Does BKWSU lead to depression?

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Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post14 Jul 2013

The BKs market themselves as a way of life. They even say, "we are not a religion", however, they are registered as a charity therefore how many charitable donations have they taken? I have seen over the years many BKs neglected purely because the inner circle of junior Brothers and Sisters who are surrendered did not take a liking to them. Jealously and envy is a common trait of the surrendered Sisters and Brothers. The impression they have of BKs who live at home and are not surrendered is that they have Maya, or the world at their feet. Yet those non-surrendered BKs have made if not equal or even greater efforts to live up to the Seniors standards over the years. Some have committed suicide, others have separated from the husbands and lived to regret it.

BK life is meant to bring happiness yet many have suffered from depression, and when advice and support have been sought from the Seniors, the Seniors will often just say, "Karma", or "Baba".

We often use the expression, "I feel depressed" when we’re feeling sad or miserable about life. At its most severe, major depression (clinical depression) can be life-threatening, because it can make you feel suicidal or simply give up the will to live.

Yet one also has to ask, "do the Seniors get depressed?". May be not. They have a life of luxury. They have everything done for them. Yet when students feel disheartened or depressed, the Seniors are very clever, so are the BKs. It's simple. They will say, "it's all your fault". I have even seen Janki Kripalani lose her temper In private and, in public, make a mockery of some students.

On the other hand, if there is an "ocean of wealth", the Kripalani clan will shower you will support or, if there is a chance to avoid bad press, they will shower you will love and praise.

Many of those who have given up their lives, followed the BK path, find that it is quite possible the BK path can lead to depression. Many BKs may argue other wise. May be their turn will come. May be they have wealth which creates a lust for properties from Janki Kripalani.

The real honestly here is that eventually the BK path will create depression. There were even examples of where people gave up their wealth, yet they still felt miserable and sad living amongst the Surrendered Sisters and Brothers too afraid to speak out.

Many have had to give up their faith and adopt to BK values, only to be let down by Janki Kripalani, or in some cases some have been relocated elsewhere to maintain good public relations. This is all in line with their hypocritical conduct. BK life can be a journey to sadness ...
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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post15 Jul 2013

Oliver wrote:BK life can be a journey to sadness ...

Dear Oliver

YES BKWSU leads one to live a life of complete and utter depression and sadness. They invade our personal boundaries and take over our lives from the way we talk, the way we dress, they way we eat, what we eat, how we should sit, what we can or cant read, from who we should relate to and not to, from what we should do with our savings, our properties, what sort of job we should do, and the list goes on until we become a complete and utter ZOMBIS that we cannot think for ourselves, we cannot even be in touch with our feelings, our emotions, our innate being.

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Management, Regional Co-Ordinators, country co-ordinators as well as each centre co-ordinator takes hold of the reigns of your mind, body and wealth and uses you like a puppet to fulfil their personal as well as centre tasks in the name of God Shiva, the highest on high while they enjoy the luxuries of free travel, accommodation and food from our hard earned money. They think that they are in heaven on earth whilst making us believe that there is a stupid Golden Age to come. absolute and utter nonsense. there is no Golden Age.

BK life is a life of Depression, Suppression, Repression, Sadness, No Feelings, No Emotions, Dishonesty, Pretence, Rigidity, Narrow-mindedness, Isolated and lonely, A life of Confusion, Sexual Frustration, A life in a Bubble, A hindrance to human evolution, Unnatural, Unreal, A life of Contradictions, a Fantasy as well as a Pseudo personality, one which doesn't have any boundaries except for those in-charge or in power. It is sheer and utter Cult Brainwashing as per the list of symptoms of Cult indoctrination.

My 25+ years of involvement holds NO HAPPY MEMORIES whatsoever :sad:
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Mr Green


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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post17 Jul 2013

It is a life of misery, self beating and prostration to absolute nothing.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post18 Jul 2013

Mr Green wrote:It is a life of misery, self beating and prostration to absolute nothing

Is that depending on where you sit in the pecking order?


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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post18 Jul 2013

The BKs led us to believe that the Golden Age is coming, rubbish I say!! All the efforts that the students place in free labour and donations increase the life of luxury for the Kripalani clan and the Seniors. Oh, and let us not forgot the junior Sisters chasing men and their salacious attitudes ...

BK life is truly a life of misery. The BKs are the biggest hypocrites and expect high standards from new students, when they, the Seniors, need to look at themselves for their culture of dishonesty, cultish attitudes and behavhiour.
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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post18 Jul 2013

Mr Green wrote:It is a life of misery, self beating and prostration to absolute nothing.

Wow, Mr Green, that is exactly how I felt. I like the word 'prostration' as I never came across this word before.

Here are some definitions of prostration that I came across:
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Mr Green


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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post18 Jul 2013

Pink Panther wrote:Is that depending on where you sit in the pecking order?

Not sure, Jayanti and Janki were the epitomy of misery!
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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post18 Jul 2013

enlightened wrote:Wow, Mr Green, that is exactly how I felt. I like the word 'prostration' as I never came across this word before.

Yes, that's what happen to you if you spend too long as a BK ... you end up dying inside from "prostrate cancer" (joke!). :shock:
Mr Green wrote:Not sure, Jayanti and Janki were the epitomy of misery!

Do you really think so? You saw them up close more often than most of us.

It might seem a little unfair to pick on an 80 odd year old woman ... but in many of her pictures, Dadi Janki Kirpalani hardly seems to be jumping for joy. What do people see in her face?

Dadi Janki Kirpalani ... not exactly jumping with joy.
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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post18 Jul 2013

Mr Green wrote:It is a life of misery, self beating and prostration to absolute nothing.

Mr Green

I just need you to clarify in what context you used the word prostration as I may have got the wrong end of the stick!

thank you
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Pink Panther

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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post19 Jul 2013

Depression: - interestingly enough, this word describes a certain condition most of us instinctively understand, even though we may be a little unclear about the difference between depression, melancholia, sadness, grieving etc (in fact the professionals argue over this too).

For myself, and I assume for many others, I thought the name "depression" was a metaphor for feeling down, like a depressed economy.

I was surprised to discover recently that the use of the term "depressed" was not a metaphor but was originally used because it's a literal description of a person's posture when they are in that state - specifically, the sternum (the central part of the chest where the ribs join) is depressed. It was noticed that these people stood in such a way that shoulders were rolled forward, neck out, chin down, spine humped leading to this collapsed, depressed sternum.

Apparently an experiment was done once (don't have the details) where depressed people and regular people (as control group) were asked to stand in different ways, do different things then responses were recorded.

One thing was, taking turns, they were asked to say, "I feel good" or "I feel happy" while standing in this "depression" posture, and others were asked to be in an opposite posture i.e. standing tall, full lungs and straight back, head up, and say, "I am feeling sad". etc. The latter group would often burst out laughing - including those who were there because they were classified as 'depressed".

Some simple points were taken - body language often tells you more than a facial mask or words spoken. Mood affects body posture. AND ... consciousness of body posture can change mood.


Many BKs walked hunched, many of the women stand in ways showing that they are ashamed of (afraid of?) their breasts. It's common among teenage girls to hunch in their shyness and uncertainty, but most grow out of it (what of those caught young by the BKs?). Check how people sit and stand to see into their inner state.

You might stand up to a bully, or stand up for a cause, stand up for your rights, you might stand up for an aged person in a bus, but don't forget that the main thing to stand up for is yourself.


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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post19 Jul 2013

Mr Green wrote:Not sure, Jayanti and Janki were the epitomy of misery!

Same here, Janki never gave me a single honest answer, she always spoke in stupidy and in riddles....


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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post19 Jul 2013

enlightened wrote:Wow, Mr Green, that is exactly how I felt. I like the word 'prostration'

Janki doesn't look happy in that photo, and who is that person in the background, her aid or someone, she looks out of sorts.

Utter misery, misery is what Janki created in my life!


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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post19 Jul 2013

enlightened wrote:BK life can be a journey to sadness ...

Thank you enlightened for your words. It's very true how cruelly these BK women in white saris manipulate our very boundaries, yet at the same time they treat VIP individuals in a very different manner. While they expect no standards from VIP individuals, they accept their money. Any VIPs out there reading this ... do not WASTE YOUR MONEY AND ENERGY WITH THE BKs !!!

You know, our boundaries are invaded by controlling what we eat, yet many may not know this, there are some BKs in the West who actually eat in cafes and restaurants when they need to eat, yet they are critical of new students, and are jealous of those students who are not surrendered. Those BKs are pure hypocrites. The way BKs behave is like THEY, THE BKs, TAKE CANDY FROM A BABY OR A CHILD AND EAT THE CANDY yet they tell the child or baby candy is bad for you - pure rubbish. I am surprised intelligent VIPS STILL get duped in to the BKs.

Interesting to see that the BKs dictate what we should read, yet I know of on two junior Sisters at the BKs who were very much attached to erotic novels. Whether they still are, I am not sure, but it shows something salacious and naughty does go on behind those BK centre and doors. If only we knew what what happening, if only this secretive cult will show their real face.

It is interesting that the BKs dictate our minds and that we cannot think for ourselves but that doesn't stop Jayanti and Janki telling others to sell their houses and give up their money to book a front seat in the Golden Age - rubbish.

Your description is correct, the way we have been all treated by the BK world, it truly does create a life of misery and depression.
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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post19 Jul 2013

Oliver wrote:I am surprised intelligent VIPS STILL get duped in to the BKs.

The VIP delegates want to be in the limelight as much as the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University Management want their money. The VIP's get the publicity through media, magazines, tv etc.

The same applies to some BK/ex-BK booksellers, artwork sellers, story sellers, coaching sellers etc. They get the publicity and the BKs get their publicity. Neither parties are stupid! They are very astute! They know exactly what they want and they're doing!

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Re: Does BKWSU lead to depression?

Post19 Jul 2013

enlightened wrote:They get the publicity and the BKs get their publicity. Neither parties are stupid! They are very astute! They know exactly what they want and they're doing!

It does make one wonder though ... we're discussion Priyanka Chopra's recent dalliance with the BKs. What does she or the corporations behind her get from an audience of celibate BKs who are *meant* not to be watching movies?

Obviously the BKs get something as non-BK who are attracted to her will come for a look and then the BKs will try and zap them ... but is not that at cross purposes with what the BKs are trying to achieve? And who are they trying to attract and appeal to? Their words and their actions contradict themselves ... nothing new there.

Headed back on topic, basically every academic paper or article I have read on the topic states that meditation does not work for all people and cause at least some other problems in their life.

Of course, the cults and their marketeers don't ever warn or discuss this, e.g. Can Meditation Be Bad for You?. Have you ever seen a Brahma Kumari article saying that meditation might not be good for all individuals? Do they ever screen for psychiatric problems in new or existing adherents? No, they even target mentally vulnerable or ill individuals.
Dr. Lorin Roche, a meditation teacher, says a major problem arises from the way meditators interpret Buddhist and Hindu teachings. He points out that meditation techniques that encourage detachment from the world were intended only for monks and nuns. He has spent thirty years doing interviews with people who meditate regularly and says many were depressed. He says they have tried to detach themselves from their desires, their loves, and their passion.

"Depression is a natural result of loss, and if you internalize teachings that poison you against the world, then of course you will become depressed."
The Dalai Lama has said that Eastern forms of meditation have to be handled carefully:

"Westerners who proceed too quickly to deep meditation should learn more about Eastern traditions and get better training than they usually do. Otherwise, certain physical or mental difficulties appear."

I would argue that the Brahma Kumaris do not screen for mental illness or personality disorders ... in many cases they reward them! And if their practise screws you up ... tough luck "It's your problem" ... you were a "weak brick" and obviously had "bad karma".
Read more from Dr. Lorin Roche on the subject of "Meditation and Depression", here ...
Historically, probably most if not all of the great meditators have been depressed people seeking healing. You don't abandon your family, walk up into the mountains and sit in a cave because you are happy. Your inner blackness is calling you to face it, and when you answer that call but don't commit suicide, it's meditation.
The problem of India and Tibet and other cultures that have nurtured meditation is that they went a bit overboard in adopting the point of view of these depressives as THE TRUTH. In the process of giving honor to the fanatics, to the die-hard depressives, the path of meditation for normal people was lost. They embraced pathology so totally, and sanctified it, that they came to believe that pathology IS the path.

I openly state that Lekhraj Kirpalani had some kind of mental breakdown or illness, that he slipped in and out of lucidity, and that the BKs have since turned it into a religion and a business since.

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