The Wandering Eye

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Re: The Wandering Eye

Post06 Jul 2013

enlightened wrote:It's not just the ladies or Kumaris that have wondering eyes you know!! All human beings whether male of female have sexual feelings and urges at some point in their lives ... the Kumars and older men are no less than the Kumaris/ladies.

This is my point, the men and the older men observe the ladies or the junior Sisters, yet it totally contradictory of the practices of the BKs. When a new student or a family arrive to the BK world, the envy and jealousy steps into the BK Brothers and Sister, this is so sad. Even women in the West can not keep control over their wandering eye.

When we discuss forcing celibacy and suppressing ones urges, I have seen several cases where BKs have allegedly broken celibacy but then are rewarded or relocated elsewhere for BK God service; so, in essence, Janki Kripalani and her clan likes to keep things quiet.

Once again, I have to say it is very wrong for the BKs and BKWSU to pretend to be something they are not, and set high expectations for newcomers.


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Re: The Wandering Eye

Post06 Jul 2013

If BK Sisters or Brothers want to have sexual relations then why stay BKs? No need to feel envy or jealousy! Life is just too short ...


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Re: The Wandering Eye

Post06 Jul 2013

Minesh wrote:If BK Sisters or Brothers want to have sexual relations then why stay BKs? No need to feel envy or jealousy! Life is just too short ...

My point exactly. There could be many reasons. From experience, BKs have stayed or remained surrendered as they hide under their white clothes and it's probably too late to exit the BK world; on the other hand, it's never too late for salacious behaviour and feelings amongst each other.

I have to agree life is too short!
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Re: The Wandering Eye

Post06 Jul 2013

In my own experience, I had left inside ... or even died inside ... a long time before I physically left and those were the worst months.

I think one is bound by the friendships with other BKs and may, of course, by bound by factors of accommodation or, for surrendered Sisters, a lack of any other prospects in the outside world.

I think we underestimate the depth of influence all the sub-conscious thought reform and milieu control that goes on; and, as humans are designed to be social animals, it's hard to tear oneself away from one's adopted community.

Probably the best way to do it is just to get very, very drunk in the bhavan or class and then be chucked out. Do that once or twice and they will be locking the door and calling the police when you arrive. Or tell them you have converted to PBKism and they will banish you, forbid anyone from talking to you, and do the same.

It sounds as thought there are a load of individuals who have left inside but are hanging around and milking the machine but not leaving on the outside because they have no where else to go.

For BK Surrendered Sisters though, it is an entirely different and much more real problem. The BKs should give them back their dowries or properties and help them retrain in some practical career and moving out at least financially ... not keeping them in close contact and binding them with gifts and privileges. However, since this forum ruptured their facade, apparently they are spending more attention on exiting BKs so that they do not spill the beans once they are out.

Advice for BKs ... always keep enough money in the bank to move, get out and rent a flat elsewhere at time you feel like it.


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Re: The Wandering Eye

Post07 Jul 2013

ex-I wrote:Advice for BKs ... always keep enough money in the bank to move, get out and rent a flat elsewhere at time you feel like it.

It is too late for many ... only Destruction can save them now.


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Re: The Wandering Eye

Post08 Jul 2013

I have had observations of some, and it is a perfect example of those who are BKs left on the inside, doing service, feeling very frustrated, but remaining behind as they have no where else to go. If the BKs give them back their dowries, or properties, to help them move on, would the BKs do that ? Would Janki Kripalani give everything back and allow BK surrendered Sisters to leave? may be not....

Those who have enough money to live life outside the BK world, should do so if they have the resources, instead of being critical of ex BKs and chasing men with their wandering eyes.... Spare a though for the ones who cannot leave or is it their karma.....


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Re: The Wandering Eye

Post08 Jul 2013

because.parmeshwar wrote:It is too late for many ... only Destruction can save them now.

Ha, now that's funny !

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