Clearernow Moreclearnow

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Clearernow Moreclearnow

Post18 Jul 2013

From: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

pawan_kr wrote:When a question is asked here, anyone is free to to give his opinion whether to defend or criticise. Regarding my question if you felt that BK organization is not morally responsible you could have answered it, "NO". Instead you remained silent. You pretended that you did not understand the question but Prosheen did.

Clearernow aka Moreclearnow's second account has now also been deactivated until they offer to provide a practical service to either other BKs or this forum.

A deactivation is not the same as a banning. Clearnow/Moreclearnow is welcome to have their account re-activated by accepting our terms and conditions.
This forum is a freely provided service supporting ex-BKs, exiting BKs and the friends and family members of BK followers.

Where an individual does not fall into one of those categories and has no interest in exiting or some other agenda, e.g. active BKs or B supporters, they are welcome to join but are required to contribute (non-financially) to our work in some way. Where such an individual refuses to do to, their account will be restricted until they do so.


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Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

Post18 Jul 2013

I wish moreclearnow will get to read this, somehow ...

Ever since clearernow/morecleanow started writing and commenting in this forum, it was evident that he/she was here in a mission! ... A mission to defend the Brahma Kumaris cult, at any cost and under all circumstances, irrespective of any fact, evidence or true and genuine argument ... In other words, the role of a devoted advocate was being performed all the time.

I am not a psychologist to tell but, personally, I feel that he/she feels indebted by attributing a recovery from a serious illness to involvement with BK meditation, and possibly moral support from them, which is another myth from the BK!

We hear stories about people given few months to live by their doctors, yet they conquer their illnesses and live decades after that ..!!
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Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

Post18 Jul 2013

ex.Brahma wrote:I am not a psychologist to tell but, personally, I feel that he/she feels indebted by attributing a recovery from a serious illness to involvement with BK meditation, and possibly moral support from them, which is another myth from the BK!

A miracle for which he also refused to provide any details of or evidence ... refuse, refuse, refuse. Perhaps you are right but was it Baba who cure him, or his own innate abilities.

I would say within the Brahma Kumaris, and their vocal supporters, there exists a meanness of spirit and an overarching interest in status.

On one hand, to get them to *do* something for others, even other BKs, is almost impossible as he demonstrated here (... it is basically banned by the organization except for in extreme cases and the sake of PR); On the other hand, they are mainly concerned at their position and how they appear, e.g. at an individual level, they would not even risk their position within the BK system for the sake of other BKs by questioning or challenging the leadership.

Not rocking the boat and accepting the status quo while collectively rising up society is the name of the game.

It appears many BK-types are uneasy at criticisms of their leaders or the organisation because it damages or lowers the status of the organization and, therefore, theirs by association too.

The Brahma Kumaris *are* a whacky End of the World cult. We tell the world so and question and discuss their many failures at all levels.

At least this time he cannot complain we "banned him for being a BK supporter" ... as he's not banned. He will just have to say his account was deactivated because he refused to help other BKs get copies of the Murlis, or because he refused to address corruption and abuse within the cult.

I imagine if he is recommending the Brahma Kumaris to others, especially crediting them for some miracle cure, then our existence will be difficult for them. As an expert, you would have thought he had the ability to scientifically explain the miracle cure and write it up as a paper for the world to read.

Or perhaps his story was not true and that is why he did not want to put his name to it or for others to check references.


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Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

Post18 Jul 2013

ex.Brahma wrote:I wish moreclearnow will get to read this, somehow ...

He/she, Moreclearnow, has never answered any of my questions.

Moreclearnow avoided the questions and the main underlining issues.


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Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

Post18 Jul 2013

Moreclearnow avoided the questions and the main underlining issues.

Yes, that's true. He never replied to what has been asked and on the contrary continued with his lengthy and boring justification with no logical base.

My full support to the Admin's decision of deactivating his account.
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Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

Post18 Jul 2013

People like him are good to have around for a short while just to show people what BK-types and their supporters are really like but, beyond a certain point they just become wasteful of our resources or even corrosive ... like a grain of sand in one's shoe.

I think some of them do so deliberately to get at us for some reason I don't understand. I have better things to do with my life than ask the same question ten times before I get a straight answer.

And remember, there is a difference between a reply and an answer. An "answer" answers the question ... a "reply" could just be anything. He may have replied at time but he studiously avoided answering.

At the end of the day, I think the resolution is a good one.

We are not "banning" him because he is a BK supporting or writing positive things (in his mind) about the BKWSU (which is what he and the BKs would like) ... he is suspended until he actively does something to help others including BKs, e.g. access the Murli teachings, reform the BKWSU, research the history etc.

He was even given the opportunity to propose his own practical project ... and he did not even have the manners to refuse. He just ignored the question.

If he is not going to do anything positive for anyone else ... what's the point of having him around to leech off the forum and create bad energy?
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Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

Post19 Jul 2013

ex-l wrote: there is a difference between a reply and an answer. An "answer" answers the question ... a "reply" could just be anything.

Yes, it'd be good if all respondents would "quote" any question asked of them (using the quote button above the text box) and then answer it directly - even with an "I don't know" or "as far as I know", or whatever. It keeps things focused and saves repetition (and let's people understand what it is you are answering or talking about!). Thanks.


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Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

Post19 Jul 2013

because.parmeshwar wrote:Moreclearnow avoided the questions and the main underlining issues

Moreclearnow was on a stupid mission.

I asked him/her clearly, "do BKs believe in reform?". He/she did not answer at all. That sums it all up.

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