Post-cult therapy

for concern over cult-related damage, institutional abuse & psychological problems.
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Re: Post-cult therapy

Post02 Jul 2013

Mr Green wrote:Thanks En, your a star. As for my flat, I was surrendered at the time and had potential. They toyed with sending me on foreign service or opening another centre. I suggested to Jayanti we could use my flat to open another centre. When she found out the mortgage was in half mine and half my Brothers name, she said best to cut all ties with lokik relations and sell it, even though I owed money on it. That was her reasoning!

I really like what you said, as life is limited we do need to find a way to grasp the happiness we could have

That's crazy my friend!! I feel for you!! but come on, lets move on ... because the more we dwell on what has happened ... the more energy we are giving to it ... we need to spend more time in recovering and over-riding all this nonsense they imposed on us ... let us live again ... we are precious ... we are valuable ... and, yes, Me Green WE ARE WORTH IT!!!.
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Re: Post-cult therapy

Post02 Jul 2013

Mr Green wrote:Thanks En, you're a star. They did not check physically for imbalance, just a long interview really, with a psychiatrist.

I spent years and years trying to see a psychiatrist through my doctor, but I never ever even got around to being referred to one ...

I had to find my own ways of surviving ... oh boy, was it scary ... I even went through phases when I did not want to be around on this earth anymore ... I still sometimes feel I cannot go on any more ... but I keep going ... something keeps me going ... I don't know what, how or why ... THERE HAS TO BE A WAY FORWARD, THERE HAS TO BE A WAY OUT.
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Mr Green


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Re: Post-cult therapy

Post02 Jul 2013

We share the same spirit. I will not give up either, besides wanting to many times.

Thanks En


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Re: Post-cult therapy

Post02 Jul 2013

I came out dissillusioned, homeless, and more than £20,000 in debt; no friends or family, and frightened to face my family again!!!!!!!! Man, they were bad times. I was paid off in a secret meeting in Cambridge, by someone that claimed my main abuser was actually OK! She made me sign something that claimed I would not pursue them again, but I signed it with a false signature. I might still go after them, they've got millions sitting in the bank and should use it to help the healing of those they've ******* up

Mr Green, thank you for sharing this, this is very serious stuff, those BKs are money grabbing dirt bags. I feel for you my friend.

I think that the BKs are very, very wealthy and have more than millions sitting in the bank. One can be certain that they have done this to more people indeed.
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Re: Post-cult therapy

Post03 Jul 2013

Don't get mad, get even.

Don't waste energy on anger or, worse, sink into depression ... just write an email or two, or even better a letter, to someone else the Brahma Kumaris are trying to use or making a fool of.

You don't have to make things up, the truth is good enough. It's not revenge, it's a public service. Warn others. Just make it a sanskar and exorcise their influence from you. Each day, or every one day, just do some research over a coffee or tea and send off an email or two.

I remember someone once describing depression as "congealed anger" meaning that in order to get rid of it again you had to go through an anger-like phase. Courage, determination, dedication are all positive forms of it. Don't just sit at home and feel sad or sick ... get it out of your system. Each time you do, it's an affirmation to yourself that they don't have any more power over you any more.

Frighten them away from you.

The great thing now, with the power of the internet, even if you are at home and feeling down you can still shoot at arrow and hit a bullseye. Knock out their service contacts. Keep doing and they will eventually run out of likely candidates, it will also cost them all the time and money they spent developing or enculting them.

Hopefully, eventually, they will then come around and say, "OK, what do you want from us to stop this?" but, right now, they have too much money and too many slaves to labor for them.
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Re: Post-cult therapy

Post12 Oct 2013

Hi everyone,

I am still alive and kicking, thank god. Still trying to make sense of this weird and lonely life of mine. I hope that I can find a true purpose in my life one day.

Heres something I wanted to share with you all
Take care
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Re: Post-cult therapy

Post12 Oct 2013

This point from the above link is very important for all those who are leaving a cult or know of someone who is exiting one. I could not edit the above post to add it to my original post
"Consequently, if a walk-away does not receive appropriate care and counselling, he is likely to suffer from symptoms of cult withdrawal for an indefinite period of time until he is helped to understand the experience.

As one person once put it, "Getting a person out of a cult is one thing, but getting the cult out of the person is another!"

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Pink Panther

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Re: Post-cult therapy

Post13 Oct 2013

"Getting a person out of a cult is one thing, but getting the cult out of the person is another!"

Cults have always existed because there are innate human characteristics - and one of them is one you touch on Enlightened. Purpose.

One way humans differ from animals (generalising here) is the ability to think abstractly and dualistically, and we do this well, often to the point of distraction.

Purpose is what we put forward as a goal, target, an end to be achieved. This ability, to set a purpose and make plans for fulfilling that enables us to change things considerably from what they are to something else. This is our human "advantage" over most animals, who basically leave things as they are. We plan something "other" and we put into effect. Through purpose we achieve and progress.

But, what makes us think that our life has some "purpose" which existed before our life did, separate to it or was the reason we live? is not the purpose of our life ... whatever we think it is?

Getting stuck on a purpose, or getting stuck on coming up with one that "inspires us", causes much distress and waste of time. (The need for some moment of "Yes, that's it! That's my purpose - now everything finally has some value").
    Cults and advertisers and salesmen all exploit any psychological vacuum of "purpose".
    They plant the question then give their answer.
Even when purpose is found, the problem is, sometimes, that "purpose" is later found to be "not it", or once something changes, has no more relevance, then what? How many mums feel "relevance deprivation" when the kids have grown, or stockbrokers suicide when the markets crash, or you've just qualified in a field that is in shrinking demand?

It is inflating an abstract balloon, which does carry some through life if they are 'lucky' but, for others less lucky, it doesn't. Then again, if the balloon pops and we fall, sometimes it's only then we'll get a bigger perspective undistorted by the artificial looking-glass of "purpose".
    Purpose is not pre-existing us nor some cosmic plan. We are. I am, I be. That's it.
    The rest is speculation.
Accept that simple premise "that's it" for now - We then ask ourselves "what small or larger purpose do we need to come up with to live by?"

I'd say, whatever enhances my being, my is-ness, (my well-being) is a good purpose and what detracts from it is not.

As humans are social creatures, what enhances others' well-being enhances our own, and what enhances our well-being enhances others'.

So if we do the essential things, the small and simple things well, that's the foundation for anything else, which will be a bonus.
    Where does purpose and meaning come from?
    Us, so invest them prudently.

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