar. How do they manage that? That may well be a miracle for such an old man.
Might be good if they start selling lingerie in Madhuban with the BK emblem on it. That's Big Business ...

May be ... may be not. 600,000 Kumaris, say 7 new pairs a year, that's 5,600,000 at 'you name your price' for official trademark BKWSU underwear. Oh, you're right. That's a good business.

Unfortunately, Victoria's Secret have sewn up the Angel underwear market, and will probably bust the Brahma Kumaris on trademark infringement if they ever got into sexy underwear, and my reliable sources inform me that official BK style is more like this ...

Not taking any chances ... require additional efforts to remove (more time to wrestle with lust).

Rather than these ...

Happy angel ... Fly to Baba!
happy_angel.JPG (12.99 KiB) Viewed 28956 times

Panties for the angelic stage
angel-wing-panty.png (175.23 KiB) Viewed 28956 times

However, the more fabric one has to move ... or remove ... the more profit there is in it.

I understand the poor India Sisters have to sow their own big airy bloomers but the higher your rank, your servants get to do it for you. Perhaps times are changing though ... we need some paparazzo to stake out Sister Shivani's washing line and see what she's wearing between her buns.
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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post20 Oct 2013

Anyone else notice. Only 11 dates this year ... for 800,000 followers?

That would require an average of over 70,000 devotees per meeting. It's impossible, even by the BKs huge catering capacity.

It sounds like they are exaggerating the scale of their following again. Would a faithful BK miss the opportunity to meet god?

The answer is that a fair proportion are just too poor too do so, e.g. coming from low economies, quite a few South American BK find it difficult to afford more than one visit to India. We have to suspect that quite a few across Indian and some Africans are in the same boat (although most BKs in Africa are Indians and in business so they can do so along with visiting family).

What could we estimate? What is Madhuban's capacity these days? 20,000 ... therefore 200,000 faith followers ... plus, say, a 1/3rd who cannot afford to make it? Absence is going to make the heart grow fonder and allow the mystique to remain for many.

All that infrastructure in Mount Abu just for 11 days? Why cannot Sister Gulzar channel BapDada every day and spread it over the year?

It's not as if it requires any hard work to do it, say 2000+ BKs, 350 days a year, equals 700,000+ followers.

Are the BKs rationing visits to Mount Abu to see the "Baba's milan" (meeting with Baba)?
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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post24 Oct 2013

there's usually at least one secret one for the niwasis
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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post24 Oct 2013

Mr Green wrote:there's usually at least one secret one for the niwasis

Can you give us an example?
    "No, I cannot tell you ... they're secrets."

    "Oh, you mean it's some utterly vague comment or it does not come true?"
By giving "secrets", he creates hierarchies ... "in groups" and "out groups" ... artificial feelings of superiorities and makes what ever was said appear more important that it is. Indeed, "in group" may just mean, "more gullible, less discerning and questioning". You'll never get anywhere if you ask, "... but why?" or "why did not it happen?". That's just Maya and a sign of lack of faith. You're meant to believe and accept even if things do not happen ... "Baba's testing us!".

I always found that magically little things they kept you hanging on for just went any big thing at all. It was just the rest of BK life was so tedious, mundane and controlled, they came across as some kind of relief or excitement.

Like, "next year there will be a big sign that the end was about to come" ... "Baba has delayed the "too late sign" for the sake of being with the children" ... "a powerful player in the drama will appear" ... then nothing happens but everyone forgets.

Am I jaded and cynical about the whole thing ... sure. Someone should have kept a record of all these things and gone back and double checked them later.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post25 Oct 2013

A bit overdramatic there ex-l (although good entertainment).

There is usually a session for Madhubaniwassis that is not "publicised" - that's a little different from 'secret". It's a little like the restaurant staff getting to sit and eat a meal after the customers have all gone. I have been there and sat in the hall for one such session many aeons ago.

Leaving everything else aside, for many of them, especially in the lower peck of the order, it's a bit of acknowledgement and some of them get individual validation too which, for them, is very gratefully received after probably years of hard labour. It's a little feudal but, in the paradigm in which they live, it's not such a bad thing.

(That said, I think we foreigners tend to view that feudal system in a romanticised, fairytale storybook way. "Oh look, the 3rd princess in line for the throne has made special mention of the char-lady who's gotten up at 3 am everyday for thirty years to fetch and warm the bath water for her, and does all her laundry. Such noblesse oblige! Waa!")

There are, however, meetings and trance sessions held that are truly secret, you might say "confidential in-camera", where policy, personal stuff of the higher ups, money, strategy developed by the eunuchs, gets dealt with - usually looking to be rubber-stamped (without changes) by the emperor. The rest, the minions, know nothing about it, or are told very little.
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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post25 Oct 2013

Pink Panther wrote:There are, however, meetings and trance sessions held that are truly secret ... the minions, know nothing about [them], or are told very little.

Yah, that is part of the problem.

On one hand it creates the aura of superiority around the BK chosen few and, on the other, it keeps the message and the message bearers free from critical and accountable consideration ... no one would be allowed to attended who might have sufficient "Maya" to question the utterances and ask, "it that all?" or "... why did not it work the last time?" .

It means there is not a level playing field. You either in the inner circle, or out and kept in the dark and having to trust them and their interpretations.

I wonder if they keep a note of these secret meetings.

I remember, as a BK, the thrill of third hand gossips and hints just about what was said as such events. The speculation and mystery livened up the otherwise humdrum existence of of being a BK. I think, in my early days, I held on for a lot longer than I should have wanting to believe that it got much deeper or more mystical if one surrendered to it.

I don't think it does. BKism appears to flatline pretty quickly and if you accept it, your just another soldier or civil servant in the Shiv Shakti army with little likelihood of promotion ever. You position is your fate and greatest award is set on accepting and adopting to it.

They'll always need a lot more dish washers and chapati rollers than head cooks ... or if you are a BK Brother, car drivers.
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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post25 Oct 2013

ex-l wrote:... no one would be allowed to attended who might have sufficient "Maya" to question the utterances and ask, "it that all?" or "... why did not it work the last time?" .

Groucho Marx famously said, "I would not want to belong to a club that would accept me as a member".

Funny enough, if one sees that line as great self-deprecating humour (translation: I am low status, and a club that accepts someone of low status is not worth belonging to).

Even wittier when you realise he was referring to an actual posh club that had invited him to join because of his celebrity, going against their own policy of not allowing Jews.

His statement cuts many ways
    - It shows the club' and its racist codes as either hypocritical, arbitrarily applied and therefore equivocal, or totally false;
    - How would he as a Jew deal with that policy if he accepted? Is he now to adopt those values?
    - Is the club still as worthy of belonging to once it's lowered its standards and he's accepted as a member?
Most who reach the inner sanctum of the BKs, the elite club, seem to lack such wit as to comprehend the absurd compromises, unquestioning acceptance, doublethink (cognitive dissonance) and hypocrisy those positions entail.

Would you want to join such a club?

We are all equal as god's children, every Baba's child is loved equally ... but Brother, equal in numberwise way!

(The Marx Brothers bucked the separatist culture of their day and made a point of including talented negro acts in their shows).

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Re: BK God comes to Earth 2013 to 2014

Post25 Oct 2013

Pink Panther wrote:The Marx Brothers bucked the separatist culture of their day and made a point of including talented negro acts in their shows.

I suspect it will be a somewhere between, "a long time" and "next Kalpa" until the BKs allow talented negro acts in their inner circle.

I've yet to see a picture of any black people in their Golden Age heaven either.

But it's OK to have the odd token black along to sing songs and entertain at public events (Clarke Peters) and do menial tasks ... you know, stuff they are naturally good at :shock: but I ain't seen any on the stage in Madhuban. Of course, there ain't many whites folks invited either.

I think it was Gandhi who wrote of his South Africa days that, "the Whites looked down on the Black and the Blacks looked down on the Whites, and the Indians looked down upon both of them". Yes, theoretically we are all souls ... but numberwise in the Great God Lekhraj Kirpalani's pecking order.

Once that pecking order was based solely on whether you were Sindhi or not ... and at the very top remains so ... but what's happening to the inner circle now that all the old original Sindhi "gems" are dying off. A second level of "folk that knew Lekhraj Kirpalani whilst he was alive" have taken over based on who knew him the longest, e.g. Ramesh Shah, Nirwair etc, but who is going to take over from them.

Is actual spiritual merit ... however that might be measured ... going to become a deciding factor? Or it is just going to be down to how much dirt you know, how well you keep a secret and a public face, or how much you deposit into the bhandara?

Is "god" ever going to step forward and say, "well, no actually, that person over there has the most integrity and is most enlightened ... give them the job?".

It's a big joke ...

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