A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post23 May 2013

Oliver wrote:There were also stories of some BK female students ...

"Stories", "reports" or "I know of" ... can you name names or centers? Are we talking 'pukka BKs' or just a hangaround?

It's good to stick to facts we 'know' to be true, either directly or via a reliable witness who would be willing to come forward, otherwise it dilutes the forum. Anyone could write anything and then BKs would use it against us.

For example, the main trustee of the BKWSU in the West enjoys going to saunas where attractive woman go topless and spends days in a spa called Nirvana where attractive woman walk around almost naked. He's even been seen on CCTV video footage doing so. I know he jokes about 'professional' women ... and I don't mean corporate executives doing the Brahma Kumaris management leadership courses. He even sees himself as a boss of the BKWSU in his country. If that's the "boss", what does it say of the rest of the spiritual org?

I've never read 'Fifty Shades of Grey' but I am aware that it's erotic fiction. "300-pages gala of repetitive sex ... a litany of swelling breasts and spent individuals ... deploy[ing] every bonkbuster cliché in existence" to quote one reviewer. I find it difficult to believe there is any BK service value in reading it or that anyone could read it without either being stimulated by it ... whether turned on or disgusted ... or it penetrating one's sub-conscious. Any would one disgusted by the sex read all 300 pages of it?

On the other hand, withdrawing all the sex from the equation, it does seem to have themes that resonate with BK experience. Now someone tell me that it's like a 'Krishna and the Gopis' in Lekhraj Kirpalani's bathing pool for the 2010s.
... its core message being that, given enough time, you can change someone. While I don't have any problem with this if all you're trying to do is help them to lose weight or quit smoking, when you're talking about an emotionally and (dangerously close to) physically abusive relationship, sending that kind of message is ridiculous and irresponsible.

Christian is controlling, possessive, condescending, and cruel. He doesn't allow Ana to behave as she normally would, and Ana just puts up with it, insistent that if she can give him what he wants, when he wants, as often as he wants, she can eventually begin to pull his strings. Will it work?

In the books, probably. In real life? No. Almost never.

How many idiotic, weak women are going to waste their lives on some emotionally retarded ***** because they've read stuff like this and think this kind of screwed-up fairytale will come true for them? I've known women with this mentality. ... "if I could just figure out what's wrong, I could change him!"


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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post13 Jun 2013

The 'Fifty Shades of Grey' book reference was aimed at a BK hangabout who has since been sent to a Nigerian centre. It seems as if the Seniors want to control confidentiality, and they feel that some centre-wasi BKs Sisters cannot keep their mouths shut.

If they cannot, they get sent abroad or relocated.

Regarding watching Youtube and social media, of course lap top use is common these days. It has been common for at least two centre-wasi Sisters who watch Hindi movies when they want to pass time, or they also visit BK families locally who have access to network television. This is all against Shrimat.

In my day, television or cinema was seen as the mother of all sins, "cin and ma", so it seems the new breed of BKs or generation are now not told this.

Rules are amended and changed once again as they please.
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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post21 Jul 2013

So what do the BK IT monitoring team actually do when they look at this site? They certainly don't seem to go off and start reforming the Brahma Kumari movement.

Are any of them brave enough to come forward and actually tell us ... or do they prefer sneaking around in the shadows conspiring against people? Is all they are interested in damage limitation, discrediting us and controlling vulnerable BKs followers?

How do they explain away the latest reports of murders, rapes and kidnapping in Indian BK centers ... of which we much only know a fraction of what goes on? Does the BKWSU keep a record of how many go on? Did not the BKs' Baba ... the "mother cat" ... promise in the Murlis that "not a hair on top of your head would be harmed"? Does that not mean what Baba says in the Murlis is worth little because ... like his predictions of the End of the World ... one cannot rely on it or it never comes true?

Do they take the "bad" or naughty bits to show other BKs how "bad" or naughty we are ... how un-sheep-like or un-slave-like our mentalities are ... in order to discredit us?

Do they use that as a distraction from the very serious spiritual, historical and ethical issues we raise? Because they certainly don't appear to be cleaning things up.

I noticed Neville Hodgkinson starting to use the "ethical" word but surely even he must choke a little to use it for the BKWSU? Unless, of course, he is just willing to lie blind as he publicises them. Generally it's Neville, and the few individuals like him, who feed in new words and ideas to 'soft-shoe' around the difficult issues. He's a bit of a PR master ... but intelligent enough at the same time to see where we have raised valid important issues.

I could not say the same about some of the Indians. It seems to be much more about pride and saving face for them. By their standards, they must think there is nothing wrong with the hypocrisy and corruption within the BKWSU because it is much less than in India in general ... and they can always use the corruption they know about against those individuals.

Meanwhile ... just to keep 'on topic' with more marriage news ... BK mic and serviceable contact soul Priyanka Chopra speaks her mind on marriage too. It's just a shame that she's been romantically linked to married men ... ask Gauri Khan. Why are the BKs spending money on chasing and promoting her? What spiritual values are these?
Priyanka Chopra wrote:I thoroughly believe in the institution of marriage, but there's still a long way to go before I get married. Right now I want to concentrate on my career (... and dating married men).

Priyanka's ideal scenario is "getting married six times to the same man", she revealed in the second anniversary issue of upmarket fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar. What on earth are the BKs doing in such a "salacious" environment?

Did the Brahma Kumaris seduce Priyanka Chopra too?
Brahma_Kumaris_Priyanka_Chopra.jpg (87.8 KiB) Viewed 8042 times

Perhaps even more marriages and BK center-in-charges dressing like this (below) will be the future of the BKWSU!!! Or is this the "Golden" Age the BKs promised us? I half expect them to claim it is Om Radhe or Dadi Prakashmani reincarnated!
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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post14 Aug 2013

To whom it may concern (you know how you are)

Honestly, some people never learn. As reasonable as one might try and be towards them, they fail to learn a few basics truths in life, like;
    a) Let sleeping dogs lie
    b) The more you stamp on a turd, the broader it gets
Please stop wasting my time. Unlike you I don't believe that expending it will earn me palaces of gold in heaven filled with servants come 2036; and, like me, come 2036 you'll be wishing you spent your time working to save up a pension for your old age instead.

Start a family and think of your own future. You know Destruction is not going to come (again).

Not satisfied with try to flood the internet with worthless new websites about their religion ... there are so many and they have so little content of value, I've almost given tracking them, e.g. Sister Jayanti now has her own platitudinous 'fansite' domain name run by some BK in the Netherlands. ... the BKs are back attempting their usual media control.

Honestly guys, it's a bad idea and it will only make things worse. The more you suppress the truth, the more it will keep squeezing out around the edges.

(* Note for others, sometime ago the BKs decided to respond to criticisms on this website and others not by engaging in discussion or resolving them but attempting to drown us out of the Google search ranks, even by directly copying elements of our website. Since then there has been a mushrooming of BK advertising websites with little to no real content. They have also take information from us and used it without crediting us.

I think I preferred the religion when they weren't allowed to read newspapers or go to movies, never mind make them, and all this stuff would have been seen as Maya. To suggest that it and the likes of all their Twittering and Facebooking is "service of humanity is delusion but appears to attract more nerdish elements of the cult

The Brahma Kumaris World Dogly University
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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post14 Aug 2013

here here, what's actually left of the belief system anymore I wonder

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