Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post23 Aug 2011

ex-l wrote:I am forced to presume that she had some kind of mental breakdown or was suffering from such deep stress and depression which went unnoticed and drove her to do what she did. Perhaps it was financial, perhaps it was a crisis of faith.

Well, this is the thing that I don't think any of us can correctly pinpoint but Esther herself, and probably through careful self-reflection or therapy. Esther's sister-in-law seemed to conclude at the time that the reason was because her business was not doing as well as she had hoped, and the thought of looking for a job at her age etc was too much pride to swallow. But I certainly doubt that this the sole reason. As we are of Asian ethnicity, our social culture is to hide and mask our insecurities and put on a front that says "Nothing's wrong"; Esther always seemed like a really strong willed and independent individual, and none of us thought that she would do something like this.

At that time, Esther's Brother and sister-in-law's Christian influence was imparted unto me (but I now no longer follow any religion in particular), and Esther was able to identify and challenge those elements of that faith that seemed 'off-key' or unbalanced, close minded, at times extreme.

Esther's sister-in-law's other speculation for the cause of her death was Brahma Kumaris and Raja Yoga's belief. However, as a Christian herself, they see all other religions as ''the wrong religion'' anyway, and ''only those who believe in Jesus Christ will go to heaven''. So I personally think her assumption in the area of religious influence is somewhat skewed anyway.

Like I mentioned in my first post, I believe that all religions have that potential to be extreme and unbalanced. I have learned through the years that there are mega churches, particularly in the U.S., where there are pastors making millions of dollars from their so called "faith healing"s, enabling them to afford expensive cars and convertibles whilst preaching not to fall prey to greed and material things of this world. At church, the vulnerable with physical impairment and disabilities are encouraged to go up to the altar/stage for their healing, and if they weren't healed after, it was because "their faith was not strong enough", or that "God is wanting to teach you something". And guilt-tripping the vulnerable to impart with their money as a "donation" for the church etc ... I have known of suicides committed by these vulnerable followers in the Christian religion also.

Although Esther seemed strong willed and independent, I always felt that she had a sad vibe about her, but I never could put my finger on what the reason was. It was as if she was just living to stay alive. I think she started searching for a spiritual pillar to lean on not long after her divorce with her now ex-husband. There were times (when she officially identified with the BKs and their faith) when she would impart life wisdom, but something in her voice gave off a striving air about it. Like she was struggling to achieve the wisdom.

In conclusion, I think it was multiple factors that lead to her committing the act, there were most probably things that came up in her teenage years she held inside which escalated to her adult life and beyond. I was/am at no surprise to find that Esther may have been following another extremist group to find a higher meaning for her existence.

Maybe Esther followed the "business advice" of the BK leaders? She rarely spoke in detail of what happens in a Raja Yoga meeting/session, all I heard of was meditation, and connecting with Dadi Janti (?), and the rank that one aspires to achieve one day.


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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post24 Aug 2011

Thanks for sharing that with us!
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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post25 Aug 2011

khai1984 wrote:all I heard of was meditation, and connecting with Dadi Janti (?), and the rank that one aspires to achieve one day.

The unreasonable and unrealistic expectations both in terms of the daily routines and the spiritual heights one is meant to be aiming for, and one's inability to fulfil them, could have provoked another sense of failure. In BK terms, if you cannot keep up with the pace, 4am meditation, 6.30am class every day for the rest of your life, you are in essence a bit of a failure and doomed to fail every Cycle of Time.

The BKs pump Janki up to be almost equal to god (their god) claiming she is "one of the 8" top souls in the world etc. She is really not that special but is a role model for BK women and deified within the ranks.
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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post06 Nov 2011

Hmm, I for one joined BKs because I felt suicidal and had done so for years. BK life was a desperate attempt at finding help, finding peace, finding belonging. I came with a tone of baggage and many others I met are the same.

People do not turn their back on old life and family unless they already had significant problems. Surely that is not a difficult concept for Seniors to grasp although many of the Seniors are in same boat. It is a sad reflection of the modern world that so many are suffering and so few are willing or able to help. Many BKs do not practice what they preach very often. I always gave out big hugs to anyone who I could see was in distress but sometimes they were not comfortable receiving them because of the whole preaching detachment and discomfort around physical contact crap that gets preached. They forget basic acts of kindness that part of being human.

I have seen more senior members in tears and felt so sorry for them because they invest so much energy in pretending to be beyond all that but they are human, they are lonely and afraid same as anyone else. If they would just drop the act and realize it is not the end of the world to admit to having emotions and admit the BK structure has massive flaws in it that cause much unnesesary suffering.


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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post25 Jun 2012

I am sorry, sorry for being part of the organisation. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I know I was wrong and have hurt people and I am sorry.


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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post12 Jul 2013

Iam here just to share one thing..i read not a lot about dis site...but i could understand one dat u r on d track of blaming BKs..never in any Murli Baba said to blame someone..readers plz don get in to such false matters..Baba belongs to eveyone...he is Father of every soul..he creates heaven not hell for his children..but v children spoiled it wit vices but d ocean of mercy is merciful towards everyone

iam proud of my Father Shiv..iam proud of my khuda dosth..
He saved me from let me see how many positive thinkers are here..bcz i believe god always wants his child to b happy..not sad..but our sins also play a main part in our lives for which we cant blame him..we blamed him in Bhakti...but now dis is d tym to no true form of him..plz wake up frns...know him..don listen to false statements from anyone...believe in urself and god...


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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post12 Jul 2013

suicide was ofcourse a big challenge for dat soul...i agree but u cant blame each any every BK for dis wen u have no proof of dat letter...
Baba always teach us dis ''jo beetha vo beetha,bindi lagao,DRAMA''...and he also says ''jo hua woh accha,jo ho raha hai woh bahuth accha aur jo hone wala hai woh bahuth bahuth accha''..

i believe in bap+Dada...i believe dem more dan myself..and iam proud of dem..
people blame someone bcz dey want frns take care of ur selves...bcz u r being cheated here...
God has really come down...he is doin his work..and we children are helpin him in it..
People are dying for many reasons every stop blaming each other and try to help dos souls giving dem sakash for as long as u can...


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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post12 Jul 2013

one more thing...first of all try to respect eachother...bcz i read somewher here 'big fat Mama'...
Baba is training us to forget our own body..and it is shockin to read a comment like dis..who ever had posted clearly shows their status of mind..d pattern of thinking...
Do not forget dat she is d adidevi..i saw Mama...she is an excellent personality..she is doin her service even today wit her subconsciousmind...i saw her in my dreams many times...

she is called Mama bcz she is d world mother..if u cant understand her okay but don tease anyone like dis...
Iam 24yr old...but i feel d love of my Mama...wenever i get bit disturbed she suggests me wit solution through dreams..
I saw her in a white saree,smiling..making me fly along wit her..showing me my own temple where my devotees praying for me..all dis cant b false..iam an engineer...but i bel
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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post12 Jul 2013

haritha wrote:Iam here just to share one thing..i read not a lot about dis site...but i could understand one dat u r on d track of blaming BKs..never in any Murli Baba said to blame someone.

We are also against BKs' 75 years old sanskars of blaming Kaliyug and calling non-BKs as shudras or kans sena.
Baba belongs to eveyone.

If BKs' Baba is God, which you say belongs to everyone, then tell me why He only appears in Mt. Abu and not in any other holy place like Haridwar, Banaras, Mathura, Vrindavan or outside India ?
but d ocean of mercy is merciful towards everyone

If your BK Baba is merciful , then why He is scaring innocent people by warning of World Destruction ?


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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post12 Jul 2013

but i believe in her words...i believe in my BapDada...
Okay finally frns get urself in a path of truth instead of false...
Don forget dat natural and artificial seems to b same but not...ShivBaba is our true Father believe only in him and practice being sakshi not complain or blame or discuss about false and waste valuable tym in it..
All d best frns
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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post12 Jul 2013

haritha wrote:God has really come down...he is doin his work.

Oh, really !!!! And when exactly God went up ??? :D

What work is Baba doing ? Making Golden Palaces for BK Dadis and Dadas ? :D
Baba is training us to forget our own body.

If this is true then why are all BKs not following His training ?

Why are they putting big pictures of Lekhraj and other Dadis in every centres ? After all the pictures are of body not soul.

Why they celebrate birth and death ceremonies of Dadas and Dadis ? It's the body which takes birth and dies not a SOUL.
wenever i get bit disturbed she suggests me wit solution through dreams ... i saw her in my dreams many times ... I saw her in a white saree, smiling .. making me fly along wit her .. showing me my own temple where my devotees praying for me.

DREAMS ... dreams ... and lots of dreams :D.

Dreams of Golden Palaces, Golden Jewelleries, High status in Satiyug !!!

Losing one's individuality, being a slave, surrendering his brains for being a King of future Satiyug can be a good choice for a lusty person or some one who is not happy with his life today and who does not want to put his efforts to make his life some better.
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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post12 Jul 2013

Welcome to the forum haritha, why did you register as "affinity to the BKWSU: friends or family of a BK" when you are obviously a BK?

Please make an effort and speak in proper English rather than txt msg dem dis dat ur garbage. Remember, as a BK you are on the world stage and every one is watching you as an example.

Please also realise that there are people here you have been involved with the Brahma Kumaris and the BKWSU since before you were even born, so show us some respect.
haritha wrote:Okay finally frns get urself in a path of truth instead of false ...

This is what interested me. It is funny how the Brahma Kumari leaders have manage to currupt the meaning of the word "truth" ... aka Path of Truth™.

Despite proving time and time again that what they teach and what they have taught is false, fabricated and revised in order to hide and cover up ... somehow the leaders still manage to convince their brainwashed followers that their path is the Path of Truth™. The only true, officially authorised version because their god or some faceless Brother up in Mount Abu told them so.

haritha, keep reading the forum. You'll learn a lot about your religion you did not know before.

Another trend I have noticed widespread amongst BKs is this "you've no evidence" line. It's obviously been feed into them from the leaders.

Even if one provides them "evidence" I find that they will keep replying the same. No amount of evidence will actually satisfy them. They don't want to see any evidence even less compute it and understand what it means. They only want to block it out and destroy it so they can remain in their delusion.

haritha, how can Mama come in your dreams ... she is already reborn they say. She must be about 48 now. Utterly illogical ...


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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post14 Jul 2013

haritha wrote:one more thing...first of all try to respect eachother...bcz i read somewher here 'big fat Mama'...

This is very interesting to read. You see, you mention respect each other and words like pattern of thinking. In my experience and opinion, some BKs have behaved in a salacious manner and have shown very little respect, if not any, to other individuals, so what you're saying Haritha makes no sense.

And other thing, your English is very confusing and misleading.


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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post02 Dec 2014

This is indeed very sad. As a newer member, I am wondering is it possible the suicide was not from depression but rather from a desire to be reincarnated? I am not clear on the teachings and I am getting the picture of a form of spiritual abuse; I am just wondering does the teaching lead naturally to the taking of one's own life?
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Re: Another BK suicide - open letter to Jayanti

Post02 Dec 2014

Desire for reincarnation means one is not wanting to experience this incarnation.

If there is a next incarnation after death, would dissatisfaction continue in the next one?

The teachings do not inevitably lead to suicide. The vast majority of BKs do not suicide.

But it can be said that the teaching can distract people from looking to other things they might benefit from more in life. Not just distract, but trap. The guru/teacher himself, who claims to be God, says in discourses called ”Murli” that BK life is ”a golden cage”.

The problem with BK - and some other groups’ - teachings, compared to many other meditation / ”personal development” groups and techniques, is that it entraps people because it teaches that their teachings are the highest and to leave and go elsewhere is to fail, is to not achieve your potential - they may say it in different ways in different words burt the sense is the same.

But they will never say to you - please go and try Buddhist meditation or psychotherapy, BKs is not for everyone and definitely not for you They will never say that.

This entrapment in the teachings (only BKs get the highest reincarnation, this god teaching directly to his chosen ones and no-one else, you are setting up karma for eternity etc) is what makes it a ”cult” - there are all kinds of cults one is free to join - the question becomes, how easy is it to leave if one believes what they teach. It is psychological trap.

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