Oxford Leadership Academy

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Oxford Leadership Academy

Post12 Jul 2013

What is the Oxford Leadership Academy about? It seems to be filled with ex-BKs who seem to be using aspects of The Knowledge and trying to make a quick buck out of it..

Any thoughts / opionions?


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Re: Oxford Leadership Academy

Post12 Jul 2013

Doesn't seem to be in great financial health either Net Worth: £-742,863

http://companycheck.co.uk/director/9095 ... t-04481220
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Re: Oxford Leadership Academy

Post13 Jul 2013

Minesh wrote:What is the Oxford Leadership Academy about? It seems to be filled with ex-BKs who seem to be using aspects of The Knowledge and trying to make a quick buck out of it.

Interesting opinion ... did you come to that conclusion yourself?

Strangely, I notice his address is given as ...
Brian Bacon

Registered Address
    The Mansion
    Nuneham Park Nuneham Courtenay
    OX44 9PG

Who else do we know who lives there? Oh, why yes ... it's the Brahma Kumaris Global Retreat Centre.

Explain that to me ... running a personal business out of a Brahma Kumari charity owned property!?!

One story I heard, that Brian told, was that he landed on the BKs' lap with basically nothing, broken after walking out of a previous marriage and the BKs gave him somewhere to stay at the retreat from where it all began. Therefore, if he has built up "combined assets value of £830,678" since that time, and scored an attractive and wealthy ex-BK wife as well (Google Hawaii plantation with the hot looking Japanese hand maiden), he's done very well out of it all. Forget palaces of Gold in Sat Yuga ... is he freely sharing his wealth of wisdom with those other BKs, or taking a commission out of it for setting them up?

Even the "£52,771 cash at bank" is a lot better off than most BKs and ex-BKs!
Minesh wrote:Doesn't seem to be in great financial health either Net Worth: £-742,863

I cannot say I understand accounting. I've never had enough money, or debt, to have to. Perhaps it has something to do with the overdue debenture?

You know what they say; when you owe the bank £700 it's your problem, when you owe the bank $700,000 ... it's their problem!


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Re: Oxford Leadership Academy

Post03 Aug 2013

Brain Bacon's house is outside the gates of BK property. That is to say address is almost same, but house is not BK.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Oxford Leadership Academy

Post03 Aug 2013

Brian Bacon was a leading advertising executive. Talking people into thinking about things differently, or creating & diverting desires to specific "solutions".

It goes against the grain to consider that any feeling or impulse doesn't have a particular desire to be tapped, then fulfilled by some neat 'package'. Both BKs and advertisers love slogans. There is an easy solution to every household chore!

BB is obviously clever. He knows what Gyan is. He knows the principles. He knows what the KPI are for living accordingly. (KPI = Key Performance Indicators, a business and marketing term).

So, I wonder what he rationalises to himself at night? Where does he go to, that li'l lovely, when he's at home in his bed, what thoughts surround him when in his lovely wife's embrace? Does he enjoy it for what it is, or hate paying so high a price for nature's freely given gifts?

Does he have an inner advertising jingle running in his head, a PR line that allows him to be all things to himself? How is this reconciled with Gyan, sri mat, Maryadas etc that he wishes to promote? Or is he wrestling with his conscience, consider himself a failure - a lower number in the mala (I doubt that!!)
... or on the horns of a dilemma?

Laszlo Hegedus, Hercules on the Horns of a Dilemma. Note the metaphors in the image, the landscape behind the covered woman vs the open one.
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Re: Oxford Leadership Academy

Post03 Aug 2013

Pink Panther wrote:Or is he wrestling with his conscience, consider himself a failure - a lower number in the mala (I doubt that!!)

When you are married to a gifted and attractive oriental masseuse, with a built in Hawaiian plantation, I doubt you he considers it a "failure" too.

I'd say he was the monkey who stole a bit of the BKs' butter ... but because he stole so much better for them, they allow him a little bit for himself. That is why I would ask if continued business connections, a supply of well trained and obedient staff/sub-contractors and a nice house in the country are part of it?
leonard wrote:Brain Bacon's house is outside the gates of BK property. That is to say address is almost same, but house is not BK.

Looking at the map, there are no "gates" unless you mean a gate to a back garden? The property appears to back on the BK lands, and the neighbouring properties accommodate other BK or "serviceablee souls".

You appear to know more about what is going on, can you fill us in?

Whereas, the Old Stable House may or may not be leased or rent separately from The Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford (it seems to be part of Home Farm, Nuneham Park, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford OX44 9PQ which I am positive the BKs have their longer term eye on ... is this how they start to occupy it?), I just find it exceptionally strange that a BK individual not following Maryadas be allowed to run a private business out of the mansion property of a BK charity establish to "relieve poverty" in the UK.

Are any Maryadas following BKs offered to run their private business from a luxurious Brahma Kumari retreat center? It could be unlawful. And although I don't suppose it was any great fraud, it is at the least pretentious (... "The Mansion"). Does this date back to when he landed on the BKs and was allowed to live at the retreat to get his act together?

How are these properties dished out? Who "is in the know" about them and gets told when they come up and how? Is there no mutually beneficial BK backscratchings going on ... Country House Blur?



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Re: Oxford Leadership Academy

Post04 Aug 2013

All BKs living in vicinity had to apply to Oxford Uni authorities for renting properties, as all are separate title, although on same grounds, so to say. They are very costly so only wealthier BK or other persons can occupy. Lokik souls also own property in immediate vicinity of BK retreat centre, but no fences to separate each as per regulation.
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Re: Oxford Leadership Academy

Post04 Aug 2013

Thank you very much for the accurate clarification. Much appreciated.

Is this how and where the Relax Kids woman was living when she was married? Wasn't she 'on the grounds' too?

Sigh ... the benefits of being 'in the know' and keeping good connections with the BKWSU. There are, of course, many such attractive and expensive cottages in Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds but not all have a VIP retreat centre attached. Is it good for the meditation, or the business contacts (... or, I suppose, a bit of both)?

It sure ain't *just* for waiting out Destruction in comfort and pleasant walks in the Capability Brown gardens.

Either way, I makes it hard to believe there aren't still ongoing connections, and it paints the 'New, Improved BKWSU Mutual Prosperity Corporation, Inc' in a slightly different light.

I mean, doesn't having married ex-BKs walking around your property "lower the spiritual vibrations" of the place?

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