Does BKWSU lead to depression?

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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post19 Jul 2013

Here is an overview ... what honest, earnest research have the Brahma Kumaris ever done into the effects of their practises? None.

And they call themselves a "university".

See the last quote below re ... "feeling addicted to meditation".
An official statement from the US government-run National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Meditation is considered to be safe for healthy people. There have been rare reports that meditation could cause or worsen symptoms in people who have certain psychiatric problems, but this question has not been fully researched. People with physical limitations may not be able to participate in certain meditative practices involving physical movement. Individuals with existing mental or physical health conditions should speak with their health care providers prior to starting a meditative practice and make their meditation instructor aware of their condition.
From a clinical study of twenty-seven long term meditators, Shapiro found that subjects reported significantly more positive effects than negative from meditation.

However, of the twenty-seven subjects, seventeen (62.9%) reported at least one adverse effect, and two (7.4%) suffered profound adverse effects.

Among these we find: relaxation-induced anxiety and panic; paradoxical increases in tension; less motivation in life; boredom; pain; impaired reality testing; confusion and disorientation; feeling 'spaced out'; depression; increased negativity; being more judgmental; and, ironically, feeling addicted to meditation.

Cited in Perez-De-Albeniz, Alberto and Holmes, Jeremy. 'Meditation: concepts, effects and uses in therapy'. International Journal of Psychotherapy, Mar 2000, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p49
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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post19 Jul 2013

I think BKWSU feeds on depression.

They cheat and hunt depressed people who approach them to seek peace.

Depressed people are easy prey for BKs because in that state one feels weakness and loneliness and also they easily trust who sweetly and softly sympathises them and make them realise that they are special and chosen by their God Brahma.

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