Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post11 Jul 2013

If you are really loving the animals then please don't trap them at home. They are independent and can search for their own food. By doing so you both will be happy. Your pet and you also by seeing him happy. Om Shanti!
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post11 Jul 2013

Do you mean BKs should throw their cats and dogs out on the street and just let them get on with it!?!

That sounds a bit cruel. Is that an Indian attitude towards domestic pets?

Humanity has genetically modified most pet species or companion animals from their wild states so that they are now incapable of surviving and certainly do not survive well in the wild. And they survive in human cities even worse. Feral cats and dogs die of starvation, disease and accidents and live a fraction of the time they do living with their human companions.

Firstly, there is an animal rights argue to suggest we have a moral duty to protect them. Like children, we created them as they are to suit us (e.g. weak, defenseless and loyal and submissive to human beings), not to suit their natural survival instincts. In short, without us they would die or be eaten.

Secondly, with cats there is another argument that suggests it is better to keep them indoors, in the house, because let free they are terrible killers. Domestic cats and destroying bird families and other species because they exist out of harmony and order with nature. In short, we have created far too many of them. They also adopt fairly well to life indoors where they appreciate the free food and security (cats spend most of their lives sleeping, eating and preening themselves, they don't travel much). We call them "house cats".

Of course, it is a little sad to keep them inside without enough room to exercise ... but it is better to do so rather than let them out and kill. For example, in the USA, cats kill an estimated 2.4 billion birds and 12 billion mammals every year in US alone. Free-ranging cats introduced to islands which did not have native species have caused or contributed to 14% of the modern bird, mammal, and reptile extinctions. They are one of the more successfully adopted predators.

Dogs are a little different as they need a little bit more horizontal room (cats prefer vertical climbing spaces) but, really, no one should keep dogs in the city in my opinion. They belong out in the country and on farms.

At the very least, in all cases where humans have responsibility for domesticated animals, it is certainly best to castrate or spay them so that they cannot reproduce and become less aggressive. It is also a good thing to support programmes in society to castrate or spay feral animals as it keeps populations down.

Indeed, if the BK could do so to their male followers, I am sure they would do so too as it would lead to them having less Maya, becoming even more subservient to the center-in-charges, and the world would be a better place for us all.

So, please no. Don't dump animals on the street. Look after then indoors until they die, accepting it as part of your karma. Don't replace them. If you really must replace one, or you decide it is your preferred charity for the world, then please adopt a rescued animal rather than encouraging the pet industry to produce more. It's a terrible industry for killing animals.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post11 Jul 2013

Rani wrote:If you are really loving the animals then please don't trap them at home. They are independent and can search for their own food.

I have seen BKs killing mosquito's using electrical bats. It's not that they kill the ones that feed on them, but they literally chase them around like a tiger chasing a deer. Killing those innocent souls which are only existing and eating the food they are designed to eat, is not a sin?

I know BKs standard answer: "We have to protect ourselves". But why not sacrifice, for the sake of mosquitoes, and spare them? What are the limits of sacrifice for BKs?
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post12 Jul 2013

Feral cats and dogs attack native species and spread disease.

But, on the other hand, I remember during my first trip or two to Madhuban (Pandav Bhavan), Brothers laying cage-like traps in the old kitchens. I asked about it and they said it was for rats. I asked what they did with them and was pleasantly surprised when they said they took the rats out into the forest and released them there (rats are originally tree dwellers - that's why they like pipes and ropes etc). It was a "game" of recycling because, in those days, they used to throw the garbage, including lots of food waste, out of the back gate off a side slope and, of course, that attracted rats, monkeys, birds, bacteria, flies - everything.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post12 Jul 2013

Rani wrote:If you are really loving the animals then please don't trap them at home.

If BKs and BK supporters are so against of keeping pets then they should first stop having milk or any dairy product because it comes from those animals which are (in Rani's word ) trapped at home. :D
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post12 Jul 2013

Yes, I always thought the Brahma Kumaris attitude towards dairy products in the West was hypocritical. Commercial milk is not sattvic but, like many Indian immigrants, they jumped on such cheap dairy products and consumed them without any thought.
    There's more suffering in a pint of milk than there is in a pound of steak. The BKs should announce that commercial milk and dairy products are not sattvic.

    How many times does their god mention "holy cows" etc ... and yet they are slaughtering millions of them just to produce cheap and environmentally unsustainable milk.
Cows have a natural lifespan of about 20 years, however, they are considered worthless to the dairy industry by the time that they're 4 or 5 years old at which time they are sent to be slaughtered.

To keep them making milk, they are artificially inseminated and their calves are taken and killed. Calves are taken away from their mothers when they are as young as 1 day old to be chained up in tiny dark stalls for three to 18 weeks and then killed for veal meat. Separation of mother and infant cattle causes acute anxiety and suffering for both animals.

To get an idea of how unnatural the business has become, a mother cow produces less than 1,000 litres to raise a calf naturally. In modern dairy farming, they can be expected to produce up to 12,000 litres. At any time, she may be carrying in excess of 20 litres - ten times as much as would be required for her calf. I'll spare you the horror stories but they on the internet if you want to become informed.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

OMG...wat a discussion..!! Haha..i cant stop myself from smiling...
Wake up guys...iam a BK...and i have my family...mother and Father...and my one more family member is 'angel' our pet(labrador)...we named it much before being BKs..v like it a lot n even she likes us a waits for us..n wen v return it comes very fast towards us n shows love in d way it never liked meat..v tried to feed it..but it never showed interest in was very young wen v brought it. It went sick one day.we fed it wit hands..but later it got habituated to it..even today v feed it wit our hands..

coming to other dogs...i saved many dogs..i was like a bluecross volunteer..
Even today i feed as many stray dogs as possible near my house..actaully whereever i go i make straydogs my frns..and i feed dem wit biscuits n play wit dem..
Coming to other pets sparrows...many..and other small birds..dey r free..dey come n il keep feeding dem..wenever dey see me dey jus surround me wit beautiful sweet voices..
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

"One swallow doesn't make a summer" ... we're not discussing you, we're discussing BK in general and our experience ... how do you define being a BK?

Presumably you know the difference between Manmat and Shrimat, do you?

Normally we ask any visiting BKs to define how pukka they are, how long they have been in Gyan for, and why they are here etc.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

coming to day a cat had 3 kittens..n it placed those below our relatives car n went insearch of something...den i played wit dos kittens..i named dem tom,dick n harry.
Few min later mother came n even it was playin wit me...i fed dos wit milk..
So guys it is our vision dat shows our world..dis is wat Baba says 'jaisa dristi vaisa srusti' look only good in others but don make out a point to good,do good n get good...don think negative towards BKs...
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

I often see that person who claims and feel proud to be a pakka BK never never follow the path of Shrimat....

What BK Haritha is describing here , love affairs with her pets or other animals , is termed as MOH or attachment in BKism.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

s ofcourse i know d difference between srimat n manmath...
I know who gives srimat..dat is y iam here...
D way d discussion here is goin towards pointing..trying to show upper hand ones over other...
D fact is we all are Brothers right..den all our sanskars were equal..den y to point someone..!!dis is wat i mean...
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

How do you feel Haritha when you drink milk of a cow ?

Do you feel guilty that you are drinking that milk which was for her calf ?

How do you feel galloping some pet's baby share of milk ?

Did your Baba or Mumma told you to enjoy some animal's baby share of food ?


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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

love affairs...sounds odd...Brother/Sister it is not mentioned moh/ is called love...we will have good exchanges of energies...
Moh is attatchment...s v don have to depend on anyone for love/respect/happiness...trying to maintain ourselves independent of anything is dettatchment..

Brother...drinking cows milk...s i understand wat u say...but dat is y i give sakash to even animals...bcz even dey r goin through lot of pain dis tym..bcz dis is d ending tym of vicious cycle...
I want to ask one u no wat happens at last to dos cows or buffallos which feed us wit deir strong milk.?dey will b killed so dat deir flesh is used to eat..don u think dis is wrong.?wen i came to know bot dis i started giving sakash even to dos poor animals...
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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

haritha wrote:but dat is y i give sakash to even animals...bcz even dey r goin through lot of pain dis tym

Galloping some one's share of milk and then giving sakash(?) , does this makes even to your karmic account ? GREAT !!


First you loot somebody 's property then give them sakash ... wow !!! WHAT A TRICK TO BALANCE YOUR KARMIC ACCOUNTS :D.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

Post13 Jul 2013

coming to d discussion whether or not it is sin drinking cow's milk..i would share dis..
We can take out few min for dos cows which r goin through lot of pain during killing...dey don go through lot pain wen dey give us milk..
so give dem good wishes so dat deir sins get finished...even dey feel good

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