Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre: confirmed

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Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre: confirmed

Post26 Sep 2013

Another tragic case which, I suspect, has much more human tragedy attached to it than we are reading in the press. Another couple of lives thrown under the wheels of the Brahma Kumari Ratha Yatra Juggernaut* and spoil. Ditto, I am sure that as many cases as we read of, there are 10 or 100s times we don't.

The report cries "Rape" and when I first read that I was skeptical. I thought it would be difficult for a BK Brother to rape a BK Sister over a period of 4 years without detection. Note, the article says the individual in question reported the issue to the organization's leadership but they did nothing. Indeed, they went on to publicly accuse the victim ... as if their method and habit.
    * Rape and abortions since confirmed by police medical investigation
So much for the Brahma Kumaris' feminist principles. Was their response written by a male PR spin doctor?

I don't know but I am suspecting this was just a love affair which went bad ... perhaps partly under false pretences. Two individual BKs craving simple human warmth, kindness and normality ... but trapped by the BK system and mental indoctrination. Such things have happened before.

However, the more I thought about it, the more I considered it could be a rape by modern terms *if* the BK Brother involved had cynically tricked or coerced the BK Sister with false pretences of saving her and a future marriage ... promises he had no intention of following up on. Perhaps we will never know.

We will certainly never get the truth from the Brahmakumari leadership whose PR spin doctors went into overdrive accusing the victim. "All the allegations are false", cried the BK Elite adding that, "The 22-year old was accused of misconduct and expelled from the University sometime back".

Just the sort of typical response you would expect from the conservative Right Wing political party the BKs are, when one of their politicians was caught with his trousers down or taking advantage of an intern.

Can anyone find out any more information about this?

What's hypocritical about it is that so many of the BKs Western Elite have dropped their knickers and partnered up or married off, but still get called back for public events and are used for service ... one rule for rich and light skinned, another for the poor and dark?
SHOCKING: 'Brahmakumari' raped for four years at Ishwariya Vishvidyalaya in Patna

PATNA: County's one of the most well-known "Godly University", which offers courses that focus on the benefits of moral and spiritual approaches to life was defamed on Monday. In a shocking incident, a 22-year-old spiritual leader Brahma Kumari was allegedly raped for four years by a sewak on the pretext of marriage at the famous Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya here.

Sewak Lallan has been accused of raping the spiritual leader. The shameful incident came to light on Monday when the victim along with members of Prem Youth organisation reached Mahila Police station and reported the matter.

The victim alleged that she was not the only Brahmakumari to have faced the sexual assault, but there were also many other, who were going through the shameful act.

Moreover, the brahmakumari was also threatened of dire consequences by the sewak.

She informed that she had reported about the matter to Brahmakumari Anju, who heads the Fatuha located University but to no avail.

Whereas, Brahmakumari rubbished the allegations on Monday. "All the allegations are false," adding, "The 22-year old was accused of misconduct and expelled from the University sometime back."

Notably, Brahmakumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU)is a well known spiritual value based educational institution that has gained global acceptance and unique international recognition. One of the most famous faces of Brahmakumari Sisters, "Brahmakumari Shivani" has given many speeches about 'Art of Joyful Living' at several reputed institutes including the Indian Institute of Management (IIM).

Brahma Kumari Patna Rape Case Victim

Brahma Kumari Patna Rape Case?
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    * The English word juggernaut is a reference to the Hindi Jagannath Temple in Puri and means "a huge wagon bearing an image of a Hindu god" which are rolled out during the Ratha Yatra ("Chariot procession"), an annual procession of chariots carrying the murtis or statues of various Hindu gods. The Sanskrit Jagannātha (जगन्नाथ) means "world-lord", one of the names of Krishna who the BKs believe is their businessman founder Lekhraj Kirpalani.

    Some Hindus believe that throwing themselves under the wheels of these huge chariots and being crushed to death is religious sacrifice which bring liberation or spiritual benefit. Every year they roll them, generally a few old people or demented devotees do just that. Of course, India does somewhat lack 'Health and Safety' standards and that is a good excuse just for accidental deaths caused by the manic pushing and shoving of the crowd and general commotion.

    "It's their karma" ...

    The figurative sense of the English word juggernaut means "something that demands blind devotion or merciless sacrifice" which is precisely what ruing your life and throwing it away on the Brahmakumari's Yatra is.
What's the value of an unpaid servant devotee's life to the Brahmakumaris when there are multi-millions to earn serve and thousand of unwanted girls in India?

Needless to say, the victim will be tossed back to their real family to pick up the wreckage, or just left on the street.

If I am wrong, please correct me.
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Re: Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre?

Post26 Sep 2013

Expect the BK PR machine to start work removing references from the public domain and media, and covering up ...


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Re: Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre?

Post26 Sep 2013

Brahmakumari accuses religious coordinator of rape

PATNA: Oh no, not the Brahmakumaris? A Brahmakumari is now outing a male coordinator, accusing him of rape. Religious outfits are on the mat for sexually, emotionally, and physically abusing women and girls.

A Prajapita Brahmakumari sevika lodged an FIR with the Patna women police station on Monday alleging that a male coordinator of the organization has been sexually abusing her for the last four years.

19 year old ‘Ms. X’, in her FIR said, “Lalan, 35, the male coordinator of the Fatuha branch of the organization, has been sexually abusing me ever since I joined the organization in 2009. Initially, he used to molest me but, later, he started having physical relationship. He promised to marry me. I had undergone abortion twice in the last four years. Finally, he refused to marry me. I belong to a poor family. So, I could not tell my family members about it,” she added.

She also alleged that the authorities of Fatuha unit of Prajapita Brahmakumari invite guests from outside and the ‘sevikas’ are forced to entertain them. “I narrated my story to the Kankarbagh unit of the organization but to no avail. They rather asked me not to lodge any police complaint,” said ‘Ms.X’.

“Lalan, along with other members of the organization, including Vandana and Anju, used to physically abuse me. I told about my plight to five other members of the organization and they took me to the Fatuha police station. But the SHO refused to lodge my FIR. So, I came to Patna women’s police station,” she said.

Patna SSP Manu Maharaaj said, “The girl will be sent for medical tests and the required investigation will be done.”
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Re: Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre?

Post27 Sep 2013

Brahmakumari 'sevika' case: Medical report confirms rape

PATNA: Patna police on Wednesday recorded the statement of Anila (name changed) before a lower court here. She had on Monday lodged an FIR with the Patna women police station alleging rape and sexual assault by one Lalan Kumar after promising to marry her. Both of them were workers of Prajapita Brahmakumari, a spiritual organization.

According to police sources, the primary medical report of Anila confirmed her allegations, including the abortion charges. "Five villagers from Fatuha visited the women police station and supported her complaints," said a police officer.

Rani Devi, a member of the organization, on Wednesday claimed, "Neither Anila nor Lalan were members of the organization. People get official membership only after six years of association with the organization. They were working for us, but the girl should not defame the organization. She took help from an NGO and we wish she gets justice. We hope our members will come out clean in police probe." Patna police have detained four members of the organization.

However, while addressing a presser on Tuesday, Rani had claimed, "Anila had been forced to leave the organization six months back as we were getting reports about her misconduct. On the basis of her complaint to the organization, Lalan was also made to resign one month back."

Anila, a 'sevika' of Prajapita Brahmakumari, had said in her FIR, "Lalan (35), a male coordinator of the Fatuha branch of the organization, had been sexually assaulting her since she joined the organization in 2009." Initially, he used to molest her, but later he allegedly started having physical relationship with her.


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Re: Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre?

Post27 Sep 2013

Then someone comes up with this:
All Brahmakumari sevikas are lesbians

A day after a 22-year-old Prajapita Brahmakumari sevika lodged a first information report (FIR) against a male coordinator for raping her for four years comes another shocking revelation.

A Prajapita Brahmakumari sevika in Indore claimed that all sevikas are homosexual.

Pratima Kumari, a Brahmakumari sevika says, “Such incidents are not new to us. In fact, all sevikas are lesbians and they develop physical relations with each other. I was sexually abused by fellow sevikas when I joined Brahmakumari World Spiritual University (BKWSU) in Indore.”

“All the ‘Sisters’ in every Brahmakumari hostel are given lessons to please their senior sevikas. I was subjected to great mental and physical torture at the hostel in Indore.”

Pratima told Dailybhaskar that she wants to commit suicide because that is the only way to put an end to her ordeal.

Two days ago, a sevika had alleged that Lalan, 35, a male coordinator of the Fatuha branch of Brahmakumari university ever since she joined the organization in 2009.

She also alleged that the authorities of Fatuha unit of Prajapita Brahmakumari invite guests from outside and the ‘sevikas’ are forced to entertain them.

Also; here.

My goodness. Karma must be biting back big time!
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Re: Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre: confi

Post27 Sep 2013

Notice the dirty lie ...
Times of India wrote:Rani Devi, a member of the organization, on Wednesday claimed, "Neither Anila nor Lalan were members of the organization. People get official membership only after six years of association with the organization.

Now this is a typical Brahma Kumari lie and distortion, as with "we are a religion, we are not a religion" when it suits them.

First the Brahma Kumaris say, "We don't have any members". Now the Brahma Kumaris say, "People get official membership only after six years of association".

This is an absolute and outright lie.

There are many people on this forum who were BKs for more than 6 years who will confirm that a) no such things happens, and b) it means absolutely nothing ... what does it mean? What rights or privilege does it infer? What democracy is there within the cult? None.

I also feel that underneath this lies another factor ... that of class or poverty. The young woman says she comes from a poor family. Women from poor families are widely the subject of sexual abuse, harassment and rape but are considered so low in Indian society as to have few rights and little recourse to law. There are even many cases where rape victims are then raped again by police officers later.

This caste-ist attitude comes across in the next statement
BKWSU wrote:They were working for us, but the girl should not defame the organization.

Again, malleable ambiguity rules ... you are a member, you are not a member; you are not a BK ... not a child of our god ... you are only an unpaid worker of ours.

That I believe is the true attitude of these people. These poor, low caste girls are just unpaid servants, almost slaves of the cult, and wide open to abuse.

If they are abused and complain ... the cult discards both them and those that used the Brahma Kumari system to abuse them and washes their hands of them.

Honestly, the Brahma Kumaris leaders' ethics, or rather lack of them, stink to high heaven. They are inhuman.
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Re: Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre: confi

Post27 Sep 2013



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Re: Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre: confi

Post27 Sep 2013

Again, malleable ambiguity rules ... you are a member, you are not a member; you are not a BK ... not a child of our god ... you are only an unpaid worker of ours.

Also, if you are going good, Baba has chosen you out of millions because you were once lost and now found soul. And if going bad, it is you only and not Baba or the organisation.

How can Trikaldarshi Baba accept such souls at the first place?
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Re: Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre: confi

Post28 Sep 2013

Question: Can any BK come forward who has officially been conferred "membership"?

Everything you state in that last post ex-l, about socio-economic factors and caste is spot on. The location itself is, I believe, one of the more backward areas of India for this discrimination, the scene of much caste- based exploitation, where higher caste men get away with rape and even murder.

But, as anyone who has researched it will tell you or reads the news, sexual abuse and rape takes place across demographics, e.g. the middle class student on the Delhi bus, the photographer in Mumbai, or the media worker in Melbourne - all in the last year.

It's just more likely you'll get more attention, sympathy and justice if you are not a lowly sevika from a poor family in Patna that you've left behind and surrendered to the BKWSU for economic reasons as much as anything else.
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Re: Brahmakumari raped for 4 years at Patna BK Centre: confi

Post28 Sep 2013

Thank you. It's a very sad and sorry set of circumstances. To which I would add ... or if you family has clout enough to make the head of police jump. There's no equality for women ... not even in the BKWSU.

And where are the BK voices of concern in the West about this?
because.parmeshwar wrote:How can Trikaldarshi Baba accept such souls at the first place?

"Don't think ... don't question, Bhai! Thinking and questioning only opens the door to Maya (... in these cases, doubting Baba, the organization and its leaders)".

"It was her karma", the 'so called' feminist organisation will say, "it is her fault ... she must have been a rapist in her last life, a very dirty soul who deserved bad things".

We have read before that in India if there is a wealthy man who sponsors a center, he received privileges of, basically, being looked after by the poor/young Sisters like a servant. However, I do not know the circumstances in this case. It would be worth looking into who this man was. Perhaps, for example, he came from a "good family" who were "very serviceable" (i.e. gave financial support).

What is tragic is not just that she was exploited in this manner, but that she was even encouraged to have not one but a number of abortions, to kill her own children, and all the time the BK Brother wore white and ran around pretending to be a BK Brahmin taking status and the respect of others. Many woman are fooled by rogues males but not so many pushed to kill their own child.

Did she want to or would she have wanted to keep them?

Then the organization just steps in and discards the problem. It's all down to economics again. Rather than accept its responsibilities, look after, care and compensate where necessary, they know that they can just push away the poor and weak, escape responsibilities, wash their hands and keep all their resources.

They are not going to think for one minute that perhaps their system is abusive and open to individual abuse, and consider that they run their business ... because that is what it is ... without have any indemnity or workplace insurance for their 'unpaid workers'.

What do they mean by "not a member ... only a worker"? They mean an unpaid servant with no rights ... in order words a slave who works 12 or 16 hours a day for meals and a bedroll at night, who is given no money for their labor, who has no freedom to do as they wish, who is not educated and cannot progress in life, who is kept away from associating other non-BKs.

Note, the tone of the BK spokeswoman towards the victim going to some other "impure" NGO, presumably a real women's group, for help and to challenge the BKWSU.

They have also claimed that 'Dadi Janki flies around in her ghost body checking up on all the centers every morning ... if Trikaldarshi Baba, the "one who sees three aspects of time", was too busy not to see what was happening, why did not Dadi Janki?

What a sad joke ...

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